Friday, December 30, 2016

Obama spreads chaos for Trump, Netanyahu and Putin

In this world, it is often dangerous to be an enemy of the United States, but to be a friend is fatal… Henry Kissinger 1968

Wise words indeed Mr. Kissinger and boy are they relevant today.  President Barack Obama is stirring up disruption and chaos across the globe in what appears a last ditch effort to lash out against Russian President Putin.  If anyone ever truly deserved the Nobel Peace Prize, it would be Vladimir Putin.  Putin is the only thing standing between the neocons and WWIII, the last thing on their bucket list before they go.

For the last sixteen years the same PNAC members have run the CIA and the State Department.  Hillary Clinton offered more of the same, chaos.  An exhausted American people voted for change.  From Helga Zepp-LaRouche:


… there is, right now, a global revolution against the system of globalization underway…   I think the first massive manifestation was the Brexit last June in Great Britain, where the majority of the people voted to leave the European Union.

The second major manifestation of this was the rejection of Hillary Clinton, and with that, also a rejection of the policies of the 16-year U.S. Presidencies of Bush and Cheney and Obama, because Obama was really the total continuation of the previous policies of Bush and Cheney…

And then, the newest, third vector of development, which is completely undetermined yet as to where it will go—but nevertheless it is a completely new thing—is the election of Donald Trump to be the next President of the United States…  Up to the present day, the neocon-dominated media in the trans-Atlantic sector are really not grappling with the situation that there is a new U.S. President…

Now, what Trump did, which I think is the most important—the moment he got elected he got on the phone and he talked to Russian President Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping, and all sides afterwards confirmed that the intention was to normalize and improve the relationship between the United States and Russia, and the United States and China… 

Because it is now Dec. 12th, and it is still five or six weeks until Trump gets into the White House, and you can see very clearly that Obama is trying to create as much chaos on the way out of the White House as he possibly can…  He just made a decree where he basically ordered the arming of the rebels in Syria, including providing them with so-called MANPADs, that is shoulder-fired missiles which can shoot down planes; which could really also shoot down American planes, or other planes, so it’s a very incredible thing.

And I think it’s very important that Trump is completely opposed to this. And so is Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who is a very young, talented congresswoman from Hawaii, who introduced a bill in reaction to this—she’s from the Democratic Party—but she introduced a bill prohibiting arms sales to such rebel groups and is leading a bipartisan effort to this effect…

There is also the effort by the neocons to ruin the relationship with Russia and China in the remaining period as much as possible. For example, the neocon Heritage Foundation in the United States sent a delegation in October to Taiwan. This was Ed Feulner and Stephen Yates, who used to be the national security aide to Dick Cheney, and Reince Priebus, the new member of the Trump team.

They went to Taiwan; and this was coordinated with the effort by the Taiwanese government to use the incoming new Presidency to change the “One China” policy…  And it was that combination of Heritage plus lobbyists, who arranged the phone call of Taiwanese President Tsai with Trump, congratulating Trump for his election. And Trump took the phone call, and this was then made a big affair by the international media, because this violated the One China policy.

Yes, Obama and his neocon cabal won’t go gently into the night.  The Bush/Obama Administrations have left rubble in their wake.  The complete demolition of Syria, reported in America as “a civil war against a brutal dictator,” is a graphic example of what Kissinger referred to as the “danger of being an enemy of the United States.”  Helga Zepp-LaRouche is absolutely correct about the current Administration, they are “trying to create as much chaos on the way out that they possibly can”. 

Think about what will happen in Syria when Obama-armed terrorists with shoulder-fired missiles shoot down a NATO plane or worse yet, an American passenger plane causing an international crises for the Trump Administration.  Thanks to Putin, the neocons suffered a major humiliation in Aleppo and they are going nuts.  From Information Clearinghouse:


Liberation of Aleppo Represents US's Most Serious Setback in 15 Years

In late 2016, at the cost of many young lives, Syrian forces took back the eastern part of the city of Aleppo, occupied by NATO and Saudi backed terrorists for more than four years.

