Saturday, July 21, 2018

If this be treason…

How stupid are the American people??  Very, very stupid.  In the 2008 election Barack Obama, a man of zero accomplishments was elevated to the highest elected office in America.  This man, whose pitiful academic record of nothingness was gifted the nomination by the morally bankrupt Democratic Party elites.  After serving one-incomplete term as U.S. Senator, a seat that was acquired though through the machinations of a corrupt Chicago cabal, Senator Obama was shoe-horned into the presidency.  His entire campaign was based on the fact that he was black and if you voted against him you were racist.

Martin Luther King Jr. must have spun in his grave as Barack Obama was elevated to the presidency of the United States strictly on the basis of being black in America not on the content of his character. The American people rejected this neophyte with no legislation under his belt whose college transcripts were concealed by the CIA and the Democratic Party.  The Democratic Party no longer exists it died in 2000 when they conspired with the GOP to install the Bush/Cheney cabal into office in a stolen election.  And now these same treacherous criminals are calling President Trump treasonous?  If this be treason…

In 2008 Hillary Clinton buried Obama in state after state handily winning the primary election.  It was then that the DNC stepped in and overturned the will of the voters and gifted the nomination to Obama. In return once installed in office, Obama continued with the agenda of George W. Bush and bailed out the Wall Street banks that caused the massive global financial meltdown.  Obama not only continued Bush’s wars but started new wars of his own.

In 2016 the American pe0ple revolted and rejected the boiler plate GOP and DNC candidates and threw their support to an outsider who vowed to drain the Deep State swamp that had taken control over the government in 2000.  Our last president to take on the Deep State was President John F. Kennedy who was summarily assassinated by the CIA.  From State of the Nation:


Deep State’s Intensifying Coup Against Trump, Traitors Boldly Expose Themselves

Will ex-CIA Director Brennan become President Trump’s Allen Dulles?

President Kennedy’s fate was sealed when he fired his CIA Director.  Were it not for the Internet, it’s almost certain that Donald Trump would have been JFKed by now. When virtually the entire U.S. Intelligence Community is aiming for you, there’s no way to escape their furtive plots and deadly machinations.

In November of 1963, former CIA Director Allen B. Dulles deceptively floated the key details of an assassination plot against President John F. Kennedy. The assassination plan was purported to take place during Kennedy’s visit to Chicago in early November, which he subsequently cancelled…  The deliberate uncovering by the C.I.A. of this conspiracy to kill the POTUS was nothing but a ruse meant to give JFK et al. a false sense of security during his visit to Dallas later on that November, which it did.

There is now no question that the CIA was operationally in charge of the implementation plan to murder JFK in Dallas.  And that Dulles was running the operation from “The Farm”, a CIA training facility also known as Camp Peary. (Camp Peary is a 9,000 acre U.S. military reservation in York County near Williamsburg, Virginia.)

What’s the crucial point?

While the C.I.A. did not order the hit, they were put in charge of the execution plan for several reasons.  Not only did The Company (as the CIA is known in intelligence circles) have an ax to grind with Kennedy after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, Dulles and his core team were unceremoniously fired shortly thereafter for insubordination…

Quite disrespectfully, President Lyndon Johnson appointed Dulles to the utterly corrupt Warren Commission where he became the report’s final arbiter after acting as a lead investigator.  Johnson knew that he could count on Dulles to promote the absurd “lone assassin” theory given that the ex-CIA administrator oversaw the assassination scheme as well as the complex cover-up.

This time around another C.I.A. Director — John Brennan — ignominiously resigned effective Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day.  One could say that he was ushered out of C.I.A. headquarters in Langley, Virginia because of his unprecedented open hostility toward Candidate and then President-elect Trump.  As a matter of historical fact, no C.I.A. Director has ever publicly expressed such antipathy toward a presidential candidate or sitting POTUS.  It’s just never happened before.

Clearly, Brennan’s highly contemptuous behavior is not only a reflection of his personal animosity toward President Trump, it also indicates that he’s one of several lead agents of Deep State’s slow-motion coup.  It’s now self-evident that the entire U.S. Intelligence Community has been running a soft coup against the Trump administration that literally began on Election Day.

In point of fact, the public record is replete with shocking instances of former senior intel officials attacking Trump in a manner never witnessed in American politics.  Even John F. Kennedy never suffered the unrelenting assaults that Trump has weathered since he declared his candidacy in June of 2015.  All along, it has been John Brennan who has led these acrimonious attacks…

Core mission of  C.I.A. is to overthrow governments

The FBI has already proven to be filled with Trump haters as is the DOJ and Department of State.  Even AG Jeff Sessions has acted in a manner that is unprecedented, particularly in the face of so much naked criminality and corruption at Justice.  His complete and total failure to drain the swamp, the very reason why his boss was elected POTUS, is quite alarming.

Then there is the Neocon cabal that inhabits every corner of the West Wing.  These dual citizen Zionists have more loyalty to Israel than they do to the United States.  What might they do if Trump starts to abandon their mission to invade and conquer Iran?

However, it is the likes of John Brennan, James Clapper, Michael Hayden, Michael Morrell and other covert intel operatives who are the most dangerous.  For they continue to control factions within the U.S. Intelligence Community which could prove to be life-threatening to the POTUS at any moment.  John Brennan’s recent comments about Trump ought to give every American reason to pause…and then offer a prayer of protection.

Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???

In November of 1963, the C.I.A. circulated a flyer all over Dallas, Texas in advance of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy’s.  It’s quite likely that fired CIA Director Allen Dulles was directly responsible for that smear campaign.  He was very experienced in the toppling of governments around the world which his tenure at the CIA was well-known known for.  More details about this treasonous scheme can be found at the link below.

Deep State is setting up Trump just like they did to President Kennedy … but it’s the Shadow Government that’s really calling the shots…

President Donald Trump is the savior that America has waited for, needs and desires.  But now the evil that lurks is trying to destroy our President with unsubstantiated claims of Russian collusion, porn star allegations of infidelity and incessant claims of treason for seeking peace in the world.  How stupid are the American people?  Very, very stupid.  America has been hijacked by a media that is controlled by the intelligence agencies.  Wake up America before it’s too late.  Russia is not our enemy.  From The Burning Platform:


The Black Belt Strategist

Putin has made many of his critics look like fools, thus the rage and hysteria.

Vladimir Putin is a black belt in judo, the only Russian and one of the few people in the world to be awarded the rank of eighth dan. He also practices karate.  A fundamental principle of martial arts is using an opponent’s size and momentum against him. This is Putin’s strategic approach. Westerners demonize Putin, but few try to understand him. Trying to understand someone else is regarded as a pointless in narcissistic America, selfie-land. Perhaps 90 percent of the populace is incapable of grasping anything more subtle than a political cartoon.

That’s a pity, because Putin has accomplished a geopolitical triumph worthy of study. He’s catalyzing the downfall of the American empire, and it has nothing to do with subverting elections or suborning Trump.

Putin became acting prime minister in 1999, then president in 2000. The Soviet Union’s 1991 collapse devastated Russia. The economy shrunk and life expectancies fell. A group of rapacious oligarchs, many with Western backing, acquired Soviet industrial and commercial assets at fire sale prices…

During his first two terms, from 2000-2008, the economy began recovering from the 1990s. Projecting a law and order image while stifling critics, he solidified what has become his unwavering support, winning 72 percent of the vote in the 2004 presidential election.

