Sunday, March 24, 2019

Mueller report produces goose egg as unelected Zionist Neocon foreign agents seize control of US foreign and domestic policy

In his Farewell Address, President Washington warned against a “passionate attachment” to any foreign nation that might create the illusion of some “common interest … where no common interest exists.”

Now that Mueller’s baseless witch hunt to tie the election of President Donald Trump to “Russian collusion” is completed, we see the major charges brought against onetime campaign manager Paul Manafort stem from failing to register as a foreign agent under the FARA laws.  How sad and actually laughable that Mueller had to stoop to the depths of partisanship to fabricate this so called “crime” that takes place on a daily basis in Washington.

AIPAC is an unregistered foreign agent that has complete control over the incumbents in our government as they buy seats in our government to promote the neocon Zionist agenda of Israel’s most corrupt leader, Benjamin Netanyahu at the expense of the American people.  These neocons think America’s treasury is their mad money to be spent without restraint to spread hatred, death and destruction across the globe in the name of “spreading American freedom and values”. 

What Americans don’t realize is that to their “elected” officials answer to these agents of Zion.  Under this un-American system “freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.”  The only freedoms they have to offer the American people are freedoms no one in their right mind would want.  These are some of the freedoms that they are forcing on the American people.

·        The freedom to be maimed or to lose your life in a war of aggression against a weak nation who is no threat to America, to kill or remove their leader and steal their resources.  Once our military families have been are wounded or killed they no longer have any value to the agents of Zion and are tossed aside like garbage. 

·        The freedom to have every phone call, e-mail, purchase and web search monitored by unknown individuals to see if anything you say can be construed as anti-Semite.  Anyone who writes, speaks or expresses displeasure with the direction that these merchants of death are taking America is declared a traitor charged with espionage and/or imprisoned.

·        Freedom to pursue a higher education just to become an indentured slave to the Wall Street Vultures whose banks who sell these government backed education loan securities at premium prices since the forced repayment of the loans carries all the weight of the United States Government.  In other words, the government serves the Zionist banking interests not that of the American people who can be pursued even after death to repay these loan sharks their blood money.

·        The freedom for the Zionist neocons to traverse the globe spreading death, destruction and evil at the tip of the sword of the U.S. military unimpeded of restraints by the American government or international law. 

These are just a few of the examples of freedom meaning nothing left to lose.  America is at a precipice, this is the war of the century.  Will America’s dinosaurs in congress whose fealty to Zionist special interests has put America at the risk of extinction, win yet again?  These agents of Zion have bankrupted America, destroyed our armed forces, destroyed our educational system, destroyed America’s infrastructure, destroyed the pillars of capitalism and plunged Americans into an abyss of debt, drug addiction, homelessness and helplessness not seen since the Great Depression.   

While these foreign agents have always been around the periphery of American governance since the era of FDR, their firm grasp on the American government wasn’t complete until the overthrow of the American government on December 12, 2000.  The 2000 election was unique in that the Zionist agents in the American government had seized majorities in both the Republican and Democratic Parties that were willing to overthrow their own country’s government and turn it over to foreign agents.

The Iraq war would not have been possible without complete control over both corrupt parties.  Looking back we can see how nothing has changed since the bicameral coup.  From Mint Press:


16 Years After Iraq, the US Has Become a Nation of Passive Neocons

After Iraq, the neocons began waging another war, one for America’s soul.

WASHINGTON (Opinion) — Sixteen years have passed and the memory of the Iraq War is distant for many, save for the millions of people — Iraqi and American alike — who saw their lives destroyed by one of the greatest lies ever sold to the American public.

Yet, while plenty of Americans sleep easy thinking that such an atrocity as the invasion and occupation of Iraq could never happen again, the U.S. government has continuously been involved in many smaller, equally disastrous wars — both seen and unseen largely thanks to the fact that those who brought us the Iraq War remain both respected and still present in the halls of power…

Indeed, the only thing the domestic outrage over the Iraq War seemed to accomplish has been a massive effort waged by the government and the corporate elite to engineer a public that doesn’t complain and doesn’t care when their government meddles or invades another country…

Our forgetfulness has informed our silence and our silence is our complicity in the crimes — past and present — orchestrated by the neocons, who never left government after Iraq but instead rebranded themselves and helped to culturally engineer our passivity. As a consequence, we have again been hoodwinked by the neocons, who have transformed America in their image, creating a nation of neocon enablers, a nation of passive neocons.

Iraq War lies revisited

Though the lies that led the U.S. to invade Iraq are well-documented, they deserve to be remembered…  Yet arguably more important than the lies told in the direct lead-up to the war, is the conclusive evidence that key officials in the Bush administration, many of them members of the neoconservative organization known as the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), had planned and called for an invasion of Iraq long before the September 11th attacks had even taken place…

Some researchers say the plan for the Iraq War began decades before with the drafting of the 1992 Defense Policy Guidance (DPG), which was overseen by Paul Wolfowitz, then Under-Secretary of Defense for Policy, who would later become one of the chief architects of the 2003 Iraq War…

PNAC is arguably best known for publishing the document “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” in September 2000. That document, which cites the DPG as its inspiration, contains many controversial passages, one of which reads:

The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein.”

After George W. Bush was declared the winner of the 2000 election, many PNAC signatories took prominent positions in his administration, including Cheney and Rumsfeld. Other PNAC signatories — including Dov Zakheim, John Bolton, and Elliott Abrams — would also soon find their way into the Bush administration, where they too would become intimately involved in planning and executing the Iraq War. Notably, Bush’s brother Jeb Bush was also a PNAC signatory.

Once the Bush administration took office, planning for the invasion of Iraq quickly moved ahead, with Saddam’s removal the priority topic during Bush’s inaugural national-security meeting. Former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill later recalled that the meeting “was all about finding a way to do it. The president saying, ‘Go find me a way to do this.’”

Just two weeks later, Vice President Dick Cheney — former Halliburton CEO — took the helm of a newly formed energy task force that began secretly meeting with top oil executives. In a matter of weeks, by March 2001, the Pentagon produced a document called “Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfield Contracts” for Cheney’s taskforce, which included potential areas of Iraq primed for exploratory drilling. Notably, other top Bush officials, such as Condoleezza Rice, were, like Cheney, former petroleum industry executives…

On September 19, 2001, the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board, chaired by Richard Perle — another PNAC member — declared that Iraq must be invaded after Afghanistan. The next day, PNAC, in a letter to Bush, wrote: 

Even if evidence does not link Iraq directly to the attack, any strategy aiming at the eradication of terrorism and its sponsors must include a determined effort to remove Saddam Hussein from power.”  It was not until December 2001 that the administration, led by Cheney, had begun to claim that Saddam was linked to Al Qaeda…

As the public outrage over the lies and years-old schemes that led to the Iraq war mounted, it was not the exposure of their crimes that riled neoconservatives. Instead, their concern was over the lingering public outrage that severely limited the U.S.’ ability to intervene militarily abroad, leading them to develop more covert operations and other “regime-change” methods aside from outright military intervention…

In addition to the rise of more covert “regime-change” operations after Iraq, a concerted effort began that aimed to whitewash neoconservatives, particularly the prominent neocons who had been the architects of the Iraq War. These neocons began to rebrand themselves, dumping the now-tainted PNAC in favor of the Foreign Policy Initiative and several other prominent think-tanks that obfuscate their past.   Their rebranding has been so successful that PNAC co-founders like Bill Kristol are now considered a part of the Democratic-led “Resistance” to President Donlad (sic) Trump.

By 2008, the neocons made it clear that rebranding their ideology was the plan, with PNAC co-founder Robert Kagan penning the article “Neocon Nation,” in which, in an effort to whitewash the ideology’s bloodsoaked legacy, he claimed that neoconservatism is “deeply rooted in American history and widely shared by Americans.”

Of course, Kagan’s claim was ironic given that he once criticized Colin Powell for not believing that “the United States should enter conflicts without strong public support,” revealing Kagan’s own disdain for the opinion of the American public. However, his 2008 article shows how, after Iraq, the neocons began waging another war, one for America’s soul.

