Monday, June 25, 2018

Deep State failed coup against Trump revealed as attention shifts to shiny object “immigrant children”

Shiny Object Syndrome (Objectivius Shinium Syndromus) is defined as the attraction to objects that exhibit a glassy, polished, gleaming or otherwise shiny appearance. Something as simple as a reflection in your peripheral vision may easily distract your attention.

The biggest scandal in American history was revealed last week, that being the failed Deep State coup against the American people in the 2016 Presidential election.  Last week it was revealed that the Deep State’s Koch Brothers, Chamber of Commerce, Business Roundtable, Wall Street Vulture Capitalists, CIA, FBI, Department of Homeland Security, RNC, DNC, billionaire owned media and Britain’s MI6 conspired to oust the President elected by the American people in the 2016 election.  Time for the Deep State’s media to toss out a shiny object to distract the attention of the American people.

Deep State’s first coup attempt failed in 2016

During the 2016 election the two candidates the Deep State feared most were Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.  A plan was hatched to keep both candidates from reaching the required 270 Electoral College votes throwing the election into to the hands of the Deep State’s Speaker of the House and the Republican majority to select America’s president.   From Down the Rabbit Hole in September 2016:


Debate or “Never Trump” prelude to election theft

Presidential candidate, former CIA operative and GOP House policy guru Evan McMullin revealed on Sunday the “Never Trump” plot to steal the election. 

Evan McMullin, the former chief policy director for the House GOP Conference and former CIA operative laid out the “Never Trump” plot to steal the November election from Clinton and Trump.  Appearing on Wisconsin’s Sunday morning political show, Upfront with Mike Gousha, Mc Mullin revealed his backers’ plot to take the election out of the voters’ hands and punt it to the GOP controlled House of Representatives. McMullin revealed the plan is “to block Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump from winning the Electoral College so that the election goes to the House of Representatives to choose the winner.”

GOP establishment candidate

McMullin entered the race in August as the “Never Trump” candidate with backing of the Republican establishment’s most well-known operatives Bill Kristol, John Kingston, Joel Searby and Rick Wilson.  Within days of the announcement of his candidacy on August 8, 2016 McMullin gained access to the ballots in Utah and Colorado and announced legal action would be taken against states with deadlines on or after August 15.  By August 14, the Independence Party of Minnesota declared McMullin their presidential nominee.

GOP House breaks the tie

McMullin's chief strategist Joel Searby outlined the campaign strategy on August 22nd in a memo, the campaign plans to block Hillary Clinton from reaching 270 electoral votes, thus sending the election to the House of Representatives. According to Wikipedia, Searby believes that, “once in the GOP controlled House, against the backdrop of Trump and Clinton's deeply divisive positions and after a strong electoral college showing, we believe Evan's unifying message will prevail."

Destroying the Clinton and Trump campaigns was the original plan for the Deep State coup, but that didn’t work out when Trump managed to win the Electoral College vote.  What we are experiencing today is the Deep State’s two-party handmaidens and the CIA controlled media’s propaganda in full force to enrage the population against their elected president. 

Deep State paints President Trump as heartless monster for enforcing existing law

Upon the release of the Inspector General’s 500+ page report detailing the malfeasance of James Comey and the entire upper echelon of the FBI in regard to investigations against the top two contenders in the 2016 Presidential election, the Deep State’s media lap dogs began releasing highly emotionally charged, mostly fake reports and photos of immigrant children “ripped from their parents and placed in cages.”

The more damning the IG report got, the more outrageous and over-the-top the media’s rhetoric became, invoking comparisons to Nazi death camps.  What could justify such hysteria?  The biggest scandal in American history of a coordinated government sponsored Deep State coup against an elected American president. 

As the disgusting entrails of the FBI’s deceit and criminal activities are laid bare for all to see, the Shiny Object Syndrome in the form of “immigrant children ripped from their mother’s arms” has been set in motion.  What’s interesting as that the most vocal of critics screaming “Nazi” and “monster” supported those same tactics when it suited them.   From Matt Taibbi at Rolling Stone:


Trump's Family Separation Scandal Has Revealed Every Species of Hypocrite

Immigration hawks and War on Terror monsters alike are using President Trump's revolting present to expiate past sins.  John McCain, in Arizona receiving treatment for brain cancer, tweeted about Donald Trump's barbarous immigration policy this week. "The administration's current family separation policy is an affront to the decency of the American people, and contrary to principles and values upon which our nation was founded," the senator wrote.

Those comments bring to mind a commercial John McCain made eight years ago. At the time, he was facing a tough primary challenge from Tea Party Republican J.D. Hayworth.  In the ad, McCain is seen walking along Arizona's southern border with Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu, in the shadow of an enormous fence. McCain starts tsk-tsking about the wave of crime pouring into his state. 

"Drug and human smuggling, home invasions, murder?" McCain asks.  "We're outmanned," the sheriff says. "Of all the illegals in America, more than half come through Arizona."  McCain asks if they have "the right plan." The sheriff says, "You bring troops, state, county and local law enforcement together."  "And complete the danged fence!" says McCain.

Sound familiar? "Complete the danged fence" even had a website to go along with it for a while, The Trump-era version is just a hashtag, but still.  The heated controversy over Trump's awful family separation policy has been like one of those bug-zapping lights people stick next to pools – it's attracted virtually every species of hypocrite in American public life.

The most conspicuous and ridiculous of these are the hand-over-heart never-Trump Republicans who – after decades of pushing vicious anti-immigrant rhetoric themselves – are now coming out of the woodwork to talk about how mistreatment of the undocumented is contrary to "our principles and values."

It's not easy to pick which wall-humping Republican's hug-an-immigrant statement is the worst, but one from Ted Cruz stands out. The proud champion of the basketball "ring" said:  "All of us who are seeing images of these children being pulled away from moms and dads in tears are horrified. This has to stop … We should keep children with their parents. Kids need their moms. They need their dads."

Ted Cruz was the guy who just two years ago ran for president with the plan of wiping the uninspiring Republican primary field of Jebs and Lindseys and Marcos by being the meanest of the lot on immigration…  When Trump started to look like a real winner in late 2015, Cruz – in a move he himself was probably shocked he had to make – recalibrated his already nasty immigration stance to be more hardcore. He called for a tripling of border agents and "a wall that works."

He even brought immigrant children into the debate, echoing Trump by saying it was "well past time to end birthright citizenship…" If we're getting more aggressive immigration policy now, it could easily be because the likes of Cruz have made no secret of wanting to take back Trump's base by reclaiming the meanest-of-all mantle on immigration.

The controversy over Trump's policy illustrates another ugly subtext to immigration as a political issue. The reality is that many – if not most – Americans have long been comfortable with all sorts of cruelties, so long as they don't have to look at them. 

Trump's policies are extreme, but the government separating children from parents is not a new thing: Not on the border, not in immigrant communities and not in poor neighborhoods – where women on public assistance live in regular dread of state inspectors taking their kids away over picayune welfare violations or complaints from neighbors.

