Monday, September 10, 2018

Anonymous: Deep State plots Syrian Holocaust to oust Trump

“If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States.” 
Henry Wallace

On the 17th anniversary of the 911 false flag attack that launched the Project for a New American Century’s (PNAC) destruction of America, an anonymous source has revealed the Deep State’s plot to remove President Trump and complete the new world order.  The Syrian Holocaust plans have been laid for months now, setting the scene for a false flag chemical attack to justify the complete destruction of Syria and the removal of their elected president.  It’s a two-for, Trump and Assad gone.

Many have speculated who the “anonymous” source is that penned the New York Times fantasy piece depicting President Trump as a dangerous despot that is destroying the “New World Order” brought by George W. Bush and Barack Obama.  I believe the hit piece was written by none other than the smarmy, self-serving Bill Kristol and the Deep State’s useful idiot John Bolton. 

Kristol, who has a daily spot on CNN as well as guest appearances on NBC and ABC provides insight into the war plans of the Trump White House.  As one of the architects of PNAC and a never-Trumper, Kristol was partly responsible for the Steele Dossier that made its way to the Clinton campaign after Trump cleared the GOP field. 

It must makes sense that the editor of the Weekly Standard would pen the anonymous article.  Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton, is a protégé of Kristol and more than likely keeps Kristol appraised of top secret war plans hatched in the Trump Administration. After all, Syria was the reason that PNAC invaded Iraq.  From 


Clean Break to Dirty Wars
Shattering the Middle East for Israel's Northern Front

Before setting Israel and the US on a warpath that would ultimately set the Middle East ablaze, the Clean Break authors were basically saying: Not through peace accords will the great questions of the day be decidedthat was the great mistake of 1978 (at Camp David) and 1993 (at Oslo)but by “divide and conquer” and regime change. By wars both aggressive (“preemptive”) and “dirty” (covert and proxy).

Much of the Group’s grunt work was performed by David Wurmser, another Perle protege and the primary author of “A Clean Break.” Wurmser would go on to serve as an advisor to two key Iraq War proponents in the Bush administration: John Bolton at the State Department and Vice President Dick Cheney.

The foregone conclusions generated by these Clean Breaker-led projects faced angry but ineffectual resistance from the Intelligence Community, and are now widely considered scandalously discredited. But they succeeded in helping, perhaps decisively, to overcome both bureaucratic and public resistance to the march to war…

But why did the Netanyahu/Bush Clean Breakers want to regime change Iraq in the first place? While reference is often made to “A Clean Break” as a prologue to the Iraq War, it is often forgotten that the document proposed regime change in Iraq primarily as a “means” of “weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria.” Overthrowing Saddam in Iraq was merely a stepping stone to “foiling” and ultimately overthrowing Bashar al-Assad in neighboring Syria. As Pat Buchanan put it:

“In the Perle-Feith-Wurmser strategy, Israel’s enemy remains Syria, but the road to Damascus runs through Baghdad…

As incoherent as it may have been, getting at Syria through Iraq is what the neocons wanted. And this is also highly significant for us today, because the US has now fully embraced the objective of regime change in Syria… 

And Israel is even involving itself directly by providing medical assistance to Syrian insurgents, including Al Qaeda fighters…

9/11 paved the way for realizing the Clean Break, using the United States as a gigantic proxy, thanks to the Israel Lobby’s massive influence in Congress and the neocons’ newly won dominance in the Bush Administration.  Much to their chagrin, however, its first phase (the Iraq War) did not turn out so well for the Clean Breakers… 

This disastrous outcome has given both Israel and Saudi Arabia nightmares about an emerging “Shia Crescent” arcing from Iran through Iraq into Syria…  So instead the neocons and the Saudis drew the US into what Seymour Hersh called “the Redirection” in 2007, which involved clandestine “dirty war” support for Sunni jihadists to counter Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah.

Already in 2007, years before the Syrian Civil War, Clean Break scribe David Wurmser was back banging the same old drum. As The Daily Telegraph quoted him:
“’We need to do everything possible to destabilise the Syrian regime and exploit every single moment they strategically overstep,’ said David Wurmser, who recently resigned after four years as Vice President Dick Cheney’s Middle East adviser.

The Clean Break is back, baby! Assad is going, Saddam is gone, and who knows: the Ayatollah may never get his nuclear deal anyway. But most importantly for “securing the realm,” Hezbollah is on the ropes…  And so what if the Clean Break was rather messy and broke so many bodies and buildings along the way? Maybe it’s like what Lenin said about omelets and eggs… 

Well, dear reader, you and I are the eggs. And if we don’t want to see our world broken any further by the imperial clique of murderers in Washington for the sake of the petty regional ambitions of a tiny clique of murderers in Tel Aviv, we must insist on American politics making a clean break from the neocons, and US foreign policy making a clean break from Israel.