Obama and “The World the Kagans Made”

After Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election, many Americans felt that the days of “wars for oil” and wars built on lies would end, particularly after then-President-elect Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for his warm rhetoric about the need for world peace. Sadly, to this day, many who viscerally opposed the Bush administration’s Iraq War either fail or refuse to acknowledge that Obama was every bit as murderous as his predecessor…

While neoconservatives, particularly those who brought us the Iraq War under Bush, are often associated with the Republican Party, the Obama administration — particularly the Hillary Clinton-led State Department — was plugged directly into the same network of neoconservative actors responsible for the destruction of Iraq.

Indeed, upon becoming secretary of state, Clinton quickly appointed Robert Kagan to her 25-member Foreign Affairs Policy Board, a position he continued to hold after John Kerry took over the State Department…

Kagan, one of the most influential and prominent neocons of all, served as a State Department official in the Reagan administration and later went on to co-found PNAC in 1997. As early as 1998, Kagan was calling for the U.S. government to “remove Mr. Hussein and his regime from power…”

However, Kagan’s troubling track record didn’t stop the Obama administration from giving both Kagan and his wife considerable influence over government policy. In 2011, the Obama administration brought on Kagan’s wife, Victoria Nuland, to serve as State Department spokesperson.

Nuland was subsequently given the post of Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs in 2013, which she used to engineer the 2014 “regime change” coup in Ukraine — an event that continues to have deadly consequences in that country and has even helped bolster Neo-Nazi elements in the United States.

Nuland is a textbook example of the continuity of the neocons from the Bush administration to the Obama administration…  

Trump: “Against” the Iraq War But Willingly Surrounded By Iraq War Criminals

Though Donald Trump blasted the Iraq War, and the Bush administration’s role in creating it, on the campaign trail, he — like Obama before him — has invited neocons into his administration since its inception.  Trump’s first secretary of defense, Jim “Mad Dog” Mattis, as well as his first national security advisor, H.R. McMaster, were close to Iraq War architect and influential neocon Paul Wolfowitz — so much so that Wolfowitz was covertly guiding their policy through email correspondence in the early days of the Trump administration.

Mattis’ nomination by Trump was particularly strange given the latter’s frequent criticism of the Iraq War, where Mattis earned his nickname “Mad Dog” after overseeing the 2004 sieges of Fallujah, in which the U.S. military illegally used white phosphorus, a chemical weapon, as well as depleted uranium in the densely populated Iraqi city. As a consequence of the U.S.’ attack over a decade ago, FALLUJAH’S CHILDREN CONTINUE TO BE BORN WITH HORRIFIC BIRTH DEFECTS.

While Mattis and McMaster have since departed, the neocons are more powerful than ever in the Trump administration, as seen in the appointment of another PNAC signatory, John Bolton, to the role of national security advisor. In addition, PNAC signatory, Elliot Abrams, was recently named special representative for Venezuela, despite his role in the Iran-Contra affair and in arming Latin American death squads that slaughtered thousands of civilians, and also despite the fact that Abrams is a convicted felon.

A Nation of Enablers

Though they have done their best to hide it, the United States has become a nation governed by and for the neoconservatives and their various corporate clients. The outrage voiced over their crimes in Iraq — to them — was not a call for change but merely an indicator that such outrage must be reduced and silenced, a task since accomplished through cultural engineering and, more recently, censorship.

Since the Iraq War, neocons and their allies have used every tool at their disposal to mold us in their image, creating an uncaring nation that feels little or no empathy for the millions murdered and maimed in their name; a nation that is not repulsed by the fact that many of its top public officials are convicted war criminals; a nation that worships war and death and mocks anti-war voices…  

With millions set to die in Yemen from a man-made famine supported by the U.S. and a war being planned for Venezuela, a country that is twice the size of Iraq, our silence and noninterest in these matters is our complicity.

How many millions must neocons and their ilk murder before we say enough is enough? The “War on Terror” alone has already taken an estimated 8 million lives. How many nations will we allow its architects to destroy? We have already laid waste to Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Somalia; engineered the war in South Sudan; supported the war in Yemen and the destruction of Palestine. Would Venezuela be the “last straw” that finally rouses us to action? It seems unlikely…

The neocons are still in power and still the public face of American policy only because we allow it. That simple fact means that they will remain in power until we say we have had enough. How many years after the Iraq War will it be before that moment finally arrives?.

Where are the charges against these war criminals for being unregistered agents of a foreign country?  If there is any question whether or not these neocon Zionists promote Netanyahu’s agenda over the interests of the American people than let me dispel them.  Make no mistake America’s government serves Netanyahu first and foremost above all else.  From Times of Israel:


Pompeo accepted almost all Netanyahu’s requests, senior Israeli official says

PM said to exit meeting feeling he has influence over US policy; countries cooperating on Syria withdrawal; lone issue yet to be worked out is Israeli jets deal with Croatia

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had almost all of his requests accepted during his meeting in Brazil with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a senior Israeli diplomatic official said Wednesday.  Netanyahu met Pompeo in the capital Brasilia, where the Israeli premier was on an official visit, and both men later attended the inauguration of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.

Pompeo assured Netanyahu during the meeting that the planned withdrawal of US ground forces from Syria will not alter Washington’s commitment to countering Iranian aggression and maintaining Israel’s security.  Netanyahu left the meeting feeling that Israel has influence over US policy in certain areas, the Israeli official told reporters Wednesday, adding that Israel and the United States were working on “various ideas regarding Syria that will help Israel…”

Israeli officials are concerned that the planned withdrawal of the 2,000 US military personnel from Syria will create a military vacuum enabling Iran to increase its foothold in the country, where it is supporting the Syrian regime in ending the country’s civil war…   “Israel received almost everything it wanted” during the Tuesday meeting in Brasilia, the official said. “Israel had 8 requests — 7 of which were accepted.”

The lone issue still to be worked out between the parties, according to the official, is Israel’s sale of aging F-16 fighter jets to Croatia.  Quoting unnamed Israeli officials, Channel 10 news reported last month the Trump administration was angry Israel added advanced Israeli-made electronic systems to the F-16s as part of efforts to convince Croatia to buy the planes.

The officials told the network the US believes Israel unfairly profited through its actions, as the F-16s are American-made and were not supposed to be sold to a third party without its approval.

US President Donald Trump had stunned allies — and prompted the resignation of his respected defense secretary, Jim Mattis by abruptly announcing on December 19 that the Islamic State jihadists were defeated and that US troops in Syria were ready to leave.

A senior Israeli official said Monday that Netanyahu has asked Trump to stagger the US withdrawal over a lengthy period of time, rather than carry out an immediate pullout.  The New York Times then reported that Trump has agreed to allow the US military to gradually pull troops out of Syria over a period of about four months, rather than the rapid withdrawal he had initially indicated when announcing the measure…

It’s pretty evident who is pulling Pompeo’s strings and it’s not the President of the United States.  But Pompeo’s allegiance to Netanyahu is only outdone by that of National Security Advisor John Bolton.  Stymied by the bogus Mueller anal probe, President Trump fell into the Zionist trap when he named some of the most virulent anti-American Zionists to head up his foreign policy.

The very people who were part and parcel to the Russia-gate hoax that has hamstrung Trump’s “America First” policy now advance the anti-American Zionist agenda.  From MintPress:


Bolton’s Past Advocacy for Israel at US Expense Heralds Dangerous New Era in Geopolitics

WASHINGTON – Last Thursday, President Trump announced that former UN ambassador John Bolton, once called the “most dangerous man” in the entire George W. Bush administration, would replace H.R. McMaster as national security adviser, making him the man in charge of what the President sees and hears regarding issues of national security. Bolton will officially take over McMaster’s post on April 9.

The appointment was not surprising. Indeed, earlier this month, MintPress reported that McMaster was soon to be replaced – largely at the behest of billionaire Republican donor and militant Zionist Sheldon Adelson – and that Bolton was a top contender for that position, largely due to Bolton’s reputation as a “stalwart friend of Israel” and his frequent calls for military action against Iran, Israel’s regional arch-rival.

