Saturday, July 21, 2018

If this be treason…

How stupid are the American people??  Very, very stupid.  In the 2008 election Barack Obama, a man of zero accomplishments was elevated to the highest elected office in America.  This man, whose pitiful academic record of nothingness was gifted the nomination by the morally bankrupt Democratic Party elites.  After serving one-incomplete term as U.S. Senator, a seat that was acquired though through the machinations of a corrupt Chicago cabal, Senator Obama was shoe-horned into the presidency.  His entire campaign was based on the fact that he was black and if you voted against him you were racist.

Martin Luther King Jr. must have spun in his grave as Barack Obama was elevated to the presidency of the United States strictly on the basis of being black in America not on the content of his character. The American people rejected this neophyte with no legislation under his belt whose college transcripts were concealed by the CIA and the Democratic Party.  The Democratic Party no longer exists it died in 2000 when they conspired with the GOP to install the Bush/Cheney cabal into office in a stolen election.  And now these same treacherous criminals are calling President Trump treasonous?  If this be treason…

In 2008 Hillary Clinton buried Obama in state after state handily winning the primary election.  It was then that the DNC stepped in and overturned the will of the voters and gifted the nomination to Obama. In return once installed in office, Obama continued with the agenda of George W. Bush and bailed out the Wall Street banks that caused the massive global financial meltdown.  Obama not only continued Bush’s wars but started new wars of his own.

In 2016 the American pe0ple revolted and rejected the boiler plate GOP and DNC candidates and threw their support to an outsider who vowed to drain the Deep State swamp that had taken control over the government in 2000.  Our last president to take on the Deep State was President John F. Kennedy who was summarily assassinated by the CIA.  From State of the Nation:


Deep State’s Intensifying Coup Against Trump, Traitors Boldly Expose Themselves

Will ex-CIA Director Brennan become President Trump’s Allen Dulles?

President Kennedy’s fate was sealed when he fired his CIA Director.  Were it not for the Internet, it’s almost certain that Donald Trump would have been JFKed by now. When virtually the entire U.S. Intelligence Community is aiming for you, there’s no way to escape their furtive plots and deadly machinations.

In November of 1963, former CIA Director Allen B. Dulles deceptively floated the key details of an assassination plot against President John F. Kennedy. The assassination plan was purported to take place during Kennedy’s visit to Chicago in early November, which he subsequently cancelled…  The deliberate uncovering by the C.I.A. of this conspiracy to kill the POTUS was nothing but a ruse meant to give JFK et al. a false sense of security during his visit to Dallas later on that November, which it did.

There is now no question that the CIA was operationally in charge of the implementation plan to murder JFK in Dallas.  And that Dulles was running the operation from “The Farm”, a CIA training facility also known as Camp Peary. (Camp Peary is a 9,000 acre U.S. military reservation in York County near Williamsburg, Virginia.)

What’s the crucial point?

While the C.I.A. did not order the hit, they were put in charge of the execution plan for several reasons.  Not only did The Company (as the CIA is known in intelligence circles) have an ax to grind with Kennedy after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, Dulles and his core team were unceremoniously fired shortly thereafter for insubordination…

Quite disrespectfully, President Lyndon Johnson appointed Dulles to the utterly corrupt Warren Commission where he became the report’s final arbiter after acting as a lead investigator.  Johnson knew that he could count on Dulles to promote the absurd “lone assassin” theory given that the ex-CIA administrator oversaw the assassination scheme as well as the complex cover-up.

This time around another C.I.A. Director — John Brennan — ignominiously resigned effective Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day.  One could say that he was ushered out of C.I.A. headquarters in Langley, Virginia because of his unprecedented open hostility toward Candidate and then President-elect Trump.  As a matter of historical fact, no C.I.A. Director has ever publicly expressed such antipathy toward a presidential candidate or sitting POTUS.  It’s just never happened before.

