Monday, June 29, 2015

Greece: The Cradle Will Fall and Down Will Come EU, Euro and All

Alexis Tsipras, the newly elected anti-austerity President, has called a referendum to allow the people of Greece to decide their fate inducing massive howling at the EU, IMF and European Central Bank.  The EU rolled the dice and lost.  Greece has been placed in the same untenable position that Puerto Rico finds itself in, only on a much, much larger scale, and Greece won’t go down alone.

So here’s a quick synopsis of the howls emanating from the EU:

Alexis Tsipras must be stopped: the underlying message of Europe's leaders

One day before Greece’s bailout ends and the country’s financial lifeline melts away, Europe’s big guns have lined up one after another to tell the Greeks unequivocally that voting no in Sunday’s referendum means saying goodbye to the euro.

Oh, boohoo, maybe they can join the BRIC’s bank.

There was no mistaking the gravity of the situation now facing both Greece and Europe on Monday. Leaders were by turns ashen-faced, resigned, desperate and pleading with Athens to think again and pull back from the abyss.

Whose abyss you ask?  Good question.

There were also bitter attacks on Alexis Tsipras, the young Greek prime minister whose brinkmanship has gone further than anyone believed possible and left the eurozone’s leaders reeling.

Damned kids.  But you know something, economists applaud Tsipras for doing the right thing, and refusing to be blackmailed into handing over their natural resources, people’s pensions and birthright over to Wall Street Hedgefunds for a bag of magic Monsanto beans.

Here’s what Joseph Stiglitz had to say in Fortune


Joseph Stiglitz to Greece’s Creditors: Abandon Austerity or Face Global Fallout

Nobel laureate tells TIME that the institutions and countries that have enforced cost-cutting on Greece "have criminal responsibility"

A few years ago, when Greece was still at the start of its slide into an economic depression, the Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz remembers discussing the crisis with Greek officials. What they wanted was a stimulus package to boost growth and create jobs…… 

Instead, Greece’s foreign creditors imposed a strict program of austerity. The Greek economy has shrunk by about 25% since 2010. The cost-cutting was an enormous mistake, Stiglitz says, and it’s time for the creditors to admit it.

“They have criminal responsibility,” he says of the so-called troika of financial institutions that bailed out the Greek economy in 2010, namely the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the European Central Bank. “It’s a kind of criminal responsibility for causing a major recession,” Stiglitz tells TIME in a phone interview.

Then there’s this from Paul Krugman in Business Insider:


Now that the Greece situation looks like it might finally be nearing resolution, there's lots of handwringing about what will happen next….

Amid this tension, everyone's pointing fingers, and a lot of the fingers are being pointed at Greece's leaders, who some people say are acting irresponsibly by not just, once again, caving to Europe's demands….

In the past, every time the situation has come to a head, Greece has caved. And, in the process, it has transformed itself into little more than a financial slave state mired in an economic depression…

Krugman further notes that Greece's leader, Alexis Tsipras, is doing something else smart. Namely, he's not making the decision single-handedly. Rather, he is forcing his own government and people to make the decision with him, via a referendum.

You know what the American Revolutionaries said?  “Hang together or hang alone.”   That has to be scarier for the EU than anything else, people power.  And boy does the EU know it, just look at what they’re saying, they are asking the Greek people to vote for their own death sentence:

From EuroNews:


EU chief Juncker pleads with Greeks to defy their government and vote for EU aid package

EU chief executive Jean-Claude Juncker urged Greeks on Monday to back a cash-for-reform package rejected by their government, saying a ‘no’ vote in Sunday’s referendum would mean Greece was turning its back on the European Union…

“The whole planet would consider a Greek ‘no’ to the question posed… as meaning that Greece wants to distance itself from the euro zone and from Europe.” he told a news conference.

“I will say to the Greeks who I love deeply: you mustn’t commit suicide because you are afraid of death…. You must vote yes, independently of the question asked.”

Ha, ha ha.  Juncker “loves the Greeks deeply” and warns them not to “commit suicide because you are afraid of death”, that doesn’t even make sense.  Smells of desperation.  Why it seems like just yesterday I was reading Gregory Palast’s article on the recent Greek election, why yes it was……


Trojan Hearse: Greek Elections and the Euro Leper Colony

Europe is stunned, and bankers aghast, that the new party of the Left, Syriza, won Sunday's parliamentary elections in Greece.

