Wednesday, May 13, 2020

PNAC-WHO-CDC-NIH-Bill Gates-Anthony Fauci a plague of corruption and crimes against humanity

The American people have been under attack by the Bush Crime Family for generations.   The Bush Crime Family includes the CIA, the FBI, Britain’s MI6, Israel’s Mossad, Democrats and Republicans.  The criminal cabal supported the Nazis under Hitler supplying gas for the death chambers.  They were behind the assassinations of FDR, JFK and RFK.  They were responsible for the collapse of the Savings and Loan banks of the 1980’s and 1990’s, the 2008 global financial crash and now the 2020 financial crash and Covid-19 bio-warfare attack.

The 911 attacks are the gift that keeps on giving.  George W. Bush lost the 2000 election to Al Gore in spite of massive organized election fraud that took place.  Once Bush was installed in office, the CIA, FBI, MI6 and Mossad plot for a nuclear and chemical attack on America was set in motion.  The U.S. Patriot Act had already been written was enacted immediately after the 911 attacks allowing a massive surveillance state and protecting pharmaceutical and chemical companies from lawsuits against their deadly vaccines.  The Covid-19 attack the world is experiencing is just a continuation of the 911 attacks.  From Lew Rockwell:


The Project for a New American Century and the Age of Bioweapons: 20 Years of Psychological Terror

A little over 20 years ago, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) conducted a military exercise that involved a “hypothetical scenario” of hijacked planes flying into both the Pentagon and the World Trade Center.

One year later, on October 24-26, 2000, another “hypothetical” military exercise was played out featuring an airline crashing into the Pentagon killing 341 people followed by yet another May 2001 Department of Defense “hypothetical scenario” which saw hundreds of medical personnel training for a “guided missile in the form of a hijacked 757 airliner” crashing into the Pentagon.  What arose from the smoke and debris of September 11, 2001 was unlike anything the sleeping masses or international community expected.

The shock effect so traumatized the masses that quite suddenly, citizens found themselves willing to give up their liberties at home while acquiescing to any retaliatory action desired by their government abroad. The scale of horror was so great that the international community banded together and showed their love and solidarity towards America in the wake of the tragedy with candlelight vigils across Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Russia and South America.

Humanity’s natural tendency to embrace and aid our fellow man in times of crisis expressed itself like a bright light in a world of confused darkness and a hope for a durable peace awoke in the hearts of many.  Alas, as the world came soon to discover, that hope was short lived.

The Neocon Takeover of America

Police State measures grew swiftly with the Patriot Act and mass internal surveillance under the “crisis management” run by the neocon cabal in the White House. While a new type of regime change war was created abroad, Dangerous protocols for Cheney’s “Continuity of Government” were set into motion and with these procedures, new mandates for Martial Law were created amplifying the powers, financing and deployment of U.S. Military capabilities both within the USA “under crisis conditions” and around the world.

Governments that had no connection to 9/11 were swiftly targeted for destruction using false evidence of “yellowcake” produced in the bowels of MI6, and a broader unipolar military encirclement of both Russia and China was set into motion which President Putin called out brilliantly in his famous 2007 Munich Security Conference Speech.

Of course this should not have been a surprise for anyone who took the time to read the Project for a New American Century manifesto published in October 2000 entitled Rebuilding America’s Defenses’ (RAD).

Under the Chairmanship of William Kristol (A NEOCON AGENT TODAY LEADING THE CHARGE TO IMPEACH PRESIDENT TRUMP) and co-authored by John Bolton, Richard Perle, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Elliot Abrams, and Donald Rumsfeld, RAD stated that to “further the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one-absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event- like a new Pearl Harbor”…

While much has been said about the “inside job” of 9/11, a lesser appreciated terrorist act occurred over several weeks beginning on September 18, 2001 killing five and infective 17 in the form of envelopes laced with bio-weaponized anthrax.

The Age of Bioweapons and PNAC

This anthrax attack led quickly into the 2004 Bioshield Act with a $5 billion budget and mandate to “pre-empt and defend further bioweapon attacks”. This new chapter of the revolution in military affairs was to be coordinated from leading bioweapons facility at the Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick. Since 2002, over $50 billion has been spent on Bioweapons research and defense to date.

The earlier October 2000 RAD document emphasized the importance which the neocon cabal placed on bioweapons (and other next generation war tech) stating: “Combat will likely take place in new dimensions: In space, cyber-space and perhaps the world of microbes… advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool”.

