Friday, September 6, 2019

The US Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academe-Think-Tank (MICIMATT) complex has turned America into a nuclear armed “shithole”

“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than thirty cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of sixty thousand population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than eight thousand people. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.” ~ President Dwight Eisenhower,

The US Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academe-Think-Tank (MICIMATT) complex has turned America into a nuclear armed “shithole” with no hope for the people trapped within its American brig.  While the MICIMATT that took over the American government in 2000 has been trying to convince the American people that Russia and China are our mortal enemies, the living standards for the American people have been reduced to that of a third world country.

Americans have been told by the “intelligence community” through its Orwellian media propaganda that the Russian and Chinese threat is so great that it’s worth sacrificing our military youth’s lives, our pensions, our food supply, our universities, our infrastructure, our healthcare and our overall wellbeing.   The MICIMATT that controls America have engorged themselves on trillions of Federal Reserve notes. 

Those Federal Reserve notes were printed up in the trillions by the foreign banks that comprise the Federal Reserve Bank to be stuffed into the pockets of the MICIMATT to be spent on wars for Empire, useless war equipment that is outdated before it leaves the assembly line, poisoned Monsanto Franken foods, big Pharma’s deadly addictive chemicals, university endowments that total more than a small nation’s economy, CIA controlled media giants, corrupt criminal wealth extorters knowns as banks and oligarchy controlled think tanks rendering the dollar worthless as a world currency. 

Russia and China on the other hand have spent their time since the 2000 coup in America investing in a diversified cultural, banking, intellectual, industrial and economic revolution leaving their ignorant, backward adversaries in America and West in a complete “New World Order meltdown”.  Now the Central Banks of the world seek to abandon these worthless currencies of their creation leaving the people of America and the West bankrupt and owing these robber baron banks trillions.  From Geopolitics:


New World Order in Meltdown

Last week was full of portentous events. Only somebody who has not been awake for the last few years will fail to realize how these at first sight unconnected events are part of the same matrix.

There was the ever louder talk in mainstream media about an approaching global recession, inverted yield curves and the negative yields, which tell us that the Western financial system is basically in coma and kept alive only by generous IV injections of central bank liquidity. By now it has dawned on people that the central bankers acting as central planners in a command economy and printing money (aka quantitative easing) to fuel asset bubbles are about to wipe off the last vestiges of what used to be a market economy.

Then we saw Trump taking new twitter swipes at China in his on-and-off “great trade deal” and the stock markets moving like a roller coaster in reaction to each new twitter salvo.  Also, we had both Trump and Macron sweet talking about getting Russia back and again renaming their club G8. Last Tuesday at a G7 presser in Biarritz, the Rothschild groomed Macron took it one step further opening up about the reasons why they all of a sudden longed for friendship with Russia“We are living the end of Western hegemony.” 

In the same series, Britain’s new government under Boris Johnson was telling his colleagues in Biarritz that he is now decisively going for a no-deal Brexit, after which he went back to London and staged a coup d’état by suspending parliament to ensure no elected opposition interfered with it.

Perhaps the weirdest news to crown it all, came from Jackson Hole, Wyoming, where the Western central bankers were holed up for their annual retreat. The president of Bank of England Mark Carney shocked everybody (at least those not present) by announcing that the US dollar was past its best-before and should be replaced with something the central bankers have up their sleeves.

The New World Order is in its death throes

What these events have in common is that they amount to an admission that the globalist New World Order project in its present form is dead, or at least in its death throes.

It has bumped its head against an impenetrable Sino-Russian wall of resistance. The heated totalitarian propaganda against Russia since 2001 (when the NWO realized that Putin wasn’t their man); regime change and color revolutions in neighboring countries; attempts at Maidan style coups in Moscow; and finally the sanctions since 2014 were key to the Anglo-Zionist empires strategy…

They needed to take over either China or Russia to gain absolute world hegemony. Taking over either one, they would have checkmated the remaining one, and after that the entire world…

They then figured that economic and cultural sanctions (e.g. Olympic ban) coupled with doubling down on the propaganda would break the country. Luckily, the Russian narod, the common people saw through it all and would not play along with the enemy. At the same time, Russia paraded its resurrected military in Crimea and Syria as well as its formidable new hypersonic doomsday weapons. The military option to take over Russia was not in the cards any longer.

Russian economy from strength to strength

Believing their own propaganda, they had got that totally wrong. Endlessly repeating their own self-serving talking points they must have truly fancied that Russia’s economy amounted to nothing else than export of fossil fuels, that “Russia’s economy is the size of Holland’s,” that “Russia does not produce anything,” and that Russia was “nothing but a gas station with nukes” (somehow managing to ignore the significance of the nukes part).

I seriously believe, that the propaganda had become so complete that the Western leaders and the intelligence people actually had come to adapt their own propaganda as the truth. What is for sure, is that all Western media, including what should be the most respected business journals and all those think tanks, had not published one honest appraisal of the Russian economy in 15 years.

Every single piece I read over the years had clearly been written with the aim to denigrate Russia’s achievements and economic development. Nowhere to be found were reports on how Putin by 2013 had totally overhauled the economy transforming Russia into the most self-sufficient diversified major country in the world with all the capabilities of the foremost industrial powers.

In fact, I tend to think that even the US presidents from Bush to Obama were fed in their intelligence briefings cooked up fake reports about the Russian economy and the whole nation. Actually, I would go one step further. I bet that the CIA itself in the end believed the propaganda it had given birth to. (It has been said that at some point the genuine Russia analysts had all been dismissed or demoted and replaced with a team specializing in anti-Russian propaganda)…. 

