Monday, February 15, 2016

The Prophecy: Donald Trump “Bush did not Keep America Safe” Marco Rubio “Thank God Al Gore Wasn’t President on 9-11”

In last Saturday’s debate Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio made the ridiculous statement that George W. Bush has kept America safe.  Rubio went so far as to say “thank God Al Gore wasn’t President on 9-11.”  

That statement demonstrates a lack of knowledge of recent history and shows the degree to which the American people’s brains have atrophied from the 24 hour disinformation and lies that pass for journalism in America.

 To quote Vice President Henry Wallace:

The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact. Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity, every crack in the common front against fascism. They use every opportunity to impugn democracy.

They use isolationism as a slogan to conceal their own selfish imperialism. They cultivate hate and distrust of both Britain and Russia. They claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise, but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest.

Their final objective toward which all their deceit is directed is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection…

Democracy to crush fascism internally must demonstrate its capacity to "make the trains run on time." It must develop the ability to keep people fully employed and at the same time balance the budget. It must put human beings first and dollars second. It must appeal to reason and decency and not to violence and deceit. We must not tolerate oppressive government or industrial oligarchy in the form of monopolies and cartels…

If the truth be told, had Al Gore had been inaugurated after winning the popular vote in the 2000 election there would not have been a 9-11.  So let us take the punch bowl away from the drunk politicians, get out the black coffee and have a dose of reality and a fact-based evaluation of what lead up to the 9-11 attacks.  From Public Citizen:


Delay, Dilute and Discard: How the Airline Industry and the FAA Have Stymied Aviation Security Recommendations

Congress will soon enact legislation to improve aviation security. This legislation may allow the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to manage new and existing authority for assuring aviation security. This new Public Citizen report reveals why that would be a bad idea. In recent years, the airline industry and the FAA have combined to stall, scale back and ignore specific security recommendations made by a 1996 presidential commission.

In addition, the airline industry may have forestalled more action on the part of Congress and the White House through its aggressive lobbying and campaign contributions most of which have come in the form of unlimited "soft money" contributions to political party leaders.

Through an extensive investigation of the FAA rulemaking process and a careful examination of the docket for proposed rules Public Citizen’s report exposes the following about the industry s and FAA s roles in delaying, diluting and discarding security improvements:

·        The 1996 presidential commission (created after the TWA 800 crash and known as the Gore Commission after its chairman, then Vice President Al Gore) recommended reasonable, affordable improvements.

Yet the FAA has spent the last five years converting some of these recommendations into watered-down rules more favorable to the industry…

·        The Gore Commission recommended several measures to improve screening company performance, including a national job grade structure for screeners, meaningful measures to reduce high turnover rates and reward screeners for good performance, and for the airlines to hire screening companies on the basis of performance, not the lowest bid.

But the proposed FAA rule did not require any of these measures and would allow airlines to still hire the lowest bidder, regardless of how abysmal their track record.

·        The Gore Commission called for criminal background and FBI fingerprint checks for all airport screeners and all airport and airline employees with access to secure areas.

The FAA s final rule largely ignored the commission s recommendations by not requiring such checks; it only instituted job history checks for screeners.

These job history checks, the FAA estimated, would lead to criminal background investigations on only 63 of the 16,996 new screeners in 1999.

·        The Gore Commission called for greater scrutiny of checked baggage, including a system to make sure checked bags "matched" passengers onboard.

The industry objected to bag matching and the FAA discarded the Gore proposal as too costly even though the Gore Commission said cost should not be the determining factor in rulemaking. 

Furthermore, an FAA-funded study by a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor showed that bag matching would only cause an average delay of seven minutes on 14 percent of flights and cost 25 cents to 52 cents per passenger.

The airlines often objected to the security recommendations on the basis of cost. One airline even complained about increased photocopying costs.

In 2000, the top nine airlines and their trade association, the Air Transport Association (ATA), spent $16.6 million lobbying the federal government in the year 2000.

The same group spent $62.9 million lobbying the federal government from 1997 through 2000, the period when the federal government was trying to convert Gore Commission recommendations to regulations.

Had Congress enacted the Gore Commission’s recommendations, it is possible the 9-11 attacks would have never happened.  Then there was the bipartisan Hart Rudman Commission’s two and a half year study that the Bush Administration rejected.  From Jake Tapper September 12,2001:


Commission warned Bush

But White House passed on recommendations by a bipartisan, Defense department-ordered commission on domestic terrorism.

By Jake Tapper

Sept. 12, 2001 | WASHINGTON -- They went to great pains not to sound as though they were telling the president "We told you so."

