Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The British Empire and Deep State wages war on Donald Trump

Forget the baseless allegations by the Deep State in America that Russia interfered with the American presidential election, the Shadow Government in Britain has waged a war against Donald Trump and will stop at nothing to remove him from office.  The color revolutions waged across Eurasia and the Middle East by the CIA have now come to America and the West.  FromLaRouchepac:


British Frantic To Destroy Trump, Save the Empire

The Soros-directed, "color revolution" process has now hit the USA in full force. 

The mass demonstrations against President Trump, and the 24/7 news coverage denouncing him, are not only hypocritical, but demonstrate that the British are becoming hysterical that they are losing control of the United States.  Since the death of Franklin Roosevelt, and especially since the British assassination of John F. Kennedy, the British system has taken firm hold in Washington.

While Wall Street seized full control over the nation's economic policy, using British "free trade" to replace Hamiltonian directed credit, the British also used the U.S. as the "dumb giant" to wage colonial wars on behalf of London and Wall Street, from Vietnam to the perpetual wars against sovereign, peaceful nations in the Mideast under both Bush and Obama. This sustained the imperial division of the world into East vs. West, leading to Obama's final efforts to provoke a U.S./NATO war against Russia and China.

Now Donald Trump threatens to overturn the entire imperial system: establishing a partnership with Russia to defeat the terrorist scourge (itself a creation of the British and their controlled monarchy in Saudi Arabia); ending the free-trade policies which saw the West shut down its own industries while exploiting cheap labor in the underdeveloped nations; ending the anti-growth and anti-science hoax of global warming; and promising to restore the American System of economics through Glass-Steagall to rebuild American industry, infrastructure, and scientific research…

Now, the British "Stop the War Coalition" is leading protests against the very person who has stopped Obama's perpetual warfare! British agent George Soros is funding mass demonstrations against Trump in the U.S. for supposedly being anti-Muslim, while supporting Obama, who killed tens of thousands of Muslims and drove millions of Muslims out of their homes…

The most serious error made by the new President -- his choice of the anti-Glass-Steagall (and serial forecloser) Steven Mnuchin to be his Treasury Secretary -- was disrupted today by a boycott by the Democrat members of the Senate Finance Committee.

By refusing to attend the Committee meeting scheduled to vote on the Mnuchin confirmation, they denied a "bipartison" vote, as required, thus indefinitely postponing the vote and giving time for further efforts to block the confirmation… Given Mnuchin's 15-year association with George Soros, Republicans should also understand why his confirmation must be stopped…

For years, the Anglo-American oligarcy and their press whores have peddled the lie that Russian and Chinese "aggression" must be stopped to save "western values," when in fact Russia and China have taken the lead in fostering the historic but discarded values of Western civilization -- providing security and prosperity for their own people, and, through the New Silk Road process, taking that security and prosperity to the rest of the world.

The U.S., meanwhile, has fallen into mass unemployment and underemployment, the collapse of manufacturing, an unprecedented drug epidemic, and profound cultural decadence, while under President Obama the nation has been in perpetual warfare, with Obama proudly drawing up a drone "kill list" on a weekly basis. Was this "Western values?"

Yes, the “press whores” have been working overtime to destroy President Donald J. Trump peddling lies about Trump and his family.  After Trump took his case for protecting the American people from false flag terror attacks directly to the people over the weekend in Florida the media whores screeched “liar” in unison.  The loudest voice has been the Soros funded Democracy Now who promoted “Not my president day” protests.  


Trump Doubles Down on Lies About Sweden

President Trump is doubling down on his false claim that Sweden is struggling with immigration-related security problems, after he faced widespread criticism and ridicule for appearing to invent a terrorist attack in Sweden while speaking at a 2020 campaign rally in Melbourne, Florida, on Saturday.

President Donald Trump: "Here’s the bottom line: We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening. We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany. You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden. Who would believe this? Sweden."

So what happened in Sweden that prompted Trump to tell a crowd of thousands of supporters that Sweden has experienced unprecedented terror attacks?  From Russia Today:


Dramatic footage shows cars ablaze in Swedish riot (VIDEOS)

Cars were set on fire, police were pelted with stones and civilians were beaten up as violent clashes broke out between rioters and law enforcement in the Stockholm district of Rinkeby on Monday night.  Police say seven or eight vehicles were torched in the suburb of Sweden’s capital following unrest in the area, which has a high immigrant population. It’s unclear if any immigrants were involved in the incident.

The violence was reportedly instigated after police arrested a wanted person at a metro station in Rinkeby at around 8pm. Police say between 30-50 people were involved in the disturbances.

Video footage from the night of destruction shows large crowds gathered and several cars engulfed in flames. Firefighters can also be seen tackling the blazing wrecks as strong winds whip flames in all directions.  A police officer was injured during the fracas, forcing law enforcement to fire several warning shots, according to Swedish public service broadcaster SVT.  No injuries were reported as a result of the shots.