Russia indeed had modernized and diversified its economy; that it had a vibrant manufacturing industry in addition to its energy and minerals sector; and that its budget revenues and economy at large were not at all as dependent on oil and gas as it was claimed.

Among other things, we pointed out that Russia’s industrial production had by then grown more than 50% (between 2000 and 2013) while having undergone a total modernization at the same time. In the same period, production of food had surged by 100% and exports had skyrocketed by almost 400%, outdoing all major Western countries. Even the growth of exports of other than oil and gas products had been 250%.

The gist of the study may be summarized with this quote from it:

“The crisis-torn economy battered by years of robber capitalism and anarchy of the 1990’s, which Putin inherited in 2000, has now reached sufficient maturity to justify a belief that Russia can make the industrial breakthrough that the President has announced.”

Events have borne out this insight. And it is therefore that Russia won the sanctions battle.

The report represented an appeal to the Western leaders to give up on their vain hope of destroying Russia through their sanctions and risking nuclear war at it. Russia was invincible even in this respect…

A follow-up report of June 2017 covering the sanctions years 2014 – 2016, showed how Russia went from strength to strength never mind the Western attempts at isolation. This report stressed that Russia’s economy had now become the most diversified in the world making Russia the most self-sufficient country on this earth…

Finally in a November 2018 report, I could declare that Russia had won hands down the sanctions war having emerged from it as a quadruple superpower: industrial superpower, agricultural superpower, military superpower and geopolitical superpower.

Macron et co. realizes that Russia actually is a superpower

These facts have now finally dawned on certain key stakeholders of the globalist regime can be discerned from the fact that they have tasked their handpicked puppet president Macron to make up with Russia. Trump has got the same assignment, which is evident from the siren calls of the two leaders in Putin’s address. Both want to invite Putin to their future G7-8 get-togethers.

As it was said, Macron went as far as unilaterally capitulating and declaring the decline of the West. He went on to spell out that the reason for this spectacular geopolitical about-face was the rise of the Beijing – Moscow (de facto) alliance that has caused a terminal shift on the world scene. Curiously, he also openly blamed the errors of the United States for the dire state of affairs pointing out that “not just the current administration” were to be blamed.

No doubt, the foremost of these errors, Macron had in mind, was the alienation of Russia and pushing the country into the warm embrace of China. It is quite clear, that this is what they want to remedy, snatch the bear back from the dragon. Fortunately, that won’t happen…

The world order is being shaken like never before

“The world order is being shaken like never before…”, that’s another quote from Macron. Obviously, it refers to the military and geopolitical strengths of the Sino-Russian alliance, but certainly also to the economic shifts as the West has lost – and will keep losing – its economic domination. This brings us back to Mark Carney of Bank of England and his unprecedented attack on the US dollar arguing that it was time to end its global reserve currency status.

As one option Carney brought up that the major Western central banks would instead issue a digital cryptocurrency. That is to say, a NWO currency controlled by the central banks. That would effectively mean the replacement of the Federal Reserve cartel with a cartel of the Western central banks (the Fed obviously being a part of it). That’s yet one step further north from any kind of democratic control and a giant step towards world government…

What’s sure is that Carney’s bizarre speech could possibly not have occurred in a normal economic environment (any more than Macron’s admission that the Western hegemony is done with)…   They cannot rely on the tools they used before the financial crisis to shape the economic environment, and the US can no longer be considered a predictable actor in economic or trade policy — even though there is no imminent replacement for the US dollar in sight…”

On the one hand this can be seen as an admission on how deeply tormented they are about the financial situation and what could happen when it comes crashing down. On the other hand, it can be seen as a sales pitch, ONLY WE CAN FIX IT, TRUST US, GIVE US A CARTE BLANCHE.” Or more probably, both.  Note from above Carney saying: “the US can no longer be considered a predictable actor in economic or trade policy.” Bank of England President here directly attacking President Trump.

And just a couple of days later William Dudley an ex-president of New York Federal Reserve Bank (the most influential of the 12 federal reserve banks that comprise the Federal Reserve System) followed up on a direct attack on Trump.

But as they say about spies, there are no ex-spies, and I would think the same applies for the global financial elite. And yes indeed, Dudley is a card carrying member of the Council of Foreign Relations.

Dudley had penned an op-ed for Bloomberg titled “The Fed Shouldn’t Enable Donald Trump,” where he openly lobbies for the Fed to deliberately damage the economy in order to neutralize the policies (namely trade wars) of the sitting president and prevent his reelection chances by willfully ruining the economy…

My, my, the foreign banks and Federal Reserve are jumping from the sinking Federal Reserve Notes ship that they created, leaving America in a precarious position of holding a currency no longer recognized by the free world.  Once Republican president Richard Nixon took America off the gold standard, the Federal Reserve Bank was allowed to print up money backed by thin air to fund wars for the preservation of the Federal Reserve Bank. 

The Federal Reserve Bank needs for America to be in continual war and the debt war brings and Trump is a direct threat to the Fed.  But Carney and Dudley went too far in exposing the real intentions of the Federal Reserve Bank to interfere in America’s Presidential election and rid themselves of that meddlesome President Trump.  Now Dudley is trying to walk back what he said in his Op Ed, claiming he didn’t say what he said like a scene from Alice in Wonderland:

“Then you should say what you mean," the March Hare went on.

"I do," Alice hastily replied; "at least-at least I mean what I say-that's the same thing, you know."