Yet, Bolton’s appointment – placed in the greater context of recent changes to Trump’s cabinet – is a harrowing portent for those opposed to more U.S. regime-change wars. Mike Pompeo, another proponent of war with Iran, is set to take over the State Department; and Gina Haspel — whose nickname “Bloody Gina” speaks to her history of overseeing torture and depreciating human life — is slated to take over for Pompeo as head of the CIA…

Though he is just one of the war hawks now roosting in the Trump administration, Bolton is arguably more dangerous than all the rest due to his bellicose rhetoric, unilateral decision-making, and his “kiss up, kick down” style of interaction with superiors and colleagues, allowing him to be remarkably effective in getting his way…

Bolton has already exercised great influence over the president, reportedly adding statements to Trump’s speech at the United Nations without the knowledge of Trump’s staff.  Thus, Bolton is set to have a disproportionately influential role in the Trump administration, making it essential to examine what his appointment will likely mean for U.S. government policy, particularly regarding geopolitical “hotspots” such as the Middle East and the Koreas.

 Though the domestic reaction to Bolton’s appointment was rather mixed, top ministers of the right-wing Israeli government lavished praise upon the soon-to-be National Security Adviser, calling him “one of the most outstanding” allies to Israel in U.S. politics, and a “true friend” to the Jewish state who brings “great experience and original thinking” to “the most sympathetic administration toward Israel of all time.”

Indeed, Bolton’s ties to Israel are as deep as they are long-standing — so deep that some have posited that HIS COMMITMENT TO EXTREME ZIONISM HAS LED HIM TO BETRAY THE NATIONAL INTEREST OF HIS OWN COUNTRY ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION.

For instance, Danny Gillerman, the former Israeli ambassador to the UN, recently noted that Bolton, when serving in the Bush administration, was prone TO “DIRECT FIRE ON HIS OWN FORCES,” —  I.E., THE U.S. GOVERNMENTin order to advance the goals of the Israeli government…

In addition, Bolton garnered a reputation – as well as the ire of State Department officials at the time – for violating State Department protocol by acting unilaterally in matters of diplomacy to negotiate privately in Israel. The New York Times reported in 2005 that Bolton traveled to Israel without the required State Department clearance in 2003 and 2004 in a direct effort to undermine then-Secretary of State Colin Powell. As journalist Gareth Porter noted:

[A]t the very moment that Powell was saying administration policy was not to attack Iran, Bolton was working with the Israelis to lay the groundwork for just such a war.”  Bolton’s numerous private and unannounced visits to Israel entailed meetings with officials of Mossad, Israel’s intelligence service, including Meir Dagan, then Mossad’s director.  Despite his flagrant violations of government rules, Bolton remained the main liaison between the U.S. and Israeli governments under Bush.

Bolton has pressured Israeli officials to attack Iran even when calling for such an attack was not the U.S. government’s position. According to Shaul Mofaz, former Israeli defense minister, Bolton “tried to convince me that Israel needs to attack Iran,” which Mofaz recently asserted was not “a smart move – not on the part of the Americans today or anyone else until the threat is real…”

Bolton has also praised President Trump’s recent decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and relocate the U.S. embassy in Israel accordingly – a policy change allegedly orchestrated by pro-Israel Republican mega-donor Sheldon Adelson — as an “injection of reality.”

In addition, he has strongly promoted the construction of illegal settlements on Palestinian land, stating recently that Israelis “ought to be able to build houses wherever they want to, including all of the lands of Judea and Samaria [Palestine’s West Bank].”   "At every turn, Zionist Neocon (aka ZioCon) John Bolton has shilled for Israel - NO MATTER THE COST OR CONSEQUENCE TO THE SAFETY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE."

Given his embrace of extremist Zionism, it is no surprise that Bolton has found himself replacing H.R. McMaster, whose ouster was orchestrated by billionaire Republican donor Sheldon Adelson…

Adelson’s push to have Bolton installed comes at a crucial time, as Israel is currently preparing for war on “three fronts” — Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria – and is actively lobbying for American aid and involvement in launching that war. With Bolton in the Trump administration, along with numerous other staunch Israel allies in key government positions, Israel will likely get that aid in addition to AMERICAN TROOPS FIGHTING ALONGSIDE THEM, even if Israel is the aggressor in the imminent conflict.

The timing of Bolton’s appointment as National Security Adviser is also noteworthy, as it comes little over a month before the U.S. embassy is set to move to Jerusalem, when tensions between Israel, Palestine and its neighbors will be at their highest and when a war is most likely to break out. Bolton is set to ensure strong U.S. support for any Israeli military action that takes place during this time, even though Israel is explicitly planning to target civilians and civilian infrastructure.

With these criminal neocons ignoring America’s elected president and following orders directly from Netanyahu all hell is being unleashed on the world’s most vulnerable nations.  From Strategic Culture:


Trump’s CIA Now Unbound and Back to Its Traditional Hijinks

Under the directorship of torture and black site maven Gina Haspel, Donald Trump’s Central Intelligence Agency has returned to its traditional roots of conducting “black bag” operations and disrupting electrical grids through cyber-attacks.

The Venezuelan government has accused the Trump administration of giving the green light for a series of crippling power failures in Venezuela, which affected 22 of Venezuela’s 23 states, including the capital of Caracas. The long-duration power failures were cited by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as a reason for the US withdrawing its diplomats from Caracas.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced that an international commission assisted by specialists from Russia, China, Iran, and the United Nations would help his country analyze the sources of the Venezuelan electrical grid cyber-attack. Initial cyber-forensics by Venezuela traced some of the cyber warfare being waged against Venezuela to nodes in Houston and Chicago.  In addition to electricity, water service was disrupted in Venezuela…

Hybrid warfare against Venezuela, which includes economic, diplomatic, and cyber, has the backing of the neo-conservatives who now call the shots for the Trump White House. They include, in addition to Pompeo, national security adviser John Bolton; Iran-Contra felon Elliott Abrams, Trump’s special envoy to the US-backed opposition-led rump Venezuelan government of Juan Guaido; Cuban-American Mauricio Claver-Carone, the senior director for Western Hemisphere affairs at the National Security Council; and Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio, a Cuban-American, who represents the interests of South Florida’s right-wing oligarch exiles from Venezuela and other Latin American countries.

While Trump was preparing for his Hanoi summit meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Trump’s second summit with Kim, Haspel’s CIA dug into its old bag of black operations, while also engaging in the more modern form of cyber-attack in targeting North Korea.

On February 22, 2019, ten males, all wearing masks, broke into the North Korean embassy, which is located in the residential suburb of Aravaca, north of Madrid, Spain, and subjected eight embassy staff members to brutal interrogation tactics, including tying up the diplomats, throwing black bags over their heads (a specialty of Ms. Haspel), and subjecting them to beatings.

One female diplomat managed to escape through a second-floor window and her screams alerted a neighbor, who promptly called the police. Two embassy employees required medical attention from their injuries.

The Spanish police and National Intelligence Center (CNI) linked two of the embassy invaders to the CIA. “El Pais,” a Spanish national newspaper, reported that the CIA issued one of its standard “denials,” however, the paper stated that Spanish authorities found the denial from Langley, Virginia to be “unconvincing.”El Pais” reported that the invasion of the North Korean embassy by the CIA had severely harmed relations between Madrid and Washington.

The National Police Corps’ General Commissariat of Information (CGI) and CNI concluded that the attack and occupation of the North Korean embassy was not carried out by common criminals but was the work of a “military cell” that stole mobile phones and computers.

Two of the embassy invaders were identified as Koreans and, based on CGI’s and CNI’s analysis of security camera video footage, they were further recognized as Koreans linked to the CIA... The embassy invaders escaped from the embassy using two North Korean luxury sedans bearing diplomatic plates. The cars were later found abandoned.