Syriza won on the promise that it will cure Greece of leprosy.

Oddly, Syriza also promises that it will remain in the leper colony.  That is, Syriza wants to rid Greece of the cruelty of austerity imposed by the European Central Bank but insists on staying in the euro zone.

The problem is, austerity run wild is merely a symptom of an illness.  The underlying disease is the euro itself.

For the last five years, Greeks have been told that, if you cure your disease—that is, if you dump the euro—the sky will fall.  I guess Greeks haven’t noticed, the sky has fallen already.  With unemployment at 25%, with doctors and teachers eating out of garbage cans, there is no further to fall….

I wonder how many garbage cans Juncker has had to eat out of as head of the EU.

…..I was in Brazil when its President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva told the IMF to go to helland rejected privatization of the state banks and the state oil company, rejected cutting pensions and thumbed his nose at the rest of the austerity nonsense.

Instead, Lula created the bolsa familia, a massive pay-out to the nation’s poor.  The result: Brazil not only survived but thrived during the 2008-10  world financial crisis.  

Despite pressure, Brazil never ceded control of its currency. (It is a sad irony that Brazil is only now faltering.  That’s the fault entirely of Lula’s successor, President Dilma Rousseff, who is beginning to dance the austerity samba.)

The euro is simply the deutschmark with little stars on it.  Greece cannot adopt Germany’s currency without adopting Germany’s finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, as its own….

It is argued that Greece owes Germany, the IMF and the European Central Bank for bail-out-billions.  Nonsense.  None of the billions in bail-out funds went into Greek pockets.  It all went to bail out Deutsche Bank and other foreign creditorsThe EU treasuries swallowed 90% of its private bankers’ bonds.  Germany bailed out Germany, not Greece.

Boy, with all that money Germany extorted from Greece, the German people must be living high off the fatted hog.  But wait, what’s this?  Nein you say?


FRANKFURT — Protesters set cars on fire and clashed with police officers on Wednesday as they marched toward the European Central Bank’s new headquarters in a demonstration against austerity and capitalism that took on a markedly more heated tone than past protests.

The rally, organized by a group called Blockupy and German workers’ unions, drew thousands of people as the central bank inaugurated its new tower….

Blockupy is a left-wing alliance of dozens of activist groups from across Europe. Its members include one of the largest German labor unions, the United Service Union, known as Ver.di, and Syriza, the left-wing, anti-austerity Greek political party that is now leading the government in Athens….

Employees of the central bank began moving into the new headquarters, which cost about $1.27 billion, near the end of last year. Away from downtown Frankfurt on a park-like site overlooking the Main River, the 600-foot-high tinted-glass tower is a more potent symbol of the central bank’s power than the generic gray high-rise in central Frankfurt that it previously occupied.

Austerity for the people and the Tower of Babel for the ECB, how apt. But the Tower of Babel cannot stand, so looks like Greece, the cradle of civilization will save the world from the EU crypt of civilization.  Let’s all stand with the Greeks for they are us.

By Patricia Baeten

Monday, June 22, 2015

Loan Sharking 101: Greece Robbing the Cradle of Civilization

America, Britain, Canada and the European Union have embarked on a path of destroying Democratic leaning countries such as Greece.  By Democratic countries I mean countries with strong justice systems that ensure the rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness for all their citizens.

There was a time when America was the gold standard of democratic principles, protecting the least among us from exploitation by the most powerful who hover above us.  President Franklin Roosevelt was one of the greatest protectors of the common good, which earned him the hatred of the privileged class of European banker families that comprise the Federal Reserve Bank in the United States.

From its illegal inception in 1913 to its overthrow of the United States government in 2000, the Federal Reserve Bank has destroyed Greece’s greatest gift to the world, the foundation of Western Civilization.

In America the media minions who serve as the Federal Reserve Bank’s propaganda arm, are touting Greece as a failed “socialist” government, the kind Senator Bernie Sanders would foist upon this great nation, where corporations are people and people are takers feeding off the largess of the ruling class. 

This vitriol being fostered on news channels in America, is the direct result of Senator Sanders calling on the Federal Reserve to relieve Greece of the illegal loan shark debt.  From Common Dreams:


Sanders Asks Fed Chief Yellen To Help Greece Overcome Austerity Policies Which Are Destroying Their Economy

…Sanders today asked Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen to provide assurances that American lending policies will not make the horrific economic situation in Greece even worse.