That article was written in 2015 and now the neocons have infested the Trump Administration with neocon John Bolton as Trump’s National Security Advisor and neocon Mike Pompeo laughingly as America’s top diplomat, Secretary of State.  God help us. 

When the neocons were attempting to impeach President Clinton, they goaded him into bombing a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan.  After he acted on faulty intelligence, he was impeached anyway.  From Wikipedia:


U.S. reconnaissance satellite image of the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in 1998

The Al-Shifa (الشفاء, Arabic for "healing") pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum North, Sudan, was constructed between 1992 and 1996 with components imported from Germany, India, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand and the United States. It was opened on 12 July 1997.  The industrial complex was composed of four buildings. It was the largest pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum and employed over 300 workers, producing medicine both for human and veterinary use.

The factory was destroyed in 1998 by a missile attack launched by the United States government, killing one employee and wounding eleven. The U.S. government alleged that the factory was used for the processing of VX nerve agent and that the owners of the plant had ties to the terrorist group al-Qaeda.

These justifications for the bombing were disputed by the owners of the plant, the Sudanese government, and other governments. American officials later acknowledged "that the evidence that prompted President Clinton to order the missile strike on the Shifa plant was not as solid as first portrayed.

Indeed, officials later said that there was no proof that the plant had been manufacturing or storing nerve gas, as initially suspected by the Americans, or had been linked to Osama bin Laden, who was a resident of Khartoum in the 1980s.

The attack took place a week after the Monica Lewinsky scandal and two months after the film Wag the dog, prompting some commentators to describe the attack as a distraction for the public from the scandal.

Oops.  More bad intelligence supplied by America’s intelligence agencies.  Now we’ve been told for months that Assad is planning on using chemical weapons on his own people, even though we know he has no chemical weapons.  The false flag has been set up and is ready to go, the only thing needed is the proper incentive for Trump to act. 

Voila, Bob Woodward the Deep State’s favorite scribe just released his hit job book on Trump and immediately the New York Times published “an anonymous, insider account” of Trump’s incompetence on foreign policy.  Whoopee, the neocon’s Syrian holocaust is finally on after over 30 years of planning.  From Diana Johnstone via Paul Craig Roberts:


The New York Times as Iago - Undermining Peace Efforts by Sowing Suspicion

This was the sensational oped headlined “I am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration”, signed by nobody.  The letter by Mister or Ms Anonymous is very well written. By someone like, say, Thomas Friedman. That is, someone on the NYT staff. It is very cleverly composed to achieve quite obvious calculated aims. It is a masterpiece of treacherous deception.  The fictional author presents itself as a right-wing conservative shocked by Trump’s “amorality” – a category that outside the Washington swamp might include betraying the trust of one’s superior…

The “resistance” proclaimed is solely against the facets of Trump’s foreign policy which White House insiders are said to be working diligently to undermine: peaceful relations with Russian and North Korea. Trump’s desire to avoid war is transformed into “a preference for autocrats and dictators”…

The purpose of this is stunningly obvious. The New York Times has already done yeoman service in rounding up liberal Democrats and left-leaning independents in the anti-Trump lynch mob. But now the ploy is to rally conservative Republicans to the same cause of overthrowing the elected President. The letter amounts to an endorsement of future President Pence. Just get rid of Trump and you’ll have a nice, neat, ultra-right-wing Republican as President.

The Democrats may not like Pence, but they are so demented by hatred of Trump that they are visibly ready to accept the Devil himself to get rid of the sinister clown who dared defeat Hillary Clinton. Down with democracy; the votes of deplorables shouldn’t count.

That is treacherous enough, but even more despicable is the insidious design to destabilize the presidency by sowing distrust. Speaking of Trump, Mr and/or Ms Anonymous declare: “The dilemma – which he does not fully grasp – is that many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations” (meaning peace with Russia).

This is the Iago ploy. Shakespeare’s villain destroyed Othello by causing him to distrust those closest to him, his wife and closest associates. Like Trump in Washington, Othello, the “Moor” of Venice, was an outsider, that much easier to deceive and betray.

The New York Times is playing Iago, whispering that Putin in the Kremlin is surrounded by secret “informants”, and that Trump in the White House is surrounded by people systematically undermining his presidency. Putin is not likely to be impressed, but the trick might work with Trump, who is truly the target of open and covert enemies and whose position is much more insecure. There is certainly some undermining going on.

