Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Time to dump the evil, corrupt 2-Party System in America

There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.
― John Adams, The Second President Of The United States

The two party system of government in the United States of America has become so corrupted by money and power that they no longer have the ability to govern.  They have become multi-millionaires in their service to the special interests they serve and America cannot heal until the evil is excised.  They, not the people choose who is to govern through corrupt primaries, redistricting and onerous voter I.D. laws that subvert the will of the people and subjugate the populous to financial slavery. 

Through their fealty to big pharma a generation of children have been reared on psychotropic drugs, mercury laced inoculations and school to prison pipelines through for-profit charter schools.  Another generation has been condemned to a lifetime of servitude to their government protected highly profitable bankers who provide loans just to acquire a higher education to fill nonexistent jobs. 

Those who cannot attend college become cannon fodder for endless wars of aggression in cash poor, resource rich countries to pursue the goals of an insatiable empire.  Others are gunned down in their classrooms and at concerts by semi-automatic rifles fully sanctioned by the politicians.  It is time to dump the corrupt and evil 2-party system in America but doing so will be almost impossible as the parties control the entire voting process.  From The Free Thought Project:


Powerful Poll Shows Most Americans Now Realize Gov’t is Owned by Lobbyists—Not the People

Transcending party lines, a new poll published by the Associated Press-NORC Center reveals both the right and the left distrust Congress and understand that they are beholden lobbyists and not the people.

Washington, D.C. — (RT) The overwhelming majority of Americans, irrespective of party allegiance, holds a dismal opinion of Congress, a fresh poll shows. It found 89 percent of Democrats and 82 percent of Republicans disapprove of the legislature’s work.

The new poll, published by the Associated Press-NORC Center on Monday, revealed that a total of 85 percent of Americans believe the Congress’s job is below par…

Only 44 percent of Americans approve of the work their own Congressman or Congresswoman is doing on Capitol Hill, 41 percent of Democrats and half of Republicans…  Fewer than 20 percent of Americans believe there is merit to the lawmakers’ legislative work, while over a third of all respondents think it is mostly bad…

The plunging ratings aren’t a product of the Trump era and its partisan skirmishes. Americans have long been disenchanted with Congressional politics. A glance at the Gallup Congress approval chart through the years will show that it rarely climbed over the 20 percent threshold since 2010…

“Large majorities in both parties report lawmakers should pay attention to the majority of Americans but believe lawmakers actually pay attention to donors and elites…  The part of the population most catered-for by the lawmakers are the lobbyists that “gave money to last election campaign,” according to the survey.

Yeah pretty shitty statistics but congress doesn't fear the people, the people fear congress and what they'll do next.  It's not as if we can vote them out, we can only hope that they will resign and they don’t resign until they have become extremely wealthy through insider trading.  It’s sad but true.  That is life in the American Empire and the world knows it.  From Information Clearing House:


Don't Bother... They're Here

February 27, 2018 "Information Clearing House" -  When empires begin to die, their public acts--in sharp contrast to the ponderous, stately sobriety of their behavior while ascendant--tend to be marked by queer and pathetic eruptions of idiocy, bathos, and mania.

Though it can’t be known when our last Imperial Clown will douse the last lights of The Exceptional Empire and drop the keys in the mailbox for the last failed bank--America is showing clear signs of approaching meltdown…

The American Empire, enmeshed and floundering in a smothering net of contradictions, deceptions, and disastrous choices, is now playing out a pathetic absurdist farce before a fascinated and astonished world.

The essence of it is this. Due to prolonged betrayal of working people by the Democratic Party over many decades, the blatantly falsity and obvious deception it peddled so hard and so long to keep them in thrall have at last lost their grip. The result was loss of the Presidential election in 2016.

Stunned and unable to swallow the undeniable reason for it, the desperate party leadership concocted a preposterous, threadbare fantasy narrative to deny responsibility and direct shame, blame and disgrace away from itself.

The obvious best target was Trump…  It would not suffice, though, to attack him as a legitimate opponent because that would mean the electorate, left to itself, had made this awful choice… No, there had to be a nefarious agent that hoodwinked naive voters and diabolically stage-managed this vile and treasonous outcome.

Since the entrenched, master apparatus of America--the Deep State--has, as its main object, the care and feeding of its Militarist, Imperialist agenda, and since the Democratic Party has become its official voice, it was clear long before the election that Russia and Putin were the enemy of choice…

Putting aside the fact that America has no democracy, and never has had, the DNC honchos finessed their treachery while raging at their putative hijacking by enemies of America. In other words, the crime was not the fact of gross DNC misfeasance, but the horror that it was exposed by evildoers.