The criminal inquiry into the incident is now before the Spanish High Court, the Audiencia Nacional, which could order the arrests of the embassy attackers and, if they are in the United States or South Korea, have Spain’s INTERPOL national bureau put out a Red Notice for their arrest and extradition to Spain to stand trial.

Spanish authorities believe the CIA’s embassy attackers were looking for information on Kim Hyok Chol, the former North Korean ambassador to Spain, who was declared “persona non grata” by the Spanish government in 2017. Kim Hyok Chol, a career diplomat from one of North Korea’s elite families who studied French at the Pyongyang University of Foreign Studies and speaks fluent English, is now one of Kim Jong Un’s trusted diplomatic advisers on nuclear talks with the Trump administration and he traveled with Chairman Kim to the failed Hanoi summit with Trump.

With certainty, Kim Hyok Chol thoroughly briefed Kim Jong Un on the CIA’s storming of his old diplomatic post in Spain. When Trump and Chairman Kim met in Hanoi on February 27 and if the issue of the CIA’s siege of the North Korean embassy was brought up, that could have been enough to derail the summit.

Considering the fact that war hawks like Bolton, Abrams, and Pompeo are now calling the foreign policy shots for the Trump administration, the attack on the North Korean embassy in Madrid, just five days prior to the Hanoi summit, may have been ordered by Washington’s neo-con cell with the intention of scuttling the second meeting between Trump and Kim and put on ice any future meetings.

There is further evidence that suggests the neo-cons, in cahoots with Haspel at the CIA, set out to disrupt the Hanoi summit. While Trump was meeting with Kim in Vietnam, the CIA is believed to have launched a cyber-attack on the Korean American National Coordinating Council (KANCC) in New York, an organization with ties to the Pyongyang government…

The Trump-Kim Hanoi summit was reported to have hit a roadblock over North Korea’s request for a partial lifting of US sanctions on North Korea, in return for the continued North Korean moratorium on nuclear testing and a partial freeze on production of fissile material.

With the CIA’s attack on the North Korean embassy in Spain still fresh in the minds of the North Korean side and the neo-cons’ insistence, pushed by Bolton and Pompeo, for complete North Korean nuclear disarmament, the Hanoi summit was destined for failure.   And, with Bolton, Abrams, Pompeo, and other dangerous neo-cons in charge at the White House and the State Department -- and Haspel dancing to their tune at the CIA - North Korea and Venezuela are not the only countries currently in the gunsights of the Trump administration.

The latest Bolton/Pompeo Zionist adventure has been the vicious plot to overthrow the elected Bolivarian government of President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela and install a CIA agent as their president.  While America’s media, intelligence apparatus, military industrial complex and treasury have been taken over by these neocon Zionists, retired intelligence and military officials are calling on the Military to resist the illegal orders of these foreign agents.  From Information Clearinghouse:


Veterans Call on U.S. Troops to Resist Illegal Orders to Invade Venezuela

March 19, 2019 "Information Clearing House" - Veterans For Peace (VFP) calls on all members of the U.S. military to refuse illegal orders to intervene in Venezuela. Furthermore, VFP urges all U.S. military leaders to inform the president that they will order their units to stand down from preparations to invade Venezuela. 

President Donald Trump has called on Venezuelan soldiers to disobey orders and join coup perpetrators headed by U.S.-backed opposition leader, Juan Guaidó.  If they do not do this, President Trump threatened: “You will find no safe harbor, no easy exit and no way out.  You will lose everything.”

Veterans For Peace President, Gerry Condon states, “While President Trump speaks of supporting democracy in Venezuela and Latin America, the real purpose of the U.S. assault on the Venezuelan government is to fully open the vast Venezuelan oil reserves to U.S. and other Western oil corporations as well as to destroy progressive governments in Latin America that put their own peoples’ needs above the profits of foreign corporations.”

Illegal, immoral and irresponsible U.S. actions, including "sanctions" (economic war) have already taken a great toll on the people Venezuela.  Nonetheless, the vast majority of Venezuelan people and military are standing firm against foreign intervention.

There is a very real possibility that President Trump will order U.S. troops to intervene in Venezuela, whether through a direct invasion and occupation, or through support for irregular counter-revolutionary forces. This would likely lead to a widening war that could spread to other Latin American countries and the Caribbean, bringing increasing suffering to the peoples of Latin America and the U.S.

It is illegal under both U.S. and international law to launch a military attack against another nation unless it is clearly in self-defense, and is approved by the United Nations…  

These neocons have no interest in following international laws, after all they have already managed not only to get away with murder on a genocidal scale but have never left the halls of power.  Venezuela is their most recent botched, stupid attempt at regime change.  In a recent interview Comrade Elliot Abrams posited a brain twister to justify the U.S. declaring a CIA operative Juan Guaido as interim president of Venezuela. From Caitlin Johnstone at Lew Rockwell:


America’s Venezuela Strategy: Coup By Sheer Narrative Control

The Trump administration is working to overthrow the government of Venezuela. They are not at this time doing this by military invasion, nor by funneling thousands of armed militants into the country, nor even solely with starvation sanctions and CIA ops.

The first and foremost means of overthrowing Venezuela’s government currently being utilized by the United States government is the low-risk, low-cost plan to simply control the stories that everyone tells themselves about who is in charge in Venezuela…

The Trump administration is exploiting this exact principle in Venezuela by singling out some guy named Juan and calling him Mister President, despite the fact that he’s never received a single vote for that office and holds no actual power…

Everything the Trump administration does to Venezuela is done with the goal of controlling the stories people tell about it. They smash the country with starvation sanctions, then tell everyone to believe that Maduro is starving his people.

They stage a “humanitarian aid” stunt on Venezuela’s border, then they lie and tell everyone that Maduro is blocking all aid to Venezuela and setting aid trucks on fire, because he wants to starve the hungry and kill the sick. It’s all about controlling the narrative with the goal of changing who is recognized as the legitimate president of Venezuela.

We saw this illustrated especially clearly in a recent press briefing with the State Department’s “Special Representative for Venezuela”, war criminal Elliott Abrams. Abrams was asked by a reporter to “explain to us the article under which Mr. Guaido declared himself president” because “It is said that it has expired last month.”

Indeed, when Guaido declared himself interim president back in January we were told that it would be a month-long position in the interim while a new election is prepared. As Reuters reported at the time, “Venezuela’s constitution says if the presidency is determined to be vacant, new elections should be called in 30 days and that the head of the congress should assume the presidency in the meantime.”

But, since the Trump administration’s coup-by-narrative has not gone as planned, Abrams stumbled all over himself informing the press that the goalposts of the story have been moved:

ABRAMS: As to the Venezuelan constitution, the National Assembly has passed a resolution that states that that 30-day period of interim presidency will not start ending or counting until the day Nicolas Maduro leaves power. So the 30 days doesn’t start now, it starts after Maduro. And they – that’s a resolution of the National Assembly.

QUESTION: When did they – they did that after he —

ABRAMS: They did that – this is roughly a month ago. We could try to find the date for you.

QUESTION: When he was – when he was – took the mantle of interim president, that wasn’t there.

ABRAMS: Yes, when – that’s correct. And so people —

QUESTION: Can you do that ex post facto like that?

ABRAMS: When people ask a question how do —

QUESTION: That seems to be like saying I was elected for four years to be president, and then two years in you change the rules so that your term didn’t start – hasn’t even started yet. How does that happen?

ABRAMS: Well, you don’t get a vote because you’re not in the National Assembly.

QUESTION: Well, you don’t. You’re not in the National Assembly either.

QUESTION: If it matters, does the U.S. view that as constitutional under their system?

MR ABRAMS: Yes. I mean, we’re taking the – the National Assembly is the only legitimate democratic institution left in Venezuela, and their interpretation of the constitution, as you know, is that as of the date of this alleged term for Maduro, the presidency is vacant. But they have also said that that 30-day period starts when Maduro goes.

QUESTION: So Juan Guaido is the interim president of an interim that doesn’t exist yet?

