Saturday, September 9, 2017

Hurricane Donald kicks GOP congress aside passes short term financing for Hurricanes

What purpose does the United States Congress serve?  It seems that they only serve themselves heaping helpings of government funded goodies while the states they represent lie in squalor.  Both sides of the isle in congress extoll the glories of low taxes but low taxes hurt the American people while providing members of congress lavish lifestyles. 

Every four years the two parties get together and agree on a president to be elected that will continue with the status quo.  That ended in 2016 when Donald Trump burst on to the political scene as a populist running on the Republican ticket.  Trump had kicked aside the GOP choices of the Deep State and ran a campaign against the Deep State and the status quo and won.

Raising of the debt ceiling hurts regular American people while preserving the profits of Wall Street and protecting them from taxation.  The GOP’s plan was to hold the debt ceiling hostage in order to turn the Hurricane recovery funds into a long-term Disaster Capitalist boom.  By passing an 18-month debt ceiling deal, the GOP would be able to safely cruise through the 2018 mid-term election unscathed for their lack of legislative action.  But then, Hurricane Donald hit.  From National Sentinel:


White House: Yeah, Trump doesn’t care what feckless GOP leaders think about his ‘deal’ with Dems

After some early stumbles, Trump is proving himself a worthy adversary in Washington

(National Sentinel) Politics Unusual: The White House on Friday said that President Donald J. Trump isn’t concerned about butthurt Republicans over his “deal” with Democrats to secure funds for hurricane relief and to extend the debt ceiling for another three months.

“The biggest message is we are a lot less focused on what makes Congress happy and [instead on] what makes Americans better and stronger,” said White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, as the Washington Times reported. “He’s going to continue working with whoever is interested in moving the ball forward to help the American people.”  Sanders added that the president’s deal-making abilities are large part of why Americans elected him.

“The president’s focus was doing what is best for the American people. And that’s why he’s the president,” she said. “People wanted somebody to be a leader. They wanted someone who was going to step up and take action, and that’s exactly what the president did.”

Several Republicans — some of the same ones who refuse to get over the fact that he kicked establishment GOP ass last year and, thus, have been working to undermine him and his agenda — were taken aback by the deal. 

They shouldn’t have been, considering the president has been warning them for months he would work with Democrats if his own party continued to treat him like a red-headed step-child. And as if to emphasize the point, 90 Republicans voted against the $15.25 billion aid package including four from Texas.

None of this is to suggest that Democrats will have their way with Trump moving forward, either.  After some early stumbles, Trump is proving himself a worthy adversary in Washington. That’s going to really work out well for we the people.

The Trump White House not only doesn’t care what feckless GOP leaders think about his ‘deal’ with Dems he’s further putting the GOP on notice, work for the American people or get out of the way.  From The Hill:


THE MEMO: Trump puts the GOP on notice

President Trump’s shock deal with the two top Democrats in Congress was a shot across the bows of his own party — and the after-effects are reverberating.  Some insiders forecast that Trump is headed for a definitive break with Republican leadership, seeking to forge a new political identity after a divisive first stretch in office…

The deal, struck in a White House meeting and passed by Congress, funds the government and raises the debt ceiling for three months, exactly the terms sought by Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Trump backed them… over the wishes of his own party, and his own Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin…

One aide to a conservative House Republican, who asked for anonymity to discuss the matter candidly, lamented that the GOP as a whole “did not have a game plan” to deal with the debt ceiling…

Said Democratic strategist Tad Devine…  “I think he wants to get back to using the power of the presidency to his advantage, and it doesn’t matter to him if it’s to the Republican Party’s advantage or not…   

Trump had an uneasy relationship with the GOP establishment during his campaign.  After he won, he watched Congressional Republicans fail ignominiously to repeal and replace the Affordable Act — also known as ObamaCare — despite having promised voters they would do just that since the law’s inception in 2010…

Still, there is wariness from virtually every quarter about trying to predict Trump’s next moves… 

Trump “is himself like a hurricane,” said Tyler. “There is this enormous cone of uncertainty…  Brad Blakeman, a GOP strategist who served on President George W. Bush’s White House staff, said Trump was motivated above all by a need to expedite aid in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.