But on Wednesday, two former senators, the bipartisan co-chairs of a Defense Department-chartered commission on national security, spoke with something between frustration and regret about how White House officials failed to embrace any of the recommendations to prevent acts of domestic terrorism delivered earlier this year.

Bush administration officials told former Sens. Gary Hart, D-Colo., and Warren Rudman, R-N.H., that they preferred instead to put aside the recommendations issued in the January report by the U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century.

Instead, the White House announced in May that it would have Vice President Dick Cheney study the potential problem of domestic terrorism -- which the bipartisan group had already spent two and a half years studying -- while assigning responsibility for dealing with the issue to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, headed by former Bush campaign manager Joe Allbaugh…

Before the White House decided to go in its own direction, Congress seemed to be taking the commission's suggestions seriously, according to Hart and Rudman. "Frankly, the White House shut it down…"

"We predicted it," Hart says of Tuesday's horrific events. "We said Americans will likely die on American soil, possibly in large numbers -- that's a quote (from the commission's Phase One Report) from the fall of 1999…"

The bipartisan 14-member panel was put together in 1998 by then-President Bill Clinton and then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., to make sweeping strategic recommendations on how the United States could ensure its security in the 21st century.

The commission was supposed to disband after issuing the report Jan. 31, but Hart and the other commission members got a six-month extension to lobby for their recommendations.

Hart says he spent 90 minutes with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and an hour with Secretary of State Colin Powell lobbying for the White House to devote more attention to the imminent dangers of terrorism and their specific, detailed recommendations for a major change in the way the federal government approaches terrorism. He and Rudman briefed National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice on the commission's findings…

On April 3, before the Senate Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Terrorism and Technology, Hart sounded a call of alarm, saying that an "urgent" need existed for a new national security strategy, with an emphasis on intelligence gathering…

But in May, Bush announced his plan almost as if the Hart-Rudman Commission never existed, as if it hadn't spent millions of dollars, "consulting with experts, visiting 25 countries worldwide…

As for W. Bush keeping America safe don’t forget the August 8th Presidential Daily briefing that Richard Clarke hand delivered to a vacationing George W. Bush at his Crawford “Ranch”.  From History Commons’ Complete 911 Timeline:


'Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US' PDB:

August 4-30, 2001: Bush Nearly Sets Record for Longest Presidential

President Bush spends most of August 2001 at his Crawford, Texas, ranch, nearly setting a record for the longest presidential vacation.  While it is billed a “working vacation,” news organizations report that Bush is doing “nothing much” aside from his regular daily intelligence briefings…

One such unusually long briefing at the start of his trip is a warning that bin Laden is planning to attack in the US (see August 6, 2001), but Bush spends the rest of that day fishing. By the end of his trip, Bush has spent 42 percent of his presidency at vacation spots or en route

At the time, a poll shows that 55 percent of Americans say Bush is taking too much time off.

Vice President Cheney also spends the entire month in a remote location in Wyoming…

Then there was the August 8 PDB presented to Bush by Richard Clarke.

[I]n the summer of 2001, the government ignored repeated warnings by the CIA, ignored, and didn’t do anything to harden our border security, didn’t do anything to harden airport country, didn’t do anything to engage local law enforcement, didn’t do anything to round up INS and consular offices and say we have to shut this down, and didn’t warn the American people…

The famous presidential daily briefing on August 6, we say in the report that the briefing officers believed that there was a considerable sense of urgency and it was current. So there was a case to be made that wasn’t made…

[T]he memo left little doubt that the hijacked airliners were intended for use as missiles and that intended targets were to be inside the US.” It further states that, “now, as the columnist Joe Conason points out in the current edition of the New York Observer, ‘conspiracy’ begins to take over from ‘incompetence’ as a likely explanation for the failure to heed—and then inform the public about—warnings that might have averted the worst disaster in the nation’s history.”

Yep, the Bush Administration went from incompetency to conspiracy, claiming who could have known that hijacked airliners could be used as missiles.

Bush and Cheney were hell-bent on war in Iraq and would stop at nothing to invade and destroy that country.  Any anti-war voices were immediately silenced, careers were destroyed and bogus inflammatory charges brought against them by the Bush Administration.  With a compliant media, every lie was aired without verification. 

Cheney would leak information to “reporters” like Judith Miller and Bob Novak, who would then publish the lies as investigated facts.  Cheney’s people would then appear on Sunday morning talk shows citing articles in their publications as his source. 