A coterie of highly placed idiots in the US and Europe insist that Putin’s ultimate goal is to reconstitute the former Soviet Union on his way to global domination. Russia’s GDP, after 18 years of recovery, is $1.4 trillion, compared to almost $20 trillion for the US and over $17 trillion for the European Union. Russia’s military budget is $61 billion, versus $250 billion for NATO nations (excluding the US) and over $700 billion for the US…

Putin, unlike America’s high and mighty, realizes from Soviet experience that empires drain rather than augment an empire’s resources.  Conquering the world is one thing, throwing the American empire to the mat another.

Putin must have smiled when George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan in pursuit of Osama bin Laden, purported mastermind of the 9/11 attacks. The US’s hubristic rage led it into what has been a quagmire at best, a graveyard at worst, for a string of invaders, including the Soviet Union.

Defenders fighting on their own turf have huge advantages over occupying forces, rendering conventional invasions virtually obsolete. Relatively inexpensive grenades, mines, IEDs, and shoulder-launched missiles, often supplied from outside the country, take out expensive tanks, artillery, aircraft, and military personnel.

The insurgents know the language and territory, they’re supported by the local populace, they can set off remote bombs and blend in with the civilians. They aren’t going anywhere and can wait out the invaders, sapping their morale and political support back home.

Eighteen years after the Afghanistan invasion, Putin is still smiling. With each military failure since, the US became more stupidly belligerent, bearing massive costs in blood and treasure. Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia: talk about letting the enemy defeat itself! And as the US plunged into one inextricable morass after another, it plunged ever deeper into debt.

Russia, meanwhile, has one of the developed world’s lowest debt ratios, stockpiles gold, and is divesting its US debt. It has teamed up with China on the Belt and Road Initiative. That series of projects, financed primarily by the Chinese, advances Russia’s and China’s interests and influence across Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. This approach seems to garner more support than US bullets and bombs…

Russia’s one military foray in the Middle East has been Syria. Obama’s hapless strategy (regime change? terrorist eradication?) left the US at cross-purposes with itself. Putin suffered no such confusion, helping Bashar al-Assad turn the tide against the insurgents…

Putin scored a geopolitical coup. He effectively stood by his allies, in contrast to America’s ineptitude and ever-shifting alliances and objectives. The conflict sent hundreds of thousands of refugees to Europe. Russian intervention reversed the flow. Saner souls in Europe have to be questioning European subservience to the US and NATO.

Putin has expressed his consternation at NATO’s expansion to Russia’s borders, especially the prospect that NATO could incorporate Ukraine. While that’s an understandable concern, the expansion hurts the US more than Russia...

NATO leaves its members hostage to the likes of Lithuania, Montenegro, and Croatia... It’s always at the borders that empires first falter. The US is treaty-bound to go to war to defend tiny, far-flung states that are a stone’s throw from Russia. The US lays out the lion’s share of the money, stations soldiers, and maintains bases pretending that it would actually defend these geopolitical midgets. Putin must smile at the effort wasted on the nonexistent possibility that he’ll invade.

Often, he doesn’t even need to lift a finger to body slam the US. The Democratic party and neoconservatives, and their toadies in the media and intelligence community have rabidly peddled an evidence-free concoction that he and Trump colluded to deny Hillary Clinton her ordained presidency. It’s emblematic of America’s deranged politics…

Trump is determined to pick America up off the mat. SLL has said repeatedly that his foes are most worried about their own criminality being exposed and prosecuted. That’s essential if the country is ever to regroup and recover. Trump’s summit with Putin and subsequent press conference performance left his foes foaming at the mouth, bandying terms like “disgraceful” and “treason…”

That he braved the idiotic torrent before and after the summit, seemingly unperturbed except for a few acerbic tweets, suggests that he’s got something up his sleeve. Judging by their insane hysterics, the opposition knows it. As always, their tactics betray desperation and weakness, not strength.

America cannot recover unless the traitors that are embedded in the intelligence agencies are excised.  One thing Putin and Trump accomplished in their joint presser was to expose the lies congress and their supine media have inundated the airwaves with concerning The Magnitsky Act and congress’ favorite Russian criminal Bill Browder.  From Gold Goats and Guns:


Russia, Insanity and the Treason that Wasn’t

It’s become clear to me U.S. politics is reaching a breaking point.  The level of hysteria over Donald Trump’s summit with Vladimir Putin is wholly disproportionate to what actually occurred.

Putin declared the Cold War over.  Pat Buchanan agrees and so do I.  For as much grief as I give Donald Trump for his many missteps in foreign policy, his going to first Singapore and then Helsinki in the service of peace and better relations is more than commendable.  It was necessary.

Donald Trump may not be the President many of us wanted.  But, like it or not, he is both the president we have and the one we deserve.  Our politics have been on a collision course with the bottom of the cesspit since 9/11…  We have bathed in the waters of “the archipelago of War Party think tanks beavering away inside the Beltway,” as Buchanan put it in his recent article, and come out stinking like either liberal interventionists or neoconservatives.

Or do I repeat myself.

Both are in service of a greatly-expanded Deep State and corrupted political and financial class that is the height of what Sam Francis termed “Anarcho-Tyranny.”  Lawlessness for those with power and both ends of the truncheon for those without.  The net result is a corporate media that is the very definition of fascism. I’m talkin Mussolini here, not the meaningless pablum of the frothing Twitterati of Soros’ and Brock’s “Resistance…”

Given the best these people can do is hang Trump with the term ‘traitor’ so casually is prima facia evidence of 1) their desperation and 2) their insanity.  Trump cannot be a traitor for going out and executing one of the main functions of the President, meeting with foreign leaders.

The insanity stoked by real traitors like James Comey, John Brennan, Bill Browder, and John McCain who did conspire with foreign governments (the U.K., Ukraine and yes, Russia) to bring down a sitting President has people still believing that they can overturn the election and award the Presidency to Hillary Clinton ex post facto.  As lawless as the United States has become, even that is a little beyond the pale… but only just a little.

From Russia With Love

Vladimir Putin took a cue from Trump’s masterful handling of the media to inject a few tons of reality into the minds of people all around the world…  Putin declared the Cold War over, even though it wasn’t of his design.  Trump, for his part, said U.S./Russian relations have never been worse but that changed a few hours previous.

A collective sigh of relief went up from billions around the world as the Two Most Hated Men in the Western World mutually declared that peace between us was far more important than politics.  And the only thing the political class could do was wail.  Putin took every opportunity to speak directly to Trump’s base, knowing that if he mentioned something they would look into it.

This is why he specifically brought up Misters Browder and George Soros.   He wants the coverage of Russia and himself to change.  And those two men, along with David Brock, spend a lot of time maintaining the Putin-as-Cthulhu meme.  If anything this was the most influential thing a Russian has done to affect a U.S. election since the fall of the Soviet Union, given the size of the audience…

Trump is Truly Pro-Life

At the end of the day Trump made the salient point about the investigation into Russia’s interference into the election by bringing up the servers that the FBI still has not examined.  Trump said simply, “Prove the allegation.  Prove that there was malfeasance and I’ll take that to Mr. Putin.”  But, they can’t prove it…

Just like Misters Soros and Browder are speaking to a smaller and smaller group of people who believe Vladimir Putin is the devil himself.  Soros came out and admitted recently that he’s losing on all fronts…

The net is closing on Browder as the sun is setting on his influence in Congress.  John McCain is dying, there will be a complete overhaul of The House and Senate this fall which will eventually lead to the repeal of the odious Magnitsky Act… 

Browder is scared that Trump makes good on Putin’s offer to Mr. Mueller so he’s on every dead-legacy news outlet with fewer viewers than QVC at 3am pleading his case.  Millions just went to Putin’s awful Russia and had the time of their lives.   The real traitors are squawking today because they know who they are.  Trump and Putin spoke to a world tired of their games and tired of the lies.

