Saturday, March 2, 2019

Neocons’ Trojan Hearse: Faux humanitarian aid for fascist takeover of Venezuela

“...why will men fight and suffer to advance the interests of their masters, who fling them aside when they have no further use for them?” ― Arthur Findlay

Gawd the crap they try to sell to us is insane, but then so are they.  First of all there are no people dying of starvation in the streets of Venezuela.  They are not eating their pets and President Madero is not a dictator stealing oil revenues from the people of Venezuela, it is quite the opposite.  The shortages and high prices of goods in Venezuela are the result of the neocon Zionist cabal’s “sanction regime” and outright theft of the bank accounts of the elected Bolivarian government.  The “crisis” in Venezuela is another false flag bullshit justification to invade a resource rich, cash poor country to steal their resources and enslave their indigenous population for the enrichment of the white rich upper class. 

Here in America the land of the free we are subjected to slavery by the ruling class.  We are fed a steady stream of propaganda telling us that the motivation for the neocon Zionist cabal that seized power over America in 2000 that brought us the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Libya, Georgia, Burkino Faso, etc. were to advance democracies.  Bullshit!  In the following video Representative Tulsi Gabbard tells Tucker Carlson the truth about America’s regime change wars.


The American government could give a shit less about our citizens let alone those citizens of countries that have been invaded and ravished by the same demonstrably insane merchants of death.  What America offers to the people of those countries is what has happened in America since the “2000 coup” enslavement of the people in service to the ruling class. 

We are fed a steady diet of “the dangers of socialism” when socialism is not a threat to the American people the real threat is “untethered fascistic capitalism.”  So now we want to “restore” democracy to Venezuela by installing an “unelected CIA trained economic hitman” to put Venezuela’s vast resources up for grabs for the global fascists.  So here’s what the merchants of death have to offer Venezuela:  From Geopolitics:


America is a Socialist Country… for the Rich

“America will never be a socialist country,” Donald Trump declared in his State of the Union address. Someone should alert Trump that America is now a hotbed of socialism. But it is socialism for the rich. Everyone else is treated to harsh capitalism.

In the conservative mind, socialism means getting something for doing nothing. That pretty much describes the $21 billion saved by the nation’s largest banks last year thanks to Trump’s tax cuts, some of which went into massive bonuses for bank executives. On the other hand, more than 4,000 lower-level bank employees got a big dose of harsh capitalism. They lost their jobs.

Banks that are too big to fail—courtesy of the 2008 bank bailout—enjoy a hidden subsidy of some $83 billion a year, because creditors facing less risk accept lower interest on deposits and loans. Last year, Wall Street’s bonus pool was $31.4 billion. Take away the hidden subsidy and the bonus pool disappears.

Trump and his appointees at the Federal Reserve are easing bank requirements put in place after the bailout. They’ll make sure the biggest banks remain too big to fail.

Trump is promoting socialism for the rich and harsh capitalism for everyone else in other ways. Since he was elected, GM has got more than $600 million in federal contracts plus $500 million in tax breaks. Some of this has gone into the pockets of GM executives. Chairman and CEO Mary Barra raked in almost $22 million in total compensation in 2017 alone.

But GM employees are subject to harsh capitalism. GM is planning to lay off more than 14,000 workers and close three assembly plants and two component factories in North America by the end of 2019…

Now, all over America, executives who run their companies into the ground are getting gold-plated exit packages while their workers get pink slips.  Sears is doling out $25 million to the executives who stripped its remaining assets and drove it into bankruptcy, but it has no money for the thousands of workers it laid off.

As Pacific Gas and Electric hurtles toward bankruptcy, the person who was in charge when the deadly infernos roared through Northern California last year (caused in part by PG&E’s faulty equipment) has departed with a cash severance package of $2.5 million. The PG&E executive in charge of gas operations when records were allegedly falsified left in 2018 with $6.9 million.