Yes in 2016 the unthinkable happened “the electorate, left to itself, had made this awful choice” and dumped the career politicians in both parties and chose Donald Trump.  The Democratic Party after “prolonged betrayal of working people over many decades” was dumped by those working people who flocked to Donald Trump.  Instead of learning from their mistakes, they exhibited insane hubris in fabricating the Russian collusion witch hunt to justify an out of control Special Investigator with a dubious past of service to the Deep State.

But I digress.  The DNC devised a fool proof way of denying the Democratic voters a say in their primaries by awarding “super delegates” a veto over the American people.  In 2008 Hillary Clinton won the primary but was denied the nomination by the “super delegates.”  For instance Hillary won Massachusetts by 15 percentage points yet, Massachusetts delegates went to Obama.  In Michigan and Florida Hillary won the primaries and the delegates were awarded to Obama, who by the way wasn’t even on the ballot in Michigan.  Has the party learned their lesson?  From Zero Hedge:


Lawyers For The DNC Argue That 'Primary Rigging' Is Protected By The First Amendment

The ongoing litigation of the DNC Fraud Lawsuit and the appeal regarding its dismissal took a stunning turn yesterday. The defendants in the case, including the DNC and former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, filed a response brief that left many observers of the case at a loss for words.

The document, provided by the law offices of the Attorneys for the Plaintiffs in the case, Jared and Elizabeth Beck, and appears to argue that if the Democratic Party did cheat Sanders in the 2016 Presidential primary race, then that action was protected under the first amendment…

The defense counsel also took issue with Jared Beck for what they termed as: “…Repeatedly promoted patently false and deeply offensive conspiracy theories about the deaths of a former DNC staffer and Plaintiffs’ process server in an attempt to bolster attention for this lawsuit…”  The DNC defense lawyers then argued that: “There is no legitimate basis for this litigation, which is, at its most basic, an improper attempt to forge the federal courts into a political weapon to be used by individuals who are unhappy with how a political party selected its candidate in a presidential campaign.”

The brief continued: “…To recognize any of the causes of action that Plaintiffs allege based on their animating theory would run directly contrary to long-standing Supreme Court precedent recognizing the central and critical First Amendment rights enjoyed by political parties, especially when it comes to selecting the party’s nominee for public office...”

If all that weren’t enough, DNC representatives argued that the Democratic National Committee had no established fiduciary duty “to the Plaintiffs or the classes of donors and registered voters they seek to represent.”

It seems here that the DNC is arguing for its right to appoint candidates at its own discretion while simultaneously denying any “fiduciary duty” to represent the voters who donated to the Democratic Party under the belief that the DNC would act impartially towards the candidates involved.

Like I stated earlier, this is what the DNC did to Hillary in 2008.  The Democratic Party of Florida sued the DNC for nullifying the Florida Primary and the Court ruled in favor of the DNC and awarded Obama the Florida delegates.  From Political Ticker:


A Florida court threw out a lawsuit Wednesday challenging the Democratic Party's decision not to seat delegates from Florida.

(CNN) - A Florida court threw out a lawsuit Wednesday challenging the Democratic Party's decision not to seat delegates from Florida - as litigants prepared to appeal the case to the U.S. Supreme Court…

"This is nuts. This is not right. How can they remove Florida after all the things that Florida has suffered through– hanging chads, through Bush v Gore, and they're sticking it to us again," DiMaio said before the hearing. 

Judge Richard Lazarra sided with the party, saying political parties have the right to make their own rules.  DiMaio's is the second Florida lawsuit protesting the Democratic Party's decision to be thrown out of court. An earlier one filed by Sen. Bill Nelson and Rep. Alcee Hastings, both Florida Democrats, was also dismissed.

Yep, nothing new happened in 2016 same chicanery different primary.  Bernie Sanders voters need to blame themselves for Bernie not winning the primary because they were too lazy to research the different rules in different states.  In some states you must be a registered Democrat or Republican to vote and there is a deadline to register.  Diamond and Silk, the North Carolina ladies who supported Trump did their research and notified voters in each state of what they would have to do to vote for Trump in plenty of time to be in compliance.  By the way, St. Bernard would not have been much different than Hillary on anything.  From Anti-War:


Et Tu, Bernie?

Sanders signs on to Russia-gate conspiracy theory

One by one, the plaster gods fall, cracked and crumbled on the ground: the latest is Bernie Sanders, the Great Pinko Hope of the (very few) remaining Democrats with a modicum of sense who reject the “Russia! Russia! Russia!” paranoia of Rep. Adam Schiff and what I call the party’s California Crazies.

The official Democratic leadership seems to have no real commitment to anything other than fealty to a few well-known oligarchs, who provide the party with needed cash, a burning hatred of Russia – an issue no ordinary voter outside of the Sunshine State loony bin and Washington, D.C. cares about – and exotic issues of interest only to the upper class virtue-signalers who are now their main constituency (e.g., where will trans people go to the bathroom?).