"Not the same thing a bit!" said the Hatter. "Why, you might just as well say that 'I see what I eat' is the same thing as 'I eat what I see'!"

"You might just as well say," added the March Hare, "that 'I like what I get' is the same thing as 'I get what I like'!"

"You might just as well say," added the Dormouse, which seemed to be talking in its sleep, "that 'I breathe when I sleep' is the same thing as 'I sleep when I breathe'!"

"It is the same thing with you." said the Hatter,”

Yes, Dudley is trying desperately to climb out of the six foot hole he has dug himself into. From Zero Hedge:


"Deep State" Dudley Doubles Down: "Explains" What He Really Meant In Scandalous Anti-Trump Op-Ed

There is a saying, when in a hole stop digging.

Unfortunately for former Goldman managing director and NY Fed president, Bill "let them eat iPads" Dudley, that is a saying he is not familiar with, and one week after his stunning Bloomberg op-ed in which he advocated the Fed to prevent Trump's 2020 re-election by sending the economy in a recession, resulting in a brutal response from virtually everyone who slammed Dudley's musings as the final proof that the Fed was in fact a political animal, one which is more powerful than the executive branch in its ability to pick and choose presidents, Dudley is out with an "explainer", seeking to "answer" some of the main questions posed by his "provocative" piece.

After reading "What I Meant When I Said ‘Don’t Enable Trump", let's just say that Dudley fails in explaining why he said is not what he said, and if anything he has successfully doubled down, giving Trump even more ammunition to throw the book at the political Fed for not cutting rates fast enough as the president has been demanding for months, and for eventually taking the blame for the coming economic and market crash.

Dudley's letter, written in rhetorical Q&A format, begins by asking himself what motivated him to write this article. His answer is two fold:

First, President Trump’s trade war with China was increasing uncertainty about how global trading rules would evolve, what tariffs would be imposed, what changes firms might need to make to their global supply chains, and what the downside risks might be for the U.S. economy. Just a few days before the article was published, the president ordered U.S. firms to pull out of China.

Second, the president continued to attack the Federal Reserve and push it to ease monetary policy further. He emphasized that the Fed, not the White House or its trade war with China, should be blamed if the economy faltered. His attacks on the Fed included characterizing Chairman Jerome Powell as an “enemy” -- on par, in his view, with President Xi Jinping of China.

As Dudley "saw it", the combination of the trade war and the president’s attacks on the Fed "threatened to put the central bank in an untenable position", one where Trump was shifting responsibility for the downside risks from his trade war onto the Fed. "I thought this was an important issue worth exploring."

What Dudley means here is that whereas traditionally the Fed has been commended for bailing out banks the world by throwing trillions of dollars at a problem and hoping it goes away, even though some time in 2016 it became clear that this approach was doomed to failure and so it would be great to have a hapless scapegoat in the White House - i.e., someone such as president Donald Trump - to take the blame for decades of disastrous monetary policy which has resulted in the world's biggest asset bubble in history, what happened next was not part of the program, namely Trump flipping the table on the Fed and making it the key catalyst for the upcoming US recession.

Indeed, one can say that Trump - painted daily as a bumbling buffoon by his enemies, and sometimes, friends - has in fact played his cards perfectly, demanding the Fed cut rates well into late 2018, something which the Fed eventually did, and giving Trump all the leverage in claiming that he was, in fact right, and the Fed was wrong.

Certainly, with the market now expecting 4 or more rate cuts by the end of 2020 and tying the fate of the S&P to this expectation being fulfilled, one can argue that Trump will be even more right, and that the Fed - who can forget Powell's famous statement that we are "a long way" from neutral less than a year ago when THE FED CHAIR WAS STILL HAWKISH - WAS NOT ONLY WRONG, BUT CLUELESS.

As such, one can counter Dudley's rambling, defensive op-ed part 2 published today in Bloomberg, by simply pointing out that the reason for the former Goldman banker's anger is not so much Trump's trade war with China - which increasingly more Americans agree with and even Trump's enemies concede was long overdue - nor Trump's "attacks" on Fed independence…  but because Trump managed to quickly and effectively outsmart the Fed, and box the Fed chairman so that the Fed is now forced to underwriter Trump's trade war, as we explained first one month ago.

So, apparently unable to express what he meant the first time around and sparking a firestorm of criticism, what was Dudley's oh so complicated message that was lost in translation:

First, the Fed needs to be cautious that it does not inadvertently enable the president’s trade war with China.

As I wrote: "what if the Fed’s accommodation encourages the president to escalate the trade war further, increasing the risk of recession? The central bank’s efforts to cushion the blow might not be merely ineffectual. They might actually make things worse.”  In my judgment, there is a risk that the Fed, by easing, might encourage the president to take even more aggressive actions on trade and in raising tariffs. This might create even greater downside risks for the economy that monetary policy might prove ill-suited to address.

One can argue that this is a credible complaint. The only problem is Dudley should be addressing his anger not at Trump, but at Powell, who certified before the world that any further escalations in Trump's trade war are effectively a justification for more rate cuts, for one simple reason: the US economy was doing well enough not to need a rate cut, yet the Fed - having become the world's central bank - desperately needed a pretext to cut, and found one in Trump's trade war.

Whether this was Powell's intention is unclear, although as we said at the time, "it certainly means that Trump is now de facto in charge of the Fed's monetary policy by way of US foreign policy, and it also means that as BofA wrote, "the Fed is unintentionally underwriting the trade war."