Under socialism for the rich, you can screw up big time and still reap big rewards. Equifax’s Richard Smith retired in 2017 with an $18 million pension in the wake of a security breach that exposed the personal information of 145 million consumers to hackers.

Wells Fargo’s Carrie Tolstedt departed with a $125 million exit package after being in charge of the unit that opened more than 2 million unauthorized customer accounts.

Around 60 percent of America’s wealth is now inherited. Many of today’s super rich have never done a day’s work in their lives.  Trump’s response has been to cut the estate tax to apply only to estates valued at over $22 million per couple. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is now proposing that the estate tax be repealed altogether.

What about the capitalist principles that people earn what they’re worth in the market, and that economic gains should go to those who deserve them?  America is on the cusp of the largest inter-generational wealth transfer in history. As rich boomers expire over the next three decades, an estimated $30 trillion will go to their children…

To the conservative mind, the specter of socialism conjures up a society in which no one is held accountable, and no one has to work for what they receive. Yet that’s exactly the society Trump and the Republicans are promoting for the rich. 

Meanwhile, most Americans are subject to an increasingly harsh and arbitrary capitalism in which they’re working harder but getting nowhere, and have less security than ever.  They need thicker safety nets and deserve a bigger piece of the economic pie. If you want to call this socialism, fine. I call it fair.

The Bush tax cuts along with endless wars have sent America into a financial death spiral.  That same crowd has infiltrated the Trump Administration and is now putting the last nails in the coffin of the American people.  It is difficult to figure out what Donald Trump is doing by surrounding himself with “never-Trump war criminals” but Justin Raimondo at InformationClearing House has an interesting take:


The Chef Boyardee War: Venezuela’s Clueless Opposition

My contrarian view of Venezuela’s regime change drama – that it’s regime change theater put on by President Trump for purely domestic political reasons – was confirmed on the big day when the conflict was supposed to come to a head, when the looming confrontation proved to be … dueling concerts! Regime change as entertainment – there’s something so American about that.

What the heck, a little music is what every regime change operation needs: however, the theme song of this one is turning out to be more John Cage than John Philip Sousa. Instead of “President” Guaidó rallying his forces and leading them into battle, he’s trying to cross a bridge that has never been used with 1000 cans of Chef Boyardee, 500 cartons of mac-and-cheese, and enough airline “food” (courtesy of Richard Branson) to kill off a number of Chavistas.

That flopped big time, with the trucks transporting this culinary Trojan Horse set on fire and the whole incident degenerating into an argument over who lit the match.

What did neocons expect? Did they really think the Venezuelan army, at that dramatic moment, would lay down their arms and defect to the opposition? The whole thing was a farce, and I mean that literally – in the sense that this stunt was never meant to succeed, or even to be taken seriously. It’s all a show, produced and directed by that expert showman: Donald J. Trump.

As I explained in a previous column, this fake regime change campaign is a ploy by Trump to stick the neocons with a well-publicized failure. After all, his newly-appointed special envoy to Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, declared Trump “unfit” to be President: the rest of the neocon network is now marching at the head of the “Resistance.”

It sure is fun watching Trump destroy his enemies. Extra added fun: watching the hysterics on the left go ballistic at my suggestion that the conflict in Venezuela is unlikely to result in all-out civil war, with the US fully participating. Oh no, it must end in massive slaughter.  Gee, whatever happened to “Give peace a chance”?

Wars and the threat of them invariably expose the hypocrisy and true allegiances of both sides, and this Venezuelan brouhaha yields some prime examples. On the left we have the ideologues in denial as the government jails opponents, and cracks down on the opposition with violence in the streets. On the right, we have “anti-communist” conservatives who have already forgotten the lesson of Iraq. “Send in the Marines!” they cry. To which one can only reply “And then what?”

That’s a question they assiduously avoid for the same reason it’s the first thing the generals want to know. And that’s the core reason I think there will be no military conflict involving the US: the Pentagon will never allow it. With our terribly over-stretched forces – some soldiers going four or five deployments without a break – and our ever-expanding list of enemies, another front in our foreign policy of endless war is the last thing the military wants.