Overlaying this potpourri of nothingness, the glue holding it all together, is pure unadulterated hatred: of President Trump, of Trump voters, of Middle America in general, and, of course, fear and loathing of Russia and all things Russian.

And now the one supposedly bright spot in this pit of abysmal darkness has flickered out, with Bernie Sanders, the Ron Paul of the Reds, jumping on the Russia-did-it bandwagon and cowering in the wake of Robert Mueller’s laughable “indictment,” in which the special prosecutor avers that $100,000 in Facebook ads were designed to throw the election to Trump – and to help Bernie!

Oh no, says Bernie, from his place of exile in the wilds of Vermont, where the Russians did not take over the electrical grid: It wasn’t me!  Instead of standing up to the crazies – by which I mean the Democratic party Establishment – and saying that the whole Russia-phobic campaign is based on nothing but hot air and fantasy, he’s kowtowing to the very people who are trying to smear him as a Russian agent…

Not only is Bernie buying into Russia-gate, now that the case for it is collapsing – nearly two years later and there’s still no evidence of “collusion” – but he’s calling for a full-fledged witch-hunt…

The Deep State’s bid for power has hit several roadblocks recently, but it could yet succeed. First, Mueller could indict the President for “obstruction of justice” – a charge derived not from any real criminal activity, but from the investigation itself. I think this is the most probable outcome of all this.

Barring that, however, there is one road they could and probably would go down, given the intensity of their hatred for this President and their overweening power lust. Having gone this far in an attempt to overthrow a sitting President, they can’t just stop halfway to their goal. They have to go all the way, or else suffer the consequences – public exposure, and possible criminal charges. In short, if they fail to get Trump on some semi-legal basis, I think they’d welcome his assassination.

The Deep State cannot allow the Trump administration to stand for a number of reasons, the chief one being that the coup is already in progress and there’s no stopping it now. The President’s enemies are legion, they are powerful, and they are abroad as well as here on American shores.

They cannot allow his brand of “America First” nationalism to succeed, or seem to succeed: it conflicts too violently with their globalist vision of a borderless America-centric empire ruled by a coalition of oligarchs, technocrats, and Deep State operatives who’ve been shaping world events from the shadows for generations…

Will they oust a sitting President and institute a new era in our politics, one in which the political class can exercise its veto over the democratic will of the people?  That’s the issue at hand and that’s why I spend so much time writing about Trump and his enemies’ efforts to destroy him. Because if the Deep State succeeds, the America we knew and loved will be no more. Something else will take its place – and believe me, it won’t be pretty.

Yes, St. Bernard is no different than Hillary.  He supports the illegal war the U.S. is waging in Syria and stands by every criminal act of Benjamin Netanyahu.  St. Bernard has supported the U.S. Empire time and again.  That is why the corrupt, evil 2-Party System must go.  From Covert  Geopolitics:


US Collapse – the Spectacle of Our Time

May you live in interesting times, goes the Chinese proverb. Few can doubt that we are indeed living in such an interesting time. Big changes are afoot in the world, it seems.  None more so than the collapsing of the American Empire.

The US is going through an historic “correction” in the same way that the Soviet Union did some 30 years ago when the latter was confronted with the reality of its unsustainable political and economic system...

In any case, all empires come to an end eventually. History is littered with the debris of countless empires. Why should the American Empire be any different? It’s not. Only arrogant “American exceptionalism” deludes itself from the reality.  The notable thing is just how in denial the political class and the US news media are about the unfolding American crisis.

This is partly where the whole “Russiagate” narrative comes into play. Blaming Russia for allegedly destabilizing US politics and society is a cover for denial over the internal rot facing the US…

For seven decades since the Second World War, “Pax Americana” was the grandiose name given to US imperial design for the global order. The period was far from peaceful as the vainglorious name suggests. Dozens of wars, proxy conflicts and violent subversions were carried by the US on every continent in order to maintain its empire. The so-called “global policeman” was more often a “global thug”…

Rather than accepting the fate of demise, the US is aggressively resisting by denigrating China and Russia’s power as somehow illegitimate. It’s the classic denial reaction of a sore loser.  So, what are the telltale signs that the US is indeed undergoing a seminal “correction” — or collapse?

The heyday of American capitalism is well passed. The once awesome productive system is a skeleton of its former self. The rise of massive social poverty alongside obscene wealth among a tiny elite is a sure sign that the once mighty American economy is chronically moribund. The country’s soaring $20 trillion national debt is another symptom of chronic atrophy. 

