Saturday, October 23, 2021

The most honest election evah and the most popular president evah – Let’s Go Brandon!


“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” ― George Orwell, 1984


Well here we are just ten months in and the guy that got the most presidential votes in history, so many mail-in votes that the vote tallying places had to shut down and in the dead of night special interest forces were brought in to count the overwhelming number of votes, more than the number of registered voters, is on a roll.  Let’s Go Brandon!

Jim Hoft puts it this way in his article “THE BIG STEAL: New Poll Busts Open Big Media Lie on Biden’s Alleged 2020 Surprise Voting Bloc” published in Gateway Pundit:

“In 2020 President Trump won more votes than any sitting president in US history.  Trump increased his vote totals by 12 million votes in 2020 over 2016.  Biden got a record low number of counties in the United States by a supposed “winner” – only 16%.”

“But Trump improved in EVERY category.

** President Trump won more Hispanic votes.

** President Trump won more female votes.

** Trump won more black votes.

** President Trump won more gay votes.

** President Trump won more immigrant votes.

“But somehow Democrat Joe Biden, who did not campaign and can barely string two sentences together, supposedly won 81 million votes.  The same guy who can’t get 20 people to come out and see him when he travels around the US.”  So how did Joe do it? How did Democrats steal the 2020 election?

We now know Democrats used several means to score illegal votes in several states. We witnessed them counting ballots behind closed doors, bringing in endless piles of ballots days after the election, locking Republicans out of the counting rooms, pulling boxes of ballots out from under tables when all the observers were sent home, driving in vanloads of ballots in the early hours of the morning after Joe Biden fell far behind...”

Take a ride outside the city in any state and you STILL see Trump flags. Donald Trump had enormous appeal — more than any president in the last 100 years!

Let’s go Brandon!

Our Dear Leader is so popular that a special staged-White House press room had to be constructed with special tele-prompters to assist Dear Leader’s handlers in convincing the American people that Dear Leader has all his marbles.  The Dear Leader’s popularity has sunk to a new low of 35% a number which reflects the actual percentage of the vote Biden received in the 2020 Presidential Election (before CIA intervention). Let’s Go Brandon!

Yes Dear Leader is being hailed across the land from sea-to-shining sea for the stellar job he is doing, or so big media would have you believe.  Every step has to be choreographed to correct the images your lying eyes are seeing that would have you believe that Dear Leader is actually reviled.  As crowds across America gather in sports venues their only recourse to be heard without censorship is through collective demonstrations of revulsion for the Biden Administration.

Ahh, I bet you thought you heard “Fuck Joe Biden” but that is not what you heard at all.  No the media has done the public a service, you didn’t hear “Fuck Joe Biden” what you heard was “Let’s go Brandon.”

We’ve been through this before, in 2000 George W. Bush lost the election until the CIA, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, the Supreme Court and the democratic and republican leadership intervened and installed George W. Bush as President of the United States.  Within 9 months of bulldozing through a Zionist agenda of World Dominance Bush’s approval rate was 39%. 

What happened?  Voila!  The 9-11 controlled demolition of the asbestos laden, low occupancy twin towers, the anthrax (military grade) attack on America and the bombing of the Pentagon whose recent audit showed $2.3 trillion missing from their coffers.  After the inside job no one dared criticize Dear Leader George W. Bush for anything!  Let’s go Brandon!

America is ripe for another False Flag attack.   The groundwork is being laid by our corrupt “elected leaders” and I use the term “elected” loosely.  Ahh yes, the American people are being trained by the CIA controlled media to turn on each other, to have a watchful eye in order to quickly report any fellow citizen or noncitizen as a potential “domestic terrorist” for non-compliance with Covid scamdemic, unconstitutional mandates.

The most vulnerable to the CIA Mockingbird Media propaganda are those born after 1950. That group would include those who heard about the American youth who fought against the Vietnam War, those who heard about the black and white Americans who fought against racial discrimination and were maimed or killed for it. They heard about the Pentagon Papers, the Watergate Scandal and the attempts to squash a free press and freedom of speech and holding government accountable but have rejected those American values.  Let’s go Brandon!