As the opposition falters, they are increasingly calling for outside intervention: a multilateral OAS force with the US doing the heavy lifting.  Which once again proves how clueless they are. Here we are experiencing a worldwide rebellion against unelected self-proclaimed leaders and “experts,” and the neocons want us to fight a war on behalf of some guy named Juan who has no more claim to the Venezuelan Presidency than I do.

Trump loves to ask the audience at his rallies “Are you tired of winning yet?” In the case of the neocons’ Venezuelan adventure, you can count on us folks in the peanut gallery asking them: Are you tired of losing yet?

What a joke the neocon Zionist cabal has become.  If they weren’t aided by a corrupt bunch of media whores they’d be laughed off the world stage.  Thank God for alternative brave reporters staying on top of world news to debunk corrupt big media.  From Stephen Lendman:


Major Media Rage Over the Thwarted Trump Regime’s Trojan Horse Aid Scam

Whenever the US goes to war, plans one, or stages color revolutions or old-fashioned coups to try toppling sitting governments, establishment media can be relied on to cheerlead what demands denunciation, operating as supportive imperial tools.

Venezuela is in the eye of US rage to topple its democratic government, wanting equity and justice in the country eliminated, replaced by corporate power looting its resources, enforcing serfdom on its people, transforming the state into a plantation for profit-making, police state harshness targeting nonbelievers.

With Venezuela’s borders blocked to prevent entry of Trump regime Trojan horse “aid,” a political stunt unrelated to helping its people, DLT hardliners knew in advance their scheme would fail.  It was prelude for the next round of war on Venezuela by other means, likely greater violence than already planned – to be wrongfully blamed on Maduro, US imperial victims consistently blamed for high crimes committed against them.

Commenting on what happened over the weekend, the self-styled newspaper of record NYT laughably called the stunt “badly needed food and medicine” – failing to explain the Trump regime’s motive or that the amount was a virtually meaningless gesture.

The Times ignored over 1,000 tons of genuinely welcomed legitimate aid supplied by Russia, China, Cuba and other countries, not an imperial stunt, more to come, donating countries wanting to help Venezuelans – countering the Trump’s war by other means, largely responsible for economic hard times.

The Times and other major media refuse to recognize Maduro’s legitimacy. Supporting usurper in waiting Guaido shows allegiance to the Trump regime’s coop plot, an affront to what democracy is all about.

Pathetic Times videos moaned about “hope thwarted along with aid at Venezuela’s border,” another falsely accusing Maduro of “denying Venezuela’s US aid”deplorable propaganda rubbish no responsible editors would tolerate. Times editors featured them to their disgrace.

The neocon/CIA house organ Washington Post pretended that the Trump regime’s border stunt was legitimate aid, along with blaming Maduro for US-orchestrated violence, as well as torching two USAID trucks he and Venezuelan security forces had nothing to do with.

WaPo compounded its Big Lies by falsely accusing Venezuelan soldiers of using “live fire” – “according to some reports” it said without explaining they were fabricated on the Colombian and Brazilian side of Venezuela’s border – anti-Maduro propaganda, not credible information.  Thuggish US proxies bore full responsibility for live fire and other violence. Government forces responded in self-defense, largely with tear gas, no live fire intending to kill or injure.

The Wall Street Journal unleashed its paranoid propagandist/notorious history reinventor/pseudo-journalist Mary O’Grady – cheerleading usurper in waiting Guaido, denouncing Bolivarian social democracy, pretending Trump’s Saturday stunt was a genuine humanitarian effort.

She supports Latin and Central American tinpot despots, notably Colombian narco/terrorist president Ivan Duque, and Brazil’s tyrant Jair Bolsonaro. She abhors legitimate democrats like Maduro, turning truth on its head calling him a “dictator.”