Was the New York Times oped written by the paper’s own writers or by the CIA? It hardly matters since they are so closely entwined.

The Deep State’s embedded National Security Advisor and the Deep State’s United Nations Ambassador are psychic!  They can see into the future and the future according to these endowed with the powers of Carnac the Magnificent, President Bashar Assad having already won the war is now planning on gassing his own people, the people who voted him in as President.  Not only are Nikki Haley and John Bolton psychic, the CIA’s propaganda arm, The Wall Street Journal is now having psychic revelations.  Time for a Deep State false flag chemical attack.  From Caitlin Johnstone at Lew Rockwell:

Nikki Haley’s psychic revelation:


Psychic Nikki Haley: If There Is A Future Chemical Weapons Attack, Assad Did It

UN Ambassador and Clairvoyant Prognosticator of the Transmundane Nikki Haley has foreseen that, if there are any future chemical weapons attacks in the Syrian province of Idlib, it will most definitely be the Syrian government that is responsible and not the multiple terrorist factions in the area.

“If they want to continue to go the route of taking over Syria, they can do that,” said Nikki Haley at a UN press conference today, without explaining how a nation’s only recognized government can ‘take over’ the country it governs. “But they cannot do it with chemical weapons. They can’t do it assaulting their people. And we’re not gonna fall for it. If there are chemical weapons that are used, we know exactly who’s gonna use them.”

Haley was referring to the Syrian government’s impending push to complete its military campaign of recapturing its land from the terrorist factions and militias who, with extensive help from the US and its allies, have been holding communities hostage in a failed attempt to take over Syria.

Her supernatural prophecy is just the latest in an increasingly bizarre string of claims being advanced by political figures and establishment media that the Assad government is planning to use chemical weapons to complete that campaign in Idlib.

Their narrative is that the Russian government’s warnings of a plot by the Al Qaeda-linked terrorist factions occupying the region to stage a chemical weapons attack and frame the Syrian government for it are actually just a preemptive “smoke screen” to allow them to get away with committing war crimes.

From Patrick Buchanan at Lew Rockwell:

John Bolton’s psychic revelation:


Balance Sheet of the Forever War

The 17th anniversary of 9/11, now imminent, appears a proper time to take inventory of our successes and failures in the forever wars of the Middle East into which America was plunged in this new century.  In Afghanistan, the Taliban presence is more pervasive in more provinces than at any time since the regime was overthrown in 2001.

In the seven-year Syrian civil war we helped to ignite by arming rebels to overthrow President Assad, the conflict appears headed for its largest, bloodiest and most decisive battle.  The Syrian army, backed by Russia and Iran, is preparing to attack Idlib province. Three million people live there and 70,000 rebels are encamped, including 10,000 al-Qaida fighters.

National Security Adviser John Bolton has warned that Syria’s use of gas in Idlib would trigger a U.S. military response. This is an invitation for the rebels in Idlib to conduct a false-flag gas attack to lure U.S. air power to their side.

Monday in Damascus, the Iranian foreign minister said the time had come to eradicate the terrorist enclave in Idlib. If the Syrians, Russians and Iranians are not bluffing, and the U.S. warnings are serious, we may be headed for a U.S.-Russia clash inside Syria.

Yet, again, what vital interest of ours is imperiled in Idlib province?

On Monday, Saudi Arabia admitted to having made a mistake when, using a U.S.-made fighter-bomber, a school bus was attacked on Aug. 9, killing dozens of Yemeni children in that humanitarian horror of a war…

When one adds up the U.S. dead and wounded from the wars we have launched since 2001 with the Arab and Muslim wounded, killed, orphaned, widowed, uprooted and turned into refugees, as well as the trillions of dollars lost, what benefits are there on the other side of the ledger?

Wall Street Journal’s psychic revelation:


Wall Street Journal: Assad Has Already Approved a Chemical Gas Attack in Idlib

Assad has already decided to use the weapons he doesn't have to trigger an intervention he doesn't want -- "unnamed US officials" tell their media lackeys

At this point there's not even so much as feigning surprise or suspense in the now sadly all-too-familiar Syria script out of Washington.   The Wall Street Journal has just published a bombshell on Sunday evening as Russian and Syrian warplanes continue bombing raids over al-Qaeda held Idlib, citing UNNAMED US OFFICIALS WHO CLAIM "President Bashar al-Assad of Syria has approved the use of chlorine gas in an offensive against the country’s last major rebel stronghold…"

That's right, unnamed US officials are now claiming to be in possession of intelligence which they say shows Assad has already given the order in an absolutely unprecedented level of "pre-crime" telegraphing of events on the battlefield...