The liberation of Aleppo, Syria’s second city and an ancient marvel, represents the most serious setback for the 15-year long Washington-led aggression on the entire region. An effective re-colonization of the region has stretched from Afghanistan to Libya, under a range of false pretexts. Invasions and proxy wars have been backed by economic sanctions and wild propaganda.

But this great war of aggression – called the creation of ‘New Middle East’ by former US President George W. Bush – has hit a rock in Syria.  The massive proxy armies bought and equipped by Washington and its regional allies the Saudis, Turkey, Qatar and Israel, have been beaten back by a powerful regional alliance which supports the Syrian nation.

If you are wondering who “the massive proxy armies” are and where they come from check out this article in



At least 14 US-led coalition military advisers have been captured by the Syrian Special Forces in a bunker in the city of Aleppo, according to media reports.  The event allegedly took place in the morning on December 16, 2016 (…

Fares Shehabi, a prominent Syrian Parliamentarian and head of Aleppo’s Chamber of Commerce published the names of the Coalition officers on his Facebook page on the 15th December (emphasis added):

·        Mutaz Kanoğlu – Turkey
·        David Scott Winer – USA
·        David Shlomo Aram – Israel
·        Muhamad Tamimi – Qatar
·        Muhamad Ahmad Assabian – Saudi
·        Abd-el-Menham Fahd al Harij – Saudi
·        Islam Salam Ezzahran Al Hajlan – Saudi
·        Ahmed Ben Naoufel Al Darij – Saudi
·        Muhamad Hassan Al Sabihi – Saudi
·        Hamad Fahad Al Dousri – Saudi
·        Amjad Qassem Al Tiraoui – Jordan
·        Qassem Saad Al Shamry – Saudi
·        Ayman Qassem Al Thahalbi – Saudi
·        Mohamed Ech-Chafihi El Idrissi – Moroccan…

… Considering that US-led coalition military advisers have been widely operating across Syria, training and assisting to the so-called “moderate opposition” openly linked with al-Qaeda, the recently appeared reports are likely true.

For instance, British military advisers have officially arrived to Syria to restore combat capability of the ‘moderate’ opposition, retreated from Aleppo:

Are you comfortable with the Obama Administration arming a mostly Saudi militia in Syria with shoulder fired missiles, capable of shooting down planes?  Now Obama is fighting the Trump transition into the White House.  While Obama spreads chaos and lies Trump is conveying a message of stability, “help is on the way.” 

The Obama Administration is perpetuating the myth that Vladimir Putin somehow interfered with our election, and now has imposed sanctions against Russia and expelled their diplomats.  So far Putin has said, Russia will pretty much ignore Obama’s sanctions and wait until America has an adult in the room meaning Donald Trump.  From YouTube:


U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday suggested that the United States should just get over Russia's hacking of DNC computers, saying, "We ought to get on with our lives." According to Reuters, two U.S. officials said the Obama administration plans to announce a series of retaliatory measures against Russia for hacking into U.S. political institutions…   Trump made his remarks at Mar-a-Lago, his seaside Florida resort. Trump explained, "I think that computers have complicated lives very greatly. The whole age of computer has made it where nobody knows exactly what's going on."

And how did Vladimir Putin react to Obama rounding up their diplomats and their families and removing them from our country?  From The Guardian:


Putin says he's waiting for Trump as he opts not to expel US diplomats

Vladimir Putin has refused to engage in tit-for-tat diplomacy after the US expelled 35 Russian diplomats amid a row over cyber hacking.

Just hours after the Russian foreign minster said he was recommending a symmetrical response, Putin said his country had “every right” to make such a move but that he would not “drop to this level of irresponsible diplomacy”.
He said his government would instead wait to see how relations developed under the incoming president, Donald Trump.

“We will make further steps to help resurrect Russian-American relations based on the policies that the administration of Trump will pursue,” the Russian president said in a statement on the Kremlin’s website.

Putin, mindful that Trump will be in the White House in just three weeks went on, in an almost teasing way, to wish Barack Obama and his family, Trump and the American people a happy new year. He invited “all the children of American diplomats accredited in Russia to the New Year and Christmas celebrations in the Kremlin”.