Of course, what Dudley is concerned about is not the trade war itself, but how it could implicate the Fed as the global economy continues to grind to a halt, and as he says, "the Fed’s problems might not end there. Not only might the Fed be unable to rescue the economy, but it also might be blamed for the economy’s poor performance. This risk is higher because of the president’s ongoing attacks on the Fed." This is a point he echoes toward the end of the article as well, writing that "I don’t think the Fed should be attacked for the economy’s performance when the president’s own actions are creating the downside risks."

Bingo: that's it right there - the "risk" that the Fed may be blamed for not just the "economy's poor performance" but that the great unwashed masses may one day wake up and realize that the reason why the global financial system is facing a crisis of monumental proportions has nothing to do with Trump - who is merely a vessel and a symptom of a broken system - and everything to do with a central bank which ever since its creation in 1913 has had one purpose, to make the rich richer and perpetuate a broken monetary system (even Mark Carney is saying the days of the dollar as a reserve currency are now over), is why Dudley is so very much on edge.

After all, those same great unwashed masses, following the moment of epiphany may pay Dudley a visit in his mansion and demand an explanation of their own why everything has gone to hell, as it almost certainly will after the next recession.

Once one realizes that this is the true motive behind not just today's Dudley article, but also his prior op-ed, then everything falls into place, including Dudley's hint that the Fed's actions will affect the "political outcome in 2020."

Addressing what was arguably the most sensitive aspect of his original oped, namely the conclusion which suggested that the Fed should throw the economy into recession just to prevent Trump's re-election, to wit:

“There’s even an argument that the election itself falls within the Fed’s purview. After all, Trump’s reelection arguably presents a threat to the U.S. and global economy, to the Fed’s independence and its ability to achieve its employment and inflation objectives. If the goal of monetary policy is to achieve the best long-term economic outcome, then Fed officials should consider how their decisions will affect the political outcome in 2020.”

... Dudley says that his "intention was to be provocative." So what was his intention, if not to bring attention to the fact that contrary to countless lies, the Fed was never independent?

I was suggesting that if the Fed pushed backed that it might be able to achieve a better economic outcome. I was not suggesting that the Fed should do so regardless of the consequences for the economy or that it should stand by and allow a recession. And I was not trying to suggest that the Fed should take sides in the upcoming election.

So... Dudley's point is that the Fed is not political, and yet it should push back on the president's decisions to "achieve a better economic outcome"? A quick question here: Better for who? The banks, which were the only beneficiaries of Fed policies for the past decade? The 0.01% who got richer and richer since the financial crisis as the US middle class disappeared? And then there is the question of what mandate does the Fed have, in Dudley's eyes, to one up the president when it comes to the best economic outcome.

Actually, an even simpler question: who "elected" the Fed? And just whose interests does the Fed represent? Maybe for the third part of his increasingly surreal op-ed series, Bill Dudley can start with a discussion of just how the Fed - an entity which as Bernanke's former advisor once said: "people would be stunned to know the extent to which the Fed is privately owned" - represents the interests of the majority of Americans.

Then again, we doubt there will be a part 3 as by this point the backpedaling in Dudley's "explainer" was so furious, not even he had any idea what it was he was trying to say…  In short: if Dudley had dug the hole 6 feet deep with his original op-ed, he added a good 6 more feet with the sequel. We can't wait what "Deep State Dudley" does for part 3...

“Whose interests does the Fed represent?” indeed.  The “great unwashed masses” are on the verge of being “stunned to know the extent to which the Fed is privately owned" and finding out that “the banks were the only beneficiaries of Fed policies for the past decade.”  The unwashed masses are waking up to the fact that “the 0.01% are the ones who got richer and richer since the financial crisis as the US middle class and their pensions disappeared.” 

When I was working as an anti-money laundering analysist I could see the banking crash coming as early as 2004.  I saw banks not only giving mortgages to people with $10’s of thousands in credit card debt and student loan debt but giving them unsecured piggyback mortgages to cover the 20% requirement to avoid having to carry mortgage insurance. 

These mortgages were packaged up and rated AAA, the most secure of investments and sold off to unsuspecting pensions holders such as Teachers Unions and municipalities. When the crash came the people lost everything and the Federal Reserve Bank bailed out “foreign banks” and Wall Street to the tune of $43 trillion dollars, saddling the American people with the debt. 

The interest due on that $43 trillion in debt has been labeled as an “entitlement” so when the government says that entitlements are what is killing the economy they are referring to “Social Security, Medicare and interest on the debt.”   Social Security and Medicare are miniscule compared to the interest on the debt.  They want the people to believe that trillions spend on war are necessary so we must slash Social Security and Medicare to pay for them.  Don’t be fooled,  Thomas Jefferson had warned us:

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

This hoax perpetrated by the Federal Reserve Bank could never have occurred if America had a free and honest press.  But the oligarchs bought up and consolidated the media and turned it into a propaganda tool of the Oligarch’s “intelligence agencies” to be used against the unwashed masses. 

The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information. With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power...  Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity, every crack in the common front against fascism. They use every opportunity to impugn democracy…  They claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution.  ~Henry A. Wallace, Vice President under FDR

Yes “their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity, every crack in the common front against fascism.”  That is what passes for a “free press” today.  From Hang the Bankers:


Washington Post owner receives $600 million contract from the CIA

Editor’s note: The Washington Post was the first to run the story of the CIA’s claim that Russia hacked the US election, of which there is absolutely no evidence.

It’s been a rough couple days for The Washington Post. Word emerged that hackers invaded its internal system—for a few days, no less—all of its staffers had to change their passwords as the company tried to figure out how much data had been compromised.