What the champagne bubbles can’t disguise is the structural failing of US capitalism to reverse exploding inequality and endemic poverty across America. The national prowess of US capitalism has been superseded by global capitalism where American corporations among others scour the planet for cheap labor and tax havens. There is no going back to a supposed golden age, no matter how much Trump crows about “America First”.

The other side of the coin from historic US economic demise is the concomitant rise in its militarism as a way to compensate for its overall loss of power.  It is no coincidence that since the end of the Cold War following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, US military interventions around the world have erupted with increased frequency and duration. The US is in a veritable permanent state of war actively deploying its forces simultaneously in several countries, particularly in the oil-rich Middle East.

Washington of course gives itself a fig leaf cover by calling its surge in militarism a “war on terror” or “defending allies”. But, increasingly, US war conduct is seen for what it plainly is — violation of international law and the sovereignty of nations for the pursuit of American imperial interests.  In short, the US is patently lashing out as a rogue regime. There’s no disguising that fiendish fact…

The American Empire is failing and flailing. This is the spectacle of our time. The Western mainstream news media are either blind, ignorant or complicit in denying the historic collapse… Casting around for scapegoats to “explain” the deep inherent problems, the political class are using Russia and alleged Russian “interference” as a pretext.

World history has reached a foreboding cross-roads due to the collapsing of the American Empire. Can we navigate a safe path forward avoiding catastrophic war that often accompanies the demise of empires?

A lot, it seems, depends on ordinary American people becoming politically organized to challenge their dysfunctional system run by and for the elites. If the American people cannot hold their elites to account and break their corrupt rule, overhauling it with something more equitable and democratic, then the world is in peril of being plunged into total war. We can only but wish our American brothers and sisters solidarity and success.

There is another price to pay for the evil corrupt 2-party system of hegemony.  The mass shootings taking place in our schools and communities by untreated mentally ill people.  From Gregory Palast:


Florida = Honduras: Inequality kills.  Want to end the American shooting epidemic?

Guns vs Homicides by Nation

A crucial factor about the Florida killer: his family had to move out of the school district because they couldn’t afford the rent. Resentment yields anger. Not every poor kid becomes a killer — think Bill Clinton — but there will be one. Inequality kills.

A student of statistics — my son — was surprised by his regression analysis of gun ownership per capita in each nation versus homicides.  He wrote, "The result of my scatter plot came as quite the surprise to me: there was just about no correlation between number of guns and number of gun homicides."  In fact, "the correlation coefficient was -0.105871699." That is, by a small amount, more guns meant fewer homicides.

So what DID prove a strong correlation? Homicides versus the "GINI" coefficient. GINI is the measure of income inequality in a nation.  I've just returned from the nation with the widest gun ownership in the world, Switzerland, which has vanishingly few homicides — although almost all men 18-35, due to ancient military tradition, must keep weapons in their home (many fully automatic).

The nation with the same population as Switzerland, Honduras, has the world’s highest homicide rate — yet Honduras outlaws personal gun ownership.  David Hemenway, of the Harvard School of Public Health notes, "Switzerland and Honduras are not even close to being the same in many aspects of their society that will influence the levels of violence and homicide."

Exactly. Want to end gun violence? End violent inequality…

Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Norway, France, Germany Austria, Iceland — all nations with tiny small homicide rates — and very low GINI scores. Iceland, where a huge one-third of households have guns, is the most economically equal society on the planet — with a homicide rate of ZERO.

There will be no equity in America for as long as we have an evil, corrupt 2-party system answerable to no one.  They do not care about the American people, they only care about the special interests that they serve.  This cannot be tweaked, this cannot be incrementally changed. From Lew Rockwell:

Financial Tyranny: ‘We the People’ Are the New Permanent Underclass in America

“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” ― Frédéric Bastiat, French economist

Americans can no longer afford to get sick and there’s a reason why.  That’s because a growing number of Americans are struggling to stretch their dollars far enough to pay their bills, get out of debt and ensure that if and when an illness arises, it doesn’t bankrupt them.  This is a reality that no amount of partisan political bickering can deny.

Many Americans can no longer afford health insurance, drug costs or hospital bills. They can’t afford to pay rising healthcare premiums, out-of-pocket deductibles and prescription drug bills.  They can’t afford to live, and now they can’t afford to get sick or die, either.

To be clear, my definition of “affordable healthcare” is different from the government’s. To the government, you can “afford” to pay for healthcare if your income falls above the poverty line. That takes no account of rising taxes, the cost of living, the cost to clothe and feed a household, the cost of transportation and communication and education, or any of the other line items that add up to a life worth living...