MR ABRAMS: The 30-day end to his interim presidency starts counting. Because he’s not in power, that’s the problem. Maduro is still there. So they have decided that they will count that from when he actually is in power and Maduro’s gone. I think it’s logical.

QUESTION: So then he really isn’t interim president, then?

MR ABRAMS: He is interim president, but he’s not —

QUESTION: With no power.

MR ABRAMS: — able to exercise the powers of the office because Maduro still is there.

QUESTION: So their interpretation is that until and unless he actually has the power to run the country, he’s not actually the interim president?

MR ABRAMS: No. Their interpretation is that the constitution requires a 30-day interim period, but it – those 30 days should not be counted while Maduro is still there exercising the powers of his former office.

So to recap, Guaido is still the president of Venezuela after his 30-day window closed because his interim presidency doesn’t currently exist, and because he has no power. By those standards, I’m just as much president of Venezuela as Guaido is. Where’s my meeting with Mike Pence?

But of course facts don’t figure into this equation at all, because this is a coup by narrative. As we discussed yesterday, narrative always takes precedence over fact in these games. They will keep referring to Juan the guy as “President Guaido”, despite the admitted fact that he does not actually have any of the powers or recognition that an actual president has, and despite the fact that there is currently a guy in Caracas who does have all those things. They will keep advancing this narrative control war until it either succeeds or fails, and in the case of the latter they’ll change tactics and try something else.

The battle for power is the battle to control as many humans as possible, and the battle to control as many humans as possible is the battle to control the stories those humans are telling each other. Humans are storytelling animals, so if you can control the stories you can control the humans. Understand this and you’ll understand the behaviors of governments and media around the world.

Reminds me of the old routine “Who’s on first” the nonsensical comedy routine of Abbot and Costello.  The American people have nothing against the people of Venezuela nor President Maduro, therefore they must be lied into hating Maduro and believing that American military intervention is necessary to “free the people of Venezuela from their own ignorance” and remove their elected leader.  The truth is the neocon’s want to free them of their natural resources and right to self-governance.

These purely evil plans have one goal only, the goal to seize the massive natural resources of Venezuela through American military intervention.  Those resources are then to be divvied up among multi-national Zionist owned corporations.  Nothing is to be gained by the people of Venezuela, nor is there anything to be gained by the people of America who will suffer immensely by “freeing the American people of their earned right to Social Security, Medicare, retirement, Medicaid, Education, Infrastructure, Veteran care and treasury.”

That is what these Zionist neocons do, they destroy America for their profit.  America has been a pain in the side to the Zionist neocons who have a deep hatred of America for being a check on the New World Order a/k/a Zionist imperialism that was concocted in the 1980’s.  These criminals have never been brought to justice and now are running America’s foreign and domestic policy, the goal of which is to destroy the American people and the people of the world.

It would be one thing if these Neocon Zionist agents were competent, but they are not.  They are the polar opposite of competent.  Every one of their military interventions have been abject failures.  We now are beginning to see the horrific results of their miserable failures.  Their first failure was Afghanistan where after almost 20 years of American occupation US soldiers continue to die.  For what???

Their second HUGE failure is the almost 20 year illegal, immoral and criminal occupation of Iraq.  Their dream of a multi-national rape of the oil reserves and a client state willing to wage war against Iran is a bloody, deathly delusion.  From Uprooted Palestinians:



Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is visiting Iraq for three days, leading a large political and business delegation to deepen the relationship between the two countries. Rouhani met with the Iraqi President, Prime Minister, and Speaker of Parliament. The Iranian President visited Karbalaa this afternoon, is spending the night in Najaf and will be visiting on Wednesday the highest religious authority (Marjaiya) in the city the Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali al-Sistani, Sayyed Mohamad Saeed al-Hakeem, Sheikh Ishaq al-Fayyad and Sheikh Bashir al-Najafi.

Rouhani’s public visit contrasts starkly with Trump’s recent covert visit to Iraq. Moreover, the projected economic and commercial cooperation between Iraq and Iran will not only mitigate US unilateral sanctions but will likely contribute to their failure. The bottom line question now arises: will Trump accept his loss to Iran or will he choose to lose Iraq as well by imposing sanctions on Mesopotamia?

During the last week of 2018, President Trump’s plane turned off its lights to land safely in the US part of Ayn al-Assad base in Anbar province. Trump’s visit was kept secret and the Iraqi Prime Minister was informed on the same morning. Trump refused to land on the Iraqi side of the same base (Iraq and the US share the same military base with US forces holding full sovereignty over their area). For this reason, Prime Minister Adel Abdel Mahdi, the Speaker Mohamad al-Halbousi and the President Barham Saleh refused to meet Trump, who stuck to his schedule and landed at night.

Trump concluded his visit in three hours and left under darkness of the night. He is reported to have murmured that it was not right that, for security reasons, the US president was forced to visit in secrecy in the middle of the night a country where the US has invested hundreds of billions of dollars in its stability.

On the other hand, Rouhani informed the Iraqi presidency of his visit a week in advance; the visit was publicly announced at the same time. Iraqi officials coordinated the schedule of the Iranian President’s trip with their Iranian counterparts. Rouhani is due to remain in Iraq for three days to conclude important economic-commercial deals, raising the level of commerce between the two countries to 20 billion dollars…

Trump has two choices. He could choose to cut his relationship with Iraq, which would amount to shooting himself in the foot. The presence of US forces in Iraq is essential to US objectives and hegemony in the Middle East. Moreover, it is unclear for how long US forces will be able to occupy Syria.

The alternative would be for Trump to accept the fact that his sanctions against Iran will fail as Iranian-Iraqi energy and commercial deals develop. In this case, the US President would be accepting the failure of his sanctions and his plan to change the Iranian regime “in a few months”.

Whatever he decides, Trump has lost: the US establishment failed in its attempt to damage Iran and either change its ruling system or bring the country to its knees. All Trump has accomplished is to put stress on the Iranian economy, bringing hardship to the population while forcing local officials to find new solutions, with the help of Iraq’s new leadership. The US failure to impose its proxies as rulers of Iraq helped Soleimani win his medal of honour.

Now that the Mueller witch hunt is over Trump would be wise to dump this criminal cabal and revert to his natural instincts of pursuing peace and cooperation.  The neocon Zionist adventure into regime change in Venezuela is already doomed and sure to be a major disaster.  Just as Putin’s Russia, with its superior military capabilities was able to send the neocons running with their tails tucked between their legs in Syria, Putin is ready to protect the sovereignty of Venezuela.  From Geopolitics:


Russia Gives US Red Line on Venezuela

At a high-level meeting in Rome this week, it seems that Russia reiterated a grave warning to the US – Moscow will not tolerate American military intervention to topple the Venezuelan government with whom it is allied.

Meanwhile, back in Washington DC, President Donald Trump was again bragging that the military option was still on the table, in his press conference with Brazilian counterpart Jair Bolsonaro. Trump is bluffing or not yet up to speed with being apprised of Russia’s red line.

The meeting in the Italian capital between US “special envoy” on Venezuelan affairs Elliot Abrams and Russia’s deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov had an air of urgency in its arrangement. The US State Department announced the tête-à-tête only three days beforehand. The two officials also reportedly held their two-hour discussions in a Rome hotel, a venue indicating ad hoc arrangement.

Abrams is no ordinary diplomat. He is a regime-change specialist with a criminal record for sponsoring terrorist operations, specifically the infamous Iran-Contra affair to destabilize Nicaragua during the 1980s. His appointment by President Trump to the “Venezuela file” only underscores the serious intent in Washington for regime change in Caracas. Whether it gets away with that intent is another matter.

Moscow’s interlocutor, Sergei Ryabkov, is known to not mince his words, having earlier castigated Washington for seeking global military domination. He calls a spade a spade, and presumably a criminal a criminal.

The encounter in Rome this week was described as “frank” and “serious” – which is diplomatic code for a blazing exchange. The timing comes at a high-stakes moment, after Venezuela having been thrown into chaos last week from civilian power blackouts that many observers, including the Kremlin, blame on American cyber sabotage.   The power grid outage followed a failed attempt by Washington to stage a provocation with the Venezuelan military over humanitarian aid deliveries last month from neighboring Colombia.