Meanwhile, a petition campaign was launched related to news that Amazon, under the Post’s new owner, Jeff Bezos, recently secured a $600 million contract from the CIA. That’s at least twice what Bezos paid for the Post this year. Bezos recently disclosed that the company’s Web-services business is building a “private cloud” for the CIA to use for its data needs.

Critics charge that, at a minimum, the Post needs to disclose its CIA link whenever it reports on the agency. Over 15,000 have signed the petition this week hosted by Roots Action.  In a statement released by the Institute for Public Accuracy, media writer/author Robert McChesney observes:

When the main shareholder in one of the very largest corporations in the world benefits from a massive contract with the CIA on the one hand, and that same billionaire owns the Washington Post on the other hand, there are serious problems. The Post is unquestionably the political paper of record in the United States, and how it covers governance sets the agenda for the balance of the news media. Citizens need to know about this conflict of interest in the columns of the Post itself. 

If some official enemy of the United States had a comparable situation—say the owner of the dominant newspaper in Caracas was getting $600 million in secretive contracts from the Maduro government—the Post itself would lead the howling chorus impaling that newspaper and that government for making a mockery of a free press. It is time for the Post to take a dose of its own medicine.”

See article by Norman Solomon for a fuller accounting. He notes:  Bezos personally and publicly touts Amazon Web Services, and it’s evident that Amazon will be seeking more CIA contracts. Last month, Amazon issued a statement saying, “We look forward to a successful relationship with the CIA.

Yes that’s America’s free press, fully owned by the oligarchs for the use of their “intelligence agencies” against the American people.  Just as Norman Solomon warned “it’s evident that Amazon will be seeking more CIA contracts”. From Caitlin Johnstone:


WaPo Warns USA Needs More Narrative Control As Pentagon Ramps Up Narrative Control

Do you lay awake at night terrified that the Russians are able to control your mind with information warfare while the US government’s slavish devotion to democratic values leaves it powerless to stop them? Me neither. But according to The Washington Post, whose sole owner is a CIA contractor and Pentagon board member bent on hijacking the underlying infrastructure of the economy, we should be.

WaPo columnist David Ignatius, who has been one of the more hyperbolic promulgators of western Russia hysteria in written media, has published an article titled “Why America is losing the information war to Russia” about a new book by former State Department undersecretary for public diplomacy Richard Stengel.

Stengel and Ignatius engage in a joyful Red Scare frolic with the exuberance of two little boys with a box of spray paints, each trying to one-up the other in hysterical apocalyptic ominousness about the way evil, authoritarian governments like Russia have been able to weaponize information while freedom-loving democracies can only look on in passive despair.

“The cruel paradox of the Internet, once hailed as a liberating force, is that it empowers governments that control information and enfeebles those that let it run free,” warns Ignatius.  “[Authoritarian governments] have gone from fearing the flow of information to exploiting it,” cautions Stengel. “They understand that the same tools that spread democracy can engineer its undoing.”

Unsurprisingly, at no point during this brotherly romp does Ignatius bother to make mention of the fact that Stengel is actually on record saying he supports the use of propaganda and believes the US government should be using it on its own citizens.

“Basically, every country creates their own narrative story and, you know, my old job at the State Department was what people used to joke as the ‘chief propagandist’ job,” Stengel said last year at an event organized by the shockingly ubiquitous narrative management firm Council on Foreign Relations.

“I’m not against propaganda,” Stengel said. “Every country does it, and they have to do it to their own population, and I don’t necessarily think it’s that awful.”  When an audience member objected to what he’d just heard, Stengel curtly dismissed him and ended the talk.

So anyway, that’s what the CIA/Pentagon/plutocracy-tied Washington Post wants you to be sure of: that evil governments are controlling your mind with information warfare, and that the US government is struggling to rescue you from that fate.

Lucky for you, this report just so happens to be coming out at the same time as we’re learning that the Pentagon is already currently working on a program to protect you from wrongthink by controlling your access to information.

Along with a corrupt oligarchical media comes a corrupt oligarchical judiciary made up of agents of the Deep State who protect the Federal Reserve Bank and Wall Street war mongers while throwing the book at the unwashed masses.  The entire Russiagate fiasco was a MICIMATT creation to remove an elected president who does not represent the Fed’s interests.  From PaulCraig Roberts:


I Feel Sorry For President Trump

Yes, I know.  I am lining up on the wrong side.  You are supposed to hate him. The presstitutes hate Trump.  So does the Democratic Party, part of the Republican Party, the military/security complex, the entirety of the liberal/progressive/left, the universities, feminists, and Washington’s vassal states.  No one likes him but the “racist, white supremacist Trump deplorables.”

Nevertheless, I feel sorry for him.  I started feeling sorry for him when he announced he would run for President of the United States.  You see, I had inside information. I had held a presidential appointment from a President of the United States.  I ended up fighting battles for him against entrenched interests who opposed his policies to end stagflation and the cold war.  I helped to win the battles for him, as his accolades to me testify, but my success ended any career for me in government. 

I knew that, unlike Reagan who had prepared his run over the years and had a movement behind him, Trump had not.  Moreover, also unlike Reagan, Trump had no idea of what he was walking into and no idea of who to appoint to important offices who might be inclined to help him.  Generally speaking, the value of a presidential appointment, such as the one I had, lies NOT in helping the president, but in helping the ruling private establishment.  Any Assistant Secretary can be very helpful to private interests and end up a multi-millionaire.  Indeed, most of them do.