Clearly, Brennan’s highly contemptuous behavior is not only a reflection of his personal animosity toward President Trump, it also indicates that he’s one of several lead agents of Deep State’s slow-motion coup.  It’s now self-evident that the entire U.S. Intelligence Community has been running a soft coup against the Trump administration that literally began on Election Day.

In point of fact, the public record is replete with shocking instances of former senior intel officials attacking Trump in a manner never witnessed in American politics.  Even John F. Kennedy never suffered the unrelenting assaults that Trump has weathered since he declared his candidacy in June of 2015.  All along, it has been John Brennan who has led these acrimonious attacks…

Core mission of  C.I.A. is to overthrow governments

The FBI has already proven to be filled with Trump haters as is the DOJ and Department of State.  Even AG Jeff Sessions has acted in a manner that is unprecedented, particularly in the face of so much naked criminality and corruption at Justice.  His complete and total failure to drain the swamp, the very reason why his boss was elected POTUS, is quite alarming.

Then there is the Neocon cabal that inhabits every corner of the West Wing.  These dual citizen Zionists have more loyalty to Israel than they do to the United States.  What might they do if Trump starts to abandon their mission to invade and conquer Iran?

However, it is the likes of John Brennan, James Clapper, Michael Hayden, Michael Morrell and other covert intel operatives who are the most dangerous.  For they continue to control factions within the U.S. Intelligence Community which could prove to be life-threatening to the POTUS at any moment.  John Brennan’s recent comments about Trump ought to give every American reason to pause…and then offer a prayer of protection.

Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

In November of 1963, the C.I.A. circulated a flyer all over Dallas, Texas in advance of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy’s.  It’s quite likely that fired CIA Director Allen Dulles was directly responsible for that smear campaign.  He was very experienced in the toppling of governments around the world which his tenure at the CIA was well-known known for.  More details about this treasonous scheme can be found at the link below.

Deep State is setting up Trump just like they did to President Kennedy … but it’s the Shadow Government that’s really calling the shots…

President Donald Trump is the savior that America has waited for, needs and desires.  But now the evil that lurks is trying to destroy our President with unsubstantiated claims of Russian collusion, porn star allegations of infidelity and incessant claims of treason for seeking peace in the world.  How stupid are the American people?  Very, very stupid.  America has been hijacked by a media that is controlled by the intelligence agencies.  Wake up America before it’s too late.  Russia is not our enemy.  From The Burning Platform:


The Black Belt Strategist

Putin has made many of his critics look like fools, thus the rage and hysteria.

Vladimir Putin is a black belt in judo, the only Russian and one of the few people in the world to be awarded the rank of eighth dan. He also practices karate.  A fundamental principle of martial arts is using an opponent’s size and momentum against him. This is Putin’s strategic approach. Westerners demonize Putin, but few try to understand him. Trying to understand someone else is regarded as a pointless in narcissistic America, selfie-land. Perhaps 90 percent of the populace is incapable of grasping anything more subtle than a political cartoon.

That’s a pity, because Putin has accomplished a geopolitical triumph worthy of study. He’s catalyzing the downfall of the American empire, and it has nothing to do with subverting elections or suborning Trump.

Putin became acting prime minister in 1999, then president in 2000. The Soviet Union’s 1991 collapse devastated Russia. The economy shrunk and life expectancies fell. A group of rapacious oligarchs, many with Western backing, acquired Soviet industrial and commercial assets at fire sale prices…

During his first two terms, from 2000-2008, the economy began recovering from the 1990s. Projecting a law and order image while stifling critics, he solidified what has become his unwavering support, winning 72 percent of the vote in the 2004 presidential election.

A coterie of highly placed idiots in the US and Europe insist that Putin’s ultimate goal is to reconstitute the former Soviet Union on his way to global domination. Russia’s GDP, after 18 years of recovery, is $1.4 trillion, compared to almost $20 trillion for the US and over $17 trillion for the European Union. Russia’s military budget is $61 billion, versus $250 billion for NATO nations (excluding the US) and over $700 billion for the US…

Putin, unlike America’s high and mighty, realizes from Soviet experience that empires drain rather than augment an empire’s resources.  Conquering the world is one thing, throwing the American empire to the mat another.