It's also true abroad, where voters have spent over a decade now tacitly signing off on a whole kit-bag of evil (but mostly invisible) War on Terror policies, many of which involve breaking up families without any kind of due process. If an Afghan family is separated in the forest and nobody sees it, did it really happen?

That's why it was more than a little nauseating when former CIA chief Michael Hayden posted a picture of Auschwitz amid this recent scandal, writing, "Other governments have separated mothers and children."  You might remember Hayden as one of the first people to say out loud that indefinite detention of suspects in the War on Terror was not feasible. Better alternatives existed, he said.

"We have made it so politically dangerous and so legally difficult that we don't capture anyone anymore," Hayden said in 2012, about detention. "We take another option, we kill them.  Now. I don't morally oppose that."

Those scenes are the latest in a long series of developments, under which politicians like McCain and Cruz and Dick Cheney, along with officials like Hayden, have gradually normalized the idea of human rights abuses as solutions to political problems. Now they're all hiding behind someone else's scandal. America's manufacturing sector may be failing, but we still produce plenty of hypocrites.

Make no mistake about it, this is not about “children being separated from their parents” if it were the outrage would not be limited to those who illegally cross our borders.  No, the outrage of children being separated from their parents would transverse the globe encompassing children being separated from their parents in Gaza, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Ukraine and the myriad of other countries where the Americans, British, French, Saudi’s and other Western countries bomb indiscriminately killing entire families.

This is not about the children being separated from their parents, this is about cheap labor being separated from the campaign mega donors of the politicians.  The politicians do not represent the interests of the American people they represent the interests of their major donors who demand cheap labor.  From Pew Research:


Immigrants don’t make up a majority of workers in any U.S. industry

All told, immigrants made up 17.1% of the total U.S. workforce in 2014, or about 27.6 million workers out of 161.4 million. About 19.6 million workers, or 12.1% of the total workforce, were in the U.S. legally; about 8 million, or 5%, entered the country without legal permission or overstayed their visas. (Roughly 10% of unauthorized immigrants have been granted temporary protection from deportation and eligibility to work under two federal programs, known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and Temporary Protected Status…)

To get a sense of the work immigrants to the U.S. do most frequently, we relied on 2014 workforce estimates by Pew Research Center. The estimates, based on augmented data from the Census Bureau’s 2014 American Community Survey, cover all workers ages 16 and older who reported being in a civilian industry or occupation, including both lawful and unauthorized immigrants.

Private households were the most immigrant-intensive “industry” in 2014. Of the 947,000 people working for private households, 45% were immigrants, with lawful immigrants slightly outnumbering unauthorized immigrants. The industries with the next-biggest shares of immigrant workers were textile, apparel and leather manufacturers (36%) and the farm sector: A third (33%) of the nearly 2 million agriculture workers in 2014 were born outside the U.S…

The overall U.S. workforce – U.S.-born and immigrant (both lawful and unauthorized) – is concentrated in a relatively small number of industries. But while the 10 biggest-employing industries are the same for U.S.-born and lawful immigrant workers (and in almost the same order), the employment pattern among unauthorized immigrants is markedly different.

By contrast, the top industry for unauthorized immigrant workers was construction, which included 16% of all unauthorized immigrant workers. Construction was followed by eating and drinking places, which had 14% of unauthorized immigrant workers, and administrative and support services (9%). Those three industries each included between 5% and 7% of lawful immigrants…

More than half of all unauthorized immigrant workers in 2014 were in just four occupational groups: construction and extraction; building and grounds cleaning and maintenance; food preparation and serving; and production.

Views on immigration’s impact on U.S.-born workers have shifted significantly over the past decade, according to a Pew Research Center survey released last year. Americans then were almost evenly divided, with 42% saying the growing number of immigrants working in the U.S. helps American workers and 45% saying it hurts workers who were born in the U.S. In 2006, 55% said having more immigrants hurt U.S. workers, with just 28% saying it helped them.

The politicians’ hearts bleed not for the children but for their corporate masters who control our government.  Politicians are installed in office by the Mega Donors who finance their campaigns and illegally line their pockets and provide future post-politics employment for life.  That is who they serve.  From Government Slaves:


Voters don’t matter: GOP leaders “hell-bent” on shoving DACA amnesty down our throats

Tens of millions of Americans who believe that Washington has long ceased to represent them and the best interests of our country, turned out in droves to support Donald J. Trump for president in the 2016 election.  That’s because in addition to his promises to cut government regulations, rebuild the military, and dramatically improve the economy — all of which he’s done — POTUS Trump was the only candidate pledging to enforce all immigration laws while calling for a wall along the U.S.-Southwest border.

Trump won “blue wall” states in the upper Midwest — Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania…  But despite that — and despite the fact that 80 percent of Americans oppose “sanctuary cities,” while less than 30 percent want amnesty for DACA aliens — RINO Republican leaders are siding with their big corporate donors over the will of the people on the issue. Again…

In an interview with Breitbart Radio, Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, said Republican leadership, led by House Speaker Paul Ryan, are “hell-bent” on pushing through amnesty for DACA — Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals — a policy implemented unconstitutionally via executive order by President Obama.  King said not only are GOP leaders trying to push through an amnesty bill that does not reduce legal immigration, but they are also working to kill an amnesty discharge petition.

Majority of Americans oppose amnesty

King noted that Republicans in favor of granting amnesty to some 1 million or so “dreamers” — an objective of Democrats have been told by donors that they won’t receive any campaign contributions if they oppose amnesty legislation. King said that this is one of the biggest reasons why he won’t support the bill, though he admitted it’s “one of the reasons that others might.”

His comments come as more Republicans, each of whom claim they are ‘pro-business,’ have signed onto a discharge petition that would force a floor vote on an expansive amnesty plan. King and other ‘pro-constituent’ and ‘pro-America’ Republicans say that that petition could eventually lead to a massive “DREAM Act” amnesty that would then grant it to a very large percentage of the 12 to 30 million illegal aliens currently residing in the U.S. according to various estimates…

Meanwhile, according to a very recent CBS News/YouGov survey, most likely voters — 56 percent — in midterm swing districts say that immigration is making American life “worse.” 

Every race, age, and sex believe immigration has had a more negative impact on their community than positive.  There is no better example of congressional tone-deafness and disconnect from voters than the issue of immigration — legal and illegal.

That is what the shiny object of “immigrant children being separated from their families” is really about.  It’s about amnesty for cheap labor demanded by the special interests that fund the political campaigns of the Democrats and Republicans.  If the illegal workforce were to leave or be curtailed, those businesses would have to hire Americans, their worst fear.  From USA Today:


Don't help only illegal immigrants

The discharge petition effort is not primarily about helping DACA recipients. Both major sides in the House favor permanent legalization for young adults who illegally crossed the border or overstayed visas as minors.  But on one side are Republicans who believe that a legalization bill that adds competitors to the legal workforce should also show concern for American workers by preventing hiring of future illegal workers and by reducing some other immigration.