It’s a message the people need to hear because the people have lost their faith in our intelligence operations.  It is becoming apparent that terror attacks come at some very convenient times, like the assassination of Russia’s ambassador just before a peace agreement.  From Global Research:


Were “CIA Dirty Hands” Behind Assassination of Russia’s Ambassador to Turkey?

The assassination happened in the wake of Aleppo’s liberation, a major defeat for Washington, NATO, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.  It came on the eve of Russian, Turkish and Iranian foreign ministers meeting in Moscow (America, Britain and France excluded) “to discuss in trilateral format the situation in and around Syria first and foremost,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov explained…

Separately, Turkish President Erdogan said “(w)e are determined to maintain our ties with Russia.”  Karlov’s strategically timed assassination was likely aimed at undermining Russian/Turkish relations – especially after Aleppo’s liberation and US electors confirming Trump’s triumph.  The provocative scheme seems destined to fail as decisively as the campaign to deny America’s president-elect the office he won.

After the failed CIA coup against America’s friend Turkish President Erdogan, Turkey seems to be reevaluating their “friendship” with America as well as forging a new one with Russia.  It appears that America’s friends, are getting the full Obama treatment.  Obama is willing to sacrifice friend or foe to settle his petty vendetta against Putin, something Netanyahu saw firsthand.  From Lidblog:


Nyet!! Russia REJECTS Kerry’s Attempt To Impose Middle East Solution

Calling it an attempt to bring the US Domestic agenda to the UN, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov rejected John Kerry’s proposal to impose a Middle East solution on Israel in a telephone conversation Tuesday, with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry…

“The two top diplomats exchanged views on the situation in the Palestinian-Israeli settlement and around it. Lavrov stressed the necessity of creating conditions for direct talks between the leaders of Israel and Palestine and warned against bringing US’ domestic agenda into the work of the Middle East Quartet and the United Nations Security Council. He stressed that attempts to use these formats in bickering between the Democrats and Republicans are harmful,” the Russian foreign ministry said.

Man, the Obama Administration has made such a mess with an unbelievable human cost.  How would Trump ever clean up this mess?  Patrick Buchanan has some suggestions.    From Lew Rockwell:


Will Trump Defy McCain & Marco?

When word leaked that Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson, a holder of the Order of Friendship award in Putin’s Russia, was Donald Trump’s choice for secretary of state, John McCain had this thoughtful response:  “Vladimir Putin is a thug, a bully, and a murderer and anybody else who describes him as anything else is lying.”

Yet, Putin is something else, the leader of the largest nation on earth, a great power with enough nuclear weapons to wipe the United States off the face of the earth. And we have to deal with him…  If just three GOP senators vote no on Tillerson, and Democrats vote as a bloc against him, his nomination would go down. President Trump would sustain a major and humiliating defeat.

Who is Tillerson? A corporate titan, he has traveled the world, represented Exxon in 60 countries, is on a first-name basis with countless leaders…  Most businessmen are interested in doing deals, making money, and, if the terms are not met, walking away, not starting a war.

And here is the heart of the objection to Tillerson. He wants to end sanctions and partner with Putin’s Russia, as does Trump. But among many in the mainstream media, think tanks, websites, and on the Hill, this is craven appeasement. For such as these, the Cold War is never over.

Behind the effort to smear Tillerson and delegitimize Trump lies a larger motive. Trump has antagonists in both parties who alarmed at his triumph because it imperils the foreign policy agenda that is their raison d’etre, their reason for being…

They want to provide offensive weapons to Kiev to reignite the civil war in the Donbass and enable Ukraine to move on Crimea. This would mean a war with Russia that Ukraine would lose and we and our NATO allies would be called upon to intervene in and fight.

Their goal is to bring down Putin and bring about “regime change” in Moscow.

In the campaign, Trump said he wanted to get along with Russia, to support all the forces inside Syria and Iraq fighting to wipe out ISIS and al-Qaida and to stay out of any new Middle East wars — like the disaster in Iraq — that have cost us “six trillion dollars.”