Lawyer and bioweapons expert Francis Boyle stated in 2007 that Fort Detrick’s mandate includes “acquiring, growing, modifying, storing, packing, and dispersing classical, emerging and genetically engineered pathogens for offensive weapon programs.” These new post-9/11 practices fully trashed the 1975 UN Convention Against Biological Weapons ratified by the USA by establishing a vast international network of bioweapons labs coordinated from Fort Detrick which would be assigned the role of doing much of the dirty work that the U.S. was “officially” prevented from doing on its own soil.

Where Hitler used the burning of the Reichstag to justify his enabling Acts, the neocons had their 9/11. The difference in the case of America was that Cheney failed to achieve the same level of absolute control over his nation as Hitler captured by 1934 (evidenced by pushback from patriotic American military intelligence circles against Cheney’s Iran war agenda). With this neocon failure, the republic lurched on.

The Rot Continues Under Obama

Obama’s rise was seen as a hopeful light to many naïve Democrats who still had not realized how a “false left” vs “false right” clash had been slowly constructed over the post WWII years. Either camp increasingly found itself converging towards the same world government agenda through using somewhat dissimilar paths and flavors.

It didn’t take long for many of Obama’s more critically-minded supporters to realize that the mass surveillance/police state measures, regime change wars, and military confrontation of Russia and China begun under Cheney not only failed to stop, but even expanded at faster rates than ever.

In the months before Obama left office in July 2016, the classified Directive 40: National Continuity Policy was enacted creating a line of “Devolution authority” for all branches of the government to a “duplicate chain of individuals secreted outside Washington available in a catastrophic emergency”. Days prior to Trump’s inauguration, Federal Continuity Directive 1 was issued to transfer authority to military forces who could be used to suppress “insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination or conspiracy.”

The Importance of Knowing This History

There are very clearly two diametrically opposing methods of analyzing, and solving the existential crisis threatening our world currently: Multipolar or Unipolar.

While Russia and China represent a multipolar/pro-nation state vision driven by large scale development projects that benefit all- rich and poor alike exemplified by the New Silk Road, Polar Silk Road, Space Silk Road and now Health Silk Road, something much darker is being promoted by the same financial oligarchy that owns both right and left sides of the deep state coin.

These later forces have provably positioned themselves to take control of western governments under crisis conditions and are not afraid to use every weapon in their arsenal to destroy their perceived enemies… including bioweaponry. This latter uncomfortable reality was asserted quite candidly by leading officials of Iran and even the Chinese Foreign Ministry just weeks ago.

Admittedly, whether or not the current coronavirus pandemic is a bioweapon is not yet fully proven (although growing body of evidence asserts that it is, as seen here and here and here and here). What we know for certain are the following facts:

Numbers are being systematically misrepresented to convey much greater rates of death vs infections as dozens of leading medical experts have proven. Contaminated test kits have started showing up in the UK on March 30 and countless false results are showing up since covid test kits are often not differentiating between covid-19 and the typical coronavirus strains of the flu that average between 7-14% of flu cases every year. This doesn’t mean that COVID-19 should not be taken seriously, but only that the reported numbers are being artificially falsified to generate heightened panic.

The COVID-19 Task Force at London’s Imperial College has been found to be the singular source of the false “left” vs “right” debate poisoning the west’s response to the pandemic. Teams working out of this British Intelligence nexus have generated BOTH the “do-nothing-and-wait-until-natural-resistance-evolves” herd immunity theory while simultaneously creating the “shut everything down one-size-fits-all” doomsday models being used by the WHO, UN, and leading Deep State assets like Michael Bloomberg, Steve Bannon, Bill Gates and George Soros.

In case you doubt the influence of the Imperial College on world policy, a March 17 New York Times article described them in the following terms: “With ties to the World Health Organization and a team of 50 scientists, led by a prominent epidemiologist, Neil Ferguson, Imperial is treated as a sort of gold standard, its mathematical models feeding directly into government policies…”

Lastly, and most importantly, the pre-9/11 military exercises were not merely hypothetical scenarios but exercises which led directly into a new “Pearl Harbor” that modified the behaviour of Americans under terror, panic and misinformation like nothing ever seen before. The parallels to today’s coronavirus outbreak cannot be missed for anyone who has taken a serious look at the strange case of the Event 201 Global Pandemic Exercise on October 19, 2019 in New York.

Event 201 was sponsored by the Michael Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, and World Economic Forum which ran simulations under the “hypothetical” scenario of a novel coronavirus pandemic killing 60 million people. Reviewing just one of Event 201’s many recordings openly available on their official site features some very disturbing parallels to the events unfolding today:

Unipolar Martial Law or Multipolar Marshall Plan?