Like all her rubbish, her latest propaganda piece was a litany of beginning-to-end bald-faced Big Lies, including falsely accusing Venezuelan security forces of “unleashing brutality against unarmed civilians.”

US proxies bear full responsibility for weekend violence, orchestrated by Washington, a familiar stunt, similar ones staged time and again in many countries, victims blamed for high crimes committed against them – including Pentagon terror-bombing on the phony pretext of combatting ISIS the US created and supports.

Mary what’s-her-name is a pathetic figure, unable even to lie well. Take everything she says with a grain of salt, best to avoid her altogether. 

If the Whore Street Journal and the Washington Whore Post were actually “real newspapers” with “real journalists” they’d be printing headlines like this from RT:

US sending ‘spoiled food’ and ‘expired medicine’ as aid – Venezuelan ambassador

Venezuela’s ambassador to Russia discussed his government’s rejection of American ‘foreign aid’, pointing out that aside from coming with dangerous strings attached, the so called ‘aid’ is unfit for consumption.  “We don’t perceive what the United States and its satellites offer as humanitarian aid,” Ambassador Carlos Rafael Faria Tortosa explained in an interview with Russian media.

He added that International Committee of the Red Cross agreed with his position, referring to recent incidents of opposition figures using fake Red Cross credentials at the Colombian border.  “Since we refuse to accept these goods, the States want to force them into our territory”

Venezuela has closed several borders in order to enforce a ban on “aid” packages from the US, an order which he says Washington has all but ignored in order to “create a tense situation on the border” which it uses to justify intervention.   

Aside from the broader political considerations, he said that Venezuela has also attempted to halt supplies from the US based on health and hygiene standards.

“The USA sends products that no one has tested. From our sources we know that their boxes have contained spoiled food, expired medicines and drugs, unsuitable for use. They have not been tested by a single one of the organizations that conduct these kind of checks around the world,” he noted.

Whereas Venezuela rejects aid from Washington, Tortas made it clear that it accepts humanitarian supplies from other countries Caracas feels can be trusted not to exploit the situation in order to push an anti-government agenda. Meanwhile, the essential supplies situation in Venezuela is not as desperate as it has been portrayed in Western media.

Asked if Venezuela was prepared to deal with an outright foreign invasion, Tortosa said that he still believes in a peaceful solution. He couldn’t say the same however, about US Vice President Mike Pence and US special envoy for Venezuela Elliot Abrams who visited US-allied Colombia on Monday.

 “We remember what this man did in Central America in the 1980s. This is a man who thinks only of military solutions,” Tortosa explained.  On Tuesday, Russia’s Security Council announced that the US was preparing for an invasion after American special forces units began amassing in Puerto Rico and Colombia. The US has utilized recent clashes over aid at the border to justify its aggressive maneuvers.

In the following video clip you will see what socialist government aid looks like.

The saddest part of this whole episode is that both parties in are equally corrupted and will eagerly support expanding wars on behalf of their corporate paymasters.  Senator Marco Rubio is a bought and paid for whore whose allegiance is to the Zionist billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson.  He is front and center along with religio-crazy Mike Pence in leading the charge for regime change in Venezuela.  From Lew Rockwell:


Psychopathic US Senator Openly Calls For Maduro To Suffer Gaddafi’s Fate

Influential US Senator and 2016 presidential candidate Marco Rubio has tweeted a blatant death threat and incitement of violence against Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro. As of this writing the post has 13 thousand shares and counting.

The tweet consists of a “before” and “after” photo of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who in 2011 was mutilated to death in the streets following a US-led NATO intervention in Libya which was launched on false humanitarian pretexts. The first photo depicts Gaddafi alive and confident with a smile on his face, the second depicts him covered in blood following his capture by a militia group minutes before his death…

Senator Rubio has been Capitol Hill’s single most virulent advocate of US interventionism in Venezuela, and has been tweeting about it constantly. Since Washington’s bogus “humanitarian aid” delivery sparked violence on the borders of Columbia and Brazil, as it was intended to, Rubio has cranked his interventionist cheerleading up to eleven.