On the other side are the discharge participants who focus on helping only illegal immigrants — and the employers who hire them.  Legalization could have passed months ago if discharge signers had been willing to support the “Goodlatte bill.” But they have rejected that compromise, which not only provides the legalization but also mandates E-Verify for all employers to reduce illegal hiring. And it ends the chain migration and visa lottery channels that pour foreign workers into this country.

The reforms in the Goodlatte bill — introduced by four House chairmen — are supported not only by the majority of House Republicans but also by large margins of likely midterm voters. Components have been subjected to hearings and committee votes.

The discharge effort is an end run to do the bidding of corporate lobbies that want to protect the ability of outlaw employers to hire an illegal workforce. And they want the government to continue to issue more than 1 million lifetime immigrant work permits each year to allow employers to avoid having to recruit from the huge non-working U.S. population, which is disproportionately American minorities and people without college degrees.

First-quarter government data reveal about 50 million working-age Americans who have no job. Millions more Americans who do have jobs are stuck in stagnant and even declining incomes. Discharge petition signers would increase their labor competition; Goodlatte bill supporters would give them some relief.

That so-called “crisis” on the border could have been solved long ago.  What is going on with family separation is nothing new, it has been going on during the W. Bush Administration and the Obama Administration.  The only thing new is that the recently released Inspector General’s report poses an imminent danger to the Deep State government that has usurped power from the elected government.  The immigration “crisis’ is nothing more than a shiny object thrown out to distract the attention of the American people.

The danger is real to our freedom and way of life.  The shadow government that was installed during the Bush and Obama Administrations threatens our Democratic Republic.  From WRKO:


FBI framed Trump for Russia collusion

Obamagate is the greatest scandal in modern U.S. history. And the mainstream media knows it. This is why they are desperately trying to ignore it.

It won’t work. Washington is circling the wagons, trying to protect the FBI from the growing scandal. Yet, the media-deep state conspiracy to implement a silent coup against President Trump is slowly being exposed by courageous congressional investigators. Trump is rightly calling the five months of missing text messages between top FBI agent Peter Strzok and his mistress and FBI lawyer Lisa Page one of the “biggest stories” of our time…

FBI informants have now revealed that a “secret society” at the Justice Department and FBI was established the day after Trump’s election victory. Its goal: to oust the president from power—a silent coup to overturn the will of the American people.  At a meeting in deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s office, Strzok and Page, ferocious Hillary partisans, spoke about the need to “have an insurance policy” to remove Trump from office in case he won.

Strzok later admitted that then-FBI Director James Comey went to President Obama to brief him on the criminal conspiracy. In other words, a cabal of top FBI and DOJ officials, in collusion with Obama, sought to nullify a duly elected president.

This coup attempt was done by weaponizing the nation’s leading law enforcement and intelligence agencies… Its targets were Trump, his family and inner circle, as well as Trump Tower. Under Obama, the FBI was turned into a modern-day KGB, a police state that engaged in illegal surveillance and rampant criminal activity to try to prevent an opposition candidate from winning the 2016 election.

It’s no coincidence that the dates, Dec. 14, 2016-May 17, 2017, the FBI claims the Strzok-Page texts simply “disappeared” is when the illegal leaks from the deep state to the media were at their height. This is when the silent coup—the attempt to frame Trump as having colluded with Russia during the campaign—was effectively implemented.

Everything of consequence took place during those five months…  During this entire time, the lead FBI investigator on Trump-Russia collusion was Strzok. Those texts did not magically disappear. The FBI destroyed them in order to protect the bureau’s corrupt leadership. This is not only obstruction of justice, but a chilling abuse of power.

At its heart, Obamagate is about the creation of a shadow government. During the Obama years, pivotal American institutions, such as the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, the NSA and the IRS were corrupted, compromised and politicized…

The Strzok-Page missing text messages are akin to the Nixon tapes. They are the smoking gun. Watergate was about the cover-up of a third-rate burglary that sought to wiretap the Democratic National Committee. Obamagate is about something much worse: The transformation of the FBI into a partisan weapon to first spy on and then frame a political opponent as an agent of a hostile foreign power in order to execute a slow-motion coup. This is more than morally grotesque and blatantly criminal. It is treason and sedition.

Congress and their staffers who have legal oversight of FBI threatened by Rosenstein

This shadow government believes it is above the law.  The Deep State has not only refused to release records to congress regarding their illegal activities but Assistant Attorney Rod Rosenstein has threatened members of congress and their staff if they carry out their constitutional requirement of oversight.  From Catherine Herridge at Fox News:


Rosenstein threatened to 'subpoena' GOP-led committee in 'chilling' clash over records, emails show

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein threatened to “subpoena” emails, phone records and other documents from lawmakers and staff on a Republican-led House committee during a tense meeting earlier this year, according to emails reviewed by Fox News documenting the encounter and reflecting what aides described as a "personal attack…"

“The DAG [Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein] criticized the Committee for sending our requests in writing and was further critical of the Committee’s request to have DOJ/FBI do the same when responding,” the committee's then-senior counsel for counterterrorism Kash Patel wrote to the House Office of General Counsel. “Going so far as to say that if the Committee likes being litigators, then ‘we [DOJ] too [are] litigators, and we will subpoena your records and your emails,’ referring to HPSCI [House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence] and Congress overall.”

A second House committee staffer at the meeting backed up Patel’s account, writing: “Let me just add that watching the Deputy Attorney General launch a sustained personal attack against a congressional staffer in retaliation for vigorous oversight was astonishing and disheartening. ... Also, having the nation’s #1 (for these matters) law enforcement officer threaten to 'subpoena your calls and emails' was downright chilling.”

The committee staffer noted that Rosenstein’s comment could be interpreted as meaning the department would “vigorously defend a contempt action" -- which might be expected. But the staffer continued, "I also read it as a not-so-veiled threat to unleash the full prosecutorial power of the state against us…”

A DOJ official told Fox News that Rosenstein “never threatened anyone in the room with a criminal investigation.” The official said the department and bureau officials in the room “are all quite clear that the characterization of events laid out here is false,” adding that Rosenstein was responding to a threat of contempt. 

The Deep State is run by psychopaths with no conscience and no morals.  We’ve seen it at Abu Ghraib, we’ve seen it in “Shock and Awe” in Iraq, we’ve seen it in the arming of terrorists in Syria, we’ve seen it in the overthrow of the elected government in Ukraine, we’ve seen it in the absolute destruction of the wealthiest, most democratic African government of Libya and we see it in the destruction of our own government in America.  The war on President Trump is the Deep State of psychopath’s last hoorah.  From State of the Nation:


SPYGATE: The Reign of the Psychopaths is Over

Cabal of psychopaths

What we’re really dealing with here — on planet Earth — is an incorrigible and criminal cabal of clinically insane psychopaths.   These are the people who literally run the world.  They also own and operate on every square inch of the planet.  Only with this factual understanding can anyone come close to correctly comprehending the true nature of the ongoing war being waged against humanity 24/7.