While things still suck, thanks to both of them but at least, we can be reasonably sure the bombs will stay in their silos.  And this is something the New Dr. Strangelove’s of the Left are lamenting.

The fall election is quickly coming upon us, let’s hope that we see new blood in congress instead of the same old hackneyed bought and paid for millionaire politicians.  But there was another victory for President Trump from his meeting with President Putin.  Mueller’s election tampering case against the Russian company Concord Management is winding its way through the court system. From National Sentinel:


Indicted Russian firm Concord Management BACKHANDS Mueller then TAUNTS him with with Kavanaugh decision seeking DISMISSAL of bogus bot case

(National Sentinel) Smacking the Hacks: You may recall that in February, special counsel Robert Mueller — to great fanfare and much media hype — and his merry band of Democrat prosecutors indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian firms for waging “information warfare” against the U.S., interfering in the 2016 presidential election, and conspiracy to defraud the United States. 

Since they are Russians, there’s no doubt that Mueller and the Hillary Clinton-supporting hacks he assembled to unseat our duly-elected POTUS Donald Trump, never thought for one moment any of the individual Russians or companies would ever be brought to trial in America.

The charges magically appeared as Mueller was beginning to face a growing storm of criticism that his collusion case was as thin as budget chicken soup.  But he got a ton of headlines when he announced his indictments.  And he likely believed he could get away with the showmanship while keeping alive the hoax that Team Trump and Moscow got together to “steal the election” from the worst candidate the Democrats have ever fielded, serial criminal Clinton.

Well, did Mueller step on his Johnson over that gambit!

One of the Russian firms, Concord Management, not only elected to show up to face the charges, they entered a not guilty plea — thus beginning the case which will include discovery — the exchange of evidence Mueller says he has against the firm.

As reported by The Daily Caller:

Lawyers for Russian company Concord Management and Consulting, LLC, formally entered a “not guilty” plea in federal court Monday in a case special counsel Robert Mueller probably never thought would happen. …  Mueller may now have to try the case, and Concord’s lawyers have put the special counsel on notice. The Russian company’s lawyers intend to invoke “discovery” to obtain U.S. intelligence about what they knew of Russian activities.

Now, this case is about to get even better.

After Concord Management’s lawyers backhanded Mueller and his tainted crew of Democrats, now they’re taunting them all with a federal court decision from 2011 written by Judge Brett Kavanaugh, POTUS Trump’s latest pick for the Supreme Court. 

You just can’t make this stuff up.

As SFGate reported:

A Russian company accused by special counsel Robert Mueller III of being part of an online operation to disrupt the 2016 presidential campaign is leaning in part on a decision by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to argue that the charge against it should be thrown out.

The 2011 decision by Kavanaugh, writing for a three-judge panel, concerned the role that foreign nationals may play in U.S. elections. It upheld a federal law that said foreigners temporarily in the country may not donate money to candidates, contribute to political parties and groups, or spend money advocating for or against candidates. But it did not rule out letting foreigners spend money on independent advocacy campaigns…

A motion filed by the Russian company this week repeatedly cites Kavanaugh’s decision, bringing new attention to his rulings on campaign finance laws and regulations during his tenure on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Insert LMAO emoji here.

Not only are lawyers for Concord Management smacking Mueller’s team around and taunting them, they appear to be sending a signal to the hack prosecutorial team that should any guilty rulings be handed down, they’ll simply be overturned by a SCOTUS that includes Kavanaugh, the author of the ruling negating most of Mueller’s charges.

It gets even better.

The Gateway Pundit reports that the case is assigned to U.S. District Court Judge Dabney Friedrich, who was appointed by President Donald Trump in December of 2017. 

Ha, ha.  That should be on court TV so we can all watch.  Mueller never thought the Russian company would show up to defend itself.  The only thing more entertaining would be if the Judge was Janine Pirro or maybe Judge Judy.  

How stupid are the American people??  Very, very stupid.  But the people of the world are waking up to the fact that the media is utterly corrupt, congress is corrupt and the intelligence agencies are useless, hapless and corrupt.  After all, the intelligence agencies failed America on Iraq’s WMDs, failed America on 911 and failed to protect Americans from known threats across our country.  Now the politicians want us to believe the corrupt intelligence agencies are sacrosanct, above reproach. 

Come on, wake up.  Are we to believe that President Trump is guilty of treason as charged by the liars and corrupt intelligence officials who lied under oath before congress?  “As Patrick Henry said long ago, “If this be treason, make the most of it!”  Amen.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Imperialist Deep State agents plot to derail Trump’s Peace Train

War is a Racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. It has been estimated by statisticians and economists that the war yielded $16 Trillion in Profits. That is how the 21,000 Billionaires and millionaires got that way. This $16 Trillion in Profits is not to be sneezed at. It is quite a tidy sum. ~~ Smedley D Butler

The Deep State’s agents who infest the various Stink Tanks who advocate for endless war with the enemy du jour have become mighty rich and will not allow the taxpayer funded spigot to be shut off.  There’s gold in them thar war hills.  Since George W. Bush was installed by five crooked partisans on the Supreme Court which has become an extension of the RNC and DNC, America has been involved in endless, non-declared wars across the globe.  With each RAND Corporation instigated conflict the profits rise exponentially and America sinks deeper into a sea of debt. 

President Donald J. Trump is a threat to those ill-gotten gains.  Trump has rolled out his Peace Train and is gathering steam as he rumbles down the tracks.  Now the Deep States agents are dynamiting the tracks with endless attacks based on lies to derail the peace train.  From Consortium News:


Evidence Will Probably Never Be Produced in Indictments of ‘Russian Agents’

The indictment of 12 Russian ‘agents,’ which included no collusion with Trump’s team, is essentially a political and not legal document because it is almost certain the U.S. government will never have to present any evidence in court, reports Joe Lauria.

Charges against 12 Russian intelligence agents for allegedly hacking emails from the Democratic Party during the 2016 presidential election were announced by the U.S. Justice Department on Friday at the very moment President Donald Trump was meeting Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle and just days before a summit between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.

A central claim of Russia-gate has been that the Russian government with help from the Trump campaign stole emails from the Democratic Party and the Hillary Clinton campaign and then gave those emails to WikiLeaks for publication to damage Clinton’s quest for the White House.

Until Friday however, the investigation into the allegations had produced no formal indictment of Russian government interference in the election. Like previous U.S. government accusations against Russia for alleged election meddling, the indictment makes assertions without providing evidence. Under U.S. law, indictments are not considered evidence. And it is highly unlikely that the government will ever have to produce any evidence in court…

Clinging to ‘Collusion’

The lack of evidence that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia has never stopped Democrats and their media outlets from believing unnamed U.S. intelligence sources for two years about such collusion. “Collusion” is the title of a best-selling book about the supposed Trump-Russia conspiracy to steal the election, but such a charge is not to be found…

But even after Friday’s indictments failed to charge anyone from Trump’s team, the Democratic media continued to insist there was collusion… If Russia is indeed guilty of remotely hacking the emails it would have had no evident need of assistance from anyone on the Trump team, let alone a public call from Trump on national TV to commence the operation…

The timing of the announcement was clearly intended to embarrass Trump as he was meeting the Queen and to undermine his upcoming meeting with Putin on July 16. The indictments may also have been meant to embarrass Russia two days before the World Cup final to be held in Moscow.

Pressure was immediately brought on Trump to cancel the summit in light of the indictments, which may have been the main aim in the timing of their announcement. “Glad-handing with Vladimir Putin on the heels of these indictments would be an insult to our democracy,” Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said in a statement less than an hour after the indictments were announced. “President Trump should cancel his meeting with Vladimir Putin until Russia takes demonstrable and transparent steps to prove that they won’t interfere in future elections,” Schumer said.