“The United States cannot stand idly by while the European Central Bank undermines the new democratically elected government of Greece…

Recently, the European Central Bank tried to pressure the new Greek government into accepting the austerity policies that the Greek people strongly rejected in the recent election - such as privatizing assets, cutting off electricity and undoing a minimum wage hike.  The continuation of austerity on Greece would have a devastating impact on the lives of people who are already suffering terribly.

Sanders also spoke about the political consequences of the new government in Greece not being able to carry out the program it was elected on, and noted that the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn came in third place in the recent elections.

“It would be a terrible mistake for the world to forget what happens when a democratically-elected government, as was the case in Germany in the 1920s, is unable to relieve the severe economic suffering of its people. 

We must remember that waiting in the wings should this recently elected Greek government fail is the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn party.  We cannot allow fascism to come to power in a European country due to our unwillingness to reverse harmful austerity policies,”

But the Federal Reserve Bank is unwilling to reign in the two-headed Rosemary’s baby it birthed, the IMF and European Central Bank.  Instead of ridiculing and denigrating Senator Sanders and the new government of Greece, the people of the world should take note.  We’ve seen this movie before, from Angel Fire:  


The Rothschild’s and the Federal Reserve

What does the United States Federal Reserve have to do with Hitler’s extermination of 42 million people?

Both were created and funded by the Rothschild family. Today the Federal Reserve Bank is still owned and controlled by the Rothschild family and you and I are forced to pay taxes to them every time we get a paycheck from our employers, this is the federal tax on our paystub….

The purpose …. is to divide …. through political, economic, social, and religious means. The opposing sides were to be armed and incidents were to be provided in order for them to: fight amongst each other; destroy national governments; destroy religious institutions; and eventually destroy each other.

The existence of a Republican Party and a Democratic Party is an example of one of the Illuminati’s' goals in action. The dynamics between the Democrats and Republicans has been named the left - right paradigm as it has proven itself able to perform a very important task within the United States….

 … and the globalists who want a New World Order uses the left-right paradigm to create a constant division among American citizens

The EU’s muscle, Germany’s Angela Merkel is playing with Nazi fire, just like in Ukraine.  When Ukraine’s elected government refused the “IMF Loan Shark’s loan” the government was overthrown and replaced with a Nazi government to exact extreme pain on the people of Ukraine.  Their gold was stolen and flown to the Federal Reserve Bank in New York, their mines were closed and their lands turned over to Monsanto for chemical destruction.

Russia stands in the way of this unholy alliance and poses a great threat to the destruction of Greece.  From the Strategic Culture Foundation:


The European Union has hypocritically extended sanctions on Russia and the Russian autonomous Republic of Crimea in support of the politically- and economically-failed state of Ukraine.  At the same time, the EU has threatened the sovereignty of Greece for failing to adhere to confiscatory and usurious financial policies set by the banking gnomes of Frankfurt and London, the same bankers that are propping up a corrupt government in Kiev.

Nothing spells hypocrisy more than what is taking place in Europe at the direction of the «Eurocrats» of Brussels, their military centurions in NATO, and their overall puppet masters in Washington.

While the Group of 7 leaders gathered at Adolf Hitler’s favorite vacation spot, Garmisch-Partenkirchen in the Bavarian Alps, their host, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, warned Greece to reach an austerity-ridden financial loan deal with the European «troika» of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), EU, and European Central Bank or face swift retaliation from the global bankers…

However, it is not only in pressuring Greece, the cradle of democracy, and in backing an all-but-failed state, Ukraine, that the G-7 becoming an irrelevant relic of the past while stumbling and bumbling on the international stage….

While the G7 meet like gods in the Parthenon insulated from the people, a growing storm is on the horizon.  Pope Francis, upon assuming the papacy admonished his priests for losing touch with their people, in his words:

“The priest who seldom goes out of himself … misses out on the best of our people, on what can stir the depths of his priestly heart. … This is precisely the reason why some priests grow dissatisfied, lose heart and become in a sense collectors of antiquities or novelties — instead of being shepherds living with ‘the smell of the sheep.’ This is what I am asking you — be shepherds with the smell of sheep.”

It’s time for the “elected” leaders of America, Britain, Canada and the EU” live with the smell of their sheep, of their people who have suffered from the Federal Reserve Bank austerity.   The people will, at some point make sure they do.

Time for an end to Loan Sharking 101 and robbing the cradle of democracy; either it ends or it will end civilization.