Indeed, Americans currently pay $3.4 trillion a year for medical care. We spent more than $10,000 per person on health care in 2016…  As Bloomberg reports, “Rising health-care costs are eating up the wage gains won by American workers, who are being asked by their employers to pick up more of the heftier tab… The cost of buying health coverage at work has increased faster than wages and inflation for years, pressuring household budgets.”

Appallingly, Americans spend more than any developed country on healthcare and have less to show for it. We don’t live as long, we have higher infant mortality rates, we have fewer hospital and physician visits, and the quality of our healthcare is generally worse. We also pay astronomical amounts for prescription drugs, compared to other countries…

While Obamacare (a.k.a. the Affordable Care Act) may have made health insurance more accessible to greater numbers of individuals, it has failed to make healthcare any more affordable.  
One investigative journalist spent seven months analyzing hundreds of bills from hospitals, doctors, drug companies, and medical equipment manufacturers. His findings confirmed what we’ve known all along: health care in America is just another way of making corporations rich at consumer expense.  This is clearly not a problem that can be remedied by partisan politics.

The so-called Affordable Care Act pushed through by the Obama administration is proving to be anything but affordable for anyone over the poverty line... Indeed, for too many Americans who live paycheck to paycheck and struggle just to get by, the tax penalty for not having health insurance will actually be cheaper than trying to find affordable coverage that actually pays for care.

This is how the middle classes, who fuel the nation’s economy and fund the government’s programs, get screwed repeatedly.  When almost 60% of Americans are so financially strapped that they don’t have even $500 in savings and nothing whatsoever put away for retirement, and yet they are being forced to pay for government programs that do little to enhance their lives, we’re not living the American dream.  We’re living a financial nightmare.

We have no real say in how the government runs, or how our taxpayer funds are used, but that doesn’t prevent the government from fleecing us at every turn and forcing us to pay for endless wars that do more to fund the military industrial complex than protect us, pork barrel projects that produce little to nothing, and a police state that serves only to imprison us within its walls…

In other words, in the eyes of the government, “we the people, the voters, the consumers, and the taxpayers” are little more than indentured servants and sources of revenue.  If you have no choice, no voice, and no real options when it comes to the government’s claims on your property and your money, you’re not free.

It is time to dump the evil, corrupt 2-party system that has ravished America.  The entire system is corrupt from corrupt big media, to corrupt big pharma, to corrupt military industrial complex, to corrupt intelligence agencies, to corrupt politicians.  It is time, America cannot wait.  We must vote out every incumbent that is financed by the Deep State.  It is time to excise the evil.

By Patricia Baeten

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road: World starts dumping worthless Federal Reserve Notes a/k/a the Petrodollar

Have America’s politicians gone insane or are they just that corrupt?  What kind of idiot would believe that when you are $20 trillion in debt (and that is just what is on the books) it is a good idea to pass a trillion dollars in tax cuts for the gamblers in America’s casino (Wall Street Banks) and pass another trillion dollars in war spending?  Like in Elton John’s song Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, “When are you gonna come down, When are you going to land” congress??  This cannot end well but it will end and it’s going to be ugly when it does.

America has been stuck in this revolving door world of endless borrowing to launch endless wars to keep the Federal Reserve Bank in business since George W. Bush was installed in office in 2000.  The philosopher George Santayana said:

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. ... Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors are destined to repeat them.

Those words are so prescient today, this yellow brick road was laid by Richard Nixon in 1971.  From Follow the Money:


When historians write about the year 1944, it is often dominated with references to the tragedies and triumphs of World War II. And while 1944 was truly a pivotal year in one of history’s most devastating conflicts of all time, it was also a significant year for the international economic system. In July of that same year, the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference (more commonly known as the Bretton Woods conference) was held in the Mount Washington hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire…  During the three-week conference, two new international bodies were established.  These included:

·        The International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD, later known as the World Bank)

·        The International Monetary Fund

In addition, the delegates introduced the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT, later known as the World Trade Organization, or WTO.)

More importantly, for our purposes here, another development that emerged from the conference was a new fixed exchange rate regime with the U.S. Dollar playing a central role. In essence, all global currencies were pegged to the U.S. Dollar.

At this point, an appropriate question to be asking yourself is: “Why would all of the nations be willing to allow the value of their currencies to be dependent upon the U.S. Dollar?”  The answer is quite simple.

The U.S. Dollar would be pegged at a fixed rate to gold. This made the U.S. dollar completely convertible into gold at a fixed rate of $35 per ounce within the global economic community. This international convertibility into gold allayed concerns about the fixed rate regime and created a sense of financial security among nations in pegging their currency’s value to the dollar.

After all, the Bretton Woods arrangement provided an escape hatch: if a particular nation no longer felt comfortable with the dollar, they could easily convert their dollars holdings into gold. This arrangement helped restore a much-needed stability in the financial system. But it also accomplished one other very important thing. The Bretton Woods agreement instantly created a strong global demand for U.S. dollars as the preferred medium of exchange.