With no apparent irony, The New York Times reported, “The timing of the indictment … added a jolt of tension to the already freighted atmosphere surrounding Mr. Trump’s meeting with Mr. Putin. It is all but certain to feed into the conspiratorial views held by the president and some of his allies that Mr. Mueller’s prosecutors are determined to undermine Mr. Trump’s designs for a rapprochement with Russia.”

The Russian government on Friday strongly denied the charges. In a statement, the Foreign Ministry called the indictments “a shameful farce” that was not backed up by any evidence. “Obviously, the goal of this ‘mud-slinging’ is to spoil the atmosphere before the Russian-American summit,” the statement said.  The Ministry added that the 12 named Russians were not agents of the GRU.

“When you dig into this indictment … there are huge problems, starting with how in the world did they identify 12 Russian intelligence officers with the GRU,” said former CIA analyst Larry Johnson in an interview with Consortium News. Johnson pointed out that the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency was not allowed to take part in the January 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment on alleged interference by the GRU.

Only hand-picked analysts from the FBI, the NSA and the CIA were involved. “The experts in the intelligence community on the GRU … is the Defense Intelligence Agency and they were not allowed to clear on that document,” Johnson said…

The indictment makes clear the evidence of an alleged hack of the DNC and DCCC computers did not come from the FBI, which was never given access to the computers by the DNC, but instead from the private firm CrowdStrike, which was hired by the DNC. It is referred to as Company 1 in the indictment…

Dimitri Alperovitch, a CrowdStrike co-founder, is also a senior fellow at the anti-Russian Atlantic Council think tank…  CrowdStrike claimed the alleged Russian intelligence operation was extremely sophisticated and skilled in concealing its external penetration of the server. But CrowdStrike’s conclusion about Russian “fingerprints” resulted from clues that would have been left behind by extremely sloppy or amateur hackers–or inserted intentionally to implicate the Russians…

Other apparent sources for information in the indictment are intelligence agencies, which normally create hurdles in a criminal prosecution…  If the U.S. invoked the states secret privilege so that classified evidence could not be revealed in court a conviction before a civilian jury would be jeopardized.

Such a trial is extremely unlikely however. That makes the indictment essentially a political and not a legal document because it is almost inconceivable that the U.S. government will have to present any evidence in court to back up its charges. This is simply because of the extreme unlikelihood that arrests of Russians living in Russia will ever be made…

It is not only allies of Trump, as the Times thinks, who believe the timing of the indictments, indeed the entire Russia-gate scandal, is intended to prevent Trump from pursuing detente with nuclear-armed Russia.  Trump said of the indictments that, “I think that really hurts our country and it really hurts our relationship with Russia. I think that we would have a chance to have a very good relationship with Russia and a very good chance — a very good relationship with President Putin.”

There certainly appear to be powerful forces in the U.S. that want to stop that.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Wall Street rushed in behind Boris Yeltsin and Russian oligarchs to asset strip virtually the entire country, impoverishing the population. Amid widespread accounts of this grotesque corruption, Washington intervened in Russian politics to help get Yeltsin re-elected in 1996. The political rise of Vladimir Putin after Yeltsin resigned on New Year’s Eve 1999 reversed this course, restoring Russian sovereignty over its economy and politics.

That inflamed American hawks whose desire is to install another Yeltsin-like figure and resume U.S. exploitation of Russia’s vast natural and financial resources. To advance that cause, U.S. presidents have supported the eastward expansion of NATO and have deployed 30,000 troops on Russia’s border.

In 2014, the Obama administration helped orchestrate a coup that toppled the elected government of Ukraine and installed a fiercely anti-Russian regime. The U.S. also undertook the risky policy of aiding jihadists to overthrow a secular Russian ally in Syria. The consequences have brought the world closer to nuclear annihilation than at any time since the Cuban missile crisis in 1962.

In this context, the Democratic Party-led Russia-gate appears to have been used not only to explain away Clinton’s defeat but to stop Trump — possibly via impeachment or by inflicting severe political damage — because he talks about cooperation with Russia.

Yep, the indictments are just another load of crap delivered by Mueller to derail the Trump Peace Train.  The indictments are thin gruel with no evidence, just unsubstantiated allegations.  This is really an indictment of the highly politicized America’s intelligence agencies ushered in by George W. Bush and Barack Obama.  If the intelligence agencies were serious about investigating collusion in the 2016 Presidential election they’d be looking at the DNC, the CIA and the Queen’s MI6.  From Black Agenda Report:


Freedom Rider: British Collusion and Criminality
“Collusion continues not between Trump and Russians, but between intelligence agencies, the media and American politicians with hidden agendas.”

Most people believe that Donald Trump owes his presidency to Russian activity because they have been told this repeatedly for the past two years. There was indeed high level collusion taking place in the 2016 presidential campaign but it wasn’t carried out by Trump. It was Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee who acted in concert with intelligence assets in the United States and in the United Kingdom.

The British government continues to manufacture false flag incidents, force international agencies to do its bidding, and push for regime change in Syria. Having failed to defeat Trump, they kept up the campaign to cover their tracks, escape blame for Hillary Clinton’s failure, and maintain the foreign policy status quo.

A law firm retained by the Democratic National Committee paid for the opposition research undertaken by former MI6 agent, Christopher Steele. Steele produced a dossier alleging that Trump was compromised by the Russian government and shopped it to the FBI, CIA, influential journalists and politicians like Senator John McCain. The dossier was used to obtain a FISA surveillance warrant against Trump aide Carter Page but the DNC connection was not disclosed to the judge.

“Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee acted in concert with intelligence assets in the United States and in the United Kingdom.”

Steele isn’t the only British spook in the story. A man named Richard Dearlove, former head of MI6, is a business partner of Stefan Halper, a CIA asset who also spied on Donald Trump. Halper had contacts with Page and George Papadopoulos, two men now under indictment by Robert Mueller’s special investigation. The lesser lights of the Trump team were no match for seasoned professionals who get protection from the New York Times. The Times calls Halper “an FBI informant ” and tries to claim that is somehow different from being a spy…

While Russia is vilified at every turn the British government conducts very public and very shady business which could conceivably impact both countries. The case of former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal has the British government’s finger prints all over it. There is no reason for Russia to poison a former spy whom they had swapped eight years earlier.

The only logical conclusion is that the act was carried out with the goal of embarrassing Vladimir Putin and creating a possible pretext for war. The Skripal case was soon followed by questionable reporting of yet another chemical weapons attack in Syria which resulted in a short lived United States, British and French attack on that country…

It is the British who use lies and trickery to sway public opinion into supporting a wider war in Syria. Three months after the Skripals were attacked another pair of Britons are said to have been poisoned with Novichok, a chemical weapon originally produced by Russia but which now can be made anywhere. One of the victims died and the claims of Russian involvement have suddenly become much more dangerous.

This second poisoning took place less than one week after the UK pressured the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to take on the role of judge and juror. No longer will the OPCW just determine if chemical weapons have been used, but they will also be tasked with assigning blame, too. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson proudly stated, “The U.K. has led the diplomatic efforts to secure this action.”

Collusion continues not between Trump and Russians, but between intelligence agencies, the media and American politicians with hidden agendas. While the public are fed a steady diet of tales of an unfree press in Russia, it is the British press which has been censored by its government…

While Americans are given endless misinformation making Russia look like the foreign interloper in their nation’s affairs it is actually the British deep state that is well connected to American media and politicians.