THIS IS WHAT AMERICA VOTED FOR WHEN IT VOTED FOR TRUMP — to put America First and “make America great again.” But War Party agitators are already beating the drums for a confrontation with Iran.

Early in his presidency, if not before, Trump is going to have to impose his foreign policy upon his own party and, indeed, upon his own government

A good place to begin is by accepting the McCain-Marco challenge and nominating Rex Tillerson for secretary of state. Let’s get it on.

Amen brother Buchanan.  But not only are the neocons interfering with the smooth transition of power in America, now they’re interfering with the election in France:  From the Telegraph:


American intelligence has been asked to look into Marine Le Pen's links to Russia, following her request for a $30 million (£24.3 million) loan to help fund her French presidential campaign from a bank close to Vladimir Putin, according to reports.

Ms Le Pen's Front National party has made no secret of the fact that it has taken foreign loans to help bankroll its presidential campaigns because, it has argued, French banks refuse to stump up the funds.  But in light of allegations of Russian interference in the US election of Donald Trump, scrutiny has now turned to Ms Le Pen, who is polled to reach the final round of France's presidential elections in May…

In May, Le Pen said in an interview that she will recognise Crimea as Russian territory if she wins the French presidency…"  Earlier this month, the CIA concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Mr Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the US electoral system.

Sounds like the CIA and Obama’s problem with Le Pen is her attitude toward Putin and Russia.  So our CIA is getting involved with the French election, just like they did in Ukraine, Argentina and Brazil.  And it’s amazing they fail to see their own Hipocracy in accusing Russia of interfering with US elections.  From No Quarter:


Obama, A Drunken Sailor Throwing Girly Man Punches at Putin?

Thank God we only have three weeks left of this cretin. Yes, I think Obama is a cretin, a fool and childish to boot. One week ago he gave the green light to betray Israel…  Now we have the latest twist in this manufactured drama–Obama is expelling Russian diplomats (some who almost certainly are intelligence officers) and imposing new sanctions on two individuals and four different entities.

This is a bizarre action given that Obama was waiting on the Intel Community to report on what actually happened. Remember this?

“The President has directed the Intelligence Community to conduct a full review of what happened during the 2016 election process. It is to capture lessons learned from that and to report to a range of stakeholders,”

Hell, why wait for a report. Let’s just go with a gut feeling. Obama is now behaving very much like a drunk who is angered after last call at a bar that he can’t get another shot of whiskey. Rather than quietly shuffle out the door and head for home, Obama has decided to throw drunken punches and smash furniture. He is leaving the bar in worst shape then when he came in the door.

These sanctions help Putin rather than hurt him. They coincide with the news that Russia and Turkey, with the cooperation of the Syrian Government, are implementing a ceasefire in Syria today. Whether connected on not, the U.S. action will be viewed in Russia as pique by a weak, frustrated foe…

But this is a dangerous action by Obama. It comes in concert with steps by NATO to put more Western troops on the border of Russia. It comes with increased bellicose calls by leading Republicans like Senators McCain and Graham for confrontation with Russia…

It is important that someone on the Trump team reach out to Putin via back channel and assure them that there is a genuine desire to restore civil relations with Russia. Obama’s real target in these sanctions is Donald Trump. He is trying to box Trump in and force him into the failed, hostile relationship that Obama produced. I am hoping that Trump stands his ground and starts dealing with Russia like an adult.

Let us remember the words of Henry Kissinger,

In this world, it is often dangerous to be an enemy of the United States, but to be a friend is fatal… Henry Kissinger 1968

Caution:  being friends with America can be fatal.  Obama and his neocons are hell bent on leaving the world in a chaotic mess that will take Trump four years to sort out.  Then, after four years of undermining the Trump Administration, America and her Treasury will be returned to the neocons.

I predict that Trump is not going to be any kind of pushover and the neocons have a rude awakening in store for them.  The world is moving on toward peace and cooperation.  The New World Order ushered in by George W. Bush is dead.  For the love of God, Obama, Biden, Dems and GOP take Donald Trump’s advice, “we need to get on with our lives, get over it.” 

By Patricia Baeten

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