What makes the preceding advice so very wise, important and true?

Groupings of psychopaths mutually reinforce each other’s psychopathy in such a way that they take each other on a downward spiral of evil intentions and odious deeds.  There is nothing they will not do to outdo each other’s malevolence.  NOTHING! 

A good example of this is how the Sicilian mafia came to be so vicious.  The top mafioso got to the top of the heap by his extreme cruelty and criminality that no one else dared to do or challenge.  Fear became the primary control mechanism of the capo di tutti capi of the Cosa Nostra.  In this way, all the capo’s underlings and henchmen are compelled to strictly follow orders or risk a fate much worse than death.

What’s the point?

The real problem that the United States of America is now facing is that the U.S. Federal Government has been hijacked by a gang of criminally insane psychopaths. 

Rule of law

Although very few are really aware of this worldwide predicament, the rule of law has morphed into the rule of the jungle.  The pervasive psychopathic leadership is just very proficient at hiding this grim reality.  In so doing, the baddest of the bad guys are able to effectively run their tyrannies wherever and whenever they choose to… 

This is precisely why the US government is currently embroiled in a massive, monstrous and unparalleled constitutional crisis.  The Swamp inside the Beltway is being ever-so-slowly drained as the swamp creatures are being forced into rearing their ugly heads.

But how did it ever get to be this way in the “the land of the free and the home of the brave”?... PONERIZATION: How the American Republic was taken over by political cliques of criminally insane psychopaths…  There is no better example of the crazies running the asylum than SPYGATE. 

We’re talking about the craziest psychopaths within the American psychopathocracy who were willing to do just about anything to, first, fix a U.S. presidential election in favor of Hillary Clinton and, then, to execute a soft coup against the Trump administration.

The very same psychopaths are still out there fomenting a violent coup d’état against President Trump, although they are being much more careful with their seditious implementation plans.  This has never happened before, at least not in broad daylight.  Yes, General Smedley Butler exposed a coup plot in 1933 but it was shut down post-haste.

In fact, rogue elements within the U.S. Intelligence Community, and there are many, have been working triple time to overthrow Trump.  Retired intel officials and other spooks have been especially aggressive in their encouragement of a mutiny in the West Wing.  Traitors such as John Brennan, James Clapper, Michael Hayden and Michael Morrell have acted with apparent impunity as they promote regime change in Washington.

Of course, this is what SPYGATE was all about.  The leaders of the FBI, DOJ and CIA conspired to rig the 2016 election, and then used the mainstream media to sabotage President-elect Trump’s transition, and now attempt to impeach him via false charges conjured up by the Special Counsel Robert Mueller.  Even DOJ IG Michael Horowitz is abetting the ongoing schemes of this treasonous cabal.

Deep State must be exposed in its entirety and removed from the affairs of this nation.  This cannot be done without a critical mass of the U.S. citizenry lighting their torches and picking up their pitchforks.  The psychopaths simply will not go without a fight.

Let’s go get ’em … before they get US! 

Make no mistake about it, the Deep State has been caught red handed, the entire Trump-Putin collusion investigation is based on lies.  The Trump Campaign was spied on and sabotaged at every stage in order to ensure that the Deep State would maintain control over the American government.  The entire shiny object of “immigrant children being separated from their parents” is a distraction to divert the American people’s attention to the real and present danger to their Democratic Republic. 

The biggest scandal in the history of the American Republic is unfolding before our eyes, the use of government power to imprison political enemies of the State in order to control elections in America.  The Deep State will not go quietly into the night.  The Deep State will continue to lie, distract and threaten anyone who threatens their status quo.  We the people must regain control over our country.  God Speed.

By Patricia Baeten

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Globalists/US political toadies stunned as Trump schools G7 and forges peace with NK

Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. ~  Matthew 7:16-20 King James Version (KJV)

President Donald J. Trump has sent the globalists and their puppets in the US congress reeling with his whirlwind tour smashing the globalist’s in-crowd love fest at the G7 and delivering the unthinkable, a prospect for real peace between North Korea, South Korea and America. 

President Donald Trump has sat back and watched administration after administration cow-tow to the globalists at the G7 pledging America’s treasure to prop up the economies of our so called allies.  The globalists’ real agenda was bared at the G7 meeting hosted by Canada’s Justin Trudeau.  From Tom Luongo at Gold Goats and Guns:


G-6? 7? 8? How About the Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight?

I have to say that as much as I don’t like the direction Trump’s foreign policy has gone, there are still plenty of moments of unbridled joy in watching the man work a crowd.  His suggestion of allowing Russia back into the G-7 is one of those moments.  Trump has a nearly preternatural way of getting under the skin of his opponents.  And this stink bomb was one of them.

It highlighted the divide between the G-7, one of the most important tools of control by the globalists, and Trump.  It also highlighted its irrelevance to him, since China was hosting Russia and six other important countries at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit in Quindao at the same time.  In effect, Trump was saying, “Why should I listen to you?  You aren’t important enough to listen to…”

Most importantly, however, Trump dared them all to kick him out of the G-7 for not playing by their rules, just like they did to Putin for reunifying with Crimea…  It’s Trump’s greatest strength, sowing chaos and discord, forcing everyone to reassess their positions…

Breaking Germany

The more I watch Trump in action the more I’m convinced his goal is to break Germany.  His antipathy for Angela Merkel is palpable.  He knows she’s the main conduit for the worst impulses of the globalists meeting at Bilderberg this weekend…  He knows her goal is to destroy Europe through forced immigration and internal wealth transfer payments. 

So, it almost seems to me that any policy stance he takes is designed to harm Germany and that includes continually driving a wedge between Germany and Russia.  You can also see his pulling out of the JCPOA this way.  The EU benefited from the deal through cheap Iranian oil paid for with euros, not dollars…  

Trump is no dummy, contrary to popular opinion.  He knows that a Germany independent from U.S. political control is a nightmare for a lot of people in Europe.  It wields a lot of control over the political process in the EU.  Previous to Trump Merkel were in cahoots with the U.S. to subjugate Europe, expand NATO and cut off Russia.

Now Trump has clarified the relationship, not as partners, but as servants.  And this is why the G-7 are so angry with him…   It’s clear to me now that dealing with Germany’s dominance over Europe is a higher priority to Trump than mending fences with Russia and Putin.  So you can rest assured Italy will have a friend in its upcoming confrontations with Brussels over its future.

Breaking Up is Easy To Do

The net effect of Trump’s standing firm for the U.S. in trade negotiations is that it isolates the unfair advantages Germany enjoys over the rest of Europe.  And the more Germany tries to hold onto its current status the more it will isolate itself within the Union.