As I outlined in my previous paper, the mass-panic generated by COVID-19 has created a 9/11-situation with the expected police state laws being passed under the radar of many people who would normally be paying attention to such things. One of the most dangerous measures enacted involved a classified bill in February which formally mandates the head of NORTHCOM (who is also the head of NORAD) to become acting President of the United States under conditions of Martial Law, un-governability of the executive branch or general chaos in America. This later scenario is not terribly unlikely considering the danger of a financial blowout of the banking system combined with economic lockdowns of the west.

China and Russia both understand the nature of the game and both nations have acted responsibly in dealing with the outbreak of Coronavirus with China’s successful containment having won seven consecutive days of no new cases. It is important that unlike the remedies promoted by London’s Imperial College, neither Russia or China have totally shut down their nations, but have rather kept their economies alive which selecting methods for selective quarantines and lockdowns (China only locked down 15 nations plus Wuhan while the remaining 95% of their economy continued to produces and support the recovering component).

We know that President Trump has resisted the pressure by Deep State Experts to shut down America and has stated so repeatedly, but up until his recent conversations with Xi Jinping and Putin, there were very few options available to him beyond those proposed by Dr. Fauci, the Green New Dealing Dems or “bailout everything” monetarists around Mnuchin and Kudlow.

Now that China and Russia have begun sending cargo ships of vital medical equipment to America as part of the Health Silk Road (OVER THE SCREAMS OF NEOCONS AND NEOLIBERAL TECHNOCRATS LIKE), a new possibility for a cure has presented itself.

If Trump acts decisively with courage and intelligence, there is still a chance that sovereign nation states may yet stay in the drivers’ seat and use this crisis as an opportunity to force through a debt jubilee, banking reform and new Bretton Woods emergency conference to establish a foundation for a new just economic system. If Trump is unsuccessful in this task, it is more than a little scary to think about what hell will beset the world in the coming months and years.

Yes, the Bush Crime Family’s covid-19 lockdown of America is designed to destroy President Trump’s re-election chances.  The Obama Administration provided continuity that was upended with Trump won the election and they have been working to remove Trump from office ever since. 

As the previous article stated “In the months before Obama left office in July 2016, the classified Directive 40: National Continuity Policy was enacted creating a line of “Devolution authority” for all branches of the government to a “duplicate chain of individuals secreted outside Washington available in a catastrophic emergency”.  This cabal has been fighting to keep the country shut down and to discourage the use of hydroxychloroquine an inexpensive, known drug that has been proven to not only protect against acquiring Covid-19 but also greatly improving the condition of patients with Covid-19.  Their main goal is to continue the physical and financial destruction of America.  From Thierry Meyssan:


The Global Political Project Imposed on the Occasion of Covid-19

The inept reactions of European governments to Covid-19 were dictated by former advisers to Donald Rumsfeld and George W. Bush. Contrary to public rhetoric, they make no medical claims. Far from responding to the reality of the epidemic, they aim to transform European societies in order to integrate them into their political and financial project.

Regardless of whether the Covid-19 epidemic is natural or has been provoked, it offers an opportunity for a transnational group to suddenly impose its political project without discussion or even exposure.

Within a few weeks we have seen so-called democratic states suspend fundamental freedoms: prohibiting people from leaving their homes, participating in meetings and demonstrations, under threat of fines or imprisonment. Compulsory schooling for under-16s has been provisionally abolished. Millions of workers have been deprived of employment and automatically placed out of work. Hundreds of thousands of businesses have been forced to close down and will no longer be able to reopen.

Without preparation, governments encouraged companies to telework. All communications via the Internet were immediately recorded by the Echelon system. This means that the “Five Eyes” (Australia/Canada/New Zealand/United Kingdom/USA) have in their archives the means to unlock the secrets of almost all European manufacturers. For that, it is already too late.

None of the societal transformations have a medical justification. No epidemiology book in the world has discussed, let alone advocated, “mandatory generalized containment” to fight an epidemic.

The political leaders of the European Union Member States have been stunned by delirious mathematical projections of a mass murder in their own countries [1] They were then comforted by the ready-made solutions of a powerful pressure group whose members they had met at the Davos Economic Forum and the Munich Security Conferences [2].

Compulsory generalized containment” had been conceived fifteen years earlier, within the Bush administration, not as a public health tool, but to militarize US society in the event of a bio-terrorist attack. And it is indeed this project that is applied today in Europe.

The initial plan, conceived more than 20 years ago around the head of the pharmaceutical laboratory Gilead Science, Donald Rumsfeld, planned to adapt the United States to the global financialisation of the economy. It was a question of reorganising the planet by dividing the tasks of each person geographically.