By Patricia Baeten


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

All Monsanto’s Men Part IX: Pope Francis Attacked by American Politicians

All Monsanto’s men in the United States government have been working overtime to pass laws to protect Monsanto against any state laws enacted to protect water, organic food, limits on pesticide use and labeling of GM foods. On the eve of Pope Francis’ encyclical on man’s stewardship of the earth, the attacks by American politicians have come fast and furious.  From GM Watch:  


Pope Francis slams both GMOs and pesticides in a draft of his major environmental document that was leaked Monday. He has also called for independent and interdisciplinary research to study GMOs…

In many areas, following the introduction of these crops, there has been a concentration of productive land in the hands of the few, due to the gradual disappearance of small producers, who, as a consequence of the loss of cultivated land, have been forced to retreat from direct production.

“The most fragile among them become temporary workers and many farm workers migrate to end up in miserable urban settlements. The spread of these (GM) crops destroys the complex web of ecosystems, decreases diversity in production and affects the present and the future of regional economies.

In several countries there is a trend in the development of oligopolies in the production of seeds and other products needed for cultivation, and the dependence deepens when you consider the production of sterile seeds, which end up forcing farmers to buy (seeds) from producers.”

On pesticides Pope Francis states, “We get sick, for example, due to inhalation of large amounts of smoke produced by fuels used for cooking and heating. This is added to by….fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and toxic pesticides in general. Technology that is linked to finance, claims to be only solving problems…this solves a problem by creating others….

For example, many birds and insects die out as a result of toxic pesticides created by technology, they are useful to agriculture itself, and their disappearance will be compensated with another technological intervention that probably will bring new harmful effects… looking at the world we see that this level of human intervention, often in the service of finance and consumerism….

Hardly the message that American politicians want to hear as they attempt to foist the Trans Pacific Partnership on the world, a “partnership” that would open the Pacific Rim to Monsanto’s “GM golden rice” as well as Monsanto’s smorgasbord of poison food, pesticides and environmental nightmares.

So Monsanto’s legion of evil is ready with a preemptive strike on the Pope.  From The Guardian:


Angry US Republicans tell Pope Francis to ‘stick with his job and we’ll stick with ours’

Leading figures on the American right are launching a series of pre-emptive attacks on the pope before this week’s encyclical, hoping to prevent a mass conversion of the climate change deniers who have powered the corps of the conservative movement for more than a decade…

A majority of Republicans in Congress deny the existence of climate change and oppose regulations to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

Among the ultra-conservative Tea Party set, climate change skepticism reaches epidemic proportions, about 80%...

One of the myths about GM foods, is that they are necessary to alleviate food shortages that conventional seeds cannot, however that was proven false back in 2008.  From Center forFood Safety:


Genetically Modified (GM) Crops Increase Pesticide Use and Fail to Alleviate Poverty, Reveals New Report

Genetically modified (GM) crops have led to a large increase in pesticide use and have failed to increase yield or tackle world hunger and poverty, a new report by Friends of the Earth and Center for Food Safety reveals today….

“For years, the biotech industry has been trumpeting the benefits of GM crops, but this report shows the true emerging picture,” added Andrew Kimbrell, Executive Director of the Center for Food Safety.  “These crops really promote greater use of pesticides, and cause direct harm to the environment and small farmers… 

South America’s expanding GM soybean plantations produce soy meal for Europe’s livestock industry, and have reduced food security by displacing poor farmers and reducing land area planted to food crops like corn and beans for local consumption…

In South Africa’s Makhatini Flats, portrayed internationally as the “success story” demonstrating the benefits of GM cotton, the number of small cotton growers has plummeted from 3229 in 2001/02 to just 853 in 2006/07.

GM crops increase pesticide use and foster spread of resistant “super weeds”…

Four of every five acres of GM crops worldwide are Monsanto’s Roundup Ready varieties…

GM crops benefit the biotech industry and some large growers, not small farmers.

Biotech companies benefit by selling more herbicides, charging more for GM seeds, and by seed patents, which make seed-saving illegal and thereby increase seed sales.

Thousands of U.S. farmers have been forced to pay Monsanto tens of millions of dollars for the “crime” of (allegedly) saving and replanting the company’s patented seed.

And those “tens of millions of dollars paid to Monsanto for the crime of saving and replanting patented seeds” go directly into the coffers of the politicians who pass laws to protect Monsanto from any laws that cut into their profits.