And I’m good with Trump doing this.  It’s for the best.  The EU is a tyrannical corporatist nightmare that is only sustainable through byzantine tariffs and wealth transfer systems from countries borrowing based on Germany’s credit rating.  It was never truly sustainable and the political upheaval is only going to get worse… 

Meanwhile in Qingdao, Russia and China further affirmed their relationship as a something just short of an alliance.  This was the first SCO meeting with India and Pakistan as full members.  Iran and China signed preliminary free trade deals with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in May.  India is committed to its North South Transport Corridor plans linking it with the rest of central Asia via Iran, despite Trump’s threats.

So, as the G-7 fractures, the Asian community firms up.  Putin’s post-summit statement is a concise message of where we go from here:  “Solidarity in this regard occurs on some very shaky ground. It seems to me that we should stop all this creative babbling and move on to specific issues related to real cooperation.” 

Free Trade or free ride?

While France’s Macron and Canada’s Trudeau were exposed as feeble tools of the Globalists who control the G7, Trump has shown who the new leader of the free world really is.  No longer will America lay down and take it while our lunch is stolen by the Globalists.  From Russia Insider:


Trump's America Is a Prisoner of the Euro-Weenies, Time to Break Free!

The political class is screaming bloody murder over Trump’s performance at the G-7 meeting in Canada, where he reportedly spent most of the time detailing how much the US was paying for the defense of our vaunted “allies,” not to mention the high tariffs imposed on American goods.  He then proposed a “free trade zone” in which member countries would drop all tariffs, subsidies, and other barriers to trade: the “allies” didn’t like that much, either.

Nor did the alleged advocates of free trade here in the US give him any credit for ostensibly coming around to their point of view. Which reminds me of something Murray Rothbard said about this issue: “If authentic free trade ever looms on the policy horizon, there’ll be one sure way to tell. The government/media/big-business complex will oppose it tooth and nail.”

Of course the Euro-weenies don’t want real free trade: after all, they practically invented protectionism. What they want is a free ride, at Uncle Sam’s expense, and the reason they hate Trump is because they know the freebies are over. However, what really got the Usual Suspects frothing at the mouth was Trump’s insistence that Russia be readmitted to the G-8:

"I think it would be good for the world, I think it would be good for Russia, I think it would be good for the United States, I think it would be good for all of the countries in the G-7. I think having Russia back in would be a positive thing. We’re looking to have peace in the world. We’re not looking to play games."

The “experts” went crazy when he said this: our “allies” are being insulted, they wailed, while our “enemies” are being “appeased.”  It’s sedition! Russia! Russia! Russia!  The cries of “treason” that accompany the pronouncements of prominent public figures associated with #TheResistance are a simple case of projection: they accuse Trump of what they are plainly guilty of.

Our political class doesn’t even try to hide its brazen disloyalty: they openly and loudly side with any foreign mendicant – Canada, Germany, et al – that feels entitled to our largesse and is outraged when it isn’t forthcoming.

On to North Korea peace talks

For 70 years the globalists have maintained the status quo in North Korean to ensure the military industrial complex has a steady stream of US taxpayer dollars.  As early as 1999 Donald Trump knew how to affect peace with North Korea.  From Meet the Press 1999:


If there is one thing that Rino Republicans and Zio-fascist Democrats abhor it is peace, especially if peace means that their cash cow, boogey man in North Korea disappears.  If Trump is able to negotiate and denuclearized Korean Peninsula the 2018 mid-term election is over before it starts.  From Tom Luongo:


The Trump / Kim Summit is the Wedge Issue of 2018

If there was anything that could dampen my enthusiasm for a positive outcome from President Trump’s meeting with North Korea Leader Kim Jong-un it would have been the outpouring of bitterness from the Left and the Never-Trumpers of the establishment Right.  

Perusing #TrumpKimSummit last night on Twitter while the meeting was happening was an illuminating experience.  It was full of #TheResistance demeaning any prospect of peace simply because Trump was the one standing opposite Kim Jong-un.

All thoughts of the prospect of peace and ending a seventy-plus year conflict frozen for the very same cynical geopolitical reasons these same people normally decry as welfare for the Military-Industrial Complex took a backseat to their DeNiro-esque agenda against Trump.  

Welcome to the wedge issue of 2018.  Here, like the Ron Paul campaigns of 2008 and 2012, the liberal-interventionists and the neoconservatives join forces to circle the wagons against someone breaking through the carefully constructed, yet false, narrative of the politically powerful.  The goal?  Enforce the status quo which enriches them and bankrupts you…

Both factions of the globalist/interventionist political chattering class woke up this morning to the realization that they no longer have as much ammunition to justify a tyrannical American empire all over the world.  

Selling their Utopian fantasy of unassailable control for them and universal serfdom for us just got that much harder.  Trump said he would end the war games with South Korea.  This is a concrete step which mirrors Kim’s steps already taken to destroy his nuclear testing facility.

Kim put something on the table before showing up in Singapore.  It was only right for Trump to do the same.  Doing so unilaterally, as the head of state and Commander-in-Chief reminds everyone that 1) he’s in charge, not them and 2) he values building trust with Kim more than satisfying the braying jackals of his Cabinet and K-Street.

Chopping Wood

If there is one thing truly animating Trump’s presidency it is his desire to cleave open the Gordian knots of domestic and foreign policy issues that have the world sliding slowly towards a horrifying conclusion.

He knows that the world has been made far more complicated than it needs to be because the goal of the post-WWII institutional order has been to move humanity against its will towards the global feudalism I described earlier.  He knows these institutions are wrong.

From the IMF to the World Bank.  The WTO to the U.N. The G-7 to the EU.  These things are sold to us as necessary parts of the machine that keep the world running. And our natural tendency is to see the best of what they could be rather than what they actually are.

They are used to, paraphrasing Nietzsche, muddy the waters to make them appear deep.   When, in fact, these problems, like Korea, are not complicated to solve.  They are quite simple.  Whose ox is gored in the process?  That’s complicated.

And each time he approaches a new issue, whether I agree with his methods or not, he brings out the Sword of Damocles and threatens everyone’s position on both sides of the political aisle.  Yesterday he swung that sword at his own foreign policy and military advisors.  Over the weekend he swung it at the G-7.  Next he’ll pick a domestic target, likely the Justice Department via the Inspector General’s report.

That’s why yesterday’s summit is the defining moment of 2018…  You will know if a person you meet still has his mind open if they can admit, even grudgingly, that Trump and Kim meeting was an unqualified good thing.  Nothing good ever comes from people shouting at each other and going to bed angry.   Anyone arguing that Trump got played or Kim got legitimized is operating from blindness.

Trump had a bad hand coming into these talks.  The North Koreans have a nuclear weapon.  Bullies like the U.S. only talk when they have lost an edge.  If all Trump does here is negotiate a face-saving withdrawal over time from Korea and North Korea never fires a missile in anger it will be a victory for the world.