The U.S. Dollar is issued and loaned to the United States government by the Federal Reserve.  Because our dollars are loaned to our government by the Federal Reserve, which is a private central banking cartel, the dollars must be paid back. And not only must the dollars be paid back to the Federal Reserve. They must be paid back with interest!  And who sets the interest rate targets on the loaned dollars? It’s the Federal Reserve, of course…

Meanwhile, an expensive and unpopular war in Vietnam funded by record deficit spending led some nations to question the economic underpinnings of America…  By 1971, as America’s trade deficits increased and its domestic spending soared, the perceived economic stability of Washington was being publicly challenged by many nations around the globe…

The United States had accumulated large amounts of new debt but did not have the money to pay for them. Making matters worse, U.S. gold reserves were at all-time lows as nation after nation began requesting gold in exchange for their dollar holdings.

One would have expected that the large and growing demand by foreign nations for gold instead of dollars would have been a strong indicator to the United States to get its fiscal house in order. Instead, America did exactly the opposite.

As Washington continued racking up enormous debts to fund its imperial pursuits and its over-consumption, foreign nations sped up their demand for more U.S. gold and fewer U.S. dollars. Washington was caught in its own trap and was required to supply real money (gold) in return for the inflows of their fake paper money (U.S. dollars)…

On August 15, 1971, under the leadership of President Richard M. Nixon, Washington chose to maintain its reckless consumption and debt patterns by detaching the U.S. Dollar from its convertibility into gold… It was in this year, 1971, that the U.S. dollar officially abandoned the gold standard and was declared a purely “fiat” currency.  In this new era of floating currencies, the U.S. Federal Reserve, America’s central bank, had finally freed itself from the constraint of a gold standard…

Two years later, in an effort to maintain global demand for U.S. dollars, another system was created called the petrodollar system. In 1973, a deal was struck between Saudi Arabia and the United States in which every barrel of oil purchased from the Saudis would be denominated in U.S. dollars. Under this new arrangement, any country that sought to purchase oil from Saudi Arabia would be required to first exchange their own national currency for U.S. dollars…

By 1975, all of the OPEC nations had agreed to price their own oil supplies exclusively in U.S. dollars in exchange for weapons and military protection…  This petrodollar system, or more simply known as an “oil for dollars” system, created an immediate artificial demand for U.S. dollars around the globe. And of course, as global oil demand increased, so did the demand for U.S. dollars.

As the U.S. dollar continued to lose purchasing power, several oil-producing countries began to question the wisdom of accepting increasingly worthless paper currency for their oil supplies. Today, several countries have attempted to move away, or already have moved away, from the petrodollar system. Examples include Iran, Syria, Venezuela, and North Korea… or the “axis of evil,” if you prefer.

The only winner in this fiat currency fiasco is the Federal Reserve Bank who is stuffing the coffers of America with trillions of dollars in worthless paper money at interest rates determined by the whims of the Federal Reserve Board.  When are you gonna come down, when are you gonna land America?  The unholy alliance with Saudi Arabia has been the source of all of the wars America has perpetrated.  Our petrodollar currency are backed by nothing more than magic beans.  The Federal Reserve Bank is the real terrorist here, a financial terrorist that needs to spread fear and destruction across the globe for profit. 

Russia is not a threat to the American people, North Korea is not a threat to the American people, Iran is not a threat to the American people, China is not a threat to the American people; they are a threat to the Federal Reserve Bank.    From Huffington Post:


Non-Dollar Trading Is Killing the Petrodollar — And the Foundation of U.S.-Saudi Policy in the Middle East

BEIRUT — A profound transformation of the global monetary system is underway. It is being driven by a perfect storm: the need for Russia and Iran to escape Western sanctions, the low interest rate policy of the U.S. Federal Reserve to keep the American economy afloat and the increasing demand for Middle East oil by China.

The implications of this transformation are immense for U.S. policy in the Middle East which, for 50 years, has been founded on a partnership with Saudi Arabia.  As economic sanctions are increasingly part of the West’s arsenal, those non-Western countries that are the target — or potential target — of such sanctions are devising a counterpunch: non-dollar trading. It would, in effect, nullify the impact of sanctions. 

Whether in yuan or roubles, non-dollar trading — which enables countries to bypass U.S. claims to legal jurisdiction — will transform the prospects facing Iran and Syria, particularly in the field of energy reserves, and deeply affect Iraq which is situated between the two.  President Putin has said (in the context of reducing Russia’s economic vulnerabilities) that he views the dollar monopoly in energy trade as damaging to the Russian economy. Since hydrocarbon revenues form the most substantive part of Russia’s revenues, Putin’s desire to take action in this area is not surprising.