The fact that Washington’s efforts to overthrow the elected President Nicolas Maduro have so far floundered, might suggest that the Americans are intensifying their campaign to destabilize the country, with the objective of installing US-backed opposition figure Juan Guaido. He declared himself “acting president” in January with Washington’s imprimatur.

Given that the nationwide power blackouts seem to have failed in fomenting a revolt by the civilian population or the military against Maduro, the next option tempting Washington could be the military one.

It seems significant that Washington has recently evacuated its last remaining diplomats from the South American country. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo commented on the evacuation by saying that having US personnel on the ground “was limiting” Washington’s scope for action. Also, American Airlines reportedly cancelled all its services to Venezuela in the past week. Again, suggesting that the US was considering a military intervention, either directly with its troops or covertly by weaponizing local proxies. The latter certainly falls under Abrams’ purview.

After the Rome meeting, Ryabkov said bluntly: “We assume that Washington treats our priorities seriously, our approach and warnings.”  One of those warnings delivered by Ryabkov is understood to have been that no American military intervention in Venezuela will be tolerated by Moscow.

For his part, Abrams sounded as if he had emerged from the meeting after having been given a severe reprimand. “No, we did not come to a meeting of minds, but I think the talks were positive in the sense that both sides emerged with a better understanding of the other’s views,” he told reporters.

“A better understanding of the other’s views,” means that the American side was given a red line to back off.  The arrogance of the Americans is staggering. Abrams seems, according to US reporting, to have flown to Rome with the expectation of working out with Ryabkov a “transition” or “compromise” on who gets the “title of president” of Venezuela. That’s what he no doubt meant when he said after the meeting “there was not a meeting of minds”, but rather he got “a better understanding” of Russia’s position.

Washington’s gambit is a replay of Syria. During the eight-year war in that country, the US continually proffered the demand of a “political transition” which at the end would see President Bashar al Assad standing down. By contrast, Russia’s unflinching position on Syria has always been that it’s not up to any external power to decide Syria’s politics. It is a sovereign matter for the Syrian people to determine independently.

Nearly three years after Russia intervened militarily in Syria to salvage the Arab country from a US-backed covert war for regime change, the American side has manifestly given up on its erstwhile imperious demands for “political transition”. The principle of Syrian sovereignty has prevailed, in large part because of Russia’s trenchant defense of its Arab ally.

Likewise, Washington, in its incorrigible arrogance, is getting another lesson from Russia – this time in its own presumed “back yard” of Latin America…  Moscow has reiterated countless times that the legitimate president of Venezuela is Nicolas Maduro whom the people voted for last year by an overwhelming majority in a free and fair election – albeit boycotted by the US-orchestrated opposition.

The framework Washington is attempting to set up of choosing between their desired “interim president” and incumbent Maduro is an entirely spurious one. It is not even worthy to be discussed because it is a gross violation of Venezuela’s sovereignty. Who is Washington to even dare try to impose its false choice?

On Venezuela, Russia is having to remind the criminal American rulers – again – about international law and respect for national sovereignty, as Moscow earlier did with regard to Syria.  And in case Washington gets into a huff and tries the military option, Moscow this week told regime-change henchman Abrams that that’s a red line. If Washington has any sense of rationale left, it will know from its Syria fiasco that Russia has Venezuela’s back covered.

Political force is out. Military force is out. Respect international law and Venezuela’s sovereignty. That’s Russia’s eminently reasonable ultimatum to Washington.  Now, the desperate Americans could still try more sabotage, cyber or financial. But their options are limited, contrary to what Trump thinks.

How the days of American imperialist swagger are numbered. There was a time when it could rampage all over Latin America. Not any more, evidently. Thanks in part to Russia’s global standing and military power.

Will the new members of congress repel the barrage of slings and arrows raining down on them from the Zionist Deep State and shed light on the true State of the Union, a dying super power who has been destroyed by “elected” and “unelected” puppet agents of a foreign nation? 

Much like the new members of congress, President Trump came into office pledging to begin an era of “America First” the antithesis of the neocon status quo, of the Zionist controlled government policy of “Netanyahu’s Israel First.” 

President George Washington warned against a “passionate attachment” to any foreign nation that might create the illusion of some “common interest … where no common interest exists.”  It is eerie to realize that the “passionate attachment to a foreign nation” that President Washington warned about is the reality we find ourselves in today, President Trump included. 

Will Trump be able to stand up to these interlopers in his administration now that the bogus Mueller probe is over?  Will Americans come to their senses and reject the incumbent politicians who have betrayed America on behalf of a foreign nation?  Or, will the neocon Zionists give the Venezuelan people the kind of “freedom” they are famous for?  That is the kind of “freedom that is just another word for nothing left to lose.”  I guess we’ll see.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The crucifixion of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar

The crucifixion of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ~ First Amendment to the United States Constitution

How apropos for the Democrats to choose Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent to begin the crucifixion of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.   I’m sure that the Catholic members of congress won’t even be aware of the hypocrisy as they prance around the House floor with their ashen crosses on their foreheads to commemorate the crucifixion Jesus Christ.

Representative Omar sent the majority of the House of Representatives shrieking in horror when she chastised the cash-engorged congress for representing the desires of special interest of the groups like AIPAC before the interests of the American people.  What Omar said was:

Omar quoted rap lyrics — “It’s all about the Benjamins baby” — to suggest McCarthy’s move was driven by the lobby’s prolific spending. Asked specifically who she was referring to, Omar responded, “AIPAC!

Gasp, horrors no one ever had the audacity to actually say on camera “members of the Empire’s congress have no clothes,”  It didn’t take long for the shit to hit the fan as AIPAC’s agents in the congress and media immediately and in the harshest of terms called for the crucifixion of Ilhan Omar.  From The Gateway Pundit:


Jewish Leader: Ilhan Omar Is a Filthy, Disgusting, Hater – Has No Place on Foreign Affairs Committee (VIDEO)

Jeff Ballabon, an advisor to President Trump, ripped Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) on Monday over her latest anti-Semitic remarks on Varney and Co.  Ballabon says Ilhan has “no place” in politics. He can’t understand why Speaker Pelosi keeps her on the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Jeff Ballabon: I don’t think there’s room in any reasonable setting for Ilhan Omar and normal people. The problem isn’t that she is expressing herself poorly in a matter of debate. The problem is that her beliefs are deeply rooted in hatred and anti-Semitism. She is a hater. I’m going to say it. She is filth. She has no place in Congress. She has no place on the foreign affairs committee. It is amazing that Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, the most powerful Democrat in America, appears on Rolling Stone, hand-in-hand smiling this week. It’s outrageous… She is a filthy, disgusting, hater.

Sheesh, that guy has no place on TV spouting hatred as debate.  What I gleaned from that clip was this Ballabon guy is saying to congress that because Ilhan Omar stated that members of congress routinely passes laws that benefit their special interest financial backers not that of the American people is a disqualifier.  Therefore Ballabon wants congress to remove Omar from her seat on the Foreign Affairs Committee where she has a platform to question the actions of those acting on behalf of the US government in foreign countries.  After all it was Ilhan Omar who dressed down “death squad” Elliott Abrams on TV.

When asked about where she stands on the censure of Omar, Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez said:

"It's not my position to tell people how to feel, or that their hurt is invalid. But incidents like these do beg the question: where are the resolutions against homophobic statements? For anti-blackness? For xenophobia? For a member saying he'll "send Obama home to Kenya? In this administration + all others, we should actively check antisemitism, anti-blackness, homophobia, racism, and all other forms of bigotry. And the most productive end goal when we see it is to educate and heal. It's the difference between "calling in" before "calling out."