Benjamin Dousa, a Moderate politician from Rinkeby, told that riots and car burnings are part of everyday life in the district.  “On average, we have one riot in the month, a car fire per day, and the most shootings across the country,” he claimed, before alleging that there are between 800-1000 professional criminal youth in Rinkeby and some surrounding areas.  An investigation into the outbreak of violence and the attacks against the officers is underway. An investigation into the outbreak of violence and the attacks against the officers is underway.

You won’t hear that news in the mainstream media in America, no you will just hear Trump is a liar.  The mainstream media is owned by billionaires who have hatched a plot to impeach or assassinate President Trump before the new world order is crushed in favor of a more just, and democratic American led world order.  From


The Foreign Plot to Oust Trump

It stretches from London to Langley to Kiev – and several points in between

Oh, the irony! Amid all the accusations of foreign interference in the election, the first solid indication of it showed up with the publication of a slanderous unsourced memo written by a “former” British intelligence agent accusing Donald Trump of various “perversions” and claiming he’s vulnerable to blackmail by those evil Russkies. The “ex”-MI6 agent, one Christopher Steele – how’s that for a name straight out of a James Bond novel? – works for “Orbis Business Intelligence, Ltd.,” a high-toned London-based “private” spook agency usually hired by big corporations out to spy on their competitors or those pesky environmentalists.

According to press reports, Steele worked undercover in Russia for several years, cultivating a wide network of contacts who, today, regularly feed him information. It was through these contacts that he concocted a series of memos first reported by CNN and later published by BuzzFeed, the product of rumor, gossip, and innuendo – in short, the stuff “raw” intelligence is made of.

News accounts also report that it was Fusion GPS, a Democratic “research” firm that got the initial contract, and was paid by the Republican wing of the “Never Trump” movement…

To begin with, anyone who thinks Orbis is a “private” intelligence agency, totally separate from MI6, the legendary British intelligence service, is delusional. These agencies… are simply extensions of the parent organization, MI6, which is, itself, intertwined with similar spook outfits in the US and throughout Europe... 

When Trump began talking about how “obsolete” NATO is, their alarm bells began to go off. The alliance is the bedrock of the international security apparatus that nurtures and rewards this crowd, and the anchor of the expansionist agenda that envisions Ukraine and Georgia as the next entrants in the anti-Russian grand coalition.

Those alarm bells started screaming when Trump took up with Nigel Farage, the UKIP leader and spokesman for the rising nationalist anti-EU movement: the Brexit campaign dealt the internationalists a near mortal blow, and the Trump-Farage hook-up drove them up the wall. Like Trump, Farage is “pro-Russian,” i.e. he opposes the drive to war against Moscow, and the double victory of Trump-Brexit has the NATO-crats in a panic. Something had to be done.…

So let’s step back and look at the players: the CIA, MI6, “the head of an Eastern European intelligence agency,” and the “one of the Baltic states’ intelligence agencies” – an international coalition out to oust Trump.  Talk about “foreign interference” in American politics! This makes Russia’s alleged intervention look like child’s play.

The Never-Trumpers are demanding a “bipartisan independent commission” to investigate the alleged Russian connection to the Trump campaign: they might as well call it the Commission to De-legitimize Trump’s Presidency…  It’s hogwash of the sort we haven’t seen since the 1950s, when J. Edgar Hoover was “investigating” (i.e. harassing) anyone who didn’t toe the cold war line. But these people wouldn’t dream of investigating the many foreign connections to the anti-Trump campaign, stretching all the way from London to Kiev to the Baltic states (I’d guess Estonia).

My, my.  Talk about getting even with Trump for Brexit.  Sounds like the job of impeaching Donald Trump calls for a real, seasoned criminal.  A war criminal that produced the “sexed up” intelligence that allowed the British to dupe the U.S. to spend trillions of dollars on a war in Iraq.  From the CIA’s megaphone the Washington Post:

Tony Blair’s new mission: To change UK minds on Brexit

LONDON — Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair launched a campaign Friday to persuade the U.K. to rethink its decision to leave the European Union, saying those who want to remain should rise up and make their wishes known.  Blair argued that the Conservative government’s drive to leave the EU “at any cost” will hurt future generations and damage the unity of the country itself.  Last year’s vote to leave the 28-nation bloc was “based on imperfect knowledge” and Britons made their decision without knowing the true terms of Brexit, he said in a speech in London…

Blair spoke on behalf of Open Britain, which is campaigning for the government’s Brexit legislation to be amended to ensure that Parliament has “proper scrutiny” over any deal May negotiates with EU leaders. Among the group’s goals is for Britain to remain part of the bloc’s single market, guaranteeing unfettered access to 500 million people…

It wasn’t immediately clear how much support Blair may have in creating a wave of sentiment against May’s plans. The once-popular Labour Party leader suffered a fall from grace after he supported the United States in its intervention in Iraq.