The Russiagate purveyors constantly say, “Connect the dots.” If there are any dots to connect they run from the DNC to former MI6 spies to CIA assets to Russian double agents to American intelligence to alleged chemical weapons attacks used to justify war or to stop the upcoming Trump and Putin summit. It is all being used to further the now obligatory anti-Russian propaganda that is pervasive on both sides of the Atlantic.

Trump would be wise to revisit his campaign stance on the boondoggle known as NATO.  That relic is a complete and total waste of money.  NATO is a destabilizing force in the world and there is no place for it in today’s world, especially for peace-loving nations.  From Lew


No Need For Nato

A NATO summit approaches that brings Donald Trump to Europe and then on to these shores, and brings the usual clamour for more of the taxpayers’ money to be given to arms manufacturers. 

Yet NATO is a demonstrably useless institution. It’s largest ever active military deployment, for 12 years in Afghanistan, resulted in military defeat throughout 80% of the country, the installation of a pocket regime whose scrip does not run further than you can throw the scrip, and a vast outflow of heroin to finance the criminal underworld throughout NATO countries…

In invading Afghanistan and boosting the heroin warlords, NATO countries destabilised themselves. 

NATO’s second biggest military operation ever was the attack on Libya, where NATO carried out an incredible 14,200 bombing sorties using high explosive munitions and devastated Libya’s infrastructure and entire cities. Here is Sirte after NATO “liberation”.

The direct result of the devastation of Libya and destruction of its government infrastructure has been the massive untrammeled exodus of migrants, especially from West Africa, through Libya and across the Mediterranean on boats. This has not only led to the appalling exploitation and tragic death of many migrants, it has fundamentally weakened the governments and indeed governing public ethos of European NATO member states and led to a right wing populist surge throughout much of the EU.

In short, in destroying Libya, NATO members destabilised themselves.  Now NATO is focusing once more on the original “threat” it was supposed to combat, a Russian invasion of Western Europe.  Russia has absolutely no intention of invading Western Europe. The very notion is ludicrous. It does not require NATO to deter a threat that does not exist…

Russia does have disproportionate military power for its size – but not that much. Russia’s defence spending is one sixth that of NATO defence spending, though it is slightly more efficient because, despite corruption, less of Russia’s defence spending goes into the pockets of arms company shareholders, lobbyists, politicians and other fatcats than happens in the West. But that cannot outweigh Russia’s massive economic disadvantage. Nothing can. Russia is very well placed to defend itself, but in no position to attack major powers.

Russia’s foreign policy successes – in Crimea, Syria and Georgia – have been based not on massive military strength – the NATO powers far outweigh Russia there – but simply on much better statecraft. And NATO, for all the trillions western taxpayers spend on it, has been unable to do anything about it…

In fact if anybody has not worked out by now that our famed nuclear arsenal is a chocolate teapot, then they have not been paying attention. In none of the recent foreign policy crises – including the North Korean nuclearisation issue – nobody, anywhere, ever has mentioned Trident missiles as part of the solution. They are utterly worthless.

The threat of a Russian attack on NATO itself is non-existent. The EU is not officially a military alliance but the idea that any part of EU territory could be subject to invasion without the rest of the EU reacting is a political impossibility...  So NATO’s role of defence against Russia is otiose, and its wider military adventures have been a total disaster…

Ahh, yes the neocon war mongers are going crazy.  They will do anything to derail Trump’s Peace Train stop in Helsinki to meet with Vladimir Putin.  The closer the meeting gets the more unhinged the neocon controlled media gets.  They are completely coming off the rails.  From Tyler Durden:


Neocons Panic as Trump-Putin Meeting Could Mark Close of Syrian Proxy War
They're raging, warning an pleading -- it all looks very desperate

When multiple op-ed pieces appear in the pages of the New York Times, Washington Post, and the CFR-owned Foreign Affairs authored by neocons simultaneously pleading with Trump Don't Get Out of Syria(!) all within the same week, this is typically an indicator that the president is about to do something good.

Trump is set to meet with Putin one-on-one this coming Monday in Helsinki after a contentious NATO summit and a sufficiently awkward visit with Theresa May, and mainstream pundits' heads are exploding. 

The Post's Josh Rogin warns, Trump and Putin may be about to make a terrible deal on Syria, and Susan Rice suddenly emerges from obscurity and irrelevance to say in the Times that Trump Must Not Capitulate to Putin while urging the administration not to "prematurely withdraw United States forces [from Syria], thus thus ceding total victory to Russia, Mr. Assad and Iran." From North Korea to Afghanistan to Syria to Ukraine, Rice advises the typical regime change script of "harsh additional sanctions" anywhere the dictates of Washington are not strictly adhered to.

Similarly, Eli Lake links together the main regime change wars begun under Obama while lamenting their potential winding down as a result of Putin and Trump meeting as indicative of living in "some alternate universe". "The price of Russian cooperation in Syria cannot be U.S. capitulation on Crimea," Lake writes, and further calls such a possibility "the most dangerous possible outcome."

The Kagan-led neocon think tank ISW, meanwhile, is outraged(!) the administration appears to lack "the will to use" America's military might to counter Assad, Iran, and Russia, saying "the United States should invest now in building leverage for future decisive action."

And then there's Senator Lindsey Graham's meltdown on Twitter this week in reaction to both the Syrian Army victoriously raising the national flag over Daraa and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu telling President Vladimir Putin during a summit that Israel has no problem with Assad staying, so long as Israel can preserve "freedom of action" if attacked.

In a significant change of posture toward Damascus, Netanyahu told reporters in Moscow, “We haven't had a problem with the Assad regime, for 40 years not a single bullet was fired on the Golan Heights.”

In the past months there's been widespread reporting on a "secret" deal brokered between Russia, Israel, and Syria, which reportedly involves the Syrian Army agreeing to keep Iranian forces away from the ongoing successful campaign along the Israeli and Jordanian borders, especially the contested Golan Heights.

Netanyahu now says, fresh off his Moscow visit, that Putin agreed to restrain Iran in Syria, but that ultimately Assad will take back all of Syria. The New York Times reports this hugely significant acknowledgement and surprising change of tune from the Israeli PM:

Israel, he said, did not object to President Bashar al-Assad’s regaining control over all of Syria, a vital Russian objective, and Russia had pushed Iranian and allied Shiite forces “tens of kilometers” away from the Israeli border…

The neocon pundits' last hope for military intervention in Syria has remained Netanyahu, and to see him fold must feel like a swift unexpected punch in the stomach, but more crucially the Syrian diplomatic cards have fallen in place just days before Monday's Trump-Putin meeting.

President Assad has long vowed to liberate "every inch" of sovereign Syrian territory, something which but two years ago appeared impossible, yet which now looks increasingly inevitable. Should the Trump-Putin summit result in a green light that ensures Moscow and Damascus remain in the driver's seat and set the terms for Syria's stabilization, we could be witnessing the final diplomatic chapter in this dark seven-year long proxy war.

However, Trump continues to be urged from various corners of the beltway foreign policy establishment to salvage and preserve what he can of the open-ended US troop presence in eastern Syria: the US must "preserve its interests in the conflict, namely... constraining Iranian influence in the country" as one Foreign Policy essay argues.

For months now, Trump has talked of US military withdrawal from the country — which the Pentagon in public statements has put at over some 2000 troops — a proposal which hawks within his administration have pushed back against every time.

And then there's the clearly observable pattern that seems to repeat whenever the administration announces it is poised to pull out of Syria. Indeed it seems to occur every time the Syrian Army is on a trajectory of overwhelming victory: an ill-timed and strategically nonsensical mass chemical attack on civilians supposedly ordered by Assad — inevitably giving the West an open door for military intervention, new rounds of crippling sanctions, and yet more international media condemnation heaped on Damascus…

Should Trump and Putin ultimately come to a lasting settlement on the Syria issue which results in US troop withdrawal from Syria, will the international proxy war come to a close?  Or will we witness yet another last minute "mass casualty event" or other other provocation that pulls the US, Israel, and Russia into yet deeper direct military confrontation?