As Glenn Greenwald put it:

“And when fanatics convince themselves that their cause is not only indisputably just but an imperative for survival, then any doubts or questions about methods and weapons can no longer be acknowledged. The war they are fighting is of such overarching importance and righteousness that there is no such thing as unjust or excessive means to achieve it.”

“Just a cursory examination of liberal discourse is enough to see that they have long ago arrived at and flew past this point of sectarian zealotry. And that is what explains their overwhelming support for state and corporate censorship of the internet, increasing reverence for security state agencies such as the CIA and FBI, love for and trust in corporate media, and a belief that no punishment or level of suffering is excessive when it comes to retaliation against their political enemies, including but not only those who participated in any way in the 1/6 protests.”

This generation is willing to trust the government to censor unpleasant speech, to give up their constitutional rights to bear arms, their right to be safe from unwarranted search and seizure, their right to practice their religion without government interference, their right to petition their government to address their grievances, their right to face their accusers, their right to a speedy trial.  This generation of ignorant, self-righteous zealots spew CIA talking points as if they come from a bible of a new religion.  Let’s go Brandon!

This generation is willing to give up not only their right to privacy when it comes to their body, they demand that you also give up your rights too.  They demand the government force the rest of society to be forced into accepting their doctrine of compliance or be denied any kind of medical care or freedom to pursue happiness.  Let’s go Brandon!

Meanwhile the Deep State’s most revered war criminal, Colin Powell has died after receiving the mandated Covid vaccine like a good soldier.  Powell whose entire career was advanced by covering up atrocities like the Mai Lai massacre, and his Powell Doctrine that gave a wink and a nod to burning villages and killing the elderly, women and children civilians during the Vietnam War is being deified. America’s most trusted general, knowingly, willingly lied the world into war in Iraq leaving millions dead and wounded.  Let’s go Brandon!

At the same time Powell is being deified, real heroes like Thomas Jefferson is being vilified by the CIA’s mocking bird media.  This is a truly Orwellian twist.  According to The Activist Post’s article entitled “The Empire of Lies Breaks Down: Ugly Truths the Deep State Wants to Keep Hidden”:

“This breakdown—triggered by polarizing circus politics, media-fed mass hysteria, racism, classism, fascism, fear-mongering, political correctness, cultural sanitation, virtue signaling, a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness in the face of growing government corruption and brutality, a growing economic divide that has much of the population struggling to get by, and militarization and militainment (the selling of war and violence as entertainment)—is manifesting itself in madness, mayhem and an utter disregard for the very principles and liberties that have kept us out of the clutches of totalitarianism for so long.”

“In New York City, for example, a 200-year-old statue of Thomas Jefferson holding the Declaration of Independence will be removed from the City Council’s chambers where it has presided since 1915. Despite Jefferson’s many significant accomplishments, without which we might not have the rights we do today, he will be banished for having been, like many of his day, a slaveowner. Curiously, that same brutal expectation of infallibility has yet to be applied to many other politically correct yet equally imperfect and fallible role models of the day.”

Let’s go Brandon!  Yes, Jefferson whose “many significant accomplishments, without which we might not have the rights we do today, will be banished for having been, like many of his day, a slaveowner. Curiously, that same brutal expectation of infallibility has yet to be applied to many other politically correct yet equally imperfect and fallible role models of the day.”  Colin Powell is one excellent example of politically correct and fallible role model of the day, who has been canonized by the CIA controlled media.  Let’s go Brandon!

My, my.  This is a new world America, get used to it.  There are no inalienable rights, there’s no constitution, there’s no bill of rights.  Career war criminals are deified, while average citizens are domestic terrorists in need of reeducation.  Let’s Go Brandon!

The American people are so enamored by our Dear Leader that they have written a song of tribute to our spiritual shaman Joe Biden.  Let’s join hands and sing in unison our song of praise, “Let’s go Brandon” as we fight to take back our country.  You can steal our elections, lock up our citizens in solitary detention without charges or even a court date but you can never steal our hearts and minds.  The more brutal and vicious the Biden regime gets the more we will rebel, Let’s go Brandon!  That is our clarion call, let’s go Brandon!


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