In the face of sanctions, Putin is seeking to reduce its economic dependence on the West. Russia has signed two “holy grail” gas contracts with China and is in negotiations to offer the latter sophisticated weaponry. It is also in the process of finalizing significant trade deals with India and Iran. All of this will be to the benefit of Iran, too: the Russians recently announced a deal to build several new nuclear power plants there…

But what may ultimately be seen to have proved fateful to the petrodollar system has been the policy of zero interest rate policy and “quantitative easing” pursued so unrestrainedly since 2008. Effectively, energy producers saw that the U.S. economy had now become so dependent on low interest rates that it could never again manage to keep oil prices steady relative to U.S. treasuries without blowing up the global financial system…The U.S. economy had now become too “financialized” to withstand anything more than a token interest rate hike…

Such a moment would seem ripe for Russia and Iran to begin a gradual challenge to Saudi’s leadership of the OPEC cartel and to the dollar-denominated energy system, if enough OPEC members and other producers are prepared to rebel. Iran has been lobbying hard in this direction.

In the longer term, Russia might take up Prince Bandar’s suggestion that Russia become a key determiner of oil prices and output…  And why should producers opt for roubles or yuan? Well, both China and Russia have recently been big buyers of physical gold. Russia’s present gold reserves would back 27 percent of the narrow rouble money supply. That is a high ratio — far in excess of any other major country, and also in excess of the U.S. Fed’s original stipulated gold coverage minimum.

Moreover, Russia is a large net exporter of goods and energy, notwithstanding sanctions. So Russia’s gold reserves, by implication, are likely to continue to grow, rather than decline.  In the longer term, holding roubles or yuan may allow producers to escape the damaging inflationary effects of a dollar system now dependent for its stability on low interest rates and monetary expansion.

It would be ironic, indeed, were the tensions with Russia inadvertently to become the driver of America finally losing its petrodollar card.

My, my, my.  Ironic indeed but that is the reality about to slam the American people in the face.  We have been bamboozled by politicians who owe no loyalty to the American people, they only have loyalty to those Wall Street speculators who fund their campaigns and write the laws they present in congress.  The trillions in tax cuts are meaningless, the trillions in spending are meaningless as they are based on worthless Federal Reserve Notes. Zero times a trillion is zero.  When are you going to come down America, when are you going to land?  From Veterans Today:



“We have, in this country, one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board. This evil institution has impoverished the people of the United States and has practically bankrupted our government. It has done this through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it.” — Congressman Louis T. McFadden in 1932

It’s no secret the central banking system (CBS) is a criminal, racketeering, counterfeiting, wealth stealing, money laundering system involved with long-term institutionalized larceny. The CBS permanently attached itself to the wealth of Americans in 1913 and, with just a few brief periods of instability, the parasite has persisted, almost without public notice, for more than 100 years…

The banking/currency and financial systems of today have been created by small groups of people and foisted on the public at large by means of capturing governments and purchasing the Law.  The current system of ‘money’ (currency) is created, copyrighted, and maintained by a private cartel of generational bankers, which use the system to enrich their own wealth exponentially.

The monetary system as it exists today is based on a scam, a slowly evolving, degradation of the value of currency which simultaneously and surreptitiously transfer the users wealth to the usurer – banking system. This happens in direct proportion to the ‘spiral of debt’ required to maintain the system.

The trick is every currency unit (dollar) which comes into the system is “borrowed,” resulting in an interest payment being required for as long as the dollar remains in the system. For every dollar borrowed, more dollars must be ‘borrowed’ to provide the money demanded to payback the principle AND the interest.

Eventually, over time as the money supply expands, the interest required to pay the rent on ‘borrowed’ money becomes exponentially larger and larger, leading inevitably to the collapse of the currencies buying power – the Crackup Boom!  While the system is in operation, larger and larger amounts of the currency are paid to the bankers for simply creating money (with almost no effort) for ‘loaning’, the so-called ‘loan capital…’
Central banking is an advanced stage of parasitism, a cancer on civilization, which perverts and debases those it enriches, enabling the most evil to rise to prominence as good people are forced out or leave… 

In our world today, Central banking is responsible for ALL war, and for most of the suffering and misery of an ever increasing number of people...  The time is now to END the reign of terror of central banking and the wealthy-by-theft class of people this system enriches…

Declare all Federal Reserve Notes void. Repudiate all national dollar debt, exchange void dollars held by America citizens for either Greenback vouchers or Cryptocurrency at some well thought out rate of exchange… 

People holding mortgages and other debt products of Federal Reserve Banks would be given full title to any property held as Mortgage Collateral or forgiven all collateral free loans. Formerly licensed Federal Reserve participatory banks should lose all claim to properties under collateral agreements...