But I put the country’s interest ahead of mine and helped Reagan to cure stagflation and to end the cold war. Curing stagflation was perceived as a threat by the economics profession which had no cure and didn’t want to be shown up by dissident supply-side economists, and much of Wall Street misunderstood what the media called “Reaganomics” as more inflationary deficit spending that threatened their stock and bond portfolios.  Ending the Cold War threatened the budget of the military/security complex, a dangerous undertaking.

A decade or two ago a person I had known when I was in Washington, who was a professor in Massachusetts, telephoned me.  He said he had just returned from Washington where he had had lunch with some of my former colleagues.  He had asked them about me, and according to his report, they said:  “Poor Craig.  If he had not turned critic , he would be worth tens of millions of dollars like us.”  My former acquaintance said that he stood up and said that he didn’t realize that he was having lunch with a bunch of whores and left.

Obviously, my aquaintance did not intend to return to a Washington career.

What does this have to do with Trump?  Trump’s life was going well. He is a billionaire married to the most beautiful woman in the world.  The last thing he needed was the problems of the United States.  To change the locked in, interest group controlled course of America requires a superhero. This is definitely not a job for an unprepared man in his 70s.  The truckloads of mud dumped on him by porn stars and prostitutes are unlikely to have strengthened his relationship with his wife.

As I predicted would be the case, Trump had no idea who to appoint to help him.  Consequently, he appointed everyone opposed to his renewal of American jobs and peaceful relationships with Russia, China, Iran, and the Middle East.  So nothing has changed.  Why in the world a successful person covets an office where failure is the norm is beyond me.

Trump’s first, and perhaps only, term has been consumed in the Russiagate orchestration.  John Brennan, the CIA director, and James Comey, the FBI director, along with President Obama, the Obama Justice (sic) Department, the presstitute American media, and the Hillary Democratic National Committee concocted an absurd investigation of the elected President of the United States as a Russian agent, a tool of Vladimir Putin’s plan to rule America.

How anyone could believe such a preposterous story is incredible.  But Democrats and the presstitutes claimed it was true.  But Mueller was unable to establish it.  After his failure, Mueller’s testimony before Congress was immensely embarrassing to him, the Democrats, and the whore American media.

Trump, with the deck cleared, hoped to hold accountable those who tried to overthrow him in a coup. Comey was investigated.  He was found indictable on a number of offenses. The Department of Justice (sic)  Inspector General’s report concluded:

“The IG report confirms Mr. Comey improperly kept FBI files on President Trump at his home and that he illicitly leaked these FBI files to the New York Times in order to advance his personal agenda of getting a Special Counsel appointed to target the president. Comey also misled both the FBI and Congress about his handling of these documents. On top of all of that, in violation of law, he kept and disclosed classified information…”   The IG report generously forgot that Comey went before the FISA Court with a fraudulent request, which is a felony.

Comey’s offenses exceed those of Mike Milken, Leona Helmsley, and Martha Stewart, all of whom were put in prison on false charges in order to raise the name recognization of ambitious publicity-seeking prosecutors, one of whom was Comey himself.  Comey framed Martha Stewart.

Rudy Giuliani framed Milken in order to become New York City Mayor.  Helmsley was framed on the basis of a false statement by an accountant solicited by the Justice (sic) Department in exchange for dropping prosecution of the accountant for his own misdeeds.

Mueller presided over the FBI’s 9/11 investigation and deepsixed all the real evidence in order to protect the false official story.

So, what did the Justice (sic) Department IG suggest for Comey?  THE JUSTICE  DEPARTMENT REFUSED TO PROSECUTE.  Justice is far less important to the department than protecting its own.  The Justice  Department is itself engaging in misconduct by refusing to prosecute a person that the Justice  Department knows beyond all doubt committed crimes.  Did the Justice  Department decide that Comey’s crimes can be forgiven because they were committed for good cause—getting rid of President Trump?

Former US Attorneys and Assistant US Attorneys are on record predicting that there would be indictments of those who orchestrated Russiagate in a conspiracy of sedition to overthrow the elected President of the United States.   I would have liked to have believed it, but I never did.  The United States does not have a Justice system. In the place of justice the US has a weapon in the hands of the state.  It is not a weapon that the state often uses against its own functionaries…

I am unable to recall examples of the US government or its officials being held accountable and do not remember a single incident other than President Reagan’s prosecution of the Iran-Contra neoconservatives, who were pardoned by President George H.W. Bush . 

Now that Comey has been protected, we have to expect that his co-conspirators in the plot to overthrow the President of the United States will also be protected from prosecution.  It will be interesting to count all the crimes that will not be punished and add up all the prison years that won’t be served.

When you think about the large percentage of innocent people in prison and on death row and about the mothers of young children who are imprisoned for drug possession, it makes you sick that Comey who tried to overthrow the elected President of the United States is permitted to walk.

All future presidents will have learned from Trump’s fate that their real job is to foment enough American enemies to keep the military/security complex’s budget expanding.  The United States will continue on its course toward war with its homemade adversaries.

Dr. Roberts is correct, when Donald Trump became president he “had no idea of what he was walking into and no idea of who to appoint to important offices who might be inclined to help him.”  Trump had no other alternative than to choose from the existing members of the MICIMATT.  That is how he ended up with an Administration hostile to his views on cooperation and collaboration with Russia and China instead of a belligerent “my way or the highway” foreign policy.