And that’s not all, Monsanto’s handmaidens in America have used war as a means to spread Monsanto’s reach into countries where Monsanto’s seeds of terror were banned, such as Ukraine.  From Global Research:


Ukraine Agreed to a Monsanto “Land Grab” to Get a $17 Billion Loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

When they say “Ukraine” agreed to Monsanto Land Grab, they mean the illegitimate government installed by American politicians after the overthrow of Ukraine’s elected government.

The World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) is helping biotech run the latest war in Ukraine. Make no mistake that what is happening in the Ukraine now is deeply tied to the interests of Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, and other big players in the poison food game…

Previously, there was a ban on private sector land ownership in the country – but it was lifted ‘just in time’ for Monsanto to have its way with the Ukraine.

In fact, a bit of political maneuvering by the IMF gave the Ukraine a $17 billion loan – but only if they would open up to biotech farming and the selling of Monsanto’s poison crops and chemicals – destroying a farmland that is one of the most pristine in all of Europe. Farm equipment dealer, Deere, along with seed producers DuPont and Monsanto, will have a heyday.

In the guise of ‘aid,’ a claim has been made on Ukraine’s vast agricultural riches. It is the world’s third largest exporter of corn and fifth largest exporter of wheat. Ukraine has deep, rich, black soil that can grow almost anything, and its ability to produce high volumes of GM grain is what made biotech come rushing to take it over.

Caaaching.  And what does Ukraine look like after America’s God fearing Christian politicians along with the European Union and their NATO muscle installed a new government?  From Paul Craig Roberts:


Over the last 15 months Ukrainians have paid for Washington’s overthrow of their elected government in deaths, dismemberment of their country, and broken economic and political relationships with Russia that cost Ukraine its subsidized energy. Now Ukrainians are losing their pensions and traditional support payments. The Ukrainian population is headed for the graveyard.

On June 1 the TASS news agency reported that Ukraine has stopped payments to pensioners, World War II veterans, people with disabilities, and victims of Chernobyl. According to the report, Kiev has also “eliminated transport, healthcare, utilities and financial benefits for former prisoners of Nazi concentration camps and recipients of some Soviet-era orders and titles.

Compensations to families with children living in the areas contaminated by radiation from the Chernobyl accident will be no longer paid either. Ukraine’s parliamentary opposition believes that the Prosecutor General’s Office should launch an investigation against Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk who actively promoted the law on the abolition of privileges…..”

Yatsenyuk, or Yats as Victoria Nuland calls him, is the Washington stooge that the US State Department selected to run the puppet government established by Washington. Yats sounds like a right-wing Republican when he refers to pensions, compensations, and social services as “privileges…”

Is Monsanto’s right to turn Ukraine into GMO food production a privilege? Is VP Biden’s son’s right to destroy Ukraine’s surface and underground water in fracking operations a privilege? Are the external costs imposed on Ukrainians by these looting activities a privilege?

And it’s not just the politicians in America that are owned by Monsanto, there’s the UK government that is much like those God fearing politicians in America that are paid climate deniers.  From DeSmogBlog:


UK Climate Deniers Invite American Sceptic Judith Curry to Speak in the House of Lords

Lord Lawson’s climate denial charity, the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), invited climate sceptic Judith Curry, a professor of School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, to speak in the House of Lords on Monday.

The organization, which DeSmog UK has revealed to be supported by several Conservative Party donors, invited Curry to talk about the “The state of the US climate debate”.

Curry, who has been invited several times by Republicans to testify at climate change hearings regarding alleged uncertainties on manmade climate change, focused on how the climate debate has been politicized…

… she told those attending that “with time, I have become increasingly skeptical of the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] conclusions on climate change and critical of their entire approach – most particularly their overconfidence and intolerance of dissent….”

Among the sources cited in Curry’s presentation is the CATO Institute, a Libertarian think tank founded by Charles Koch.

So Pope Francis gives his encyclical tomorrow, and all Monsanto’s Evil Men are gearing up for the fight, after all there’s a lot at stake.  But evil comes in many forms, according to Alex Jones’ Info Wars, Catholics are lining up to attack the Pope.  


Large number of Catholics slam Vatican’s agenda!

Catholics around the world are attacking Pope Francis for advocating a new “global political authority” to tackle so-called “man-made climate change.”