Putin must have smiled when George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan in pursuit of Osama bin Laden, purported mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. The US’s hubristic rage led it into what has been a quagmire at best, a graveyard at worst, for a string of invaders, including the Soviet Union.

Defenders fighting on their own turf have huge advantages over occupying forces, rendering conventional invasions virtually obsolete. Relatively inexpensive grenades, mines, IEDs, and shoulder-launched missiles, often supplied from outside the country, take out expensive tanks, artillery, aircraft, and military personnel.

The insurgents know the language and territory, they’re supported by the local populace, they can set off remote bombs and blend in with the civilians. They aren’t going anywhere and can wait out the invaders, sapping their morale and political support back home.

Eighteen years after the Afghanistan invasion, Putin is still smiling. With each military failure since, the US became more stupidly belligerent, bearing massive costs in blood and treasure. Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia: talk about letting the enemy defeat itself! And as the US plunged into one inextricable morass after another, it plunged ever deeper into debt.

Russia, meanwhile, has one of the developed world’s lowest debt ratios, stockpiles gold, and is divesting its US debt. It has teamed up with China on the Belt and Road Initiative. That series of projects, financed primarily by the Chinese, advances Russia’s and China’s interests and influence across Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. This approach seems to garner more support than US bullets and bombs…

Russia’s one military foray in the Middle East has been Syria. Obama’s hapless strategy (regime change? terrorist eradication?) left the US at cross-purposes with itself. Putin suffered no such confusion, helping Bashar al-Assad turn the tide against the insurgents…

Putin scored a geopolitical coup. He effectively stood by his allies, in contrast to America’s ineptitude and ever-shifting alliances and objectives. The conflict sent hundreds of thousands of refugees to Europe. Russian intervention reversed the flow. Saner souls in Europe have to be questioning European subservience to the US and NATO.

Putin has expressed his consternation at NATO’s expansion to Russia’s borders, especially the prospect that NATO could incorporate Ukraine. While that’s an understandable concern, the expansion hurts the US more than Russia...

NATO leaves its members hostage to the likes of Lithuania, Montenegro, and Croatia... It’s always at the borders that empires first falter. The US is treaty-bound to go to war to defend tiny, far-flung states that are a stone’s throw from Russia. The US lays out the lion’s share of the money, stations soldiers, and maintains bases pretending that it would actually defend these geopolitical midgets. Putin must smile at the effort wasted on the nonexistent possibility that he’ll invade.

Often, he doesn’t even need to lift a finger to body slam the US. The Democratic party and neoconservatives, and their toadies in the media and intelligence community have rabidly peddled an evidence-free concoction that he and Trump colluded to deny Hillary Clinton her ordained presidency. It’s emblematic of America’s deranged politics…

Trump is determined to pick America up off the mat. SLL has said repeatedly that his foes are most worried about their own criminality being exposed and prosecuted. That’s essential if the country is ever to regroup and recover. Trump’s summit with Putin and subsequent press conference performance left his foes foaming at the mouth, bandying terms like “disgraceful” and “treason…”

That he braved the idiotic torrent before and after the summit, seemingly unperturbed except for a few acerbic tweets, suggests that he’s got something up his sleeve. Judging by their insane hysterics, the opposition knows it. As always, their tactics betray desperation and weakness, not strength.

America cannot recover unless the traitors that are embedded in the intelligence agencies are excised.  One thing Putin and Trump accomplished in their joint presser was to expose the lies congress and their supine media have inundated the airwaves with concerning The Magnitsky Act and congress’ favorite Russian criminal Bill Browder.  From Gold Goats and Guns:


Russia, Insanity and the Treason that Wasn’t

It’s become clear to me U.S. politics is reaching a breaking point.  The level of hysteria over Donald Trump’s summit with Vladimir Putin is wholly disproportionate to what actually occurred.