Trump’s vision of the US/Russia/China cooperation was similar to that of FDR and his Vice President Henry Wallace.  The same bureaucratic tape worms who assassinated FDR and demoted Wallace in favor of war against Russia and China created the MICIMATT.  From Lew Rockwell:


Trump’s Relationship to Russia and China: A Revival of the Henry Wallace Doctrine for the Post-War World?

During the course of the G20 important agreements and alliances were reached between Russia-China and the USA which indicate that President Trump is not “just another neo-con” as some of his cynical detractors have claimed, but is actually working to re-orient the United States into a strategic alliance with the Eurasian superpowers.

This was seen with his announced lifting of the Huawei ban on American companies, his promise to cancel the additional $300 billion in tariffs with China, his cancelling the sanctions on Turkey for its purchase of Russia’s S400 defense system (which renders a big chunk of the NATO ABM shield against Russia impotent), not to mention the president’s historic visit to North Korea’s de-militarized zone to meet with Kim Jong-un.

While not directly discussed at the event, the melt-down of the Trans-Atlantic banking system now bursting at the seams with over $700 trillion of derivatives, and corporate debt bubble which the Bank of International Settlements is warning will be the new sub-prime junk bond meltdown was on everyone’s mind. Whether the USA would be willing to re-organize itself in harmony with the new system driven by the Belt and Road Initiative was a question which only the braindead could avoid thinking about. 

Our Job in the Pacific ~ Henry A. Wallace

While some commentators are trying to spin this emerging re-orientation in global affairs as a mere “trick to get re-elected”, the reality goes much deeper than many realize, as Trump is merely tapping into an American strategy which was firmly established during the 1941-1944 presidential term of America’s President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his loyal collaborator Henry A. Wallace who had planned a grand design for a US-Russia-China New world order founded upon principles enshrined in the Atlantic Charter and enunciated in his 1942 “Century of the Common Man” speech.

Wallace’s Fight for a Just World Order

While serving as FDR’s Vice President, Wallace wrote in his 1944 book Our Job in the Pacific: “It is vital to the United States, it is vital to China and it is vital to Russia that there be peaceful and friendly relations between China and Russia, China and America and Russia and America. China and Russia Complement and supplement each other on the continent of Asia and the two together complement and supplement America’s position in the Pacific.”

In another 1944 piece Two Peoples-One Friendship (Survey Graphic Magazine), Wallace described the destiny of the US-Russia for mutual arctic development with transportation connections across the Bering Strait: “Of all nations, Russia has the most powerful combination of a rapidly increasing population, great natural resources and immediate expansion in technological skills.

Siberia and China will furnish the greatest frontier of tomorrow… When Molotov [Russia’s Foreign Minister] was in Washington in the spring of 1942 I spoke to him about the combined highway and airway which I hope someday will link Chicago and Moscow via Canada, Alaska and Siberia. Molotov, after observing that no one nation could do this job by itself, said that he and I would live to see the day of its accomplishment. It would mean much to the peace of the future if there could be some tangible link of this sort between the pioneer spirit of our own West and the frontier spirit of the Russian East.”

Expressing a mode of long term thinking and sensitivity to the Asian psyche rarely seen by westerners, Wallace wrote that “Asia is on the move. Asia distrusts Europe because of its “superiority complex”. We must give Asia reason to trust us. We must demonstrate to Russia and China, in particular that we have faith in the future of the Common Man in those two countries. We can be helpful to both China and Russia and in being helpful can be helpful to ourselves and to our children. In planning our relationships today with Russia and China, we must think of the world situation as it will be forty years hence.”

So What Went Wrong?

With the early death of Franklin Roosevelt in April 1945, the nest of Wall Street lackeys (many of them Fabians and Rhodes Scholars) embedded in the American bureaucracy quickly took over under the Presidency of Harry Truman. Wallace was quickly demoted to Commerce Secretary, and the Bretton Woods institutions such as the IMF and World Bank were cleansed of all New Deal economists loyal to the Wallace-FDR vision of the post war world.

This was done through the creation of a fascist police state run under the control of Hoover’s FBI and McCarthy’s House Committee on Un-American Activities which ran the witch hunt that destroyed the lives of countless patriots, labelling them as “Soviet agents”. The 1947 Security Act evoked the Executive Order 9835 that made “reasonable grounds for belief that a person is disloyal”grounds for firing someone from any government position.

One early victim of the witch hunt was the IMF’s first director Harry Dexter White who had been accused of being a soviet spy and died in 1948 after a McCarthy hearing. Wall Street agents such as John J. McCloy, Averell Harriman, and George Keenan quickly took control of these banks and re-organized them as instruments for a neo-colonial enslavement of the world rather than as the issuers of long term productive credit which they were meant to be.

Truman’s immediate belligerence to Russia caused the Russia cancellation of its $1.2 billion subscription to join the World Bank agreed to in 1944, and Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech enshrined the bi-polar dynamic of Mutually Assured Destruction as the bedrock of the post war age of nuclear terror…

As Truman unleashed the “Truman Doctrine” of US foreign entanglements in the new Cold War against Russian expansion starting with America’s enmeshment into the Greece-Turkey conflict orchestrated by London in the Spring of 1947, Churchill said in Fulton Missouri: “Neither the sure prevention of war, nor the continuous rise of world organization will be gained without what I have called the fraternal association of the English speaking peoples.

This means a special relationship between the British Commonwealth and Empire and the United States.” The Truman doctrine and Special Relationship represented the total reversal of the “community of principle” policy to avoid “foreign entanglements” advocated by George Washington, John Quincy Adams and adopted by FDR and Wallace.