Areas not yet integrated into the global economy would be deprived of a state and become mere reservoirs of raw materials; developed areas (including the European Union, Russia and China) would be responsible for production; and the United States alone would provide the world’s arms and police industry.

To do this, a group was created within a think-tank, the American Enterprise Institute, the “Project for a New American Century”. The latter announced a rather crude part of its programme, but only part of it; that intended to convince major donors to support Gorge W. Bush’s election campaign.

On September 11 at 10 a.m., when two airliners crashed into the World Trade Center in New York, the “Continuity of Government” (CoG) programme was declared, although the situation was not at all as foreseen in the texts. President Bush was taken to a military base. Members of Congress and their teams were taken to a huge bunker 40 kilometers from Washington. And the top-secret Continuity Government, of which Rumsfeld was a member, assumed power until the end of the day.

Taking advantage of the emotional shock of that day, this group passed a voluminous anti-terrorism code drafted long in advance, the USA Patriot Act; created a vast domestic surveillance system, the Homeland Security Department; reoriented the mission of the armed forces according to the global division of labor (Cebrowski Doctrine); and began the “Endless War. IT IS IN THE WORLD THEY SHAPED THAT WE HAVE BEEN LIVING IN A NIGHTMARE FOR THE PAST TWO DECADES.

If we are not careful, the current group, of which Dr. Richard Hatchett is the visible element, will take this agenda from the United States to the European Union. It will impose over time a mobile phone tracking application to monitor our contacts; it will ruin certain economies in order to transfer their production power to the arms industry; and finally it will convince us that China is responsible for the epidemic and must be contained (Containment).

If we are not careful, the NATO we thought was brain dead will reorganise. It will expand into the Pacific with Australia joining as a trading partner [3].  If we are not careful, public schooling will be replaced by home schooling. Our children will become uncritical parrots, knowing everything but understanding nothing.

In the new world being prepared for EU Europeans, the big media will no longer be financed by the oil industry, but by Big Pharma. They will convince us that all the measures taken have been the right ones. Search engines will rate the credibility of the non-compliant media on the headlines of the signatories of their articles, not on the quality of their reasoning.

There is still time to react.

Interesting, “In the new world being prepared for EU Europeans, the big media will no longer be financed by the oil industry, but by Big Pharma.”  That certainly has happened.  Big Pharma’s vaccine industry is protected from prosecution in America.  From Robert F. Kenned Jr.:


Gates’ Globalist Vaccine Agenda: A Win-Win for Pharma and Mandatory Vaccination

Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vaccination ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control of global health policy.  Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems to be fueled by a conviction to save the world with technology.

Promising his share of $450 million of $1.2 billion to eradicate Polio, Gates took control of India’s National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) which mandated up to 50 doses (Table 1) of polio vaccines through overlapping immunization programs to children before the age of five.

Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children beyond expected rates between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and asked Gates and his vaccine policies to leave India. NPAFP rates dropped precipitously.

The most frightening [polio] epidemics in Congo, Afghanistan, and the Philippines, are all linked to vaccines.

In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) reluctantly admitted that the global explosion in polio is predominantly vaccine strain. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, Afghanistan, and the Philippines, are all linked to vaccines. In fact, by 2018, 70% of global polio cases were vaccine strain.

In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died.

Indian government investigations charged that Gates-funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.


In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a phase 3 trial of GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,949 children.

During Gates’ 2002 MenAfriVac campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates’ operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Approximately 50 of the 500 children vaccinated developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for the drug makers.” Nelson Mandela’s former Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates’ philanthropic practices as “ruthless and immoral.”

In 2010, Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO saying, “We must make this the decade of vaccines.” A month later, Gates said in a Ted Talk that new vaccines “could reduce population”. In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a  “tetanus” vaccine campaign.

Independent labs found a sterility formula in every vaccine tested. After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade.  Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines.

A 2017 study (Morgenson et. al. 2017) showed that WHO’s popular DTP vaccine is killing more African children than the diseases it prevents. DTP-vaccinated girls suffered 10x the death rate of children who had not yet received the vaccine. WHO has refused to recall the lethal vaccine which it forces upon tens of millions of African children annually.

Global public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of steering WHO’s agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases: clean water, hygiene, nutrition, and economic development. The Gates Foundation only spends about $650 million of its $5 billion dollar budget on these areas.  They say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal philosophy that good health only comes in a syringe.

In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, and PATH, Gates funds a private pharmaceutical company that manufactures vaccines, and additionally is donating $50 million to 12 pharmaceutical companies to speed up development of a coronavirus vaccine.