The pontiff recently wrote an encyclical to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics asking them to support larger government to stop “global warming, but it appears a large percentage of Catholics disagree with the Vatican’s agenda…

So-called “man-made climate change” – the latest buzz phrase for “global warming” – is largely a myth promoted by politicians – and now Pope Francis – to scare the public into accepting a vast expansion of government to supposedly stop “global warming.”

Imagine that, Catholics lining up to condemn the Pope on caring for the poor, and blessing the beasts and the children. 

I for one, having been raised a Catholic, will be waiting to hear Pope Francis’ encyclical tomorrow.  All Monsanto’s men will be ready to crucify God’s messenger on the altar built upon the corpse of God’s creation.

By Patricia Baeten

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

ABC’s of Armageddon – $8.5 Trillion Missing at Pentagon, Time to Nuke Russia

Talk about your axis of evil, the ABC’s of Armageddon are America, Britain and Canada.  All three have ushered in a new age of militarization funded on the backs of the most fragile citizens of these three countries.  From Global Research:


Yahoo Money’ The Daily Ticker  quoting a Reuters investigation that reveals that $8.5 trillion – that’s trillion with a “T” – in taxpayer money doled out by Congress to the Pentagon since 1996 that has never been accounted for….

While Republican politicians rush to slash food stamps for the 47 million Americans living in poverty – the highest amount in nearly two decades – Republican U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel has the audacity to complain that $20 billion dollars in automatic sequester cuts to the massive and secretive $565.8 billion Defense Department budget are “too steep, too deep, and too abrupt,” all while the Pentagon and the Defense Department are overseeing massive fraud, waste, and abuse….

Yahoo Finance lists some additional findings, including;

The DOD has amassed a backlog of more than $500 billion in unaudited contracts with outside vendors….

With 8 trillion missing from America’s Pentagon the focus is now turned to attacking Russia via Ukraine.  The corrupt governments of America, Britain and Canada are moving the chessmen into place in Ukraine.  From the World Socialist Web Site:


In a provocative move last Saturday, US- and EU-backed Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko appointed former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili governor of the Odessa region, ramping up an already increasingly tense state of affairs with Russia.

The appointment of the ex-leader that presided over the Russian-Georgian war in 2008, comes only weeks after Poroshenko claimed that Ukraine was at war with Russia.

The appointment of Saakashvili not only escalates tensions with Russia, but also installs as leader of one of Ukraine’s most hotly contested regions a man who has no qualms about using dictatorial and violent means to suppress opposition in the working class…

Saakashvili was hailed by the Bush administration as a leader of a bastion of democracy on the border with Russia….

Months before it was voted out of office in 2012, Saakashvili’s administration faced another scandal revealing extreme forms of abuse and torture used in prisons across Georgia…

Continued provocations by such reckless US-backed stooges could quickly escalate into a military confrontation between nuclear powers with devastating consequences.

A military confrontation between nuclear powers is the goal of America, Britain and Canada whose people have been living with the devastating consequences of a war-for-profit based economy.  According to the Russia Times, Ukraine’s puppet parliament has amended state laws to accommodate foreign troops to fight against the Ukrainian people.


Kiev to allow foreign armed forces in Ukraine, incl. ‘potential carriers of nukes’

The Ukrainian parliament has adopted amendments to state law allowing “admission of the armed forces of other states on the territory of Ukraine.” The possible hosting of foreign weapons of mass destruction is also mentioned in the documents….

The bill was submitted to the parliament in May by PM Arseny Yatsenyuk. It focuses on the provision of “international peacekeeping and security” assistance to Ukraine at its request….

The previous law also required that the length of time temporary peacekeeping forces were to be deployed in Ukraine be stipulatedwhile the new amendments allow an indefinite period, long enough “to achieve the goal of the stay.”

So the new law that Arseny Yatsenyuk (Neocon Victoria Nuland’s handpicked Prime Minister for Ukraine) introduced allows an indefinite period of occupation by foreign troops, long enough to “achieve the goal”, but what is the goal?  Is the goal a nuclear confrontation with Russia?  And who are those “foreign troops?”

From the Telegraph:


British forces head for Ukraine as David Cameron issues warning to Vladimir Putin

Prime Minister announces British infantry training mission to Ukraine as he warns of 'deeply damaging' consequences if EU fails to stand up to Vladimir Putin on Ukraine…

Downing Street said that around 75 UK troops will travel to Ukraine to help with medical, intelligence, logistics and infantry skills.