Wallace Fights Back

Before being fired from his post as Commerce Secretary in 1946 for giving a speech calling for US-Russia friendship, Wallace warned of the emergence of a new “American fascism” which has come to be known in recent years as the Deep State. “Fascism in the postwar inevitably will push steadily for Anglo-Saxon imperialism and eventually for war with Russia. Already American fascists are talking and writing about this conflict and using it as an excuse for their internal hatreds and intolerances toward certain races, creeds and classes.”

In his 1946 Soviet Asia Mission, Wallace said “Before the blood of our boys is scarcely dry on the field of battle, these enemies of peace try to lay the foundation for World War III. These people must not succeed in their foul enterprise. We must offset their poison by following the policies of Roosevelt in cultivating the friendship of Russia in peace as well as in war…”

Henry Wallace did not disappear as his enemies would have liked, but became a third party candidate for the 1948 presidency… Wallace’s presidential speeches are a stirring call to action which can educate and inspire today’s generation. It is a tragic reminder that the American people, having just heroically given so much to stop a global fascist movement during WWII, failed to stop the emergence of a new fascism in America itself

A Last Chance?

Although John F. Kennedy did attempt to revive the spirit of FDR during his three years in office, his early assassination, (followed by those of his brother, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X), sabotaged the re-awakening of the true constitutional America.

Decades after the assassinations of the 1960s, many cannot be blamed for having believed that all hope for America was lost. Yet in spite of this disbelief, we have found a US President at war with the same Deep State structures that took control of America over FDR’s dead body, not only meeting with the leadership of Russia, China and India but calling for good relations and an end to the age of war.

Today, the great infrastructure programs driven by credit which epitomized the New Deal under Wallace and FDR is alive in the surprising Belt and Road Initiative. Russia and China have thus found themselves in the ironic role of having become more American than the America which has ran roughshod over the world for the past half century. Whether Wallace’s dream finally be revived by a US-Russia-China alliance for a new just economic order will occur or not has not yet been answered.

The US Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academe-Think-Tank (MICIMATT) complex has turned America into a nuclear armed “shithole.” When Trump was running for President he compared America’s airports and infrastructure to that of a Third World Country, an embarrassment.  That is what the MICIMATT that overthrew the American government has turned America into.  From Information Clearing House:


The West Oppressed the Third World for So Long It Became the Third World Itself

Many have already noticed: The U.S. really, really doesn’t feel like the world leader, or even as a ‘first world country’. Of course, I write that sarcastically, as I detest expressions like ‘first world’, and the ‘third world’. But readers know what I mean.

Bridges, subways, inner cities, everything is crumbling, falling apart. When I used to live in New York City, more than two decades ago, returning from Japan was shocking: the US felt like a poor, deprived country, full of problems, misery, of confused and depressed people, homeless individuals; in short – desperados. Now, I feel the same when I land in the US after spending some time in China.

And it gets much worse. What the West used to accuse the Soviet Union of, is now actually clearly detectable in the United States and the United Kingdom themselves: surveillance is at every step, these days; in New York, London, Sydney, and even in the countryside. Every move a person makes, every purchase, every computer click, is registered; somewhere, somehow. And this monitoring is, mostly, not even illegal.

Speech is controlled by political correctness. Someone behind the scenes decides what is acceptable and what is not, what is desirable or not, and even what is permissible. You make one ‘mistake’ and you are out; from the teaching positions at the universities, or from the media outlets.

In such conditions, humor cannot thrive, and satire dies. It is not unlike religious fundamentalism: you get destroyed if you ‘offend’. In such circumstances, writers cannot write ground-breaking novels, because true novels offend by definition, and always push the boundaries. As a result, almost nobody reads novels, anymore.

Only toothless, ‘controlled humor’ is permitted. No punches can be administered intuitively. Everything has to be calculated in advance. No ‘outrageous’ political fiction can pass the ‘invisible censorship’ in the West (and so, novels as a form have almost died). Those who read in Russian or Chinese languages know perfectly well, that the fiction in Russia and China, is much more provocative and avant-garde.

In the West, poetry has died, too. And so has philosophy, which has been reduced to a boring, stale and indigestible academic discipline.

While Hollywood and the mass media keep producing, relentlessly, all sorts of highly insulting and stereotypical racist junk (mainly against the Chinese, Russians, Arabs, Latinos and others), great writers and filmmakers who want to ridicule the Western regime and its structure, have already been silenced.

You can only humiliate non-Westerners in a way that is approved (again: somewhere, somehow), but God forbid, you dare to criticize the pro-Western elites who are ruining their countries on behalf of London and Washington, in the Gulf, Southeast Asia or Africa – that would be ‘patronizing’ and ‘racist’. A great arrangement for the Empire and its servants, isn’t it?

We all know what has happened to Julian Assange, and to Edward Snowden. In the West, people are disappearing, getting arrested, censored. Millions are losing jobs: in the media, publishing houses, and in the film studios. The Cold War era appears to be relatively ‘tolerant’, compared to what is taking place now.

The US Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academe-Think-Tank (MICIMATT) complex has turned America into a nuclear armed “shithole.” President Trump is probably our only hope for a future living in peace with Russia and China.  The Democratic National Committee will never allow a peacemaker to capture the nomination so Trump is our only hope, let’s hope he’s not assassinated like FDR and JFK.

Only the absolute defeat of the Federal Reserve Bank and the MICIMATT that serves it will America and its people survive.  President Donald Trump is our only hope.  Hopefully in his second term he will clean out his Administration of the MICIMATT and embark on the peaceful prosperous future he originally envisions. 

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