The fact that Maduro would not allow a government that is openly staging a coup in Venezuela to hand a large unchecked delivery over to opposition factions within that very nation has been used to sell a narrative that Venezuela’s Evil Dictator is deliberately cutting off aid to a needy populace, which was of course planned.

This narrative has been helped along by highly suspicious photo-friendly fires, and has been injected into mainstream consciousness with hysterical urgency by the likes of Rubio, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris and the entire Trump administration. And it is completely false.

Firstly, Maduro is not refusing humanitarian aid for his people. Only an idiot would believe that the latest Official Bad Guy (who coincidentally happens to be sitting on top of the largest oil reserves on earth) is intentionally starving and depriving his people, and anyone who makes such claims should have to explain how they make that work in their minds.

What’s the idea behind that, exactly? Is he starving them all and cutting them off from medical supplies because he hates them? Is he trying to kill everyone in Venezuela so that he can have the entire country to himself? Does he have some strange sexual fetish for the slow starvation of an entire citizenry? How specifically does this work?

In reality, Maduro has been accepting aid from everywhere except from the government that is openly staging a coup in his country in gross violation of its national sovereignty. Just last week Caracas accepted 933 tons of food and medical supplies from China, Cuba, India and Turkey, and Russia has shipped in 300 tons of aid on its own.

President Nicolás Maduro announced that 7.5 tons of medical aid arrived in Venezuela from Russia.  Secondly, the paltry $20 million in food, medical and hygiene supplies sent via USAID pales in comparison to the $30 million per day the new US oil embargo will be costing Venezuelans this year. If the US wanted to help the Venezuelan people, the best thing it could do is end its crushing economic warfare upon them, which experts say has made economic recovery all but impossible.

Believing the CIA/CNN narrative that US sanctions only impact a nation’s leadership is dumber than believing that US bombs only kill bad guys; former UN special rapporteur Alfred de Zayas has said that US-led sanctions are killing Venezuelans and could be tried under international law as crimes against humanity. The best way for the US to help Venezuelans would be to cease all interventionism and end its economic warfare upon them.

Thirdly, there’s not actually anything stopping the US from giving the aid shipment it claims it wants to deliver to Russia, China, Turkey or India, for example, and having them deliver it. It could do the same with the UN or the Red Cross. There are many ways in which the US government which claims to care so much about the Venezuelan people could get its “humanitarian aid” to them which does not include highly provocative deliveries via military craft and aggressive stand-offs at Venezuelan border towns. The fact that Washington refuses to take those routes is an admission that the goal was always provocation and never humanitarianism.

Marco Rubio does not give a shit about the Venezuelan people. Like all Capitol Hill war whores, he only cares about advancing the hegemony of the US-centralized empire. Rubio endorsed the overthrow of both Gaddafi and Syria’s Bashar al-Assad in 2011; now half a million are dead in Syria as a result of the empire’s failed regime change intervention there, and the “humanitarian intervention” in Libya created a humanitarian catastrophe where people are openly sold as slaves.

“I was just in Venezuela where I heard many people voice fears that the US wants to turn their country into another Libya,” journalist Aaron Maté reported in response to Rubio’s tweet. “I’d say their concerns are well-founded…”

This is the face of the US regime change intervention in Venezuela, everyone. Donald Trump, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, and a war pig senator who calls for the torturous lynching of the leader of a sovereign nation. Whenever someone supports any part of this coup agenda, this is the side that they are standing on. This is the flag that they are flying.

Everyone knows on some level that the US government has a consistent and indisputable track record of lying about the leaders of nations in geopolitically crucial strategic locations when they refuse to bow to the demands of US interests…

No matter how many Venezuelans you tell me you’ve talked to, how evil you tell me Maduro is, how awesome you tell me Trump is, or how bad you tell me socialism is, this will still be true. And you know that it is true. Stop compartmentalizing away from facts you know to be true and turn and face the reality of what’s going on here.