It will even be a victory for the U.S.  Not for the Empire but for the people.

How true, if the Trump/Kim summit is successful it will be a victory for the American people, but not for Empire.  Not only will it be a victory for Americans it will be a victory for South Korea, Japan, Guam, and the world.  From Anti-War:


South Korea, Japan Cheer Trump-Kim Summit Results

South Korea's President Moon vows 'new chapter of peace'

President Trump’s successful summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un has been praised internationally. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres backed the denuclearization agreement. The most interesting comments came from North Korea’s neighbors.

Japan’s Prime Minister Abe Shinzo said the denuclearization pledge had “great meaning” for his country. Abe said he will continue to back the US on the matter, and that he hopes for “strong support” from the US on trying to resolve questions about kidnapped Japanese citizens taken by North Korea.

South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in, who has had two summits with Kim himself, and has taken the lead on a lot of the diplomatic overtures, was even more upbeat on the talks. Moon vowed to see a “new chapter of peace” on the Korean Peninsula.

The North and South Koreans and Japanese must be thrilled to have an end to the war games and all the fallout from the pointless, polluting exercises.  The exercises themselves must have cost a fortune in manpower and firepower.  It’s about time.  From


Trump: We are Ending our Provocative and Expensive War Games in Korea

June 12, 2018 (EIRNS)—President Trump announced during his press conference in Singapore that he is ending all military exercises in South Korea as long as negotiations are proceeding, calling them both “provocative” and hugely expensive.

“I used to say this during my campaign..., I want to get our soldiers out. I want to bring our soldiers back home. We have 32,000 soldiers in South Korea. I would like to be able to bring them back home. That’s not part of the equation. At some point, I hope it would be.”

But then he continued: “We will stop the war games, which will save us a tremendous amount of money.... Plus, I think it’s very provocative.”

He particularly pointed to the B-52’s flown in from Guam, at great expense, to “drop bombs all over the place and go back to Guam.... Under the circumstances that we are negotiating a comprehensive and complete deal, it is inappropriate to have war games. Number one, we save money—a lot. And number two, it really is something that I think they very much appreciate.”

Hmm, very expensive indeed.  No doubt members of congress and Wall Street investors who make a fortune off such exercises are not going to take that laying down.  No doubt they will fight tooth and nail to derail the peace talks.  From Mint Press:


Peace is Bad for Business: Stocks Plummet After Trump-Kim Summit

American defense contractors were practically drooling over the prospect of all-out war with North Korea as President Donald Trump was recklessly flinging “fire and fury” last year, but Tuesday’s summit between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un appears to have dampened war profiteers’ dreams of yet another catastrophic U.S.-led military conflict—at least for now.

Demonstrating that even the slightest whiff of peace is enough to scare investors in America’s most profitable military contractors, USA Today reported on Tuesday that shares of Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, and General Dynamics all “took a dive” as Trump and Kim signed a vague, non-binding agreement that is merely the first step toward a lasting diplomatic solution.

“Peace is bad for business,” noted writer Ajit Singh in response to the new report.

According to USA Today:

Shares of Raytheon, which makes Patriot and Tomahawk missiles, fell 2.6 percent. Lockheed Martin, which supplies the Pentagon with air and missile defense systems as well as the F-35 Stealth fighter jet, tumbled one percent. And Northrop Grumman, which has increased its focus on cyber warfare and missile defense systems more recently, declined 1.3 percent. Boeing, which makes Apache helicopters and aerial refueling aircraft, dipped 0.2 percent. General Dynamics, a Navy shipbuilder, fell one percent.

By contrast, the Dow Jones industrial average edged up 20 points.”

As financial analyst Brad McMillan noted in an interview with USA Today, falling defense stocks represent investors’ fears that the chance for a hot war between the U.S. and North Korea—which he describes as “one of the big potential growth stories recently”—could be slipping away.

“If weapons are used they need to be replaced. That makes war a growth story for these stocks,” McMillan added. “What the agreement [between Trump and Kim] does, at least for a while, is take military conflict off the table.”

But before you start feeling bad for America’s war profiteers—and before you give Trump credit for dragging their stocks down—just remember that Democrats and Republicans in Congress just granted the U.S. president’s wish for a $717 billion Pentagon budget, much of which goes straight into the pockets of companies like Boeing, Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin.

My, my, my. Our President Donald J. Trump is doing exactly what he promised to do when we voted him into office.  President Trump is knocking down the barriers to peace that were carefully crafted by Democrats and Republicans alike.  President Donald J. Trump has sent the globalists and their puppets in the US congress reeling with his whirlwind tour smashing the globalist’s in-crowd love fest at the G7 and delivering the unthinkable, a prospect for real peace between North Korea, South Korea and America. 

Thank God America has a real leader in Donald Trump.  President Trump is not beholden to the Military Industrial Complex who has built the congress they want.  A congress who lines their pockets through war profiteering.  Well there’s a new sheriff in town and the gravy train is over.  Good riddance.

By Patricia Baeten

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Can Italy save the world from Rothschild’s EU Plantation?

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

What is happening in Italy is a direct result of the policies of the Rothschild bankers who have enslaved the people of once sovereign nations and devastated their economies.  The European Union is the globalist dream child whose purpose was to strip people of their wealth, property and national identity.  Factories have been shuttered and the only jobs left barely pay a living wage.  It was in that climate that the people of Italy went to the voting booth to reject the status quo. From Consortium News:


This is the New Italy

Years of neoliberal economic policies imposed by Brussels and by Italian politicians alike have devastated numerous industrial towns and the very fabric of Italian society, reports Attilio Moro.  Sesto San Giovanni, a town on the outskirts of Milan, used to be one of the industrial capitals of Italy.

With around 200,000 inhabitants (45,000 blue collar workers, and a robust middle class), it was the headquarters of some of the most dynamic Italian companies, including Magneti Marelli, Falck, Breda and many more.  Today Sesto is an industrial desert – the factories are gone, the professional middle class has fled, many stores have shut down, and the city is trying to reinvent itself as a medical research center.

Twenty-three kilometers (14 miles) to the north of Sesto, the town of Meda was the seat of various symbols of Italian excellence: Salotti Cassina and Poltrona Frau, both of which exported high-quality furniture all over the world and employed tens of thousands of workers and designers. They fed a number of small family-based companies providing parts and highly qualified seasonal labour. Today both companies are gone.

Montezemolo: Public enemy.

Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, a former chairman of Ferrari, Fiat and Alitalia, and now a public enemy because of his dismissal of the “Made in Italy” label, acquired both companies and moved them to Turkey, choosing profit over quality—and Italian jobs. Montezemolo, of aristocratic background, is a champion of Italian neoliberalism, having founded the influential “free market” think tank Italia Futura (Future Italy) in 2009.