Hopefully Trump will not be bamboozled by this political circus and will keep the Peace Train on the tracks.  America has nothing to lose and everything to gain by boarding the Trump Peace Train.   From Russia Insider:

All Aboard the Trump Peace Train! He's Taking the Fight to the War Party
He wants out of Korea, Germany, Syria – and NATO!

"You have to be blind not to see that Trump wants to radically reduce the US presence overseas – and you’re part of the problem if you find that worrisome"  Justin Raimondo

There’s never a dull moment with the Trump administration, which means: never a moment of rest for the War Party. Trump keeps throwing fast balls at the pundits and assembled “experts,” and they keep striking out, bigtime, as the ball whizzes past their heads and lands, with a thwack!, in the catcher’s mitt.

“Steee-rike one!” 

First it was the meet up with Korean leader Kim Jong-un. The media and their attendant policy wonks weren’t ready for Singapore, where the President gave Kim a glimpse of what his country could achieve if it would only come in from the cold and allow the warm embrace of the international community. And while the North Koreans have repeatedly pledged to give up their nukes, that’s not good enough for the universally negative “experts,” some of whom aren’t experts at all but merely former bloggers with history degrees.

Now they’re citing fake news from NBC claiming that no less than eight anonymous “US officials” have stated that the North Koreans are covertly building up their nukes at a super-duper top secret site and it’s all a commie trick to – do what? Provoke an attack from an easily provoked Trump? Start World War III? Commit mass suicide?

The icing on the cake is that the author of this nonsense is none other than Ken Dilanian, the former national security reporter for the Los Angeles Times, who was fired for having a “collaborative relationship” with the CIA. Yes, that got him fired from the Times, but it’s a qualification rather than a negative as far as NBC is concerned.

“Steee-rike two!”

If the Singapore summit hit them in an unexpected place – who knew that, months after the exchange of bloodcurdling threats between Trump and Kim, they’d be shaking hands and making peace? – then the Helsinki summit with Putin is the knockout punch. And the howls of pain arising from our hateful warmongering media, the Democratic party politicians they’re in thrall to, and the phony “human rights” scamsters, are getting louder by the minute. We should all revel in their misery.

Trump campaigned on making peace with Russia: he has a mandate to do so. That, however, matters little to the “intelligence community” and their media camarilla, which is up in arms at the very prospect of a Russo-American partnership for peace. The national security bureaucracy and the laptop bombardiers who inhabit Think-tank World have a vested interest in maintaining a cold war status quo that should’ve ended when the Berlin Wall fell. They are horrified by Trump’s “America First” foreign policy views, and they are out to stop him by any means necessary – because his victory meant the end of their worldview and their careers.

Our “allies” are in a panic because the free ride is over – that’s why the German Marshall Fund is utilizing their extensive propaganda assets to mobilize elite opinion against the President. This is the kind of foreign “meddling” that’s okay with our media, and, apparently, fine with law enforcement…

Which is why I was thrilled to see that Trump is raising the issue of the 35,000 American troops in Germany: what, he wants to know, are they doing there? And how much is it costing us? The Washington Post sullenly reports:

“The Pentagon is analyzing the cost and impact of a large-scale withdrawal or transfer of American troops stationed in Germany, amid growing tensions between President Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, according to people familiar with the work.

“The effort follows Trump’s expression of interest in removing the troops, made during a meeting earlier this year with White House and military aides, U.S. officials said. Trump was said to have been taken aback by the size of the US presence, which includes about 35,000 active-duty troops, and complained that other countries were not contributing fairly to joint security or paying enough to NATO.

“Word of the assessment has alarmed European officials, who are scrambling …”

Oh yes, they’re scrambling, the poor dears: not just our gormless “allies,” but also their amen corner in Washington, which is going into an outright meltdown –- and what a glorious sight it is!

“Steee-rike three!”

Finally an American president has woken up to the fact that World War II, not to mention the cold war, is over: there’s no need for US troops to occupy Germany.  Vladimir Putin isn’t going to march into Berlin in a reenactment of the Red Army taking the Fuehrer-bunker – but even if he were so inclined, why won’t Germany defend itself?

So let’s take inventory of our President’s recent pronouncements:

He wants US troops out of Germany.  He wants US troops out of Korea, or else he wants Seoul to start paying the bill.  He wants US troops out of Syria – and this is bound to come up during the Helsinki summit.

He wants out of NATO, telling our “allies” at the recent G-7 summit that “NATO is as bad as NAFTA. It’s much too costly for the US…”

I don’t care about his other views, quite frankly. They are irrelevant. Because if and when he implements his “isolationist” policies, the size, scope, and expense of government will radically shrink. That’s because the rationale for big government will be very much weaker: the political class won’t have the “national security” angle to justify universal surveillance and huge taxpayer outlays to foreign ingrates.

If he manages to lift the burden of empire from the weary shoulders of the American people, the federal government will get smaller despite the intent of the Trump administration or its successors: the process will be as near to automatic as any human activity can possibly be.

You have to be blind not to see that Trump wants to radically reduce the US presence overseas – and you’re part of the problem if you find that worrisome. It’s time to get on the Trump peace train – because it’s riding into history whether you like it or not.

All aboard!  The Trump Peace Train is scheduled to roll into Helsinki on Monday and let’s hope peace prevails.  The Neocon Terrorists that seized control of America in 2000 will be just a bad memory.  Drain the neocon swamp, Mr. President.  Gain steam and roll on down the tracks.  Make way for the Trump Peace Train.  God speed, Mr. President. 

By Patricia Baeten

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Poll by George W. Bush and Joe Biden: Americans are losing faith in Democracy, No Shit Shakespeare

Now that is rich, a “bi-partisan” poll, wherein bi-partisan means there is no difference between the Republican establishment and the Democratic establishment, found that half of Americans think the US is in real danger of becoming an authoritarian country.  What I find surprising is that the number is so low.  What planet are the other half occupying?  What is even more laughable is that the poll was conducted by “stink tanks” formed under the auspices of George W. (the constitution is just a God damned piece of paper) Bush and Joe (I am a Zionist) Biden.  Well no shit Shakespeare.

What a joke the people most responsible for the dismantling of Democracy in America conducted a poll and found Americans are losing faith in their own government.  From CityWatch:


RESISTANCE WATCH: Half of Americans think the United States is in “real danger of becoming a nondemocratic, authoritarian country.” A majority, 55 percent, see democracy as “weak” — and 68 percent believe it is “getting weaker.”  Eight in 10 Americans say they are either “very” or “somewhat” concerned about the condition of democracy here.

These are among the sobering results of a major bipartisan poll published Tuesday that was commissioned by the George W. Bush Institute, the University of Pennsylvania’s Biden Center and Freedom House, which tracks the vitality of democracies around the world… (I’m going to barf).

“We hope this work can be a step toward restoring faith in democracy and democratic institutions,” Bush said in a statement.  (Ha, ha what a laugh)  The concern about the condition of democracy inside the United States transcends the tribal divide between Republicans and Democrats, with majorities across races, genders, age groups, levels of education and income brackets expressing fear.  (Those majorities are the people who have no representation in government)

Hey dipsticks you don’t have to pay millions to your stink tanks, the GW Bush Institute and the Biden Center and (cough, cough) Freedom House to figure out why Americans believe that our government has been taken over by fascist forces like the RNC and DNC.  Here’s a twenty-year study that doesn’t cost you anything.  From City Watch LA:


Have you ever felt like the government doesn’t really care what you think?