Putin declared the Cold War over.  Pat Buchanan agrees and so do I.  For as much grief as I give Donald Trump for his many missteps in foreign policy, his going to first Singapore and then Helsinki in the service of peace and better relations is more than commendable.  It was necessary.

Donald Trump may not be the President many of us wanted.  But, like it or not, he is both the president we have and the one we deserve.  Our politics have been on a collision course with the bottom of the cesspit since 9/11…  We have bathed in the waters of “the archipelago of War Party think tanks beavering away inside the Beltway,” as Buchanan put it in his recent article, and come out stinking like either liberal interventionists or neoconservatives.

Or do I repeat myself.

Both are in service of a greatly-expanded Deep State and corrupted political and financial class that is the height of what Sam Francis termed “Anarcho-Tyranny.”  Lawlessness for those with power and both ends of the truncheon for those without.  The net result is a corporate media that is the very definition of fascism. I’m talkin Mussolini here, not the meaningless pablum of the frothing Twitterati of Soros’ and Brock’s “Resistance…”

Given the best these people can do is hang Trump with the term ‘traitor’ so casually is prima facia evidence of 1) their desperation and 2) their insanity.  Trump cannot be a traitor for going out and executing one of the main functions of the President, meeting with foreign leaders.

The insanity stoked by real traitors like James Comey, John Brennan, Bill Browder, and John McCain who did conspire with foreign governments (the U.K., Ukraine and yes, Russia) to bring down a sitting President has people still believing that they can overturn the election and award the Presidency to Hillary Clinton ex post facto.  As lawless as the United States has become, even that is a little beyond the pale… but only just a little.

From Russia With Love

Vladimir Putin took a cue from Trump’s masterful handling of the media to inject a few tons of reality into the minds of people all around the world…  Putin declared the Cold War over, even though it wasn’t of his design.  Trump, for his part, said U.S./Russian relations have never been worse but that changed a few hours previous.

A collective sigh of relief went up from billions around the world as the Two Most Hated Men in the Western World mutually declared that peace between us was far more important than politics.  And the only thing the political class could do was wail.  Putin took every opportunity to speak directly to Trump’s base, knowing that if he mentioned something they would look into it.

This is why he specifically brought up Misters Browder and George Soros.   He wants the coverage of Russia and himself to change.  And those two men, along with David Brock, spend a lot of time maintaining the Putin-as-Cthulhu meme.  If anything this was the most influential thing a Russian has done to affect a U.S. election since the fall of the Soviet Union, given the size of the audience…

Trump is Truly Pro-Life

At the end of the day Trump made the salient point about the investigation into Russia’s interference into the election by bringing up the servers that the FBI still has not examined.  Trump said simply, “Prove the allegation.  Prove that there was malfeasance and I’ll take that to Mr. Putin.”  But, they can’t prove it…

Just like Misters Soros and Browder are speaking to a smaller and smaller group of people who believe Vladimir Putin is the devil himself.  Soros came out and admitted recently that he’s losing on all fronts…

The net is closing on Browder as the sun is setting on his influence in Congress.  John McCain is dying, there will be a complete overhaul of The House and Senate this fall which will eventually lead to the repeal of the odious Magnitsky Act… 

Browder is scared that Trump makes good on Putin’s offer to Mr. Mueller so he’s on every dead-legacy news outlet with fewer viewers than QVC at 3am pleading his case.  Millions just went to Putin’s awful Russia and had the time of their lives.   The real traitors are squawking today because they know who they are.  Trump and Putin spoke to a world tired of their games and tired of the lies.

While things still suck, thanks to both of them but at least, we can be reasonably sure the bombs will stay in their silos.  And this is something the New Dr. Strangelove’s of the Left are lamenting.