Since the coup of 2000 with the insane, disgusting neocon Zionist cabal the faux humanitarian aid has consisted of arms, bombs and crap.  The Trojan Hearse of shit sent to Venezuela to give cover for the arms sent to CIA backed “rebels” is disgusting.  Sending “Death Squad Elliot Abrams” to the UN to gin up support for a US backed war in Venezuela seems about right for this deadly cabal.  From Stephen Lendman:

Dueling Russia/US SC Resolutions on Venezuela

Reportedly they’ll be introduced at a Thursday Security Council session, neither with a chance for adoption.  

The Trump regime resolution expresses phony “deep concern that the presidential elections of May 20, 2018 were neither free nor fair.” 

Fact: Whenever Venezuelan elections are held, international monitors call them scrupulously open, free and fair. The Trump regime resolution lied claiming otherwise.

It “calls for the immediate start of a political process leading to free, fair and credible presidential elections, with international electoral observation.”

Fact: All Venezuelan elections abide by this standard, including Maduro’s reelection by an overwhelming majority last May.

AP News quoted the above statements after seeing the draft US resolution. The neocon/CIA house organ Washington (Whore) Post added that the Trump regime seeks “ ‘the peaceful restoration of democracy’ in Venezuela (sic), free and fair presidential elections (sic), unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid to all people in need (sic),” expressing support for usurper in waiting Guaido, a traitor to his country, a figure with no legitimacy.

The Trump regime’s agenda is all about wanting Bolivarian social democracy eliminated, Venezuela transformed into a US client state under puppet rule, control gained over its oil, gas and other valued resources. There’s no ambiguity about what’s going on.

Venezuela’s electoral process is the world’s best, polar opposite the money-controlled sham US system – one-party rule with two extremist right wings, waging forever wars on humanity at home and abroad, wanting all nations subordinated to its interests, by brute force if other tactics fail.

Russia’s draft resolution slams attempts to illegally interfere in Venezuela’s internal affairs, expressing concern over US threats to topple Maduro forcefully.

Kremlin UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia called the US draft resolution “completely unbalanced,” expressing Russian “support (for) the territorial integrity, unity, (and) sovereignty of Venezuela.”

It calls for its people alone to resolve internal issues “with no hint of (foreign) military intervention” – by “dialogue (and) negotiation.”

According to the text seen by Sputnik News, it also “reaffirms the primary role of the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the initiation, organization, coordination and implementation of international assistance efforts and initiatives within its national territory, and recalls that such assistance should be provided with the consent of and on the basis of an appeal by the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.”

On Wednesday, Maduro cited polling data showing 86% of Venezuelans support dialogue to resolve internal issues – 92% against US military intervention.  Venezuelan ruling authorities “have shown great strength,” Maduro added, stressing that his government has no intention of surrendering to US imperial interests.

Most Venezuelans oppose the Trump regime’s diabolical aims. “(W)e are real. We are the majority,” Maduro stressed.  Usurper in waiting Guaido said he intends returning to Venezuela. Last week, he illegally entered Colombia, violating his travel ban.

On Tuesday, Venezuelan Supreme Court Deputy Judge Juan Carlos Valdez said Guaido is “hiding from justice. What is happening with runaways, who are reentering the country and found by the authorities? They must be caught and sent to a prison…He may face up to 30 years in jail…”

What a joke, how do they keep a straight face?  Maybe Justin Raimondo is right and Trump is letting the Zionist neocons run wild to set them up for the big fail.  How much longer is the world going to allow these lunatics a stage?  Thank God Russia is there to stop these fools.  From Strategic Culture:


Charging into Venezuela – Disastrous Overstretch for US

Are Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, National Security Adviser John Bolton and (farcically titled) Special Envoy for Restoring Democracy to Venezuela Elliott Abrams agents of influence for Russia and China? The idea has a lot more going for it than most of the ridiculous paranoia sweeping Washington over the past years.