In his recent media appearances, Gates appears confident that the Covid-19 crisis will now give him the opportunity to force his dictatorial vaccine programs on American children.

Dr. Anthony Fauci works for Bill Gates and the WHO, NIH and CDC are also affiliated with Gates.  These are the people who are advising Trump.  Fauci also has patents on some of the vaccines and both Fauci and Gates make money off their vaccines.  Gates and Fauci should be prosecuted for their crimes against humanity.  From Jon Rappoport:


Bill Gates, HR6666, Remdesivir, Deaths in Italy

“The Gates Foundation gives grants in the hundreds of thousands and often millions to such media organizations as NBCUniversal, Al Jazeera, BBC, Viacom (CBS) and Participant Media (the producer of pro-charter school documentary Waiting for Superman)…

Both Gates and the Gates Foundation are sizable shareholders in Comcast, which is the primary investor in Buzzfeed and Vox, as well the parent corporation of MSNBC and NBC News—the latter of which teamed up with Gates and other noted education experts like Exxon and University of Phoenix Online for the week-long charter school commercial ‘Education Week’.”

“In 2009, the New York Times reported that the Gates Foundation was partnering with media companies to write and shape stories to ‘embed’ messages in primetime dramas:”

“’It [the Gates Foundation] is less well known as a behind-the-scenes influencer of public attitudes toward these issues by helping to shape story lines and insert messages into popular entertainment like the television shows ER, Law & Order: SVU and Private Practice. The foundation’s messages on HIV prevention, surgical safety AND THE SPREAD OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES have found their way into these shows.” [CAPS are mine]

“His enormous wealth and the reach of media parent corporations seem to exempt Gates from routine disclosure requirements. He was offered up as an education expert in the pro-charter Waiting for Superman, without any mention of the fact that he donated at least $2 million to the film and had a media partnership with its distributor, Viacom. He is given softball interviews in Comcast-backed Vox without disclosure that he’s a major Comcast investor. Because his stake in media companies is laundered enough times, it’s assumed not to merit mention.”

“In the case of the Guardian, Gates effectively owns an entire vertical, so when one of his investments is written up, one doesn’t notice the conflict of interest—like a fish doesn’t notice water. Because his influence is everywhere, it appears to be nowhere.”

HR6666: This aptly numbered bill is moving forward in the US House Energy and Commerce Committee. Titled TRACE, “Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone,” it officially embeds the snitch culture—with benefits for new agents of the State:

“To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID–19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes.”

“The Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, may award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID–19, to trace and monitor the contacts of infected individuals, and to support the quarantine of such contacts…”

HR6666 funds this enterprise to the tune of “$100,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2020; and such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal year 2021 and any subsequent fiscal year during which the emergency period continues.”

Why don’t they simply advertise: “Have you always wanted to run around like a little fascist, targeting the unwary, the sheep, the outliers, the rebels, the dissenters? Here’s your chance. The State will pay you to do it. Who knows? Maybe the government will design a uniform for you, embroidered with the logo of a skull or a virus with spikes.”

REMDESIVIR: This is the Fauci COVID drug. He wants the antiviral to hit the market yesterday. At the Alliance for Human Research and Protection (, an article points to the fraud:

“Fauci’s Promotional Hype Catapults Gilead’s Remdesivir”: “[On 4/29], Gilead [the manufacturer of remdesivir] issued a press release announcing that it ‘was aware of positive data emerging from [a] National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) study’.” [Gilead provided assistance on study design and conduct to NIAID.]

“Based on the ‘positive data’ from the NIAID study, the Food and Drug Administration approved emergency use of remdesivir against COVID-19 on May 1.”

“…Dr. Anthony Fauci, who heads the President’s Coronavirus Task Force, and heads the NIAID, since 1984, has a vested interest in remdesivir. He sponsored the [NIAID] clinical trial whose detailed results have not been peer-reviewed. What’s more, [on May 1] HE declared the tenuous results to be ‘highly significant,’ and pronounced remdesivir to be the new ‘standard of care.’”

“Dr. Fauci made the promotional pronouncement while sitting on a couch in the White House, without providing a detailed news release; without a briefing at a medical meeting or in a scientific journal – as is the norm and practice, to allow scientists and researchers to review the data.”

“What Dr. Fauci failed to disclose to the public in his promotional pronouncement was that the [list of] primary outcomes [measures for success or failure] of the [NAID] study [NCT04280705] were changed on April 16, 2020. Changes in the Primary Outcome are posted on Clinical”

“Changing primary outcomes [measures] after a study has commenced is considered dubious and suspicious.”