Giving evidence to the Commons Liaison Committee, Mr. Cameron said: "We are not at the stage of supplying lethal equipment.”


Canada to send military instructors to Ukraine

KIEV, Ukraine — Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper says the country soon will send military instructors to Ukraine to help train government troops….

At a joint news conference Saturday, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said the countries would widen military cooperation, but that Canada won't supply lethal weapons.

Poroshenko also said Ukraine hasn't asked Western countries to base missiles in Ukraine to defend against Russia. National security council head Oleksandr Turchynov floated that proposal last month.

From CNN:


US sending $75 million, Humvees, non-lethal aid to Ukraine

Washington (CNN) The U.S. will provide an additional $75 million in non-lethal equipment to Ukraine including counter-mortar radar, drones, radios and medical equipment, a US official said Wednesday…

The announcement comes as President Barack Obama continues to weigh sending lethal aid to Kiev, a move he's so far resisted amid pressure from Democrats and Republicans alike.

The G7 formerly the G8, like thirteen year-old girls at a pajama party, have again dissed Vladimir Putin.  Now the three stooges, Obama, Cameron and Harper are taking turns making pissy comments about Vlad’s exile from the cool kids table.

Harper told U.S. television channel CNBC in an interview that Putin does not share Western values and has "no place" at the summit, which chose not to invite the Russian leader for the second year in a row….

"We are having a discussion on the shared interests of the Western democratic world," Harper said Sunday. "Mr. Putin, who is in no way part of that, has no place at the table, and I don't believe there's any leader who would defend Mr. Putin having a place."

"He's (Putin) got to make a decision," said Mr Obama. "Does he continue to wreck his country's economy…”


“Existing sanctions must remain in place until the Minsk agreements are fully implemented…. We must not forget that the Ukrainians are the victims and not the aggressors.”

Who better to counsel Putin on wrecking his country’s economy than Obama, Harper and Cameron?  Make no mistake about it, the goal of the financially and morally bankrupt G7 is war with Russia.  Sure, there’s a lot of blather about climate change, but the real focus is war, war and more war.  From World Socialist Website:


G7 leaders escalate war threats against Russia

During their second day of discussions in the resort town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen in the German Alps on Monday, the leaders of the major imperialist powers affirmed their commitment to a policy of escalating strategic and military pressure against Russia

The hypocrisy and recklessness of Obama and his G7 counterparts is breathtaking. They are denouncing Russian “aggression” in Ukraine, which they plunged into civil war by backing a fascist-led putsch last year that toppled a pro-Russian government…

Last week, US defense officials testifying before the US House of Representatives indicated that the Pentagon is considering launching pre-emptive strikes against Russian targets, including with nuclear weapons…

The immense dangers posed to the world’s population arising from the US and NATO war drive against Russia are being hidden from masses of workers in the United States and worldwide…

Even as Obama denounced Putin for “wrecking his country’s economy,” the social cuts, mass layoffs and other “economic restructuring” measures dictated by the Western banks and financial institutions are pushing millions into poverty and ravaging key social infrastructure across Southern and Eastern Europe…

In its official communique, the G7 powers demanded that the Ukrainian government continue to implement austerity policies that, as in Greece, are pushing broad layers of the population into poverty….

The precise makeup of the social cuts, which are to be directed largely against the salaries and pensions of government workers, were a major topic of discussion at the G7 talks, Merkel said.

While Putin is attempting to tamp down the threat of World War III between Russia and the ABC’s, America, Britain and Canada along with their lemmings at the G7, Pope Francis is stating the obvious, World War III has already begun.  From Inquisitr:


Russian President Vladimir Putin is doing his best to quell any fears over the possibility of World War 3 breaking out between the NATO forces and Russia, claiming that only a “sick person” would imagine WW3. Pope Francis would disagree with this assessment, and believes the world has been beset by an “atmosphere of war.”

“I would like to say – there’s no need to be afraid of Russia,” Putin told the newspaper Corriere della Sera according to AFP. “The world has changed so much that people in their right mind cannot imagine such a large-scale military conflict today. 

We have other things to do, I can assure you. Only a sick person — and even then only in his sleep — can imagine that Russia would suddenly attack NATO.”

Well Putin is right about one thing, only a sick person would press for a nuclear confrontation with Russia, but then I guess Putin is unfamiliar with America, Britain and Canada.  After all he wasn’t invited to the G7 Garden Party.

By Patricia Baeten