Another victim is the town of Sora, with a population of 25,000, 80 km. (50 miles) east of Rome. Until recently Sora was an affluent commercial city, with medium-sized paper factories and hundreds of shops. Today, all of the factories are gone and 50 percent of shops have closed.

All over Italy, the neoliberal policies that led to the economic crisis and resulting social decadence have accelerated in the wake of the financial collapse of 2007.

Once The Stalingrad of Italy

Sesto San Giovanni used to be known as ‘the Italian Stalingrad’, due to the strength of its working class and the Communist Party receiving over 50 percent of the vote. Now the strongest party in town is the Lega (The League), a right wing, xenophobic party. This has been accompanied by a demographic shift, as Sesto has lost almost one third of its population, but acquired tens of thousands of immigrants, which today constitute almost 20 percent of its population.

The Italian Communist Party, once the strongest in the capitalist world, has in the meantime disappeared, together with the working class. There is also the destitution of a dwindling middle class accompanying the breakdown of the social fabric with rampant corruption. All the traditional political parties have been wiped away.

They have been replaced by the so-called ‘populists’: The Lega and the 5 Star Movement, undisputed winners of the latest elections in March, who are now in the process of trying to form a new government…  They also want a parallel national currency, a reduction in circulation of the Euro (which slows down exports, especially to Germany) and limits to immigration.

The 5 Star Movement, which is partly considered to be the heir of the former Communist Party but with a different social base consisting of an undifferentiated lower class replacing the disappearing working class. It advocates a moralization of the political parties and a universal basic income of 750 euros per month ($875) for the poorest to reduce the effects of the social disaster which took place in the south of the country in the last 10 years: 20 percent unemployment, affecting 40 percent of young people, making the mafia and organized crime the biggest ‘employers’ in the most critical southern regions.

This is the new Italy. The old one, the Italy of Fiat, Cassina, small family-run businesses, the Italy of the Christian Democrats, the Communist Party and vibrant working-class culture is no more.

The collapse of the global banking system in 2008 was a planned demolition that plunged member states of the EU as well as America into a financial debt abyss with no way out.  In 2008 the Rothschild’s Federal Reserve Bank in America printed up $43 trillion dollars to bail out their banks in America and the European Union leaving the American taxpayers stuck with the bill.

The wealth of America and the European Union member states has been transferred into the coffers of the Rothschild bankers who now demand crushing austerity on top of the misery they caused.  Elections that don’t turn out the way the Western elite want are simply ignored and labeled as illegitimate.  Democracy is fighting to survive.  From Lew


Democracy Is Fighting to Survive the Rise of Western Authoritarianism

The European peoples whose governments were paid to sell out the sovereignty of their nations to the EU are experiencing great difficulties in being permitted to govern themselves. As the result of Italians’ frustration with the self-serving elite who have ruled Italy for decades, the recent democratic elections in Italy brought to power two anti-establishment political parties, Five-Star and Lega (League), that have solid majorities in both houses.

However, the Italian president, an operative for the EU, attempted to appoint the prime minister independently of the election results, tried to himself appoint a “technocratic cabinet” that would ignore the democratic outcome, and succeeded in blocking the anti-establishment winners of the election from forming a government for three months.

EU official Gunther Oettinger said that it was “not acceptable” for Italians to vote for anti-establishment parties and threatened Italians with financial destabilization that would “teach them how to vote.”

Previously, in the wake of the international economic crisis brought on by the “banks too big to fail,” the Italians and the Greeks attempted to govern themselves democratically, but it was not permitted. The European Commission appointed Mario Monti, a banker, to be Italy’s prime minister. Monti, a member of Goldman Sachs Board of International Advisers, European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission, and a member of the Bilderberg Group, was appointed by the elite, not elected by the people. His cabinet did not include a single elected politician.

Greece suffered the same fate of having an unelected banker appointed prime minister of Greece. Later when the Greeks succeeded in electing an anti-establishment government, the EU used economic threats and punishments to prevent the Greek government from governing… 

In the West and among Western funded NGOs that operate in Russia and China, there is mindless talk about Russian and Chinese authoritarianism. Yet, democracy is far more alive in Russia and within the Chinese Communist Party that it is in the West…

It remains to be seen if the British vote to exit the EU will actually be implemented.  The Western elites despise democracy. They tolerate it only as a cover for their self-dealing when it can be manipulated to serve their interests.

The Western elites not only despise democracy they are terrified of democracy.  Since the inception of the Federal Reserve Bank by a group of elite bankers in 1913, America has been in a constant state of war in order to keep the American people enslaved in a debt driven hell.  If Italy’s election results are allowed to stand, the entire Rothschild banking cartel could collapse. From Geopolitics:


ECB Stages Coup Against Legitimate Government of Italy

In an intervention which violated the most fundamental rules of democracy and international law, on May 27 the hierarchy of the European Union (EU) vetoed the “government of change” which was being formed in Italy, and which had just won a clear parliamentary majority from the voters.

Instead, the EU has imposed yet another technocratic government, which had been ready for months, led by “Mr. Spending Review,” Carlo Cottarelli, whose only plan is to cut the debt, and who has the support only of the Democratic Party, which lost the legislative elections of March 4.  This is the most recent example of that “suspension of democracy,” demanded years ago by the EU, when it introduced the balanced budget as the only aim of each and every European government, as in the “market-conformed democracy” of Germany’s Angela Merkel.

The most paradoxical aspects, which have no precedent in the history of the Italian Republic—a parliamentary Republic and not a Presidential one—are the reasons given by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, to explain why he vetoed Professor Paolo Savona, a renowned economist, former minister, and former head of the employers’ federation, Confindustria, as Finance Minister of the new government.

Mattarella said he did this in order not to upset “foreign investors” who fear that Italy might leave the Euro. This, despite the fact that in the government program agreed to between the two victorious parties, the Lega and the Five-Star Party, and also in the statement of Professor Savona of last Sunday, there was no mention of leaving the Euro. Rather, they demanded a change from the failed policy of austerity, which provoked “poverty, reduced incomes and inequality” in Italy…

The “fake news” press which speaks for the City of London and the financial lobbies, whose speculation was responsible for the 2008 crisis, permitted itself to insult not only the Lega and the Five Star Party, who had worked together to forge a government program aimed at promoting jobs and fighting poverty, but all Italians as a people, calling them “barbarians” (Financial Times) and “freeloaders” (Der Spiegel). “Europe” did not like the immediate reaction to these insults, of the Lega’s Matteo Salvini (“Better barbarians than slaves!”)…

Deutsche Bank is on the verge of bankruptcy; its exposure to derivatives has reached such a level that even its chief economist, David Folkerts-Landau, has had to admit that it has become a hedge fund…  Deutsche Bank is ready to fire 7,000 employees, and all of these big banks have heavy derivatives exposure. Let’s suppose that German private finance will blow up instead of the Italian public debt. We have to be ready for such an event.”