AOC was immediately condemned along with Ilhan Oman by their own Party, the AIPAC controlled Democrats.  From OpEd News:


The Democratic Party Attacks on Ilhan Omar Are a Travesty I'm Jewish and have worked against anti-Semitism for decades. I was sitting a few feet from Omar at Busboys & Poets and I heard nothing-nothing-that smacked of anti-Semitism, overt or coded or otherwise. By Phyllis Bennis

House Democrats were forced to postpone their vote rebuking Omar amid pressure from large numbers of the public and Trump's comment that this was a "dark day for Israel" popped up all over the relevant media venues. And for what?

Questioning how much of US Foreign Policy results from long standing support for Israel and manipulation by pro-Israel Congress members, who have never in decades had their support challenged or even questioned? I applaud Omar for challenging the history of 1981 El Salvador massacres and assassinations by Trump's point man for Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, and no one else did that: that speaks volumes to what she is really all about.

Other Democrats, most notably Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and others within and outside of the House Democratic Caucus, and many progressive groups, like Democracy for America, declared their support for Omar; the Congressional Black Caucus and Congressional Progressive Caucus, have requested more time to review the issues.

Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said on Tuesday that the vote could perhaps occur tomorrow (Thursday) and said that a draft resolution would be updated to include additional language rejecting anti-Muslim bias, while some Democrats maintain that a new would be created.

Associated Press weighed in on this developing story at length:

Omar became the flash point after she suggested last week that Israel's supporters are pushing U.S. lawmakers to take a pledge of "allegiance to a foreign country." It's at least the third time she has forced older, pro-Israel Democrats who run the House into awkward territory over U.S.-Israeli policy.

Republicans have been happy to stoke the furor, with President Donald Trump calling Omar's remarks "a dark day for Israel" and posting a photo of himself in Jerusalem. Inside the Democratic family, meanwhile, leaders are in a bind, torn between a need to admonish Omar for her comments and their desire to defend one of the first Muslim women elected to Congress.

This time Omar is not apologizing. And this time pro-Israel Democrats led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi are not just warning her about the dangers of Jewish tropes. They're expected to offer a resolution condemning anti-Semitism on the House floor.

"Accusations of dual loyalty generally have an insidious, bigoted history," an early draft of the resolution reads in part. "The House of Representatives acknowledges the dangerous consequences of perpetuating anti-Semitic stereotypes and rejects anti-Semitism as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contradictory to the values that define the people of the United States…" 

"There is a lot emotional disquiet about the situation, and it's a good time to restate our values," said Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, who is Jewish and a member of leadership. "That's what I hope our resolution can do."

Clearly, Omar's remarks about Israel's influence on US policies have precipitated a lot of anger in the House, and diverts attention away from, for example, passing an anti-corruption bill dealing with campaign finance reform, voting rights, and ethics…

The discussion over reprimanding Omar for saying pro-Israel advocates have "allegiance to a foreign country" has manifested the deep divides ideologically among older vs. newer members, and stemmed from the reactions of some old guard Jewish congress members like New York Reps. Eliot Engel and Nita Lowey, when they criticized Omar demanding an apology…

We have to be very strong and forceful in condemning it." However, Engel stopped short of threatening to remove Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee, which some Republicans have demanded.

In response to Lowey's criticism, Omar tweeted: "I am told every day that I am anti-American if I am not pro-Israel. I find that to be problematic and I am not alone. I just happen to be willing to speak up on it and open myself to attacks."

Out of the two dozen other Democrats on the Foreign Affairs committee, nearly all did not respond or declined a request to comment on Monday. Member Rep. Juan Vargas (D-Calif.) tweeted that Omar should apologize for "hurtful anti-Semitic stereotypes. Questioning support for the U.S.-Israel relationship is unacceptable."

"Resolutions are all well and good, but Speaker Pelosi is clearly afraid to stand up to Rep. Omar if she continues to reward her with a plum spot on the Foreign Affairs Committee," House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) Tweeted on Monday.

Senior Democrats in key caucuses pushed for party leaders to pause floor action related to Omar so members have time to digest the content of the resolution.

Liberals had pushed for language condemning Islamophobia after Omar was targeted in a poster displayed at an event sponsored by the West Virginia GOP linking her to Sept. 11, which included a photo of the World Trade Center buildings on fire and a photo of Omar below it. The draft resolution doesn't mention Omar by name but is a direct response to her most recent comments and comes after a string of Israel-related remarks that her colleagues have claimed are anti-Semitic.

Ocasio-Cortez in Tweets argued that Democratic leaders should have addressed the issue privately before Omar was "called out" publicly. "One of the things that is hurtful about the extent to which reprimand is sought of Ilhan is that no one seeks this level of reprimand when members make statements about Latinx + other communities (during the shutdown, a GOP member yelled 'Go back to Puerto Rico!' on the floor)," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted.

A senior Democratic aide countered Ocasio-Cortez's criticisms on Tuesday by saying a resolution on the House floor is far from the most severe punishment Democratic leaders could pursue…

A coalition of several Muslim and progressive Jewish organizations, including the Council on American-Islamic Relations and IfNotNow, will hold a news conference today on the Supreme Court steps to support Omar, while Progressive Change Campaign Committee sent out a mass fundraising email in support of those Democratic lawmakers who are defending Omar. Other prominent progressive groups and activists, including Democracy for America, CodePink and Indivisible co-founder Leah Greenberg, underscored their support for Omar on Twitter, using the hashtag #StandWithIlhan.

Is it just me or are the members of congress proving Omar’s point that too many members, many with dual citizenship, put the interests of the Netanyahu’s Israeli government above the interests of the American people?  From Mondoweiss:


Ilhan Omar is charged with invoking ‘myth of dual loyalty’ — but many Jewish writers say it’s no myth

In an appearance at Busboys and Poets two nights ago Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar called out Israel supporters for advocating for a foreign country:  “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay to push for allegiance to a foreign country.”

Omar’s critique is similar to Rep. Rashida Tlaib saying in January that Senate supporters of anti-boycott legislation “forgot what country they represent.”  Both congresswomen have come under a rain of attack from Israel supporters for these comments. Which is no surprise, given that the two Muslim women are Israel’s strongest critics in the Congress.

Jonathan Chait writes at New York Magazine that Omar’s statement is “much worse” than her last controversy, when she ascribed Israel support to financial contributions from the lobby and then apologized for doing so.

Accusing Jews of “allegiance to a foreign country” is a historically classic way of delegitimizing their participation in the political system….Omar is directly invoking the hoary myth of dual loyalty, in which the Americanness of Jews is inherently suspect, and their political participation must be contingent upon proving their patriotism.

But many Jewish writers and thinkers have raised precisely this “hoary myth” very seriously. They have cited “dual loyalty” as a real factor in the Israel-supporting community, and some have termed it a potential problem. Here’s a list:

–John Judis said in The New Republic in 2007 that the Israel lobby demands “dual loyalty” –and said the Chaits of the world are operating with bad faith when they attempt to blackball the issue:

 [Jewish leaders] want to demand of American Jewish intellectuals a certain loyalty to Israel, Israeli policies, and to Zionism as part of their being Jewish. They make dual loyalty an inescapable part of being Jewish in a world in which a Jewish state exists…

Many Jews now suffer from dual loyalty–the same way that Cuban-Americans or Mexican-Americans do. By ignoring this dilemma–and, worse still, by charging those who acknowledge its existence with anti-Semitism–the critics of the new anti-Semitism are engaged in a flight from their own political selves. They are guilty of a certain kind of bad faith.