If Russia and China really wanted to subvert the national security of the United States, they would seek to plunge Washington into a completely new, open-ended war with no practical resolution in sight on another continent far away from either of them where the United States itself had absolutely no major strategic interests at all, apart from fantasies of domination and greed.

Repeated congressional testimony over the past two years by Service chiefs confirms that these forces remain woefully aging and out of date despite record size defense budgets. This is testimony to the incompetence, corruption and sheer wastefulness of the military-industrial-congressional-complex (MICC).

Most of all, such a war would weaken the US armed forces and distract them from what is now supposed to be their primary strategic goal, as set out by the Trump administration itself of focusing on great power competition, primarily with Russia and China.

The sudden obsession with provoking a full-scale military confrontation with Venezuela does not fit this ambitious agenda: Instead it subverts it and guarantees US failure and defeat…

However, it is clear that Trump was sold a bill of goods and that Bolton and Pompeo are energetically pushing for mission creep to eventually insert major US military forces in Venezuela to topple legitimate President Nicolas Maduro and replace him with the farcical National Assembly Speaker Juan Guiado.

The US Fourth Fleet has been activated in the Caribbean and Bolton has been preparing to deploy thousands of US ground forces in neighboring Columbia – which incidentally continues to pose a far greater threat to US national security by its cocaine production and exports than Venezuela has ever done.

But why are they doing it? Venezuela’s vast oil supplies certainly make a tempting target. But previous US efforts at regime change, most notably in Iraq and Afghanistan have proven woefully incompetent in securing control of their victims’ strategic resources, much less organizing them for profit…

On the other hand, the recklessness and indeed plain stupidity of charging into Venezuela and risking opening up an endless war in a tropical jungle environment for the first time in half a century since Vietnam ought to be obvious to the National Security Adviser of the United States…

The US armed forces desperately need a time of peace and retrenchment such as they enjoyed under President Dwight Eisenhower in the 1950s and President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s to rest, recover and re-equip themselves. But Bolton, with his usual explosive cocktail combination of recklessness, gambling and hard-charging ignorance is not giving them that.

Bolton and his neocon coconspirators have always narcissistically prided themselves on being strategic “geniuses” much as Wile E Coyote, the endlessly hapless comic buffoon of the classic Warner Brothers Road Runner cartoons always did. Instead, in reality they have always been catastrophic clowns who did not have a clue what they were stumbling into. Venezuela is repeating that classic nightmare pattern…

Bolton and his friends have become victims of their own rhetoric, drunk on their own mad delusions. They really believe that the United States has become an eternal hyper-power, virtually omnipotent and inexhaustible – able to project limitless power in every direction simultaneously.

Friedrich Nietzsche was right: Those who the gods would destroy, they first make mad.

What America and the world needs is a regime change in Washington, clear out the Senate, clear out the House and restore our government of representation of the American people.  Get rid of the “Stink Tanks”, get rid of the military industrial complex, get rid of the CIA controlled big media and let’s start over.  From Information ClearingHouse:


Regime Change Is Urgently Needed In Washington

February 28, 2019 "Information Clearing House" -  I am surprised that no one else is saying it, writing it, shouting it at each and every corner:  It is not Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Iran that are in dire and crucial need of ‘regime change’. It is the United States of America, it is the entire European Union; in fact, the entire West.

And the situation is urgent.

The West has gone mad; it has gone so to speak, bananas; mental. And people there are too scared to even say it, to write about it.  One country after another is falling, being destroyed, antagonized, humiliated, impoverished. Entire continents are treated as if they were inhabited by irresponsible toddlers, who are being chased and disciplined by sadistic adults, with rulers and belts in their hands yelling with maniacal expressions on their faces: “Behave, do as we say, or else!”