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson dismissed the speech, telling the BBC that people should “rise up and turn off the TV” when Blair comes on.

I’m with Boris Johnson, anyone that would give credence to a word the war criminal Tony Blair says is an idiot.  The British Empire was behind the campaign to fire General Flynn as Trump’s National Security Advisor.  From


British Use Flynn Ouster to Gear Up ‘Oust Trump’ Operation: Impeachment, Assassination—Whatever It Takes

Feb. 14, 2017 (EIRNS)—Yes, such Obama operatives as former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and the Washington Post, among others, played their designated roles in orchestrating the ouster of Gen. Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor. However, as Lyndon LaRouche has repeatedly advised, look to the British to find who is directing this chorus, and to what end.

Key British media today flaunted the intent that Flynn’s ouster not be the end, but the beginning of the drive to oust President Donald Trump from office, and to do so on the bandwagon that he has dared propose that the United States and Russia should cooperate for the greater good of all nations.

Look at British Broadcasting Corp., whose lead story throughout the day has been Flynn’s ouster. Remember that BBC still operates under a Royal Charter as it has since its founding in the 1920’s.  BBC’s target is Trump, with no less than six overlapping "news" stories to this effect. "Russia: The Scandal Trump Can’t Shake," one story is headlined.

Another trumpets that "the Flynn controversy may sharpen the focus on Donald Trump’s past pro-Russia statements." It insists that  "the really big question [is] what does this say about President Trump’s relationship with Russia?" Why does Trump "stubbornly refuse to say a bad word about ... Vladimir Putin. Not ever"?  BBC shamelessly revives the infamous dossier prepared by former MI6 officer Christopher Steele which circulated what were then admitted to be lies on Trump activities and ties in Russia, to imply that the American President is blackmailed by Russia…

The City of London’s Economist magazine joins BBC in dismissing Flynn’s ouster as but the sign of "some deeper infection…" Should such a Watergate impeachment scenario not work out, a contributing editor to the London Review of Books today raised another option: assassination of Trump: "There is no inherent harm in fantasising" about such a killing, Adam Shatz wrote on the LRB blog…

… In light of this, whose bidding do you think the Democratic and Republican Congressional leaders are doing as they dutifully line up to call for full-scale investigations into the Flynn affair?

So now that Flynn is out it seems war hawks like John McCain and Lindsay Graham are fawning over his replacement.  Hmmm, I wonder why.  From Stephen Lendman:


Trump Chooses Hawkish National Security Advisor
On Monday, Trump named hawkish Army Lt. General HR McMaster to replace Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor (NSA).  Political pressure lead to his unfortunate sacking for harmlessly discussing sanctions with Russia’s US ambassador.

Twice passed over for brigadier general, McMaster earned two more stars in less than six years after getting his first one, a remarkable advancement - given to warriors, not peace advocates… Known as a tough, outspoken, detail-oriented intellectual with a reputation for battlefield acumen, he remains on active duty in his new position.

Acting National Security Advisor General Keith Kellogg will work with him as chief of staff, Trump announced.  A 1984 West Point graduate, McMaster earned a doctorate in American history at the University of North Carolina. His dissertation criticized US Vietnam War strategy, explained further in his book titled “Dereliction of Duty.”  The war’s illegality went unmentioned, US naked aggression against Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, nations threatening no others.

As a captain, McMaster won a Silver Star for service during the 1991 Gulf War, illegal by any standard, a walkover from mid-January to February 28, massacring tens of thousands of Iraqis. US aggression remains ongoing, defenseless civilians suffering most.

During Bush/Cheney’s war on Iraq, McMaster served under General David Petraeus, involved in his so-called counterterrorism operations.  Known for challenging conventional wisdom, a White House spokeswoman said Trump “gave full authority for McMaster to hire whatever staff he sees fit.”  Passed over for NSA, Trump said former UN envoy (neocon) John Bolton will serve in an unspecified administration role, a disturbing development, given his rage for endless wars…

He’s a warrior, in 2015 saying “(w)hat we have to do is really develop the ability to think clearly about future war.” Last spring, he lied, accusing Russia of invading Ukraine and annexing Crimea. “What is needed is forward deterrence,” he advised. Not good signs!

Washington has lots of hawks, doves in short supply - especially with disturbing hostility toward Russia, China and Iran, risking direct confrontation.

Well it seems to me that Trump’s new National Security Advisor is in direct conflict with the Trump Doctrine of cooperation and peace.  The British Empire appears to be hell bent on the destruction of America as we know it.  From


Crush the British Empire Once and for All!