Professors Martin Gilens (Princeton University) and Benjamin I. Page (Northwestern University) looked at more than 20 years’ worth of data to answer a pretty simple question: Does the government represent the people?

Their study took data from nearly 2000 public opinion surveys and compared it to the policies that ended up becoming law. In other words, they compared what the public wanted to what the government actually did. What they found was extremely unsettling: The opinions of the bottom 90% of income earners in America has essentially no impact at all.

Princeton University study: Public opinion has “near-zero” impact on U.S. law.

Gilens & Page found that the number of Americans for or against any idea has no impact on the likelihood that congress will make it law.  “The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.”

One thing that does have an influence? Money. While the opinions of the bottom 90% of income earners in America have a “statistically non-significant impact,” Economic elites, business interests, and people who can afford lobbyists still carry major influence.

Nearly every issue we face as a nation is caught in the grip of corruption.  From taxation to national debt, education to the economy, America is struggling to address our most serious issues. Moneyed interests get what they want, and the rest of us pay the price.

They spend billions influencing America’s government. We give them trillions in return.  In the last 5 years alone, the 200 most politically active companies in the US spent $5.8 billion influencing our government with lobbying and campaign contributions.  Those same companies got $4.4 trillion in taxpayer support earning a return of 750 times their investment. 

It’s a vicious cycle of legalized corruption.  As the cost of winning elections explodes, politicians of both political parties become ever more dependent on the tiny slice of the population who can bankroll their campaigns. 

To win a Senate seat in 2014, candidates had to raise $14,351 every single day... In return for campaign donations, elected officials pass laws that are good for their mega-donors, and bad for the rest of us.

Our elected officials spend 30-70% of their time in office fundraising for the next election. When they’re not fundraising, they have no choice but to make sure the laws they pass keep their major donors happy — or they won’t be able to run in the next election.  Until it’s addressed, Corruption will continue to block progress on every issue.

That’s right these bought and paid for politicians can’t understand why the American people hate them.  The Democratic Party in particular can’t figure out why their dogs (the Democratic voters) won’t eat the dog food they give them.  Both parties are corrupt beyond repair and they still can’t understand why the voters voted for an outsider like Donald Trump to be President.

They are still trying to breathe life into their “Russian collusion” hot air balloon that won’t fly.  It’s a lie, a stinking, rotting lie devised before the election as an insurance policy against a Trump Administration and the people know it.  America’s founders wrote the Declaration of Independence to declare the states’ independence from the monarchical rule of Great Britain and what we got was an oligarchical rule from the billionaires who own our politicians.  From Caitlin Johnstone at Consortium News:


America Celebrates Lateral Move From Monarchy To Corporate Rule

Today America celebrates its liberation from the shackles of the British Crown and the beginning of its transition into corporatist oligarchy…  Fireworks will be set off, hot dogs will be consumed, and a strange yellow concoction known as Mountain Dew will be imbibed by patriotic high-fiving Yankees eager to celebrate their hard-fought freedom to funnel their taxes into corporate welfare instead of to the King.

In trouncing King George’s red-coated goon squad, you made it possible for the donor class to slowly buy up more and more control of your shiny new government, allowing for a system of rule determined not by royal bloodlines, but by wealth bloodlines. Now instead of your national affairs being determined by some gilded schmuck across the pond, they are determined by the billionaire owners of multinational corporations and banks…

The elite class secured its stance as British Rule 2.0 by throwing their money behind politicians who they knew would advance their interests, whether those interests are in ensuring that the arms and munitions they manufacture get used frequently, the expansion of predatory trade policies, keeping tax loopholes open and keeping taxes on the wealthiest of the wealthy very low, deregulating corporations and banks, or enabling underhanded Wall Street practices which hurt the many for the benefit of the few…

So if you’ve ever wondered why seemingly common sense matters like a living wage and healthcare as a right consistently get shot down by your government, this is why…  The oligarchs can keep that from happening by continually escalating income inequality. They use their massive political power to repress the minimum wage, to undermine the power of unions, and to continually pull more and more energy away from socialist programs and toward the corporate deregulation of neoliberalism.

America is a corporatist oligarchy dressed in drag doing a bad impression of a bipartisan democracy. Sometimes it doesn’t even keep its wig on; a recent party at the Hamptons saw Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Kellyanne Conway and Charles Koch mixing it up with Chuck Schumer and George Soros. When they’re not dining on champagne and rare fillet together, these people pretend to be locked in a vicious partisan battle that is “tearing the nation apart,” but at Lally Weymouth’s annual Southampton summer party the act stops and the oligarchs frolic together like children.

1776 turned out to be nothing other than a transition from one form of exploitative rule to another, but who knows? Maybe a year in the not-too-distant future will see America celebrating a real Independence Day.

Let’s hope that sometime in the near future there is a real Independence Day, but in the meantime the Oligarchs are calling in their chits and demanding their puppets in the US Senate rein in President Trump’s advances toward peace.  They are demanding the Senate bestow some kind of legitimacy on their corrupt FBI’s concocted Russian collusion crap report.  From The Hill:


Senate panel upholds finding that Russia backed Trump, contradicting House

The Senate Intelligence Committee has unequivocally upheld the conclusion of the intelligence community that Russia developed a "clear preference" for then-candidate Donald Trump in the 2016 election and sought to help him win the White House.

The assessment, announced in an unclassified summary released Tuesday, represents a direct repudiation of the committee’s counterpart in the House — and of President Trump himself, who has consistently rejected assertions that Moscow sought to bolster his candidacy through its election interference…

The so-called "intelligence community assessment," or ICA, is a "sound intelligence production," according the Senate panel..." 

Senate investigators also rejected the notion that the ICA was inappropriately influenced by politics, as some of Trump's supporters have alleged… The committee says it reviewed "thousands of pages of source documents" and interviewed all the relevant officials who were involved in developing the ICA, from agency heads and managers to line analysts—and "heard consistently that analysts were under no politically motivated pressure to reach any conclusions…"

Move on, nothing to see here.  Our spooks weren’t politically motivated, we asked them and they said no.  Sounds like a case of “if you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit.”  Who can trust the Deep State “intelligence” agencies who have been only consistent in one thing, being wrong?  Wrong on “911 terrorist warnings” wrong on “weapons of mass destruction,” wrong on the many mass shootings where the perpetrators were well-known to and associated with the FBI or CIA and we’re supposed to believe them now??  From TheAnti-Media:


Former US Ambassador: Intel Report on Russian Interference “Politically Motivated”

Prominent journalists and politicians seized upon a shabby, politically motivated, “intelligence” report as proof of “Russian interference” in the U.S. election without the pretense of due diligence, argues Jack Matlock, a former U.S. ambassador in Moscow.

I spent the 35 years of my government service with a “top secret” clearance. When I reached the rank of ambassador and also worked as Special Assistant to the President for National Security, I also had clearances for “codeword” material. At that time, intelligence reports to the president relating to Soviet and European affairs were routed through me for comment.

I developed at that time a “feel” for the strengths and weaknesses of the various American intelligence agencies. It is with that background that I read the January 6, 2017 report of three intelligence agencies: the CIA, FBI, and NSA.

This report is labeled “Intelligence Community Assessment,” but in fact it is not that…  The report states that it represents the findings of three intelligence agencies: CIA, FBI, and NSA, but even that is misleading in that it implies that there was a consensus of relevant analysts in these three agencies.

In fact, the report was prepared by a group of analysts from the three agencies pre-selected by their directors, with the selection process generally overseen by James Clapper, then Director of National Intelligence (DNI). Clapper told the Senate in testimony May 8, 2017, that it was prepared by “two dozen or so analysts—hand-picked, seasoned experts from each of the contributing agencies.