At the least, however, the most unpredictable president of recent decades has scrambled the political deck of cards once again...  Devine, the Democratic strategist, argued that Trump might ultimately be considering running for reelection outside of the traditional two-party system, gambling that his base would be big enough to prevail in a three- or four-candidate race.  For now, Devine said, it looks as if Trump is trying his own brand of the “triangulation” practiced by then-President Clinton in the 1990s.

Interesting concept, Trump running for reelection outside the traditional two-party system.  The two parties have become useless with each individual having to please his or her financial backers against the interests of the American people.  It is no secret that the GOP party elite despise President Trump.  From PatrickBuchanan:


Trump Dumps the Do-Nothing Congress

Donald Trump is president today because he was seen as a doer not a talker. Among the most common compliments paid him in 2016 was, “At least he gets things done!”

And it was exasperation with a dithering GOP Congress, which had failed to enact his or its own agenda, that caused Trump to pull the job of raising the debt ceiling away from Republican contractors Ryan & McConnell, and give it to Pelosi & Schumer…

Returning to D.C. after five weeks vacation, with zero legislation enacted, Speaker Paul Ryan and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell were facing a deadline to raise the debt ceiling and fund the government.  Failure to do so would crash the markets, imperil the U.S. bond rating, and make America look like a deadbeat republic…

Yet, every year, it seems, Congress goes up to the precipice of national default before authorizing the borrowing to pay the bills Congress itself has run up… 

Will he give up on free-trade Republicans to work with Democrats to protect U.S. jobs and businesses from predator traders like China?  Will he cut a deal with Hill Democrats on which infrastructure projects should be funded first? Will he seek out compromise with Democrats on whose taxes should be cut and whose retained?

We could be looking at a seismic shift in national politics, with Trump looking to centrist and bipartisan coalitions to achieve as much of his agenda as he can...  The Congress of the United States, whose powers were delineated in the late 18th century, may simply not be an institution suited to the 21st.

A century ago, Congress ceded to the Federal Reserve its right “to coin money (and) regulate the value thereof.” It has yielded to the third branch, the Supreme Court, the power to invent new rights, as in Roe v. Wade. Its power to “regulate commerce with foreign nations” has been assumed by an executive branch that negotiates the trade treaties, leaving Congress to say yea or nay.

Congress alone has the power to declare war. But recent wars have been launched by presidents over Congressional objection, some without consultation…  Result: In a recent survey, 72 percent of Americans expressed high confidence in the military; 12 percent said the same of Congress.

The American people are sick to death of the congress that was elected by billionaires’ money to serve those billionaires.  We know we have no say over who is elected to our government.  Sure we are given a roster by the two parties of candidates who profess their loyalty to their financial backers.  If congress wanted to immediately fund aid for the victims of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose and Katia they could.  But they don’t want to. 

If President Trump is considering starting a new party for his reelection in 2020 he might look to forward thinkers like Senator Rand Paul.  From The Daily Caller:


Senate Tables Amendment Calling For Harvey Aid To Be Taken From Foreign Aid Fund

The Senate voted to table an amendment aimed at paying for Hurricane Harvey relief using cuts to foreign aid in an 87-10 vote Thursday.

The “America First” amendment — introduced by GOP Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky — would have offset the House-passed $7.85 billion aid package while providing an additional $2.5 billion to be used for Harvey recovery efforts or preparation for Hurricane Irma.

Paul’s office noted that the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) latest information shows that roughly $20 billion in unobligated foreign aid is currently available, which the senator believes would be better spent on domestic emergencies.