The fall election is quickly coming upon us, let’s hope that we see new blood in congress instead of the same old hackneyed bought and paid for millionaire politicians.  But there was another victory for President Trump from his meeting with President Putin.  Mueller’s election tampering case against the Russian company Concord Management is winding its way through the court system. From National Sentinel:


Indicted Russian firm Concord Management BACKHANDS Mueller then TAUNTS him with with Kavanaugh decision seeking DISMISSAL of bogus bot case

(National Sentinel) Smacking the Hacks: You may recall that in February, special counsel Robert Mueller — to great fanfare and much media hype — and his merry band of Democrat prosecutors indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian firms for waging “information warfare” against the U.S., interfering in the 2016 presidential election, and conspiracy to defraud the United States. 

Since they are Russians, there’s no doubt that Mueller and the Hillary Clinton-supporting hacks he assembled to unseat our duly-elected POTUS Donald Trump, never thought for one moment any of the individual Russians or companies would ever be brought to trial in America.

The charges magically appeared as Mueller was beginning to face a growing storm of criticism that his collusion case was as thin as budget chicken soup.  But he got a ton of headlines when he announced his indictments.  And he likely believed he could get away with the showmanship while keeping alive the hoax that Team Trump and Moscow got together to “steal the election” from the worst candidate the Democrats have ever fielded, serial criminal Clinton.

Well, did Mueller step on his Johnson over that gambit!

One of the Russian firms, Concord Management, not only elected to show up to face the charges, they entered a not guilty plea — thus beginning the case which will include discovery — the exchange of evidence Mueller says he has against the firm.

As reported by The Daily Caller:

Lawyers for Russian company Concord Management and Consulting, LLC, formally entered a “not guilty” plea in federal court Monday in a case special counsel Robert Mueller probably never thought would happen. …  Mueller may now have to try the case, and Concord’s lawyers have put the special counsel on notice. The Russian company’s lawyers intend to invoke “discovery” to obtain U.S. intelligence about what they knew of Russian activities.

Now, this case is about to get even better.

After Concord Management’s lawyers backhanded Mueller and his tainted crew of Democrats, now they’re taunting them all with a federal court decision from 2011 written by Judge Brett Kavanaugh, POTUS Trump’s latest pick for the Supreme Court. 

You just can’t make this stuff up.

As SFGate reported:

A Russian company accused by special counsel Robert Mueller III of being part of an online operation to disrupt the 2016 presidential campaign is leaning in part on a decision by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to argue that the charge against it should be thrown out.

The 2011 decision by Kavanaugh, writing for a three-judge panel, concerned the role that foreign nationals may play in U.S. elections. It upheld a federal law that said foreigners temporarily in the country may not donate money to candidates, contribute to political parties and groups, or spend money advocating for or against candidates. But it did not rule out letting foreigners spend money on independent advocacy campaigns…

A motion filed by the Russian company this week repeatedly cites Kavanaugh’s decision, bringing new attention to his rulings on campaign finance laws and regulations during his tenure on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Insert LMAO emoji here.

Not only are lawyers for Concord Management smacking Mueller’s team around and taunting them, they appear to be sending a signal to the hack prosecutorial team that should any guilty rulings be handed down, they’ll simply be overturned by a SCOTUS that includes Kavanaugh, the author of the ruling negating most of Mueller’s charges.

It gets even better.

The Gateway Pundit reports that the case is assigned to U.S. District Court Judge Dabney Friedrich, who was appointed by President Donald Trump in December of 2017. 

Ha, ha.  That should be on court TV so we can all watch.  Mueller never thought the Russian company would show up to defend itself.  The only thing more entertaining would be if the Judge was Janine Pirro or maybe Judge Judy.  

How stupid are the American people??  Very, very stupid.  But the people of the world are waking up to the fact that the media is utterly corrupt, congress is corrupt and the intelligence agencies are useless, hapless and corrupt.  After all, the intelligence agencies failed America on Iraq’s WMDs, failed America on 911 and failed to protect Americans from known threats across our country.  Now the politicians want us to believe the corrupt intelligence agencies are sacrosanct, above reproach. 

Come on, wake up.  Are we to believe that President Trump is guilty of treason as charged by the liars and corrupt intelligence officials who lied under oath before congress?  “As Patrick Henry said long ago, “If this be treason, make the most of it!”  Amen.

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