If you can hand-pick the analysts, you can hand-pick the conclusions. The analysts selected would have understood what Director Clapper wanted since he made no secret of his views. Why would they endanger their careers by not delivering?

What should have struck any congressperson or reporter was that the procedure Clapper followed was the same as that used in 2003 to produce the report falsely claiming that Saddam Hussein had retained stocks of weapons of mass destruction. That should be worrisome enough to inspire questions, but that is not the only anomaly.

Unusual FBI Participation

During my time in government, a judgment regarding national security would include reports from, as a minimum, the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) of the State Department. The FBI was rarely, if ever, included unless the principal question concerned law enforcement within the United States…

What did I notice when I read the January report? There was no mention of INR or DIA! The exclusion of DIA might be understandable since its mandate deals primarily with military forces, except that the report attributes some of the Russian activity to the GRU, Russian military intelligence. DIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, is the U.S. intelligence organ most expert on the GRU. Did it concur with this attribution? The report doesn’t say.

The omission of INR is more glaring since a report on foreign political activity could not have been that of the U.S. intelligence community without its participation…  This is where due diligence comes in. The first question responsible journalists and politicians should have asked is “Why is INR not represented? Does it have a different opinion? If so, what is that opinion?

The second question should have been directed at the CIA, NSA, and FBI: did all their analysts agree with these conclusions or were they divided in their conclusions? What was the reason behind hand-picking analysts and departing from the customary practice of enlisting analysts already in place and already responsible for following the issues involved?

As I was recently informed by a senior official, the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence Research did, in fact, have a different opinion but was not allowed to express it. So the January report was not one of the “intelligence community,” but rather of three intelligence agencies, two of which have no responsibility or necessarily any competence to judge foreign intentions.

The second thing to remember is that reports of the intelligence agencies reflect the views of the heads of the agencies and are not necessarily a consensus of their analysts’ views. The heads of both the CIA and FBI are political appointments…

Prominent American journalists and politicians seized upon this shabby, politically motivated, report as proof of “Russian interference” in the U.S. election without even the pretense of due diligence. They have objectively acted as co-conspirators in an effort to block any improvement in relations with Russia, even though cooperation with Russia to deal with common dangers is vital to both countries.

Ouch, seems the highly political report used by the Senate Intelligence Committee is just a load of crap compiled by and for the special interests who want to derail any cooperation between Russia and the U.S. that would cut into their highly lucrative defense contracts.

Oh those wily Russians are at it again, not only did they interfere with America’s Presidential election, now they’ve installed a Socialist president in Mexico!  Oh the horrors!  From Strategic Culture:


Andrés Obrador Becomes President of Mexico: Good Prospects for Russian-Mexican Relations

Until now, it has been generally believed that the era of left rulers in Latin America was over. In December 2017, Sebastián Piñera of the National Renewal party, won in Chile after right-wing forces came to power in Argentina (2015) and Brazil (2016). Three leading economies of the continent had right-wing governments. It all changed on July 1 with the sweeping victory held by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the candidate representing the country’s Left.

His party Morena, the National Regeneration Movement (Movimiento Regeneración Nacional), was formed only in 2014 to lead Obrador to victory over other candidates from political parties that have ruled the country for the entire century. Now he has enough power for implementing drastic changes. The Mexican revolution took place 101 years ago. This is the first time the Left have come to power.

One of the president-elect’s promises was standing up to Donald Trump if need be. His election is a blow to the United States influence in Latin America. The US and newly elected Mexican presidents don’t see eye-to-eye on NAFTA, bilateral trade and border security.

During the race, Obrador had to deny the rumors that originated from the United States, not Mexico, that he had received money from Moscow. As in the course of the 2016 US election, the invented stories were spread around. Then US National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said he had seen “signs” of Russia’s meddling into Mexican election campaign. The affirmation was left unconfirmed as the official offered no details but US Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Bob Menendez (D-NJ), and Tim Kaine (D-VA) lost no time to chime in.

So did Enrique Ochoa Reza, the chairman of the Mexican Institutional Revolutionary Party that lost the election. Rumors remained rumors but media did its part to make people believe the concoctions were true. Andres Obrador used the strongest weapon against lies – humor. He jibed the stories to win even more popular support…

Its economy is strongly linked to NAFTA – the economic union US President Trump wants to end so much, replacing it with separate deals. Perhaps, this is the time for Mexico to diversify its economic partners.

Russia, China and other BRICS nations can offer a good alternative to the rocky relationship with the northern partner having become so unpredictable recently. Obrador’s victory may provide an impetus to the development of Russian-Mexican ties, including energy, security and political interaction on the global stage.

The sanctions imposed by the US and the EU have prompted Moscow to expand contacts with other world economies. Russia has a strong diplomatic presence in such countries as Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, and Cuba…

Russia’s strongest trade relationships are Brazil and Mexico, which together account for about half of all of Russian trade in the continent. The Russian twin-engine MC-21 short-to-mid-range airliner with a capacity for between 150-211 passengers offers a potential lucrative deal Mexico has paid interest in.

In January, the Mexican Association of Importers and Exporters (ANIERM) opened its trade office in Moscow. Mexico is eager to explore a partnership with Russia to purchase and assemble helicopters. Mi-35M and the Mi-28NE combat helicopters as well as Mi-17 military transport rotary wing aircraft are under consideration. Russia’s Lukoil energy giant has won two tenders to expand its drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Grupo Maseca and Nemak are operating in Russia.

Experts believe that Obrador’s election is a good chance to spur the Russian-Mexican cooperation in all spheres. President Putin also expressed hope that with Andrés Obrador at the helm, the bilateral relationship will get a new impetus. The two leaders will meet at the upcoming G20 summit, scheduled for November 30–December 1 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

And what does our great leader, President Trump have to say about Mexico’s election of President Obrador?  He says congratulations.  From ElPais:


Trump congratulates Mexico’s new president: “I look forward to working with him”

Donald Trump, who has been coming down hard on Mexico over immigration and trade ever since he reached the White House, struck a conciliatory tone on Sunday night and congratulated the winner of the Mexican presidential election, the leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Some of the most contentious issues between both countries include a renegotiation of the NAFTA trade agreement, which is currently blocked, and Trump’s promise to build a border wall that will be paid for by Mexicans.

Speaking on Fox News Sunday, US National Security Advisor John Bolton said about Trump and López Obrador that “in this kind of context, having the two leaders get together may produce some surprising results.”

“I think President Trump will follow through with the same pattern he’s used with other foreign leaders. They look forward to meeting with him, sitting down and talking about these things,” added Bolton in reply to a question about López Obrador’s support for Mexican migrants who cross into the US…

A few months ago, López Obrador – or AMLO, the acronym he is known by – stated that there was one issue on which he and Trump were in agreement: that Mexican workers’ wages have to go up.  AMLO, who won the election with a coalition whose main member is his own Morena party, is now being observed with equal doses of hope and misgivings by the rest of the continent.

Congratulations indeed.  Maybe a real Independence Day will come in the near future for America and the world.  A new day is dawning, one that will wash away the filth left behind by the past two administrations that served as handmaidens for the billionaires who installed them.  Perhaps an Independence Day will arrive that finds America as an agent of peace instead of the agent of war and destruction across the world for the benefit of the banks and the military industrial complex. 

Rejoice America and the world, a new, real Independence Day is on the horizon.  In the meantime George W. Bush and Joe Biden can pay their stink tanks to conduct polls to tell them the obvious.  Americans believe they left us on the brink of fascism and voted for Donald Trump to turn the Titanic around. 

By Patricia Baeten