“There have been people who argued that our $20 trillion debt is the number one threat to our national security. So what I am asking is: Why don’t we pay for this?” Paul said on the floor ahead of the vote. “Why don’t we simply take some money that we were going to spend someone else for something not as valuable in another country and why don’t we spend it here?”

The Senate is slated to take up the lower chamber’s Harvey relief legislation, where it will attach a continuing resolution to keep the government funded and language on a raising the debt ceiling to the bill before sending it back to the House.

Yes, that’s our congress.  Money for all their myriad of special interests but nothing for America.  Senator Paul says “the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) latest information shows that roughly $20 billion in unobligated foreign aid is currently available, which the senator believes would be better spent on domestic emergencies.”

So USAID has $20 billion just gathering dust and congress won’t allow those funds to be used for Hurricane relief in America.  So where does USAID spend the money congress generously slathers them with?  While this article is from 2014 it gives a really good picture of what congress wants to spend that $20 billion on compared to relief here at home.  From Pando:


The murderous history of USAID, the US Government agency behind Cuba's fake Twitter clone

“In a number of countries, including Venezuela and Bolivia, USAID is acting more as an agency involved in covert action, like the CIA, than as an aid or development agency…”

Last week, we learned from the Associated Press that USAID (United States Agency for International Development) — the government agency which manages billions in overseas “humanitarian” aid programs — plotted to overthrow Cuba’s communist regime

What really seems to be weirding people out here is the shock realization that USAID — the nice, humanitarian, democracy-promoting arm of American idealism — also engages in sleazy regime-change and subversion now’s a good time to refresh our memories about USAID’s dark past.

Former New York Times correspondent A. J. Langguth wrote that the “the two primary functions” of the USAID police training program were to allow the CIA to “plant men with local police in sensitive places around the world,” and to bring to the United States “prime candidates for enrollment as CIA employees...”

Dan Mitrione wasn’t a CIA man himself. Mitrione was a small-town cop and a family man from Richmond, Indiana, who joined the FBI, and was sent to Brazil in the early 1960s under USAID’s Office of Public Safety to train the fledging democratic government’s police force. A few years later, in 1964, a US-backed coup overthrew Brazil’s democratically-elected president Joao Goulart, and installed a right-wing military dictatorship…

By the end of the 1960s… USAID had trained over 100,000 of Brazil’s police in the dark arts of rule-by-terror; another 600 Brazilian police were brought to the US for special USAID training in explosives and interrogation techniques…

I don’t want to get into the weeds too much with USAID but you get the point.  In addition to the three-quarters of a trillion dollar annual budget for the Pentagon, secret unaccountable funds are funneled through USAID and the Overseas Contingency Operations to overthrow elected governments across the globe.  Congress, when faced with horrific natural or unnatural disasters in America refuse to touch any of the trillions in funds for war and terrorizing resource rich, cash poor countries to help their own country.

When our military is sent to fight these corporate wars for profits, they return home, broke, injured, ill and many times homeless and hopeless.  But once they have served their usefulness to world hegemony, congress discards them like toy soldiers.  From Veterans Today:


NEO: The Unseen Victims of America’s War Machine

In 1938, disabled veterans were an inconvenience. They still are, except at election time when each new candidate promises to address the wrongdoing of their predecessor and, of course, in the end, nothing whatsoever changes.

The Trumbo novel, fiction, is almost identical to the scandal at the massive Walter Reed complex where members of congress receive their medical care. The rundown and rat infested buildings at Walter Reed, during the Bush 43 administration, were used to store disabled military, until the Washington Post found out about it anyway.

In a facility where there are luxury suites for members of congress to receive the most expensive medical care in the world, free of charge, paid for by American taxpayers, disabled combat veterans lived in filth, in many cases medical treatment withheld until they agreed to sign away their rights to disability pension benefits…

When illegal weapons are used, nuclear, biological or chemical, the military veterans who become victims are forced to die from the disease of official denial and anyone who thinks nuclear, biological and chemical arsenals aren’t deployed against targets in the Middle East is a fool…

There are two basic business units for what is now called the Department of Veterans Affairs. One unit denies claims, loses paperwork and has built the largest “Skinner Box” in history to force the sick and disabled to simply “go away...”