“Reuters News reported that highly respected prominent leaders in the medical community — such as Steven Nissen, MD, the chief academic officer at the Cleveland Clinic and Eric Topol, MD, director and founder of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in California – were unimpressed by remdesivir’s tentative, modest benefit at best.”

“…the NIAID-Gilead study results have not been published in peer-reviewed literature – nor have details of the findings been disclosed. However, they were publicly promoted by the head of the federal agency that conducted the study, from the White House. What better free advertisement?”

So…take this admittedly toxic drug. Convincing data? No need. Just trust Fauci. Like other drugs of its type, remdesivir inhibits the machinery of cell-reproduction in the body.

DEATHS IN ITALY: I have reported on this con in the past. Italy’s own National Institute of Health has been combing through the records of patients who have died. Their average age? 79.5. And the overwhelming percentage of these people were already suffering from multiple, long-term, serious health conditions—and had certainly been treated with a number of toxic medical drugs. Claiming their deaths stemmed from the purported COVID-19 virus would be absurd.

Add to these facts the horrendous air pollution in areas of Northern Italy. Toxic air can easily explain the lung conditions attributed to the virus.  In recent years, the annual number of flu cases in Italy averages roughly five million. It’s a simple matter to label some of these people COVID-19.  I’ve also indicated that vaccination campaigns could account for destruction of health in Northern Italy. I have a few possible clues in that regard.

Colorado Naturopathic Doctor, Michael Murray writes: “Could a new flu vaccine be partly responsible for the COVID-19 mortality rate in Italy?…My colleague, Dr. Alex Vazquez, provided me with a valuable insight. In September 2019, Italy rolled out an entirely new type of influenza vaccine. This vaccine called VIQCC is different than others.

Most available influenza vaccines are produced in embryonated chicken eggs. VIQCC, however, is produced from cultured animal cells rather than eggs and has more of a ‘boost’ to the immune system as a result. VIQCC also contains four types of viruses – 2 type A viruses (H1N1 and H3N2) and 2 type B viruses…”

Well-known Italian writer, Br. Alexis Bugnolo, states: “Italians are still trying to understand why Bergamo, of all the cities of Italy, is the epicenter of the Coronavirus epidemic…”  “One factor may be that the city was vaccinated en mass not once, but twice, in the 2 months preceding the Coronavirus outbreak in the city.”

In the fall [2019], according to records 141,000 doses of vaccine against the winter flu were administered by the local health board. Of those, 129,000 were Italians over 65 years of age. Of those, 129,000, 70% had grave heart problems.” 

“Then, again, in December, from the 24th through to January, there was a mass vaccination program against Hepatitis-C of 21,331 citizens of Bergamo. And in the surrounding province, another 12,000 citizens.”

At “In September 2019 was made available for the first time in Italy a ‘cell-based’ flu shot, called VIQCC or QIVc, that is produced from cultured animal cells rather than eggs.”  “VIQCC is a quadrivalent flu vaccine that contains 2 type A viruses (H1N1 and H3N2) and 2 type B viruses. It is approved for people ages 9 and older.”

ANY vaccines given to people whose immune systems are already weakened—such as the elderly and infirm—are automatically dangerous and life-threatening at a high level. Two vaccines within the space of a few months, one of which has added new viral material and/or a variety of new cellular and genetic debris—plus the usual toxic chemicals—and you have a potential recipe for disaster.

Now Fauci is claiming that America needs to cancel school for this fall.  Basically what he and Gates are doing is using the Covid-19 terror attack to push Gate’s home school/charter school globalist agenda.  From Ron Paul:


Authoritarians Using Coronavirus Fear to Destroy America

A Fresno, California waffle restaurant dared to open its doors for business this weekend to the delight of a long line of customers, who waited up to two hours for the “privilege” of willingly spending their money in a business happy to serve them breakfast on Mother’s Day. This freedom of voluntary transaction is the core of what we used to call our free society. But in an America paralyzed by fear – ramped up by a mainstream media that churns out propaganda at a level unparalleled in history – no one is allowed to enjoy themselves.

Thankfully everyone carries a smartphone these days and can record and upload the frequent violations of our Constitutional liberties. In the case of the waffle restaurant, thanks to a cell phone video we saw the police show up in force and try to push through the crowd waiting outside. An elderly man who was next in line to enter was indignant, complaining that he had been waiting two hours to eat at the restaurant and was not about to step aside while the police shut down the place. The police proceeded to violently handcuff and arrest the man, dragging him off while his wife followed sadly behind him to the police car.