And supposedly these officials have even identified the type of chemical weapon to be used: chlorine gas.   The anonymous officials told the WSJ of "new U.S. intelligence" in what appears an eerily familiar repeat of precisely how the 2003 invasion of Iraq was sold to the American public (namely, "anonymous officials" and vague assurances of unseen intelligence) — albeit posturing over Idlib is now unfolding at an intensely more rapid pace…

It appears Washington is now saying an American attack on Syrian government forces and locations is all but inevitable.

The frenzied pace that the Deep State’s minions are hurtling America into all-out WWIII over a “chemical attack to be launched by American and Israeli backed terrorists in Syria”, including Al Qaeda is insane.  I thought Al Qaeda was our enemy after they attacked America on 911, why are we supplying Al Qaeda with chemical weapons to overthrow Assad? 

These Deep State lunatics that are urging Trump engage in a war against Russia in Syria that we can’t win need to be institutionalized.  From VeteranIntelligence Professionals for Sanity (NOTE: these intel officials actually sign their names instead of hiding behind anonymity)


Ex-US Intel Officers Warn Trump Over Syria Attack: 'Don't Be Surprised When the Russians Start Firing Their Missiles'

"We know that your advisers tend to be dangerously dismissive of Russian capabilities and intentions"

"Russian missile-armed naval and air units are now deployed in unprecedented numbers to engage those tempted to interfere with Syrian and Russian forces trying to clean out the terrorists from Idlib."

FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
SUBJECT: Moscow Has Upped the Ante in Syria

Mr. President:

We are concerned that you may not have been adequately briefed on the upsurge of hostilities in northwestern Syria, where Syrian armed forces with Russian support have launched a full-out campaign to take back the al-Nusra/al-Qaeda/ISIS-infested province of Idlib.  The Syrians will almost certainly succeed, as they did in late 2016 in Aleppo.  As in Aleppo, it will mean unspeakable carnage, unless someone finally tells the insurgents theirs is a lost cause.

That someone is you. The Israelis, Saudis, and others who want unrest to endure are egging on the insurgents, assuring them that you, Mr. President, will use US forces to protect the insurgents in Idlib, and perhaps also rain hell down on Damascus.  We believe that your senior advisers are encouraging the insurgents to think in those terms, and that your most senior aides are taking credit for your recent policy shift from troop withdrawal from Syria to indefinite war.

Big Difference This Time

Russian missile-armed naval and air units are now deployed in unprecedented numbers to engage those tempted to interfere with Syrian and Russian forces trying to clean out the terrorists from Idlib. We assume you have been briefed on that — at least to some extent. More important, we know that your advisers tend to be dangerously dismissive of Russian capabilities and intentions.

We do not want you to be surprised when the Russians start firing their missiles.  The prospect of direct Russian-U.S. hostilities in Syria is at an all-time high.  We are not sure you realize that.

The situation is even more volatile because Kremlin leaders are not sure who is calling the shots in Washington.  This is not the first time that President Putin has encountered such uncertainty (see brief Appendix below).  This is, however, the first time that Russian forces have deployed in such numbers into the area, ready to do battle.  The stakes are very high.

We hope that John Bolton has given you an accurate description of his acerbic talks with his Russian counterpart in Geneva a few weeks ago. In our view, it is a safe bet that the Kremlin is uncertain whether Bolton faithfully speaks in your stead, or speaks INSTEAD of you.

The best way to assure Mr. Putin that you are in control of U.S. policy toward Syria would be for you to seek an early opportunity to speak out publicly, spelling out your intentions.  If you wish wider war, Bolton has put you on the right path.

If you wish to cool things down, you may wish to consider what might be called a pre-emptive ceasefire. By that we mean a public commitment by the Presidents of the U.S. and Russia to strengthen procedures to preclude an open clash between U.S. and Russian armed forces.  We believe that, in present circumstances, this kind of extraordinary step is now required to head off wider war…

So just who stands to make money off this cesspool of misery the neocons have planned for the people of Syria?  From State of the Nation:


Globalists Triggering Regional War with False Flag Attack in Syria

The Neocons want war!

And only the American People can stop them. 

Syrian Tinderbox + Neocon Arsonists = WW3 Conflagration

Never in world history has such a great responsibility fallen on the shoulders of a single nation.  Never have We the People been called to act with all deliberate speed to prevent the outbreak of world war.  Only the American people can end the incessant drive to World War III that the Neocon cabal is determined to trigger.