All military bases in all nations around the world should be closed, all materials and men and women brought home to a growing jobs market absorbing these men and women as new manufacturing opportunities demanded workers.  Finally, it is necessary to place high tariffs on products that can be manufactured in America. Interest free loans could be made to those building and restoring American manufacturing, workers to be paid in the new currency.

I know Jack about crypto currencies but if that is what it takes to liberate America from the Federal Reserve Bank gulag, I’m all for it.  President Bill Clinton came close to liberating America from the Federal Reserve Bank when he balanced the budget.  When he came into office he vetoed congress’ bill calling for massive tax breaks for the rich.  In return congress shut down the government, not a mamby pamby shutdown like happens today but a real shut down. 

Lights out, doors locked, everyone go home.  The government was shut down for a full month and Clinton did not back off.  He raised taxes on the rich, reformed Welfare as we knew it, busted up the Ma Bell monopoly and created an environment where 22 million good paying jobs were competing for American workers.  Average Americans made money off the well-regulated stock market and were able to retire in their 50’s.  The elderly enjoyed the highest standard of living in American history living off the interest on their investments.  For that Clinton was impeached.

All of that was undone when George W. Bush was installed as President by a corrupt two-party system in collusion with the corrupt U.S. Supreme Court.

Now things have come full circle.  The world has been preparing for the day that the Federal Reserve Bank’s fiat currency would implode.  China and Russia as part of the BRICS coalition are now ready to dump the petrodollar.   From Geopolitics:


Global Reset: China Officially Starts the Dumping of the Petrodollar

On March 26, the petrodollar will begin its funeral march to oblivion as the Shanghai International Energy Exchange allows any Chinese and foreign traders to trade oil in local currencies other than the dollar. This is very significant considering that China is the world’s largest oil consumer as of last year.

A statement from the Shanghai International Energy Exchange says,

“Approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (“the CSRC”), the Shanghai International Energy Exchange Co., Ltd., or INE, is an international exchange that is jointly initiated and established by relevant entities including the Shanghai Futures Exchange, and open to global futures participants. As a self-regulated entity, INE discharges its duties pursuant to the Company Law, the Regulations on the Administration of Futures Trading and relevant rules and regulations prescribed by the CSRC.

Registered in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone on November 6th, 2013, INE operates the listing, clearing and delivery of energy derivatives including crude oil, natural gas, petrochemicals, etc., formulates business rules, implements self-regulation, publishes market information, and provides technology, venue and facility services.

Based on the principles of “openness, fairness and impartiality”, INE is devoted to establishing a global trading platform for energy derivatives that is “internationalized, market-oriented, rules by law and professionalized” to objectively reflect the energy supply-demand conditions, provide a tool in price discovery, risk management and asset management for energy producers, distributors, consumers and investors, so as to facilitate the optimal allocation of energy resources and promote the economic development.”

Superimposing this in the context of what China has been doing in the South China Sea, Latin America and in the Middle East, this means that any deliberate disruption of the market by way of instigated conflict, or mere speculative attacks against the INE, will never be allowed…

China, the world’s biggest oil buyer, is opening a domestic market to trade futures contracts. It’s been planning one for years, only to encounter delays. The Shanghai International Energy Exchange, a unit of Shanghai Futures Exchange, will be known by the acronym INE and will allow Chinese buyers to lock in oil prices and pay in local currency.

Also, foreign traders will be allowed to invest — a first for China’s commodities markets — because the exchange is registered in Shanghai’s free trade zone. There are implications for the U.S. dollar’s well-established role as the global currency of the oil market…

Futures trading would wrest some control over pricing from the main international benchmarks, which are based on dollars. Denominating oil contracts in yuan would promote the use of China’s currency in global trade, one of the country’s key long-term goals…  Another factor that would sidetrack the Deep State petrodollar is the breathtaking and massive nuclear power plant constructions inside China, and soon in other parts of Eurasia.

Meanwhile, the White House has just announced that more jobs are coming due to an increased spending for the military industrial complex.   Trump has just signed the spending bill to avert a complete corporate government shutdown, which includes the budget for the arms and war manufacturers.

Hmmm, is there a method to the madness of Donald Trump?  Is Trump allowing congress to engorge on Federal Reserve Notes to the tune of trillions of dollars with the plan to stick the Central Bank with trillions of unrecoverable Federal Reserve Notes?  Will Trump lead America to the promised land of controlling its own currency? “When are you gonna come down, When are you going to land” America?

“So goodbye yellow brick road, Where the dogs of society howl…  Oh I've finally decided my future lies Beyond the yellow brick road”

By Patricia Baeten