It is hard not to be disgusted by government enforcers who would brutally drag an elderly man away from a restaurant for the “crime” of wanting to take his wife out for breakfast on Mother’s Day. A virus far more deadly than the coronavirus is spreading from Washington down to the local city hall. Tin pot dictators are ruling by decree while federal, state, and local legislators largely stand by and watch as the US Constitution they swore to protect goes up in smoke.

Politicians with perfect haircuts issue “executive orders” that anyone cutting hair for mere private citizens must be arrested. In Texas a brave salon owner willingly went to jail for the “crime” of re-opening her business in defiance of “executive orders.” To add insult to injury, Governor Greg Abbott very quickly condemned the one week jail sentence of salon owner Shelley Luther – but the officers who arrested her were only carrying out Abbott’s own orders!

First we were told we had to shut down the country to “flatten the curve” so that hospitals were not overwhelmed by coronavirus patients. When most hospitals were nowhere near overwhelmed, and in fact were laying off thousands of healthcare workers because there were no patients, they moved the goalposts and said we cannot have our freedom back until a vaccine was available to force on us or the virus completely disappeared – neither of which is likely to happen anytime soon.  Many politicians clearly see the creeping totalitarianism but lack the courage to speak out. Thankfully, patriots like Shelley Luther are demonstrating the courage our political leaders lack.

When Patrick Henry famously said “give me liberty or give me death” in 1775, he didn’t add under his breath “unless a virus shows up.” If we wish to reclaim our freedoms we will have to fight – peacefully – for them. As Thomas Paine wrote in 1776, “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”

As the election nears the Bush Crime Family gets more and more desperate.  RussiaGate was a bust and now the criminal activity of the Obama Administration is being revealed daily.  Time is running out for the criminal cabal and I wouldn’t be surprised if the FBI and Crime Family members of congress tried to pin their 911 attacks on Trump.  Trump must stay strong to defeat this cabal.  From Tom Luongo:


From RussiaGate to ObamaGate and the End of Boomerville

From the beginning of the story RussiaGate was always about Barack Obama. I didn’t always see it that way, certainly. My seething hatred for all things Hillary Clinton is a powerful blind spot I admit to freely.  But, it’s clear that Obama was always the vector through which the entire investigation into Donald Trump pointed. He’s the only one with the power to have marshaled the forces arrayed against Trump for the past four years.

We’ve known this for a couple of years now but there were a seemingly endless series of distractions put in place to obfuscate the truth.

Donald Trump was not a Russian agent.

What’s clear now is the President Obama’s administration was regularly engaged in illegally using NSA database access to spy on Americans and political opponents. This operation pre-dates Trump by a few years.

It was de rigeur by the time the election cycle ramped up in 2016. The timing of events is during that time period paints a very damning picture. This article from Zerohedge by way of Conservative Treehouse lays out the timing, the activities and the shifts in the narrative that implicate Obama beyond any doubt.

On April 18, 2016, following the preliminary audit results, Director Rogers shut down all FBI contractor access to the database after he learned FISA-702 “about”(17) and “to/from”(16) search queries were being done without authorization. Thus begins the first discovery of a much bigger background story.

And that’s when everything changed. Because at that point, having lost access Obama’s spy team needed another way into the NSA database. Enter Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele and the ridiculous dossier used to issue FISA warrants on Carter Page and all the rest of it.

The details are all there for anyone with eyes willing to see, the question is whether anyone deep in the throes of Trump Derangement Syndrome will take their eyes off the shadow play in front of them long enough to look.

I’m not holding my breath.

Obama is guilty of the highest crimes a President can be guilty of, utilizing Federal law enforcement and intelligence services to spy on a political opponent during an election. This is after eight years of ruinous wars, coups both successful and not, drone-striking U.S. citizens and generally carrying on like the vandal he is.

ObamaGate arrives on the verge of the real 2020 election season, now that the DNC has circled the wagons around Joe Biden hiding in his Gimp Cellar because they have no one else to run who isn’t pure Kryponite, with Obama coming out of the shadows to attack Trump’s handling of COVID-19.  Rumors abound as to whether he can be Hillary’s running mate if Biden can’t run. Their echo chamber is desperate to build up his wife Michelle as the VP candidate.


Because this is Obama’s way of running for a third term without being on the ballot. Trump has to destroy what’s left of the Left’s Last Messiah before we get into the campaign season or he will be dealing with someone his equal on the campaign trail.  

Why else would Hillary back Biden after spending the past year trying to clear the decks for her triumphal return after they trashed Trump’s economy with a fake pandemic, and even faker impeachment trial based on an even less real accusation of him being a Russian agent?  She knows that it’s time they bury the hatchet, circle the wagons and get rid of Trump the only way they can now, at the ballot box.