Jan. 24—Many have doubted the warning of Lyndon LaRouche, over these past 50 years, that the British Empire is still alive, and still dedicated to crushing the American System of Alexander Hamilton, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt. But today those doubts have been proven to be most foolish, as the imperial lords of the City of London and the British Monarchy have declared themselves, proudly, to be intent on destroying any effort to restore the American System in the United States, their former colonies.

The Obama years proved to be the total takeover of the U.S. government by the British System. The “free trade” model of the British, which America’s Founding Fathers had fought a revolution to escape, succeeded in eliminating all of the Franklin Roosevelt regulations and restraints on Wall Street, creating a speculative bubble reaching into the mega-trillions.

The British opium war on China was superseded in evil by the British and Wall Street banks’ “Dope, Inc.,” creating the worst drug epidemic in U.S. history, while Obama refused to jail the bankers responsible for either the financial crash or the drug money laundering, and openly promoted drug legalization.

Industry was dismantled under the guise of both “free trade” and the hoax that carbon was destroying the planet, all sponsored by Prince Philip’s World Wildlife Fund and related green fanatics. Space exploration and the scientific development of nuclear and fusion power were destroyed under the same British imperial model of enforced backwardness.

Perpetual, colonial wars have been waged against nations that were no threat to the United States, but were too close to Russia or China, using the British/Saudi-funded terror networks to remove governments by force. Obama and his British sponsors prepared for war with Russia and China with a massive military encirclement of both Eurasian nations.

The threat to this British control over the United States, represented by the defeat of the Obama/Hillary evil in November, has now forced the British out into the open, willing to kill to stop any chance that the Trump Administration might restore sanity. They must be stopped, and the British System destroyed, if civilization is to survive this crisis…

Remember that the British have a tradition of assassinating American presidents who have stood up against the Empire—Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy.

Karen Kwiatkowski over at Lew Rockwell has an interesting assessment on Donald Trump’s presidency, calling Trump the Perfect President.


Trump is the Perfect President

A river of angst and anger is roaring, gushing, and flooding the country.

Trump’s psychological state, ability, intelligence, actions and intentions, impact and ramifications — suddenly everyone is wide awake and nervous.  Trump’s consistencies and inconsistencies are equally frightening, his exercise of power as the “most powerful man in the world” seem insane in so many ways…

Democrats and Republicans for decades eagerly created a massive currency printing debt-slave funded government, with a massive and terrible foreign policy.   They promoted an arrogant self-congratulatory exceptionalism, whether based on lies about how much they cared about human rights (they never did) or how much they cared about liberty (they cannot even spell the word).  Every president has served as a co-conspirator against the Republic, either as power addicts or puppets of power addicts who with dedication and commitment chipped and hacked away at the Constitution.

The politically active, ignorant government believers in this country have all worked hard to create the very problems of the state with which Trump is now saddled and accused.  I celebrate the Trump presidency as a wake-up call for the lying hypocrites who have created the government we now have.  Hypocrites like red “independent” states that are net takers on federal tax and redistribution schemes.

Human rights, equality and environmental advocates who have for decades tolerated and promoted a foreign policy that confidently destroys human rights, equality, and the environment.  Large swathes of angry people who know no history, learn through flashed headlines and images, doped up on government approved and subsidized prescription drugs and infotainment have come alive in their frustration…

America is now led by the best it can produce, the best it can elect.  And yet, Trump is unique in that he is fulfilling campaign promises, using executive power to shrink and reverse legislation, and for the first time in my lifetime, appointing actual people to the various posts of government, based on their passions and skills, or better yet, their past criticism of this or that agency.

This alone is unusual, experimental, and fresh.  Bureaucracies don’t reform themselves…   Lazy, slow, and not-so-sharp herd animals get eaten by wolves, sometimes ripped apart, and often killed gratuitously in the wolf pack’s excitement.   What surprises me is all the mewing and bleating from the herds’ supporters…

Fascism seems to be the word of the day – but our government is a long established crony capitalist state, one able, willing and eager to take by hook, by crook and by force, whatever it wants from any citizen of non-citizen alike.  This is old news.  Those who love the glory of the state, adore its power and enjoy its parental aura, have built and supported the state we have.  Donald Trump is the perfect man to lead it.

I certainly hope that he might also be the perfect president to destroy it.

Amen, Sister Karen.  So, forget the baseless allegations by the Deep State in America that Russia interfered with the American presidential election.  The Shadow Government in Britain is waging a war against our elected President, Donald Trump.  The Washington establishment populated by Republicans and Democrats are more than eager to assist in impeaching or assassinating President Trump to bring about the restoration of the British Empire.  Hopefully Trump will prevail and restore the power to the people where it belongs.

By Patricia Baeten

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