–Joe Klein cited the supposed myth of “divided loyalties” in 2008 in the context of the push for the Iraq war by the neocons:

The fact that a great many Jewish neoconservatives – people like Joe Lieberman and the crowd over at Commentary – plumped for this war, and now for an even more foolish assault on Iran, raised the question of divided loyalties: using U.S. military power, U.S. lives and money, to make the world safe for Israel…

–MJ Rosenberg said in 2014 that dual loyalty is a legitimate issue:

I most certainly do believe that dual loyalty is a valid consideration when any group knowingly chooses the interests of a foreign country over their own. Like Israel Firster, it describes reality. The good news for me is that this is not a Jewish community problem but rather the problem with a small group of Jewish organizational hacks, neocons, and rank-and-file true believers (mostly old), etc. The reason [some] go nuts about “dual loyalty” and “Israel Firster” is because they know how valid the charge is when, as with Iran, people knowingly put the interest of Israel’s Likud government above America’s…

–Eric Alterman made extended remarks in 2009 at the 92d Y, celebrating his dual loyalty:

You know, one of the touchiest words you can say when you’re discussing Jews and Israel is the word dual loyalty. It’s sort of one of those words that American Jewish officialdom has ruled out of the discourse. If you say dual loyalty, you’re playing into the hands of anti-semites, because it’s been a consistent trope among anti-Semites that you can’t trust Jews. etc. etc.

And I find this very confusing because I was raised dually loyal my whole life. When I went to Hebrew school, the content of my Hebrew school was all about supporting Israel. When my parents who I think are here tonight sent me to Israel when I was 14, on a ZOA [Zionist Organization of America]-sponsored trip… [laughter/backtalk] that was a bad idea, yeah– it was drummed into me that I should do what’s best for Israel.

I was at the Center for Jewish History not long ago where I heard Ruth Wisse, the Yiddishist professor at Harvard who happens to be the Martin L. Peretz professor, instruct a group of young Jewish journalists that they should think of themselves as members of the Israeli army. …

–Elliott Abrams wrote in 1997 that Jews must “stand apart from the nation in which they live”:  Outside the land of Israel, there can be no doubt that Jews, faithful to the covenant between God and Abraham, are to stand apart from the nation in which they live. It is the very nature of being Jewish to be apart–except in Israel–from the rest of the population…

What all these writers and thinkers are saying is that allegiance to Israel is actually an important factor in the support for Israel in the United States, to the point that some support Israel’s interests over America’s.

And Judis makes the necessary correlation: When you characterize such discussion as anti-Semitic, you’re acting in bad faith, denying something you know to be true, and seeking to set a redline on an important argument.

That’s just what is happening to Omar and Tlaib. Because they have taken the historic step of supporting Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) targeting Israel, a first for American politicians, they must be maligned at every turn.

Oh ouch.  That stings.  There was nothing wrong with what Ilhan Omar did or said on the Foreign Relations Committee, this is just a neocon-Zionist attack, a kill the messenger fiasco and everyone knows it.  I believe that any censure of Omar for criticizing the excessive control money has over the congress is unconstitutional and an abuse of power.  From Stephen Lendman:


Smearing Ilhan Omar

Omar and Rashida Tlaib are the first two Muslim women elected to Congress. Representing Minnesota’s 5th congressional district, she serves on the House Foreign Affairs, Education & Labor Committees.

She introduced legislation pertaining to childcare for workers affected by the government shutdown, a separate measure challenging Trump’s Muslim ban from the wrong countries, another proposing lower drug prices, one more guaranteeing back pay for federal contract workers harmed by the shutdown.

Her criticism of Israeli apartheid ruthlessness was unrelated to anti-Semitism, justifiably calling its harsh treatment of Palestinians “evil doings.”  She supports vital BDS activism despite expressing “reservations on the effectiveness of the movement in accomplishing a lasting solution.” It’s the single most effective initiative against Israeli viciousness, essential to continue and build on past successes.

Falsely called anti-Semitic, she said “I don’t know how my comments would be offensive to Jewish Americans. My comments precisely are addressing what was happening during the Gaza War, and I’m clearly speaking about the way the Israeli regime was conducting itself in that war.”

Israeli high crimes affect all Palestinians throughout the Territories, along with their diaspora counterparts by denying their right of return, affirmed under international law.

On Monday, Trump disgracefully bashed her tweeting: “Representative Ilhan Omar is again under fire for her terrible comments concerning Israel. Jewish groups have just sent a petition to Speaker Pelosi asking her to remove Omar from Foreign Relations Committee. A dark day for Israel!”

Eleven pro-Israeli groups called on Pelosi and Foreign Relations Committee neocon chairman Eliot Engel, to strip Omar of her Foreign Relations committee membership, using it as a platform for truth-telling on vital geopolitical issues, including criticism of apartheid Israel, correctly saying:

“I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay to push for allegiance to a foreign country,” adding:  “I want to ask: ‘Why is it OK for me to talk about the influence of the (National Rifle Association), or fossil fuel industries, or Big Pharma, (but) not talk about a powerful lobbying group that is influencing policy” on Israel.

The AIPAC-led Israeli lobby is perhaps the most powerful in Washington, greatly influencing US foreign policy, notably in the Middle East – including support for and promotion of wars of aggression.  In their letter to Pelosi, the 11 pro-Israel groups unjustifiably accused Omar of “strong biases against the State of Israel and the Jewish people” – for her courageous truth-telling they failed to explain.

They criticized her for speaking before the Alexandra, VA-based Islamic Relief USA humanitarian group – falsely called a terrorist organization. 

It supports gender equity and justice, provides food aid to starving people, helps refugees displaced by US/NATO/Israeli wars of aggression, offers disaster relief, helps America’s homeless, and provides healthcare in the US for individuals unable to afford it – not the stuff terrorism is made of, just the opposite.

In response to the fabricated claims, the group said “Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA) acknowledges that certain fringe organizations and baseless online media outlets promote false claims that IRUSA and/or its partners have ties to extremist or terrorist organizations.”  “However, these allegations are categorically false and completely without merit. IRUSA and its partners unequivocally condemn terrorism and violence manifested in any form.” 

Omar responded to unjustifiable criticism of her truth-telling on Israel, saying “I should not be expected to have allegiance (or) pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress or serve on committee,” adding:

“I am told every day that I am anti-American if I am not pro-Israel. I find that to be problematic and I am not alone. I just happen to be willing to speak up on it and open myself to attacks.”  “My Americanness is questioned by the president and GOP on a daily basis. Yet my colleagues remain silent. I know what it means to be American and no one will ever tell me otherwise.”

“I fight for peace and justice because only those who experience the pain of war, know the joy of peace.”  “Being opposed to Netanyahu and the occupation is not the same as being anti-Semitic. I am grateful to the many Jewish allies who have spoken out and said the same.”

Undemocratic Dems falsely accused Omar of “anti-Semitic tropes” – a bald-faced Big Lie.  Nearly the entire Congress at all times supports Israel, ignoring its apartheid viciousness, its war on Palestinians for over 70 years – none of its officials ever held accountable for their high crimes.

Sharp, sustained criticism of Israel by public figures is long overdue. Most important is ending US political, financial, and military support for its ruthless regimes – fascist rule masquerading as democratic. 

The question here is “where will the members of congress’ allegiance be?”  Will they be loyal to the Constitution’s first Amendment that says Congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech and the right of the people peaceably to assemble or will Congress amend the first Amendment to appease their Israeli lobby?

The purpose of this whole kangaroo crucifixion by congress is to tamp down any criticism or dissent of the previously determined foreign policy, like the Venezuelan coup, war with Iran, strong arming North Korea, war with Syria, war with Russia, war with China and many, many others.   That is the question that will be answered by their actions.  Do they serve the interests of America or that of a foreign nation?  Kicking off the crucifixion of Ilhan Omar on Ash Wednesday the beginning of the Lenten season to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ seems apropos.  According to Bible Odyssey:

Jesus was crucified as a Jewish victim of Roman violence. On this, all written authorities agree. A Gentile Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, condemned him to death and had him tortured and executed by Gentile Roman soldiers. Jesus was indeed one of thousands of Jews crucified by the Romans.

Members of congress claim we are a Judeo-Christian Country are we?  Who really is more like Jesus, Ilhan Omar or members of congress?  Who are the peacemakers and who are the war mongers?  Who cares about human suffering, congress or Ilhan Omar?  Who represent all American citizens, those who have no power to speak for themselves, Ilhan Omar or congress?  If Ilhan Omar cannot speak truth to power who can?  So let their crucifixion of Ilhan Omar begin so all can see who their representatives really work for.