Because if they don’t the generations-long project for global control by The Davos Crowd on their terms will evaporate as Trump goes on a vindication tour of DC.  These people obviously missed the key point about Goebbels’ Big Lie theory of propaganda. For it to work there has to be a nugget of truth to wrap the lie in before you can repeat it endlessly to make it real.  And that’s why RussiaGate is dead. Long live ObamaGate.

Obama’s people have been covering for him for nearly four years now. They have been exposed as bald-faced liars by the transcripts of their impeachment testimonies to Adam Schiff and the House Intelligence Committee.  None of them were willing to testify under oath, and be guilty of perjury, to the effect that Trump was colluding with the Russians. But, they’d say it on TV, Twitter and anywhere else they could to attack Trump with patent nonsense.

Now that the heat is rising and the apparatus they used to control turns its attention to what they did, enough of them will roll over and give Attorney General William Barr what he wants. Some of them will fall on their sword for Obama.

But I don’t think Trump will be satisfied with that. He has to know that Obama is the key to truly draining the Swamp if that is, in fact, his goal. Because if he doesn’t attack Obama now, Obama will be formidable in October.

Both men are fighting for their lives at this point.

Trump was supposed to roll over and play nice. But Pat Buchanan rightly had him pegged at the beginning of this back in January of 2017, saying that Trump wasn’t like Nixon, he wouldn’t walk away to protect the office of the Presidency. He would fight to the bitter end because that’s who he is.

And here we are coming into the home stretch and the bitter end is staring these people in the face. They’ve lost all credibility, corrupted whole swaths of the Federal government beyond recognition and activated every resource they have in the media and the chattering classes to make manifest a bald-faced lie.

And it didn’t work.

Now the desperation sets in. The exoneration of Gen. Michael Flynn, the release of the transcripts and conflicting stories told by John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey and the rest all point to something beyond sinister.

You can smell the fear now. From Bill Kristol to John Brennan they can see the end of their project, whether it was for a New American Neocon Century or just the cynical push for a transnational oligarchy based around the European Union, their Utopian dreams have run into the immovable object of a people refusing to believe their lies anymore.

And if you look just a little farther into the future, once ObamaGate is behind us, one where Trump is re-elected you’ll see the end of something far bigger, the end of what I’m now calling Boomerville.  We’ve all been sucked into this fantasy of money for nothing and wars for free. That we can, as Ron Paul put it so elegantly for years, have both guns and butter.

Boomerville is that mythic image of a better world filled with unicorn farts and toxic egalitarianism and that we can issue endless debt we owe to ourselves to pay for it all.  It’s a Marxist world of power for power’s sake that lowers everyone’s status to that of worker drones while building them up to be heroes in a story only playing out in their own minds.

RussiaGate was the last ditch effort to kill off the Revolt of the Remnant, to take their Messiah, the Orange Jesus himself, Trump, and paint him as the worst thing possible.  They painted the picture that he was what they actually were.

And, by extension, us too. Those are fighting words folks.

It’s Alinsky 101, accuse your opponent of that which you are. Force them to defend themselves against the baseless and the false until they are either shamed into submission or crack under the pressure.   I warned for a long time that Trump wasn’t that guy. That his unique set of skills and personal faults — his vindictiveness, his narcissism and his disagreeableness — were his greatest strengths.

He could outlast RussiaGate and eventually turn it around onto the people who started it. And that’s where we are now. RussiaGate is now Obamagate and backed by an army who understand that his fight is their fight Trump needs to end this once and for all between now and November.

That’s where this ends, with Boomerville being over run by the Deplorables and the Resistance still trying to figure out why none of it worked.

Amen brother Tom, the entire New World Order is crumbling.  The world Donald Rumsfeld envisioned of “global financialisation of the economy” and America’s only exportable product being “arms and police industry” has devastated the world and America in particular.  This plague of corruption and crimes against humanity must stop and those responsible must be brought to justice. 

If Donald Trump is successful in being reelected there will be a new financial paradigm required wherein America must work with Russia and China to create a just and peaceful world.  America must lead the world in ending biochemical experimentation and toxic vaccines.  We know when Trump was elected he spoke to Robert Kennedy Jr. about heading up a “safe vaccine” task force.  The idea was scuttled by the Bush Crime Family components in his administration who insisted that Alex Azar, big pharma’s Washington lobbyist head HHS.  Let’s hope Trump resurrects the task force with Kennedy as its head.  God Speed.

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