Quite unfortunately, however, Neocon Zionist warmongers control much of the mainstream media, as they do the National Security State.  The powerful forces within Deep State are vastly arrayed against the U.S. citizenry.  Even the Trump administration has a nest of warmongers that constitutes a full-blown war cabinet…

This is the guy — John Bolton — who has the ear of President Trump regarding all matters having to do with war-making.  He also firmly believes that the Iraq War prosecuted by W. Bush was a VERY good thing.

Remember, it was also John Bolton who is one of the key architects of the catastrophic Greater Israel project scheme — “The US will attack 7 countries in 5 years” — that was famously exposed by Four Star General Wesley Clark in 2007.   Here is John Bolton again advocating regime change in Iran only this time his war pitch was recklessly presented in 2018.

If President Trump has made one disastrous appointment during his term, it is NSA John Bolton.  In so doing, he essentially broke his many campaign promises to work toward world peace and not wage war.  Should another unconstitutional war be fought, these are the VIP investors who investments are being protected in Syria.

President Donald Trump is on a slippery slope, either he succumbs to the neocons and launches the Syrian Holocaust and divides up their resources for the neocons or he abandons the neocons and sticks to his pledge to the American people to pursue peace.  Our future is in President Trump’s hands, we beg of you to fulfill your 2016 promise to the people who voted for you.  From Bill Sardi at Lew


Trump Insurrection

Some time ago Trump said this about telegraphing US foreign policy:

“We must, as a nation, be more unpredictable,” he said during a major foreign policy address as a candidate one year ago. “We are totally predictable. We tell them everything. We send troops, we tell them. We are sending something else, we have a news conference. We have to be unpredictable, and we have to be unpredictable starting now…”

Fortune magazine says it best: “But such surprising reversals shouldn’t be a surprise at all. They are the essence of who Donald Trump is.”  Trump is erratic by intention.  He threatened war with North Korea to pressure that pretend country to abandon development of nuclear weapons.  None of his predecessors dared to even tackle the problem.  Come to find out President Trump found defense against North Korea to be one of the largest government outlays.  Trump is a moneyman.  He also wants out of NATO and out of the United Nations because they are huge drains of federal funds…

How can a mentally deranged President erase a totally insane national debt?

President Trump’s goal is to eventually turn the US from a debtor to a creditor nation.  Trump wants to erase the $21 trillion national debt.  Trump instructed the General Accounting Office to audit federal assets which total ~$200 trillion!  Trump wants to sell off a portion of those assets to erase the national debt.  The US wouldn’t have to pay $400 billion of annual interest on this debt.  Trump could turn the US from a debtor to a creditor nation.

Who was in charge before Trump?  Weren’t they all derelict in not addressing the national debt?

Some would mischaracterize him as a buffoon, a man who is wedded to Twitter.  What kind of President would sway Americans via a Twitter account instead of pontificating from the Oval Office? Maybe one who knows how to use his opponents’ communication tools against them…

And what is next for the Trump Presidency?  Maybe Mr. Trump wants currency reform, changing the US dollar from being a debt-backed currency to a gold-backed modicum of exchange.  Yes, there is talk Mr. Trump might do this.  And in case you think the US doesn’t have enough supply of gold to do this, you might want to take a gander at investment advisor Bix Weir’s website where he uncovers a discovery of gold in billions of ounces in the Grand Canyon that has been hidden from view by the banksters…

With all these proposed economic reforms, Mr. Trump could facilitate a backing away from cheap money (low interest rates) that spawned bubbles (artificially propped bumps) in the economy.  Yes, maybe savers would even start to get 4-5% interest on their banked money like they did long ago.  Underfunded pension plans could park their money in the bank and make a profit, something they can’t do now.

You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

So here we are on the 17th anniversary of the 911 false flag attack that launched the Project for a New American Century’s (PNAC) destruction of America and Trump is at a crossroads; either side with the Deep State’s neocons or stand with the American people.  Either choose peace and prosperity or choose endless war and the ultimate destruction of America. 

It’s either or, there is no other option.  No matter what President Trump does, the Deep State will try to impeach him or kill him.  But if President Trump stands with the American people, we will stand with President Trump. 

What we know from the Woodward book and the op-ed by Anonymous is that the Deep State is desperate and is plotting a Syrian Holocaust to remove both President Trump and President Assad and only President Trump and the American people can stop them, God help us.

By Patricia Baeten

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