Five-Star Party leader Alessandro Di Battista, interviewed May 28 on prime-time national television by Lilli Gruber, said “They blocked this government because they are terrified of banking separation and a state investment bank.”

Thus, rather than the fear of an Italexit, what freaked out the markets was the fact that the Salvini-Di Maio government had two points in its program which are dear to the LaRouche movement—reinstating Glass-Steagall, and national banking in order to issue credit for the real economy.

The present financial system is so rotten and so ready to explode, that it does not allow discussion of such issues, let alone their inclusion in the government program of an important country such as Italy, one of the founders of Europe. In order to keep this rotten system alive, previous Italian governments, from Monti to Gentiloni, have imposed draconian austerity measures.

“Europe,” the EU, the Troika, the ECB, and the economic and press outlets of the establishment refuse to understand that in recent years a New Paradigm has been asserting itself, and has found its expression in the Brexit, in Trump’s election victory in the United States, in the “No” vote in the Italian constitutional referendum, and now in the Italian elections of March 4.

The corrupt banking cartels will do anything to keep any member state from wresting control over their banking system away from the Rothschild cartel.  Re-instating Glass-Steagall, the Depression Era legislation that separated speculative Wall Street banks from Community banks, is essential in restoring sanity to the financial system.  Italy can lead the world and save Europe from the European Central Bank.  From LaRouche pub:


Italy and Glass-Steagall Could Save Europe, The Threat Is from the City of London

The latest terrible “Russian threat” is now claimed to be coming from the two parties that have agreed to form a new government in Italy. Stalwarts of European stagnation and financial speculation are lining up to warn of the end of their world if the Lega and M5S (Five Star) parties’ coalition is not prevented. We are supposed to forget that these parties were just favored by Italian voters for their policies, in elections held in March—just as we have been told for two years to forget that American voters, not Russians, elected Donald Trump.

But if allowed to be formed, the proposed new Italian government can start the long overdue process of saving Europe from ten years’ stagnation after the crash triggered by London and Wall Street banks, and from blows to its productive industries by anti-Russia sanctions; and from another, worse financial crash which is looming over America and Europe.

The key will be establishing the Glass-Steagall Act, which both leading Italian parties want, to break up the big so-called “universal banks”—demanded by the European Union—that absorb trillions of bailout money from the European Central Bank and the U.S. Federal Reserve, and do not lend to anything productive. The second critical element: A national bank with the ability to issue credit for productive employment and new infrastructure, outside the EU austerity limits on government productive credit. Those two, if the parties can stick to them, can avert another financial blowout and start real economic growth again.

Both U.S. major parties put Glass-Steagall in their presidential platforms. President Trump called for it on the stump. Wall Street, however, has won out so far, and the megabanks have become even bigger, and more debt-leveraged, with bigger exposures to super-speculative derivatives contracts. As experts such as former FDIC officials Sheila Bair and Thomas Hoenig have been warning, that has made the financial system even more dangerous as interest rates rise on an unprecedented ocean of corporate debt, about to blow.

In Germany, the former chief economist of Europe’s most dangerous huge bank, Deutsche Bank, gave an explosive interview on what ruined Deutsche Bank: “Anglo-American banking.” A team of star speculators from Merrill Lynch in London and New York took over Germany’s then-leading bank 20 years ago and turned it into a giant hedge fund that made huge profits every year—until it became clear the profits were faked and the bank was all but bankrupt.

Wall Street and London have won out so far, and the price has been economic stagnation with massive central bank money-printing, and another crash coming on. It (sic) Italy, there is a chance to start the reversal of that before it is too late.

In the United States, those Americans defending the presidency from a relentless coup attempt against President Donald Trump, have learned the hard way that London—British intelligence—started it, and is running it. Trump supporters are realizing you can’t defend the presidency without attacking the British and London’s anti-Russia, anti-China geopolitics.

That realization has even reached Congress, in the statements of Sen. Rand Paul. To quote one author’s May 21 attack on the anti-Trump spying, “The British . . . have never hesitated to interfere in our domestic politics. . . . It happened in the run-up to both world wars, and it is happening today. If we trace the origins of the Russiagate hoax, and the campaign to dethrone Donald J. Trump, all roads lead to London…”

In the face of another crash worse than 2008, Italy can be the start in saving Europe. Its leading parties are proposing what Americans wanted when they elected Donald Trump President. The challenge is the same: Defeat the City of London.

So far the Lega and M5S (Five Star) coalition is holding their ground against the attempted coup.   They are rejecting the installation of an EU approved finance minister.  From Gold Goats and Guns:


Gold Goats ‘n Guns Live – Next Stop, Italeave and Upending the EU

Italy has a new government.  It looks a lot like the government that President Mattarella vetoed the first time.  The long knives are already out on both sides and it looks like the Italians are taking the fight directly to Brussels to reform or die.

You can’t win a war like this by being passive and trying to work with the other side.  Salvini and the “New Guys” get this.  And this is their moment to drive open the hypocrisy of the EU and Germany’s role in purposefully bankrupting the continent for its benefit.

This is why Trump is putting the screws to Merkel and Macron. He gets this.  Salvini does as well so the way forward from here is going to be really good theatre…

Love Tom Luongo from Gold Goats and Guns.  He further writes about Salvini in the next article “Salvini is the Real Deal”:


Salvini is the Real Deal in Italy’s Fight With Brussels
The latest moves by leader of The League, Matteo Salvini, confirm for me that he is the real deal.  By nominating another hard-ass Euroskeptic as Finance Minister, Giovanni Tria, Salvini proves he’s not some feckless (the word of the day apparently) swamp-dweller.  Rather, he’s a smooth and dangerous political opponent for the powers-that-be in Brussels.

Over the past two days the headlines and the markets have tried to gaslight us into believing the coalition between the two populist parties in Italy — The League and Five Star Movement — was fracturing after President Sergio Mattarella’s rejection of their proposed government.

Stories of dissonance about when to hold new elections; withdrawing Paolo Savona’s nomination as Finance Minister (Mattarella’s nominal reason for rejecting the coalition); and even whispers that Salvini would ditch Five Star abounded.  And with it Italian bond yields plunged, the euro rallied and markets tried to stabilize.

There’s only one problem with all of that.  Not a word of it was true…  And in the middle Salvini can get both to fight over Italy to get what he needs, a way out of the nightmare that is the euro-zone. 

Salvini is setting Italy up for an incredible showdown with the EU.  He knows he holds the right cards.  He just has to firmly convince the people it’s time to play them all.

Now it has become crystal clear why the Obama Justice Department along with Britain’s MI6 spied on the Trump campaign and fabricated the “Russia Collusion” scam.  What is happening in Italy is what is happening in the US and across the Rothschild’s EU Plantation, revolt of the people.  Italy can save us all from the financial enslavement foisted upon us by the Globalists.  God speed Italy!

By Patricia Baeten