The other is “medical mistreatment…”  Care is rationed with waiting lists for things like expensive dental work or knee replacement surgery taking more than a decade.

What is really being hidden is the cost of America’s wars.

You see, the new professional military that Nixon gave the US after Vietnam is a “garrison army,” not a combat army…

When, because of physical or psychological conditions which will invariably result from multiple deployments manifest, these soldiers are more often forced out – charged with an offense of some kind, or disallowed from continuing service and receiving a retirement pension.

This places those who qualify – and not all qualify – in a medical system designed to make dying seem attractive.  Certainly Israel provides far better medical care to al Qaeda and ISIS fighters than America does to her own troops.

The American people are sick of the “America last” congress and stand behind Donald Trump.  When Hurricane Donald trumped the GOP the media and the Deep State tried desperately to put lipstick on the pig.  From TheTrumpet @ Hillary is 44:


On Wednesday, Paul Ryan, King of the Ant-Trump RINO GOP Establishment, denounced the idea of a three month extension on the debt ceiling as “ridiculous and disgraceful.”  Paul Ryan and the GOP establishment made all sorts of grand promises early in 2017 of how they would get ObamaCare repeal done and all sorts of other President Trump promises passed – by August! It would all be done we were told early this year…

The problems are that their agenda is not the Trump Agenda…  President Trump knows he is dealing with treacherous establishment liars and users. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell along with the rest of the GOP establishment lie to the voters to get elected and they thought they could do the same to President Trump. But President Trump understands what kind of treacherous creatures he is dealing with:

Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, the GOP establishment thought they could passively aggressive beat President Trump in the art of the deal. Then President Trump schlonged them all, as we predicted in our article below.

President Trump made a better deal with cryin’ Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelousy. It was right out of the Bill Clinton triangulation playbook. President Trump schlonged the GOP establishment. President Trump used cryin’ Chuck and Pelousy to schlong Paul Ryno and the GOP establishment. Big Media and the schlonged tried to claim that President Trump was used by the Obama Dimocrats. To the contrary, President Trump let everyone know he will get his way one way or the other…

President Trump wants to get things done. Paul Ryno and in the Ditch Mitch lied to President Trump about how hard they would work to get the Trump Agenda passed as they pretended their agenda was the Trump Agenda. Paul Ryno, in the Ditch Mitch, and the rest of the GOP congress instead of working hard went on vacation. Weeks of vacation.

They got nothing done for President Trump as they had promised weekly since the beginning of the year. Paul Ryno and in the Ditch Mitch did in fact get a lot done – they blocked President Trump at every turn. So they rewarded themselves with many weeks of vacation.

Paul Ryno and in the Ditch Mitch thought they could keep on getting nothing done and then at the last moment go to President Trump and once again tell him “this is the best we can do so you better sign it” as they present garbage bills for the President’s signature…  But instead President Trump schlonged them all.

With the three month extension of the debt limit and the passage of hurricane relief aid President Trump has placed congress in the position of getting work done or missing their Christmas vacation…

If these treacherous manipulators want to go on vacation they will have to do what President Trump wants. They now know that President Trump will not stand like a doofus as they get nothing done on the Trump Agenda.

Ahh, when it comes to the art of the deal, nobody does it better than Trump.  Hurricane Donald kicked the lazy billionaire funded congress aside and passed a short term financing bill for the hurricanes ravaging America.  That is just a start, with fires devastating the Pacific Northwest there is much to be done and it’s going to take hundreds of billions of dollars. 

Trump has sent a message loud and clear, he will work with whomever it takes to pass the agenda of the American people.  That agenda is to “Make America Great Again” at all costs.  Hurricane Donald’s message “get to work and get things done or I will.”  Nobody does it better that’s why Trump is president.

By Patricia Baeten

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