It all would be truly comical, if it weren’t so depressing. But… nobody is laughing. People are shaking, sweating, crying, begging, puking, but they are not chuckling.  I see it everywhere where I work: in Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East.

But why?

It is because North American and European countries are actually seriously delivering their ultimatum: you either obey us, and prostrate yourself in front of us, or we will break you, violate you, and if everything else fails, we will kill your leaders and all of those who are standing in our way.

This is not really funny, is it? Especially considering that it is being done to almost all the countries in what is called Latin America, to many African and Middle Eastern nations, and to various states on the Asian continent.

And it is all done ‘professionally’, with great sadistic craftsmanship and rituals. No one has yet withstood ‘regime change’ tactics, not even the once mighty Soviet Union, nor tremendous China, or proud and determined Afghanistan.

Cuba, Venezuela, DPRK and Syria may be the only countries that are still standing. They resisted and mobilized all their resources in order to survive; and they have survived, but at a tremendous price…

People talk about ‘peace’. Many are begging the brigands to ‘to stop’, to ‘have mercy’, to show some compassion. But, neither Europe nor North America has ever shown any compassion, for long, terrible centuries. Look at the map of the beginning of the 20th century, for instance: the entire world was colonized, plundered and subjugated.

Now it is all moving in the same direction. If the West is not stopped, our planet may not survive at all. And let us be realistic: begging, logical arguments and goodwill will not stop Washington, Paris or London from plundering and enslaving.

 Is Venezuela going to be the last straw? And if not Venezuela, that is if Venezuela is allowed to fall, is it going to be Nicaragua, Cuba or Iran next? Is anything going to propel people into action?

Are we all just going to look passively how, the socialist Venezuela, a country which has already given so much to the world, Venezuela which managed to create beautiful visions and concepts for our humanity, is going to be burned to ashes, and then robbed of all of its dreams, its resources and of its freedom?..

This world is being brutalized and controlled by the fascist clique of Western nations. There is no ‘democracy’ left in this world, as there is near zero respect for international law in North American and European capitals…

One cannot negotiate with a group of countries which are already bathed in the blood of some 80% of the planet. If it was to happen, it would just be a mockery and it would simply humiliate everyone that is sincerely trying to stop the assassins.

Right now, Venezuela needs solidarity. It requires direct help, actions; not words. And so do many other countries.  Instead, it gets an endless avalanche of best wishes, as well as premature obituaries.  The Bolivarian Revolution has gotten plenty of colorful words. But what it urgently needs is volunteers, money, and internationalist brigades!

Who is going to face the Western spooks implanted into the Caracas and the Venezuelan borders with Colombia and Brazil? A few RT and TeleSur reporters, those true heroes, yes, but who else?  Only direct action can save Venezuela, and the world.  This is no time for debates.

This is worse, much worse than the late 1930’s.  The proverbial crocodile is here; its enormous ugly mouth open, ready to devour yet one more brilliant, proud country.  It is time to stick a big metal rod into its mouth. Now, immediately; before it gets too late.  Let us shout LONG LIVE VENEZUELA! But with our hands, muscles and purses, not just with our mouths.

And let us not be scared to declare: if anywhere, it is Washington where regime change is truly and urgently needed!

Amen, wake up America the neocons’ Trojan Hearse’s last stop will be here at home.  The fascist takeover began after 5 corrupt Zionist whores on the Supreme Court along with their cohorts in the Republican and Democratic Parties overthrew the American government and installed a CIA controlled government that still exists today. 

There will be no happy ending, there may not even be elections in the future.  The dollar is worthless, our treasury has been stripped and all the wealth has gone to fascist corporations and their Wall Street Banks.  Our infrastructure is that of a third world country. Our social safety net is on the chopping block and all to wage more wars.  Venezuela will be the new Vietnam War, is that what we voted for??

America needs a new Revolution and all we see on the horizon is a Trojan Hearse carrying the real Brutal Dictators of the West.  God Help Us!

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