This lead to destroying the career of the deeply under cover CIA agent Valarie Plame, whose husband refuted Cheney’s fabricated claim that Saddam has acquired yellow cake from Niger.  From Executive Intelligence Review:


Worse Than Watergate

John Dean, Richard Nixon's White House General Counsel, has denounced the Wilson-Plame affair as "worse than Watergate." He is right. Not only did the Novak column, orchestrated from the White House, end Valerie Plame's 20-year career as a CIA "non-official cover" officer. The leak also exposed a longstanding CIA proprietary company, Brewster Jennings & Associates, where Plame worked.

The Boston- and Washington-based front company had, since 1994, been tracking weapons of mass destruction, through a network of agents and correspondents in a such dangerous places as Iran, North Korea, Belarus, Israel, Pakistan, Libya, Serbia and Taiwan.

It is not known whether the CIA or one of the Congressional intelligence oversight panels has done a full damage assessment of the consequences of the Plame leak. But they are no doubt extensive. It is one thing for a spy, like Aldrich Ames, Robert Hanssen, or Jonathan Jay Pollard, to steal secrets jeopardizing the national security of the United States on behalf of a foreign power.

It is another thing altogether, for top officials of the White House to willfully leak the identity of an undercover CIA officer, as an act of revenge or damage control, against a U.S. official who came forward to reveal government chicanery in a matter as serious as the Iraq War.

Plames long CIA career was destroyed by the Bush Administration and it is unknown how many deaths resulted from that.  Then there was the destruction of the career and reputation of former weapons inspector Scott Ritter who also debunked the Bush Administration claims that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.  From Information Clearing House:


Former UN Weapons Inspector Charges Bush Launched Iraq War to Pursue Agenda of 'Global Hegemony'

Interview with Scott Ritter, former U.S. Marine and U.N. weapons inspector, conducted by Scott Harris: September 15, 2003.

As violence continued to consume U.S.-occupied Iraq, President Bush addressed the nation on Sept. 7 to explain his administration's policies there and request $87 billion for the pacification and reconstruction of both Iraq and Afghanistan….

As he has many times before, the president linked the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks against the U.S. to the toppled regime of Saddam Hussein, despite the lack of any evidence connecting Iraq with the al Qaeda network.

Scott Ritter is a former Marine intelligence officer and U.N. weapons inspector who served in Iraq for seven years before resigning in 1998. In the months before the U.S. invasion, Ritter had publicly challenged the Bush administration's contention that Baghdad's weapons systems posed a grave risk to the U.S and necessitated a war.

Scott Ritter: The president tried to convince the American public that what is happening today circa September 2003 is a direct result of the events of September 11, 2001, as though there is a continuum there, when in fact, the reality is there is no linkage between Saddam Hussein's regime -- the one that we have overthrown -- and those who perpetrated those horrific attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the other airplane that was hijacked and crashed in the hills of Pennsylvania.

This is not a war in Iraq that we had to fight, it was very much an elective war, a war that the president elected to fight, and he did so under false pretense. He told the American public that we were threatened by weapons of mass destruction, this threat has yet to materialize.

It appears that his administration exaggerated the case for war and now that we have troops deployed in harm's way, we can't just simply cut and run. So we are in for the fight.

But the fight that's being fought in Iraq is not a fight that would've been fought had we not invaded. If we didn't invade Iraq, there wouldn't be a war against terror in Iraq, because Saddam Hussein's regime, as terrible as it was, was the antithesis of an Islamic fundamentalist anti-American regime….

What you need to do to answer that question is dissect who populates the senior most decision-making hierarchy positions in the Bush administration and what motivates them. What is their stated ideology?

You will find that somewhere around 90 percent of these senior positions are held by people who have an affiliation with the Project for a New American Century, which is a neo-conservative thinktank and their ideology has been stated clearly, several times in writing.

It's global hegemony. It's the United States of America imposing its will, pre-emptively if necessary on the world, where we find our national security to be at risk.

Donald Trump is correct, the Bush Administration lied, and for Republican candidates to perpetuate the lies in a national presidential campaign disqualifies them to hold the highest office in the land.  Bush and Cheney should have been impeached for their lies and brought before an international tribunal.

The 9-11 attacks were predicted that was the prophecy, and the Bush Administration deliberately, knowingly ignored the warnings and allowed the attacks on America to advance their neocon agenda.  And that hegemony agenda has been continued by the Obama Administration with the same people populating the pentagon and State Department that populated Bush’s.

An all the while, the corrupt media empire of Rupert Murdock perpetuates the silencing of anyone that dare say, Bush lied.  Donald Trump has begun the discussion that America has refused to have up until now.  Let’s get it all out there in the open and hold people accountable for the savage world-wide devastation brought by the Project for a New American Century.

No more sounds of silence.

By Patricia Baeten

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